MTL - Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess-Chapter 2703 Gangbang

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   Jun Rongrong sat on the chair, staring at the new satin on the table with some dull eyes.

   Since she followed her mother to Zhao's house, all she has eaten is the best products that she could not even think of before.

   She thinks she has seen the world, her vision is much higher than before.

   But she was still fascinated by the gorgeous fabric.

   She stretched out her hand and gently stroked the silky fabric, thinking about how radiant she should be when she puts on the ready-made clothes.

   "You said, this piece of cloth was really given to me by Miss Ya?"

   Until now, Jun Rongrong is still a little unbelievable.

  , the maid lowered her head, expressing a bit of envy that she did.

   "How can she give it to me such a good fabric?"

   Jun Rongrong's face was jealous.

   A few days ago, Mrs. Duan took the initiative to approach her, promised her various benefits, and would find a way for her to choose a good marriage.

   And she only needs to help Madame Duan to make her become Madame Zhao smoothly.

   Therefore, she cooperated with Mrs. Duan and wanted to teach that Miss Ya a lesson.

   But now, the other party is so generous when he makes a shot, which makes Jun Rongrong suddenly feel inferior.

   "Maybe Miss Ya really wants to apologize to you, if you don't want it, the slave will return the cloth?"

   The maid was a little disappointed, but still didn't dare to violate the master's will.

   Jun Rongrong objected immediately: "Why should I send it back? Since it is her apologize to me, then I should keep it well!"

   "But, on Mrs. Duan's side, didn't you just agree to join hands with her? The servant girl is afraid that Mrs. Duan will be too worried." The maid reminded her.

   But Jun Rongrong doesn't think so.

   She lifted her lips, her expression full of triumph.

   "I am the only sister of my elder brother. If they want to fight for power, they naturally have to fight for my support. So whether it is Mrs. Duan or Miss Ya, I want their benefits.

   As a human being, the smartest thing is to have both sides, fish and bear paw. "

   The maid repeatedly praised her for her smart idea.

   just turned around, she sold the news to the person sent by Mrs. Duan.

   Soon, Mrs. Duan knew that her allies had such an idea, and because of this, the cooperation between the two was broken.

   When Jun Rongrong discovered that Madam Duan was perfunctory to herself and she could no longer get any benefits from her, they would tear it up by themselves without provocation.

   Lin Mengya is also happy to see this.

   is just a piece of rags that others don't want. She is very satisfied with this effect.

  Since the small silk storm passed, almost everyone in the whole government knew that this newcomer Ya was a passing **** of wealth, with generous hands.

   The so-called people die for money and birds die for food. No matter how good Mrs. Duan is, she still has to wait for someone to take the lead if she wants to dig out money from her.

   So before this, if they please Miss Ya, wouldn't they be able to make a fortune in an instant?

   Therefore, the number of people working for her in this mansion suddenly increased.

   Lin Mengya does not care about these three melons.

   made more money, and she also got a lot of inside information.

   For example, the Zhao family is up and down. In fact, everyone has their own responsibility area for doing things.

   This point gradually formed from the time when the Fang family was in charge.

   It's just that the old lady stepped in, and Mrs. Duan also wanted to master the middle feed, so that everyone was busy going to the camp and grabbing the oily errands, instead of forgetting their own job.

   At this point, Si Cui and the others have the most say.

   Since they came back, Mrs. Duan has used the old lady's hand to beat them to the end.

   After the old lady was restrained, the person who replaced the three of them took refuge in Madame Duan.

   Now in the hands of the three of them, one is holding the key to the inner warehouse of the Fuzhong, one is responsible for all the purchases inside and outside the house, and the other is responsible for collecting the profits and land properties of all the shops and villagers outside the Zhao family.

   She has frequently run into troubles in her work these days, which is also directly related to the delays and non-cooperation of these three people.

   Today, I was just in time for the merchants who had ordered food and drinks to deliver the goods. Cairu took the people to inspect the goods in person and found out that they were not sending the goods that were ordered before, but this time.

   If so, that’s all. Those people still took the bills and said that today is an agreed date for home delivery and settlement.

   I just didn't expect it to be that the steward who was in charge of the settlement said that he did not have the money allocated by the counter at all.

   Cairu questioned them layer by layer, only to realize that the woman in charge of the inner treasury was in charge of saying that this was not the settlement day agreed by the Fuzhong accountant, and she refused to open the door to get money.

   Now, both inside and outside were almost messed up, and the matter was sent to Lin Mengya to decide.

   She knew at a glance that this was a joke that the other party wanted to see her.

   There is a lot of money in her hand, and she can plug this thing herself.

   But she has no hobby of being taken advantage of.

   "I have seen Miss Ya, and ask the lady to call the slaves!"

   As soon as the lady in charge came, she cried out injustice first.

   Lin Mengya sat on the main seat calmly, without the slightest panic and anger on her face.

   The woman wailed for a while, and gradually realized that everyone was treating her like a monkey show, so she lost the fun and continued to make trouble, but reluctantly piled aside.

   But in her heart she was laughing at that shit-ya.

  呸! Never want to take a penny from her!

   Soon, the accountant in the mansion, the steward of the kitchen, and the merchant who needed the account were all brought to her.

   The room was noisy in an instant.

   Cairu cleared her throat and signaled everyone to be quiet.

   Lin Mengya put down the tea cup in her hand, her bright eyes turned lightly on everyone.

   "I heard everything about today, who is responsible for sending those things?"

A middle-aged man dressed very neatly walked out of the crowd, saluted Lin Mengya respectfully, and then said: "The villain is the treasurer of Fushanju. These things and drinks were from your house half a month ago. The steward ordered it at a small shop. At that time, we made an appointment that the things should be delivered today, and the money should be settled.

   The small shop is also a small business, and I also ask the young lady to be able to raise her expensive hands and give the money to the small ones. The small ones are grateful. "

  Fu Shanju’s shopkeeper is both pleading and arrogant, as if he was sure she was a person who relied on power.

   Lin Mengya was a little unhappy in her heart, but she didn't show it, instead she looked at the steward next to the shopkeeper.

   "Why don't you settle the money for him?"

   The director of the foreign courtyard also hurriedly transferred the responsibility to the accountant, and picked himself up completely.

   Immediately afterwards, the accountant was pushed to the woman in charge of Neiku.

   Before Lin Mengya asked, the woman cried and screamed, every word accusing Lin Mengya of unruly doing things, and deliberately embarrassing her.

   For a time, this basket of bad things became her fault.

   Lin Mengya really got a headache because of her mother-in-law's crying, she slapped her hand on the table, and said angrily: "Shut up! I haven't asked you, what face do you cry with me?"

The woman got even more energetic when she heard the words, and she shouted, "These rules were made when the first wife was there, and the slaves only followed the rules. Miss Ya just came here and didn’t understand it. In case of trouble, take the person underneath to top the tank, right?"

   Cairu stared at her and started scolding, but was stopped by Lin Mengya.

   Although she was covered with a veil, it did not affect her aura.

   Her eyes are like electricity, especially when she looks at those who are pregnant with ghosts, it is most likely to make the other person feel guilty.

   She squeezed Cairu's hand and used Cairu's mouth to blame everyone for their sins.

   "Well, since you are making trouble with me, then I will let you know."

   She turned out a thick stack of account books, which remembered all the in and out of the kitchen this month.

   "The shopkeeper of Fushanju, right? The items ordered by the steward before are not the ones you sent, right? Let me ask you, why do you want to change the items we ordered privately?"

   Fu Shanju’s shopkeeper was already ready to speak.

   "Miss Ya, you can't blame us for this. We prepared those things originally, but the people in your house personally changed them."

"Oh, let me ask you, if he asked you to modify it, you changed it? I don't know. If you hoard those high-priced goods, aren't you afraid of losing your capital? According to the rules, if one party changes the goods without authorization within the agreed period The type is to seek the consent of the other party or compensate with a cash discount.

   How come your shopkeeper is so kind and doesn't come and ask us for money? "

   The treasurer of Fu Shan Ju was taken aback.

   In his eyes, these young ladies from a big family shouldn't know so clearly.

   But he couldn't even dream of it. The Miss Ya in front of him not only holds a huge amount of private property, but is also the founder and first head of the prestigious Great Chamber of Commerce.

   This little cat is tired, she glanced at the door with a glance.

   "This is because your mansion has been a regular customer for many years, so we would rather lose ourselves a little bit and sell the mansion for a favor."

  Fu Shan Ju's shopkeeper has a guilty conscience visible to the naked eye, and he is no longer so confident in speaking.

   Lin Mengya did not let him go.

"Since I'm a regular customer, let me ask you again. Every time I place an order with you in the mansion, it is like today. It is settled at a time, or at the beginning and end of each month, and then I will pay you all Also, for such a large order, the person in charge of placing the order with you must have the seal of the house. As long as you can get it, I will check it out for you immediately."

   The shopkeeper of Fu Shan Ju wiped the sweat from his forehead.

   He didn't dare to talk about changing the goods, it was just a verbal agreement between the housekeeper and him.

   And the high-priced goods are now well placed in the backyard of his Fushanju, waiting for this matter to pass, and then transported to the house to please the new wife.

   Lin Mengya glanced hard, and said sharply: "Take it out!"

Read The Duke's Passion