MTL - Strongly Pampered Male Wife-Chapter 17

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Lu Dingding looked at Shang Yushang. To know what this gentleman like Jin Zunyu is like, he didn't expect to have such a childish side, and he smiled and said, "Just drag it, on the surface there is an elite male elite Fan Er, in fact, the darkest fox in his bones is very cunning. "

After being looked at by the little guy, Shang Yushang didn't get angry but praised him. The little guy is a clever little goblin. "Little goblin, if you say your man is a fox, you must run with me all over the mountain. Today, I will teach you what Fugang is. "He said, biting the little guy's face and neck in a random way, and reached into his clothes to scratch his itch.

He Changning was caught tickling and haha ​​laughed non-stop, while avoiding the attack on Shang Yushang's mouth, "Haha, Shang Yushang, stop now, haha, itchy, hahaha, big asshole, stop fast Come down, hahaha, itchy. "

"Baby, do you know how great it is?"

"Hahaha, okay, okay, you personal bastard, haha, hurry up."

Shang Yushang stopped everything, his eyes were bright and gazing at his lover, his eyes were misty, his red face was glowing with healthy luster, and his seductive lips that were soft and waxy were breathing heavily. The hot air spit out on his face, and Wenrun took the clear tea fragrance in his teeth, and twitched his heart slightly.

He was staring at him with such passionate eyes, He Changning said that Alexander pushed the weight on his body, his eyes dodging, "Hey, it's no trouble, get up, you are very heavy."

Fingers touched his jade-like face, the obvious dullness in his voice, "Changning, I want to have you for a lifetime." The gentle kiss slowly dropped, cherishing and loving, melting the love one by one The heart, ever dwelling there, can no longer be separated from it.

At the end of the long lingering kiss, He Changning buried his face in Shang Yushang's neck, and said sulkingly, "You must not take advantage of me again."

Touching the little guy's dark hair in pity, he said with pampering, "Okay, it's my advantage to change my baby, I don't mind at all."

In a word, it was a punch.

Enough trouble, enough kiss, the two talents sat up, and Shang Yushang naturally held the little guy in his arms and smoothed his messy hair. "The wedding matter will be discussed tomorrow. Tell me why it happened Do n’t let me alarm the Yin family.

I'm used to Shang Yushang always holding himself in his arms, but I'm too lazy to break free, it's very laborious, and I'm not sure, I move a comfortable posture and slowly speak, "When I find that I'm not right, I probably guessed It was their hands and feet. Xiao Wu appeared in time, and I knew that I would be okay because of you. "He paused." The reason why I don't want to alarm the Yin family is because we are about to get married. I don't want to be at this time. There are branches outside the festival, and they are not in a hurry to clean up. In addition, the actions on the Yin family are too big, and they will definitely attract the attention of others. Businesses must not question this incident and cause unnecessary trouble. "

He licked his face lovingly, "Changning, you remember, you don't have to care about others, and you don't have to think about it for me. I only want you to be safe and have a healthy and happy life."

Reaching out and holding Shang Yushang's neck, resting his chin on his shoulder, "You can't get used to me like this, I will be proud."

Pat the little guy's back. "Rest assured, Changning is my wife. I can do whatever I want, and leave the rest to me."

After getting tired for a while, considering the physical condition of He Changning, Shang Yushang decisively pushed the little guy into the bathroom to take a bath, wash, change his pajamas, then stuffed him into the quilt, quilted the quilt, and went to take a bath by himself.

After washing, she changed her pajamas, Shang Yushang came to the bed, opened the quilt and went to bed.

He Changning grabbed the quilt and stared, "What are you doing?"

"go to bed."

"Why don't you go to sleep in your bedroom?"

"This is my bedroom !!!"


After grabbing the quilt, he quickly moved into it, and by the way pulled He Changning into the quilt and wrapped it, "Ah, you haven't recovered yet, go to bed early." Ignore the little guy who has stiffened, and circle the person in his arms , Turn off all the lights, good night kisses fall on his cheek, "good night, baby."

He Changning, the clever one, was just put to bed in such a dim manner, he couldn't help but hold him in his arms, and fell asleep stupidly, yeah, in the case of thinking and thinking about it, Fell asleep.

Listening to the little guy's even breathing, Shang Yushang evoked a satisfied smile, hugged his little wife, and went to sleep peacefully.

☆, wedding countdown

A ray of sunlight in the morning naughtily penetrated through the gaps in the curtains, warmly stroking the two sleeping people.

Shang Yushang's biological clock was very punctual. At seven o'clock, he opened his eyes, and after a few seconds of confusion, his eyes fixed on the lover in his arms.

The sunlight that penetrated was shining obliquely on He Changning's face. The porcelain white skin was covered with a layer of peach halo, long eyelashes cast a faint shadow on the eyelids, stretched eyebrows, straight nose bridges, and thin The soft waxy lips have an attractive sheen. With the breath leaking out of the chest evenly undulating, the pillow rested on Shang Yushang's arm and slept soundly.

Shang Yushang's eyes were deeper and deeper, and he kissed up close to the seductive red lips, sucking gently, drawing a clear outline of the rhombus.

The harassing He Changning finally woke up confused. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the enlarged face in front of him, and the wet temperature from his lips. "唔 ???." He protested against this guy's early stealing Pro-behavior.

The kiss awoke the little guy, and Shang Yushang simply let go of it, and gradually deepened the kiss, and there was a strong posture of breaking it into his stomach.

A few minutes later, Shang Yushang, who had a full meal, finally kindly let go of his fainting lover, kissed his red and swollen lips heavily, and said with a smile of satisfaction, "Early, baby. You It ’s so sweet. ”If one day, people from the Shangshi Group, or from the merchant family, saw that they were moving like an iceberg and the expressionless Master Shang said something boring, then they would not think they were wrong. I heard it wrong, but thought that I opened my eyes and called out the wrong way of hearing, so I had such a shocking experience, they stunned and turned, and then told themselves that it was time to take medicine.

Ever since he and Shang Yushang opened their hearts to try to accept each other, He Changning felt that he was the frog at the bottom of the well, and he felt like sitting on a well to watch the sky, because he found that his understanding of Shang Yushang was limited to only a small face, and outside rumors were even more It was a mess, and he misjudged Shang Yushang as a guy, so that he was almost eaten by him, and he still hasn't figured out why the businessman with a poker face is in front of himself. A guy who always takes advantage of himself everywhere. Didn't you say that Shang Dashao is pure-minded and not close to men and women? Why did you hold your hand when you met for the first time, and dared to hug yourself when you met for the second time, and kissed your forehead, and now, from time to time, kiss, hug, and even touch, who can tell him that this is true Is the legendary quotient? This gap is too large.

He Changning punched Shang Yushang on the shoulder. "Early in the morning, you can't stop for a while, you take my warning as a wind from time to time."

Shang Yushang was aggrieved, "Changning, this is unfair. I am your man. It's normal for you to kiss you. But you can't let me guard Ruyumei with Liu Xiahui."

He Changning narrowed his eyes, "You have a lot of fallacies."

The strength of the two hands is tighter, and the bodies of the two people are closer. "Changning, I said that I am serious, so you cannot deprive me of your rights as a man. Of course, I will do the same for the corresponding obligations. So it's my welfare, and I must stand by it. "

He Changning stretched his finger and nodded Shang Yushang's forehead. "The beauty you want, you give me a point of convergence. I tell you, don't think that you are ten years older than me and think you have the capital to play with me. Be careful. I look good on you. "

"I dare not mess with you, but I stick to you, kiss you, hug you, sometimes beyond my control, so I will not let you feel embarrassed in front of you, but how much you have to rely on me, or I will think of you You do n’t like me and do n’t want to get along with me. You promised me to try it with me. You ca n’t talk without counting. ”

"Huh, you figured it out."

"Oh, no way, my wife is my own. I must have both benefits and full face."

He Changning rolled his eyes helplessly. This guy was ridiculous and so straightforward. Was he really the decisive and indifferent president of Shangda University? Will not be changed without knowing it.

Don't bother this self-righteous guy, He Changning got up decisively, washed, went downstairs for breakfast, and Shang Yushang followed in a consistent manner.

The breakfast was very rich, and Shang Yushang explained in advance, and Aunt Qin took care of He Changning's delicious food. The two of them ate a little.

After the meal, Shang Yushang took He Changning to drink tea, and arranged the next trip by the way.

At nine o'clock, the appointed fashion designer came, first took some drawings for selection, then measured the size, and recorded the requirements in detail, and then mailed the data to a famous Italian fashion designer. After two weeks, the clothes will be shipped back to China.

After two hours of tossing, one of the things necessary for the wedding was completed. He Changning sat weakly on the sofa, and Shang Yushang rubbed his shoulder, "Are you tired?"

"No, it just feels too cumbersome and a bit laborious."

"You can't be sloppy when you get married. Take a break when you are tired."

"Don't have much time. The old lady is so old for us, it's not that much tired."

"Okay, let's go now, take you something delicious, and then choose jewelry."

"Jewelry? What jewelry do we both want?"

"Some things are still needed."

So He Changning was fed by Shang Yushang for a big meal and started to choose accessories.

Shangshi's large shopping malls have everything, let alone jewelry sales.

After entering the mall, the two went straight to the jewelry store. Shang Yushang chose some cufflinks for He Changning, both diamond and jade. The prices are above six figures. He Changning smashed his lips, this prodigal man, did not blink when he spent money.

Pick two more couple watches imported from Switzerland, the same model is just a little smaller dial of He Changning, which just matches his not very stiff wrist, and also chose a few sets of pendants and bracelets, platinum And jade pendants, of course, are suitable for men. I have to say that Shang Yushang's vision is very unique. He doesn't need to say more about the price of his choice. The style is definitely worthy of He Changning's identity and temperament. He Changning does n’t often bring something, so he does n’t plan to let Shang Yushang buy it, but the reason is very good. He said that these were ordered by his grandma, and that the necklaces and bracelets he chose were very suitable for He Changning ’s complexion and temperament. As a man, buying jewelry for his wife is a thing that a husband should do and must do well. He Changning's face was constipated, and he also said that the shopping guide lady often made mistakes. The reason is that she was scared. Was shocked. I picked some accessories, such as tie clips or something.

Shang Yushang also asked He Changning if he wanted to buy an earring or something, and said that in case he wants to wear an ear pierce, it can come in handy, but watching the little guy's tight mouth corner, Think about it or forget it.

After an afternoon of tossing, except for the shopping mall, he looked at Xiaowu who was behind the big bag and small bag, He Changning smiled quite indifferently.

Xiao Wu was expressionless, but his heart ran away in tears. Why did the young master get married and buy something? He had to be a light bulb. In the end, he had to be a free laborer. Already.

After getting on the car, He Changning relaxed and suddenly remembered something, "Yu Shang, we didn't seem to buy a wedding ring."

Holding the little guy on his back, "the wedding ring will arrive in a few days. It is custom made."

"When are you scheduled?"

"It's set after the first meeting."

He Changning was shocked. He didn't expect him to care so much about the marriage, so much about himself, and said it was a lie to others. Otherwise, this guy

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