MTL - Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess-Chapter 2728 Winter Snow Eater

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   In consideration of the other's aunt's safety, of course, she also planned not to stimulate Elder Zhao. In the end, Lin Mengya kindly persuaded him to agree with Aunt Fang to live with her.

   There is no other reason, but Lin Mengya is very clever to take the previous carbon monoxide poisoning as an example.

   Although the basement secret room is safe, it is also not so ventilated, so there is a great risk of being smothered in it.

   As Elder Zhao who almost died under the smoke, he still has some lingering fears.

   Even though he was depressed, he could only grit his teeth and agree.

   But at the same time he also put forward various conditions.

   For example, the wife has to accompany him at least one meal a day. No matter what they are going to do, he has to accompany a series of unequal treaties.

   Lin Mengya, of course, persuaded Aunt Fang to accept, so that if the other party repented, she would find a reason to lock up Aunt Fang.

   But when she took Aunt Fang back to the small courtyard and found that she was brand new inside and out, and even had two large boxes of clothes suitable for Aunt Fang, Lin Mengya suddenly realized.

  She was fooled by the fellow Zhao Elder!

   Maybe he didn't want Aunt Fang to live with her, but he definitely didn't want to imprison Aunt Fang in a secret room.

   Otherwise, how could these things be delivered in advance?

   Really, in order to keep his wife, Elder Zhao really did everything.

   But not only is angry and funny, she also thinks that Elder Zhao is absolutely single-minded.

   Looking at Aunt Fang's reaction, she also knew that the other party was not completely unmoved.

   In this case, it is better to find out what happened to the twins as soon as possible.

   After all, the mother and son of Duan were jumping around in front of her every day, and she also found it an eyesore.

  With Aunt Fang, Lin Mengya is more to follow Aunt Fang's instructions to dispatch personnel.

   After living in Zhao's family for many years, Aunt Fang can be regarded as knowing well whether it is at home or outside.

   The situation in the city is fine, that is, in the surrounding villages outside the city, people have already been frozen to death.

  Although the Zhao family has tried their best to rescue the disaster, but the manpower and materials are limited, they can only regret some people who can't take care of them.

   "Master, Madam Zhao, Elder Zhao has passed a word that the baby has already died in the city."

   On the third day after Aunt Fang returned, they received such unfortunate news.

   Hearing Cairu's words, the gloom on Aunt Fang's face became deeper.

   Lin Mengya felt that something was wrong.

   "Didn't all the children under the age of three, and the pregnant mother-to-be, have been concentrated in one family from the other day? Why are there still children who die?"

   Although she didn't agree to Elder Zhao's request on the surface, the child and mother are innocent.

   Such cold weather, if there are no supplies for the winter, it is indeed easy to cause casualties.

   So, they set up a place similar to a shelter.

   However, the elderly, the weak, the sick, and the disabled have priority. Other young and middle-aged people can stick to it, or stick at home.

   She has already provided people with adequate heating and clothing in the shelter, why would she die?

   Cairu's face is also not so good.

   It is true that the two little masters in the family are cute and cute. After getting along with them for a long time, she and Bai Su are naturally inspired by their motherhood.

   saw that baby with my own eyes today

   went quietly, and she felt uncomfortable seeing her mother cry so badly.

   "The child was less than one year old and passed away in his sleep. I asked, this child was indeed a little weak before, but it was normal. I just didn't expect it to survive."

   Until now, both Cairu and the child’s mother felt that the child died suddenly because of his weakness.

   Lin Mengya, who was mentioned by Elder Zhao about "Winter Snow Biting the Infant", was a little uneasy.

   It is not that she is timid, but that she still has a small one in her belly and a big one hidden outside.

   If there is any mystery, she must also find a way to protect her two cubs.

   After thinking about it, in the afternoon she asked Cairu to bring some anti-cold medicine for babies and pregnant women, and went to the refuge in person.

   The snow on the road is more than half a person deep.

   Except for a small road that can only be used for horse-drawn carriages, which was shoveled out by the Zhao family's descendants, the doorways of each house were sealed by heavy snow, and the street was silent.

   "This horrible weather is simply too torturous." Cairu complained casually, and surrounded her again.

   "I knew that there would be such a heavy snow here, so I brought you more cotton-padded clothes from home. I don't know if the landscape here is different. They have not snowed for three years, but three years later."

   Lin Mengya knew that she was distressed for herself, and smiled while holding the stove, distracted and communicated with Xiaoyao.

   The baby in the belly has begun to develop.

   Although all the indicators are still a bit slow, Xiaoyao told her that it was normal.

   After all, her physique is special, and this baby is definitely not an ordinary person.

   It’s not Nezha, how can an ordinary baby stay in her stomach for a few more months?

If all goes well, the baby will enter the stage of normal growth in about half a month, but Xiaoyao estimates that the baby is likely to have the sequelae of developmental delay after being born, but fortunately they have worked together to study the baby Acquired nourishment method.

   She stroked her lower abdomen subconsciously. She loves this child very much, and will give her the most wholehearted love as she does to her brothers.

   shook for a while before the carriage stopped outside a courtyard.

  The road is slippery in snowy days, but the carriage is not a few steps faster than walking.

   Cairu helped her out of the carriage. The surrounding area was white. Lin Mengya couldn't see too far, but she also knew that the surrounding courtyards were temporarily used as refuges.

   Several old men are responsible for the goalkeeper.

   Seeing that it was the carriage from Zhao's Mansion, I knew that this was for them again, so I quickly greeted my old partner to come out and help.

   Seeing that they were very active, Lin Mengya learned a few questions.

   Knowing that all the food here is okay, and there are enough warm things, I temporarily relieved my mind.

   But when he mentioned the child who died, several old people couldn't help sighing.

"Oh, it's all guilty! There are not many children here, but there will always be such a heavy snow every few years, and there will always be a lot of small children die afterwards. If this continues, I am afraid it will not take long. , There are no more dolls in our clan."

   Lin Mengya has already understood this.

  The occurrence of snow disasters happens at random, but in general, it occurs every other year.

   Some lucky children may have grown to three years old before the snowstorm.

   As long as the snow disaster that year they can withstand the threat of severe cold in the past, Ji

   will not be compromised.

   But giving birth to children is not mass production.

   Therefore, most people died in the snow disaster.

   But the worst is the number of pregnant women who aborted due to the snow disaster.

   Their children have not had time to come into this world, and they have to partake with them.

   So every time after a snow disaster, those pregnant women who have lost their children will be depressed.

   Some are lucky, and finally get out of the predicament of losing a child.

   Some bad luck, even if you are pregnant again, you will lose it because of the snow disaster.

   Over time, the women here are more helpless and afraid of having children.

   As soon as she arrived here, she met such a unlucky preparatory mother.

   "Yunniang, you listen to my mother, and eat well to keep the baby in your belly."

   Zhao Yunniang's mother was holding a bowl of hot porridge with worry on her face, and wanted her girl to eat more.

   "Mother, I am afraid."

   Zhao Yunniang, with her abdomen bulging, hugged her belly tightly.

   Mingming is almost seven months pregnant, but her face is thin and sharp, and her brows are full of melancholy.

   The whole person is like a frightened little mouse, can only hold his own treasure, hide in the corner shiveringly, refusing anyone to approach.

   "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, mother knows that you value your baby. Don't worry, this time the elders brought us food and drink, as well as those hot coals. This time, you will definitely keep your baby."

   Zhao Yunniang's mother's eyes are red.

   How does she know her daughter's mood?

   I don’t know why her daughter is so unlucky. She encountered a snow disaster in the first year of marriage, but the child she had just gotten was gone.

  Who knows that the second one happened to catch up with another snow disaster in eight months.

   She still remembers the night when her poor grandson died. If she hadn't found it in time, I'm afraid she would lose it, but it would be more than just a little grandson.

   Since then, Yun Niang has some problems with her spirit.

   I finally got pregnant now, but I encountered this **** snow disaster again.

  God, why always cheat her daughter Yo!

   Zhao Yunniang still curled up into a ball nervously, looking outside nervously.

   "Snow Demon, it must be the Snow Demon who is going to steal my child! Mother, you help me, you must help me! The Snow Demon secretly took the little walnut away, and now she must still want to kill my child!"

   Zhao Yunniang got more and more excited when she talked, and finally she got up and ran, trying to find a safe place to hide.

   It happened that Lin Mengya wanted to see the situation here, but the two ran into each other at the door.

"Be careful!"

   Cairu subconsciously went to help her master, but suddenly realized that the other party was also a big belly woman, and quickly stretched out her hand to pull.

   Fortunately, she is a martial artist, and she is stronger than the average person. She grabbed the two with one hand.

   Otherwise, I'm afraid the two pregnant women will fall.

   The people who chased out only saw her as an "old woman" who was actually carrying the weight of two people and quickly took Zhao Yunniang over.

   Cairu returned home to her master and asked in a low voice, "Master, are you okay?"

   Lin Mengya shook her head, she was just taken aback.

   looked up and looked at the mother and daughter Zhao Yun who came out.

Read The Duke's Passion