MTL - Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess-Chapter 2698 By chance

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   "Then do you remember, who handled this matter?" Lin Mengya asked.

   Elder Zhao nodded.

   "The person was discovered by Ah Jing, and she said that the people next to her saw the girl sneak into my study room with his own eyes. In the end, I also left the matter to her."

   is right. Lin Mengya silently summed it up in her heart.

   is the same as those two girls said.

   They were all sent out by Mrs. Jing.

  Because Mrs. Jing has always treated their servants well, the two of them thought they were unlucky and didn't make the matter worse.

  Who knows, that kind-eyed and kind-eyed Madam Jing is not a good thing.

   Lin Mengya said again at this time: "The elder knows, who did I sell it in the first place?"

   Elder Zhao was taken aback, "What's the matter? How could you be sold? Who did it?"

   "Because, the person who caught me was the son of your Zhao family, and the person who dealt with me was the wife of the Xianxian you are about to marry by Ming Media. When dealing with such a small servant like me, where do I need to alarm your elder?"

   Although Lin Mengya's voice was hoarse, Zhao Yixuan listened carefully and understood the meaning of her words.

   Black under the light.

   He thought he was holding the Zhao family firmly in his hands, but when someone privately wanted to deal with an individual subordinate, he didn't even need his instruction at all.

   After all, as far as he is concerned, he certainly does not know everyone in the mansion, and he does not care about what everyone is doing every day.

   The situation in the city is the same.

   He thinks he is extremely strict in his defense, but in fact, he has long been played as a fool by some people.

   Thinking of this, Elder Zhao's face grew harsher.

   Seeing this, Long Tianyu could hardly explain him.

   "Such a thing is not your fault, the elder, has the elder ever thought that the disagreement between you and your wife over the years is actually something that some people like to see?"

   Seeing the puzzlement in Elder Zhao's eyes, Long Tianyu smiled lightly and raised his wife's little hand.

   "My wife, she is beautiful and smart, and she has a good housekeeping skill. So no matter whether it is internal or external, if there is any doubt or confusion, my wife will give me an answer.

   Because our husband and wife are affectionate, our wife and I are very affectionate, so my wife and I also treat each other frankly, and there is no opportunity for those villains.

   As for the elders, you and Mrs. Zun have a cold war all year round. I'm afraid there are some things, you are too embarrassed to ask Madam, so as not to cause misunderstanding.

   As everyone knows, that's what makes the villain have the opportunity to profit from it. "

   Elder Zhao feels that the young people nowadays are a bit too shameful.

   Knowing that he wanted his wife to feel uncomfortable, he stabbed a knife in his heart.

   "I understand what you mean, I have been wrong about it all these years."

   Elder Zhao seemed to wake up, his fists clenched in his sleeves.

   "At the beginning, I should have been stalking and letting my wife know what I was thinking. Instead of letting her think about her alone, she even gave the villain a chance to provoke our relationship."

   Lin Mengya reluctantly picked up the corner of her mouth.

   When this middle-aged and elderly group started to talk about love, they were really shameless, and they were not too bad.

   Long Tianyu seemed very satisfied.

   "Fortunately, it's not too late. It's a blessing for Elder Zhao to know his way back when he gets lost."

   Zhao Yixuan was a little excited.

   actually clasped his fists and bowed to Long Tianyu.


  Listening to the Lord's words on the day, it really made me startled! Little brother Murong, rest assured, I will not disappoint your expectations! "

  Long Tianyu gave a little help, and his tone was more kind.

   "No way, we are all men, so naturally we have to help each other. Moreover, Mrs. Zun is very caring for my wife. I am also grateful, so I can't help but want to help. Please don't despise me for troubles."

   Elder Zhao: "Where and where, it's too late for Zhao to be grateful!"

   Long Tianyu: "It's all Elder Zhao who is quick-minded, and that's only enough."

   Seeing that the two of them continued to blow each other's business, Lin Mengya rolled her eyes and called a stop directly.

   "Shut up the two of you! I told you to come here for business, not for calling you brothers and sisters, and seeing you late!"

   The two of them shut up at the same time, but the communication between their eyes did not fail, and they gradually developed a sense of tacit understanding.

   Lin Mengya looked at the two of them, only to feel a headache.

   This kind of friendship between men, she really understands incompetent.

   silently drew a bright cross on Elder Zhao's notebook.

   Xingba! When she sees Aunt Fang, let's just tell the news about today.

   Elder Zhao is simply terrible!

  The so-called bystanders are clear, and the authorities are confused.

   When Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu acted as third parties to make things happen, Elder Zhao also gradually reacted.

"Speaking of which, although Ah Jing has been very respectful to my wife and me over the years. But when she is there, I always can't afford the courage to face the wife. Over time, when I encounter some questions, I subconsciously He chose to avoid, just not to make his wife angry.

   But now it seems that my wife is not such a stingy person at all. In fact, these are what Ah Jing deliberately misled me. "

   Elder Zhao mentioned these things and only regretted it.

  If he could be more determined, maybe he would not be bewitched by Ah Jing.

   Lin Mengya squinted her eyes, thinking that this is a bit strange.

   Before, she also passed Madam Jing a few times.

   Classic green tea pie, especially like to pretend innocent Xiaobailian in front of Elder Zhao.

   But, with all the means, she almost forced Elder Zhao to marry her Mrs. Duan in a short time.

   Since this is the case, how does she do it?

   She couldn't help but stared at Elder Zhao's face and looked closely.

   Until the person she looked at, she only felt uncomfortable in every way.

   wanted to avoid her gaze, but was afraid of her misunderstanding, had to stand firm, and then desperately winked at his newly recognized little brother.

   Long Tianyu is much calmer.

   Naturally, he knew that his wife would never stare at the man next to her for no reason.

   But after a long time, he cared a little bit.

   "Well, madam, if you keep looking like this, I have to fight Elder Zhao."

   His wife's focused eyes really made him reluctant to share with others.

   Lin Mengya just took it back and rubbed her eyebrows.

   "Slap you up, I just feel curious, and, Elder Zhao, do you often come up with ideas that are not yours at all?"

   Elder Zhao was a little stunned, "What is an idea that does not belong to me?"

   Lin Mengya explained patiently.

   "That is to say, it violates your usual code of conduct, makes you feel strange, even painful but subconsciously want to follow the idea."


   Elder Zhao settled down, thinking and thinking again.

   In the end, he seemed to think of something very troublesome, and his brows became tangled.

   "If you want to talk about this kind of thought, I have had it."

   Mentioned this incident, he still finds it incredible.

   "What makes me most puzzling is that I would accept a woman who abandoned us father and son and indirectly caused my father's death to come back."

   He is actually very similar to Fang Luo in some places.

   The love and hatred engraved in the bones are strong and bold.

   For example, he loves Fang Lao, and until his death Fang Xiu, more than ten years of entanglement still keeps him infatuated.

   But when it comes to accepting the old lady, he always feels like a knack in his throat, so he just makes her feel at ease as an old lady, but never calls her a mother or gives her any name.

   Lin Mengya felt the dilemma in his heart.

   "So, you don't want the old lady to come back at all, do you?"

   Zhao Yixuan nodded, but then said: "But no, I"

Lin Mengya asked calmly: "Why not? The fate between you and your mother and child has ended long ago? And she has married another person long ago, and is not your mother. Before you and her, originally There shouldn't be any relationship."

   This is what Elder Zhao might think she observed.

   But when she said it, Elder Zhao obviously agreed with what she said.

   But every time he nodded inadvertently, he paused slightly and then shook his head.

   This shows that he subconsciously agrees with her, but for some reason, he has to deny it.

   "So, why do you have to accept her again?"

   is probably because of her previous deliberate guidance.

   Elder Zhao was very emotional at the moment.

   Long Tianyu protected her and stepped back a few steps, guarding against Elder Zhao who looked very irritable.

   Not far away, her sight is always pinned to Elder Zhao's face.

found it!

   Even though it disappeared in a flash, she still caught the sluggishness of the superficial sense of violation on Elder Zhao's face.

   "I, I because, because she was the one who gave birth to me and raised me, so no matter what, I have to accept her."

   Seems to be stunned, Elder Zhao said intermittently.

   Who knows that as soon as the voice fell, he closed his eyes and fainted.

  Long Tianyu didn't dare to be careless. He personally checked over a thousand and confirmed that he was really dizzy, and then Lin Mengya approached.

   After checking, Lin Mengya exchanged views with Long Tianyu in a low voice.

   "Unexpectedly, he was also planted with a strong psychological suggestion."

   She hasn't given up studying the content of mind.

   Therefore, he is more sensitive to emotions.

  A person's behavior and habits are governed by his own thoughts and emotions.

   Generally speaking, in addition to a very powerful external force, the decisions and behaviors made by normal humans will conform to his own personality characteristics.

  In the absence of external intervention, most people will not make decisions that are extremely inconsistent with their behavior.

   But in Elder Zhao's body, she saw two completely different feelings.

   He regards Aunt Fang as his life, his love for her so intense and passionate, but he can tolerate her missing her dead husband all the time.

Read The Duke's Passion