MTL - Strongly Pampered Male Wife-Chapter 55

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?? He Changning's ranks of bodyguards.

Shang Yushang learned about Ain from Gu Yan, allowed his request, and arranged him and Xiaowu in a group, and instructed Xiaowu to take good care of Ain.

Xiao Wu never disobeyed any decision of the young master, but his face was always expressionless, and he suddenly shook.

Shang Yushang looked at He Changning, He Changning didn't speak with a smile, but Shang Yushang saw the long-lost excitement and jokes in his eyes.

Shang Yushang raised an eyebrow, and it seemed that he had missed something.

After sending Xiaowu out, Shang Yushang hugged He Changning and kissed at the corner of his mouth. "Tell me, what did the baby find?"

He Changning held Shang Yushang's neck and dangled in his shoulder socket, like a full-fledged cat, the lazy little figure hooked people, "Want to know?"

The warm breath blew into Shang Yushang's shoulder socket. When the baby talked, the soft waxy lips inadvertently rubbed Shang Yushang's skin. Shang Yushang's breathing was not stable. "Well, baby, tell me."

He Changning didn't know how embarrassing he was, and sullenly smiled, "Ain's look at Xiaowu flashed tens of thousands of volts of high-voltage electricity. Why do you say this?"

Shang Yushang didn't even think about why. He pulled out the baby's furry head, squeezed his jaw, and kissed him. His lips and teeth were tangled and lingering.

At the end of the kiss, both of them breathed, and Shang Yushang's deep eyes stared at He Changning, "Changning, I love you."

He Changning returned a sincere kiss, "Jane, so do I."

When he was resting at night, He Changning was lying in the arms of Shang Yushang, playing with his fingers boringly, "Who is Ain on earth? It looks like he should be good."

Shang Yushang kissed Changning's forehead, "Ain is indeed not simple. People who can stay with your father are not ordinary people."

He Changning was aroused interest, "talk about it."

The eyes of Shang Yushang's consignment looked at He Changning, his arms tightened. "ZK is very famous in Europe. The company is large and has relations with all aspects. Your father has run it very well. Ain is a descendant of the British royal family. It ’s just that the family has fallen. He was a member of the SEAL team. He was a mercenary for a period of time after his retirement. He was injured during a mission. He almost lost his life. It was your father who saved him. He was very Thank you for your father's help. Since then, you have separated from the mercenary organization and became your father's personal bodyguard. With these years, he has become his father's most faithful left arm and right arm. "

"So, he must be very good. No wonder he asked to participate in the protection of the villa."

Shang Yushang squinted his eyes and thought a little, "If the baby is telling the truth, I'm afraid he doesn't use the purpose."

He Changning said with a smile, "Positive solution. However, I also want to see what Xiaowu's facial paralysis becomes."

If Xiaowu heard that the owner of the family pitted himself like this, he didn't know if he would cry out of blood!

☆, production

Several members of the film crew have a fixed time in the villa under the arrangement of the boss. Although there is no threat from the He family, but He Changning's special physique and children in the stomach, Shang Yushang still dare not take it lightly. It was almost due, he was even more cautious. He even called Bai Mo to live in the villa. Of course, he also followed him to live in. Every day, Bai Mo will check He Changning's body, listen to the fetal heart, and determine the fetal position.

For nine months, He Changning's belly was so scary that it felt like he was about to burst open. It was quite unlike his small body, just like a tumbler. He always fell because of a serious imbalance at any time. Possibly. I had a fetal movement in five months, and it was quite active, and now I can see the two little guys turning over through a thin belly. Shang Yushang felt magical and scared. What if the sons were too happy and broke their father's belly?

Regarding Shang Yushang's complex emotions that are both excited, scared and tense, He Changning chose to ignore them and just listened to the precautions explained by Bai Mo. The palm of his hand caressed the tall and swollen belly, soothing the increasingly active Little guys.

The president of Shangda who has suffered from prenatal depression is very nervous every day, and his eyes never leave He Changning's body, especially focusing on his stomach. He Changning looked at Shang Yushang with amusement. He was not as nervous as he was. He also told him more than once that he should not be nervous. The children are very good, he is also very good, his stomach is also very good, he is all right, but there is no way to make Shang Yushang a little relaxed.

When Bai Mo knew it, he only said that he should go. When the child was born, he would be normal. However, He Changning was still very worried, and it would take some time to produce. In case Shang Yushang was too nervous to get sick, he would be distressed. So Bai Mo went to the wife and slave who had anxiety during pregnancy and talked about it once. The main point is that if you come out in a hurry and your wife gives you help, he secretly takes his children away, Just abduct his wife together.

Shang Yushang also felt that he was too nervous, but he was not at ease. He listened to Bai Mo's words. After all, he made the pregnant wife worry about him. He could n’t say anything, so he slowly relaxed his mind and stopped staring at people. He Changning also relieved. He really did n’t want business Yushang tossed himself about something wrong.

In order to keep Shang Yushang from staring at himself all the time, the people in the house didn't even dare to breathe too loudly. He Changning called Da Zhou very presciently and asked him to call the company Shang Shangyu. Shang personally brought things to the villa, and personally accompanied Shang Yushang to handle business affairs.

His wife stayed with him, and Shang Yushang was finally able to handle the backlog of business with peace of mind. For this, Da Zhou was almost grateful and cried out. After being enslaved for so long, he finally wanted to see the bright days. Do n’t worry much Yes, but the boss gave him a bucket of ice water from the beginning to the end mercilessly. The boss said something like this: "With Master Ning sitting, Master can temporarily handle some company affairs, but once the young masters are born, we The young master will be with his wife and children 24 hours a day, so, hey, Da Zhou, your hard-working days will be officially started at that time. "The boss was grateful to the guard, Da Zhou stood there with a sorrowful lament. No one cares.

Shang Yushang dealt with business affairs, He Changning supported his stomach with boring boredom, stood in front of the window and looked at the scenery, and suddenly hesitated, "Well?"

Shang Yushang raised his head buried in the file pile. "What's wrong? Uncomfortable?" He stood up quickly and walked over, holding He Changning's waist, his palm resting on the high bulging belly. Eyes were full of anxiety and concern.

He Changning patted the back of his hand as a soothing gesture, "I'm fine. I just saw an interesting thing, you see," and pointed his finger to a more hidden place outside the window, where two people were standing and looked like they were quarrelling. .

Shang Yushang looked in the direction of He Changning, "It's Xiaowu and Ain." Pushing the window open, you can hear their conversation faintly.

He Changning said with a smile, "Do you guess what they are arguing about?"

You can also see Xiao Wu's sword stretched out from a distance. As if you can't help it at the next moment, Shang Yushang squints. What can make Xiao Wu's face paralyzed? It must be interesting to think about it, "Listen."

Is it really appropriate for the two masters to eavesdrop on the secrets of their subordinates?

Since Ain joined the team of guarding the villa and was in a group with Xiao Wu, the atmosphere between them has been a bit weird.

When guarding the post, Xiaowu tried not to look at Ain's gaze. He stared straight ahead and consciously tightened his body. He felt that he was faithfully guarding his post, but his waist was too straight. It can be seen that he is nervous and his back is too stiff. Also, who is staring at this wolf-like tiger's eyes every day is not nervous, in case it is lax, it will be eaten away and regretted.

Today, Xiao Wu is really fed up. Ain treats him every day. He decides to talk to this foreign devotee.

There is a green belt in the backyard. The environment is quiet and few people pass here, and the people guarding it are relatively far away, so Xiao Wu brought Ain to negotiate here. If he can look up and see the master's room in the distance, If he had a window, he would not choose to negotiate with Ain here. Maybe it was too much thought. Xiao Wu, who was clear about the structure of the villa, ignored the location here, leading him to dare not look at the master for a long time to come. Cardiff's playful look.

The two people were facing each other, and Ain's hot eyes saw that Xiaowu was uncomfortable and felt as if he was being stripped. Xiaowu barely maintained his cold face and suppressed the anger in his voice. "

Ain shrugged, "What am I doing to you?" Although he didn't care to say it, his eyes hadn't left Primary Five for a moment.

Xiao Wu's anger is good, "Don't look at me with that look."

Ain blinked the sky blue eyes, full of affection, "Why do I look at you? You talk about it?"

Xiao Wu angrily gritted his teeth and said, "I don't care, anyway, you are not allowed to look at me."

Ain felt he didn't have to go around the corner anymore. "I like you, so I look at you like that, let's socialize."

Xiao Wu was almost surprised to bit his tongue. Why did this dead ocean ghost speak so directly, "What the **** are you talking about? I won't associate with you."

Looking at Xiao Wu's angry and shy look, Ain was bubbling in his heart, and such pure people are no longer seen emotionally. He is lucky to have picked up treasures, so this man has to decide, "Xiao Fifth, don't be shy. I really want to associate with you. I love you at first sight, so let's be together and I will be nice to you. "

Xiao Wu was ashamed and angry, and was confessed by the foreign devil, he was not happy at all. Although watching Master and Master Ning have a good relationship, it is not bothering to be sweet and tired, and he is also envious, but he does not like men and is confessed by men. Don't like men, don't be affectionate yourself. "

Ain tilted his head and looked at Xiao Wu, "It doesn't matter if you don't like men, just like me. I don't care about others."

"You and I don't like it."

"It doesn't matter, I'm after you, you will like me someday."

Xiao Wuqi's chest was undulating. "Don't you understand me? I don't like you, do you understand me?"

Ain said with a smile, "Don't be angry, I hear you clearly. But I have the right to pursue you, you can't refuse me."

Xiaowu lowered his voice and shouted, "I refuse."

Ain bitterly persuaded the irritable little five, "We haven't been dating yet, don't hurry to refuse, if we are together, I will definitely let you fall in love with me."

Xiao Wu's mouth twitched. Is this **** idiom so used? After returning to God, I can't wait to draw a lip, when I still think about it, no matter how his idioms are used, it is a matter of fart.

"I don't like you, you can't like me, and you can't see me that way."

"That won't work. I love you at first sight. I can't say let it go. I will pursue you until you are with me."

"I don't accept your pursuit, stay away from me."

"I can't stay away from you. I want to go to bed with you. It doesn't matter if you are pressed. If we go to bed and try first, I promise you that you can't bear to leave me."

Thinking of rolling the sheets with this guy, Xiaowu shook his body like thunder, and his suppressed temper suddenly exploded. "Damn foreign devil, I want you to look good. I ca n’t take care of yourself, I dare you to talk nonsense. Badao. "He fisted out and went straight to Ain's mouth.

Ain evaded, and shot instinctively, but he was only doing basic defense. He did n’t really mean to play with Xiaowu, and his mouth was not idle for a moment. "I ’m serious about Xiaowuwu. I really want to fight with you. Socializing, if you do n’t accept bed so quickly, I can wait for you when I want to, I ’m telling the truth, hey, do n’t be angry with me, I ’m a serious person, I do n’t just go to bed with anyone, Hey, little five or five, you listen to me, hey, you came true, I can fight back, hey, baby, I really like you, do n’t you?