MTL - Strong Offense and Defense-Chapter 87 Discussions on frequency

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"I just want to drink water ..."

Reese walked over quickly and helped Nie Chuan. He had no strength in his lower body and relied entirely on Reese.

"Where have you been?" Nie Chuan said dullly.

He thought that Reese would flash after eating!

Reese pulled up the quilt and covered Nie Chuan's body: "I don't know if I have hurt you, so I want to prepare some anti-inflammatory drugs.

You slept heavily, I thought you would not wake up, so I went to buy medicine. "

Speaking of this, Nie Chuan got angry: "You know it will hurt me, I tell you to stop and why don't you stop!"

Reese half sat on the bed and circled Nie Chuan into his arms: "You hold me so tightly, how can I get out?"

Nie Chuan's face was about to explode, and Reese's next sentence almost didn't let him collapse.

"Although you were so struggling at first because you were afraid, did you feel it later?" Liz leaned to Nie Chuan and kissed him gently on the cheek. "In fact, it is not terrible, is it? Maybe I do make you hurt, but it also makes you happy, doesn't it? "

Nie Chuan really wanted to cover his face. He remembered how much he wished Reese to go deeper into the back, and how tightly he held Reese's shoulder tightly.

Of course, fear is still necessary. He must have been bleeding there. Reese was gentle at first, but only got completely out of control after getting an unconscious response from Nie Chuan later.

Reese took away Nie Chuan's hand, kissed his forehead, and gently put on the tip of his nose: "Sorry, I forced you. But even if time comes again, I will choose to do so.

As soon as Nie Chuan's mind shuddered, the world seemed to be in a soft state.

He knew how hard it was to ask Reese to say "I'm sorry." And this "sorry" has a lot of meaning beyond words.

"Your friend Zhou Bin said that we are too young and there are endless possibilities in the future. You will meet more people and see a wider world. Then you will have more choices. And I will no longer be you Inevitable. "

Reese's voice was calm, as if talking about something completely unrelated to the two of them.

His side was like a sea hidden in the dark, surging in unrecognizable places.

"But for me, I have no other choice."

He leaned lightly on Nie Chuan's face, and the temperature belonging to Rees came down the skin.

It is clear that it is Rees who dominates them, but at that moment Nie Chuan suddenly realized that it was he who really controlled the direction between them.

"I want to drink water," Nie Chuan said.

"Okay." Reese got up and gave Nie Chuan a glass of water.

He lowered himself and sorted out books and broken lamps on the ground. Then go to the bathroom and put in water.

"Take a bath. I'll give you medicine."


Nie Chuan moved out of bed, but his legs were still weak and his waist seemed to be broken.

When he nearly fell, Reese braced him.

Nie Chuan looked at Reese, and Reese's gaze just glanced at Nie Chuan's lower body and turned his head.

This is not the same as usual. If he is in the bedroom, he will either stare at Nie Chuan or turn on the cricket mode.

"It's very embarrassing ..." Nie Chuan said helplessly.

Even Gordon's pervert training plan didn't let him do that.

"I'm afraid I'll see you again and I can't help coming again."

Reese's voice was cool, forbearing and dumb.

Nie Chuan's eyes widened: "Come back! You did it four times yesterday! Can you still get up?"

"Five times," Reese said.

"What—how do I remember it four times!"

"After you fell asleep, I helped you clean up what was left in it ... I didn't hold back after I put my fingers in."

"You don't need to tell me!" Nie Chuan was going crazy, "I said why I hurt so much!"

It was completely overused there!

It seems that this guy Reese doesn't understand temperance at all!

Reese did not continue to discuss the issue, but just helped Nie Chuan walk into the bathroom. Nie Chuan walked slowly, but he didn't want Reese to pick him up. This would make Nie Chuan feel like he was weak. Nie Chuan, who had long abandoned his self-esteem in front of Rees, suddenly became face-saving.

Reese was very patient and accompanied Nie Chuan step by step.

Nie Chuan was suddenly thinking that he would be supported by Reese until he grew old. Even if all dreams fell, he was still the most important person in Reese, as if he had reached the other end he had always dreamed of.

Entering the bathroom and looking at the bathtub, Nie Chuan remembered the last time he sat in the room with Reese. Nie Chuan can be 100% sure. At that time, Reese must have simulated many pictures of himself!

Nie Chuan tried several times, but his legs still couldn't be lifted, and Reese finally lowered himself to lift him. At the moment when he emptied, Nie Chuan was shocked, after all, he was not light. However, Reese's body was very stable. Nie Chuan was slowly put into the water by him, his arms did not even shake. Of course, when you watch Reese slam dunk, you know his arm strength.

Nie Chuan lowered her head and slapped her lips.

"What are you thinking?" Reese leaned over and asked.

"You go out. I don't want you to come back for the sixth time." Nie Chuan looked depressed.

Of course, he didn't tell Reese, what he really thought was: why Reese was so refreshing, but he seemed to be run over by a truck.

However, yesterday he was turned over by Reese and tossed past, and if he can live to this day, Nie Chuan himself feels that his vitality is really tenacious.

"I'm thinking about it for the sixth time." Reese's eyes were heavy.

Nie Chuan immediately flinched to his side, alert.

A slight smile appeared on Reese's lips, and Nie Chuan immediately remembered Reese's **** expression and the depth of bumping into herself last night, and then ... she couldn't help feeling!

"You ... you go out!" Nie Chuan pushed Reese, but Reese still sat firmly on the edge of the bathtub and looked down at Nie Chuan.

"I'll help you wash." The moment Liz's hand reached into the water and covered Nie Chuan, Nie Chuan's whole body blood rushed to that place, and Nie Chuan couldn't bear it.

He just wanted to solve it by himself!

Reese clearly saw Nie Chuan's reaction. Nie Chuan thought he would laugh, but he kissed Nie Chuan's face lightly: "I'll help you solve it for a while."

"I don't have to ... I'll do it myself!" If Nie Chuan was hit by Reese again, he had to die!

Reese lowered his head and looked at Nie Chuan, a radiant radiance twitched his lips. He raised Nie Chuan's fingers and gently covered his lips. His eyes almost made Nie Chuan burn.

"Are you sure you don't want to come in?"

Nie Chuan's back was deadlocked, and his fingertips touched Liz's warm and wet tongue. The moment he was sucked gently, his heart jumped out.

"Yes! Yes! Of course!" Nie Chuan shouted without thinking.

"You look very good now."

Nie Chuan was instantly alert: "You ... you have to talk!"

Reese smiled and washed Nie Chuan's legs carefully, but he didn't touch his spiritual part, which made Nie Chuan anxious to wait.

After waiting for Reese to pick him up from the bathtub, Nie Chuan finally got his wish. Reese loves him very much, completely accommodating his feelings, knowing even the slightest breathing changes, he knows how to get Nie Chuan out of control, and how to let Nie Chuan be immersed in his feelings.

Nie Chuan released it coolly once, panting and being held by Reese.

"I'll give you some medicine," Reese said.

Nie Chuan has not returned to God: "What?"

Reese turned him over and put a pillow under his waist.

"What are you doing!" Nie Chuan frightened and struggled, no matter how painful his whole body was, he had to move, otherwise he would have Liss come back again, and he would really have a half body!

Reese calmed Niechuan's waist: "It needs medicine, it should be swollen. I promise I won't do anything."

Nonetheless, Nie Chuan was still very nervous, especially since his most private part was under Reese's line of sight. But he couldn't give himself medicine, he had to let Reese come.

"Will it hurt like this in the future?" Nie Chuan said dumbly buried in the pillow.

He was embarrassed, only to divert attention by talking to Reese.

Reese stopped suddenly, carefully holding Nie Chuan from behind, his breath sprayed on Nie Chuan's neck: "Do you know if you ask such a question, is it by default that I can do it next time?"

Nie Chuan didn't dare to look over at Reese, but he knew that his ears must be very red.

"Then next time you let me up?"

Reese kissed on the back of Nie Chuan and kissed all the way: "As long as you're by my side, it doesn't matter above or below."

Although he knew that the probability that he would overwhelm Reese was almost zero, Nie Chuan felt warm when he heard Reese say so.

After rubbing the medicine, Reese put on Nie Chuan's pajamas, accompanied him to eat the porridge packed from the Chinese restaurant, and Nie Chuan fell asleep on the bed.

Reese lay beside him, hugging him. Nie Chuan was a bit pitiful and could only sleep on his stomach. Reese's palm occasionally reached into his clothes, touching his skin, or touching his side. When Nie Chuan snorted softly, Reese kissed his lips.

After sleeping for another day, Nie Chuan finally woke up. His sore muscles had recovered, and there was a little swell in addition to the back.

"Haha! I'm alive again! Let's go out and play!" Nie Chuan has put on his coat and stood beside the bed with a spirited spirit, "I'm going to eat delicious food!"

Lyce lay on the side and looked at Nie Chuan with his head up: "You shouldn't be in a poor posture at this time, or you won't be able to get up tomorrow."

Nie Chuan hesitated, don't go over and say a little embarrassed: "In fact, I was very scared before. Thinking of whether I was like that is completely under your control and I no longer belong to myself ... Actually, what I really fear is change. But now it seems that I am still me. I make all decisions for myself, no matter what I do, where I look, or who I love. Even if you go to me, it does n’t mean that I will always be on the basketball court. Under your repression. I can still surpass you. "

A few seconds passed, and Reese's posture remained unchanged and he did not speak. This made Nie Chuan have to look up and look at each other.

The moment his eyes touched, Reese's eyes were deep, which reminded Nie Chuan of the Nibelungen ring and led himself to an abyss that could not be turned back.

"You say that, it makes me want to bully you more."

Reese finally spoke.

"I won't let you bully me." Nie Chuan stared back.

"But then, who told me that I would never be made to cry? But she cried so badly last night." Reese's smile was very sexy, and Nie Chuan's heart started beating again.

"That's because you're too much!"

"Then don't let me put up with that for the next time."

Looks like a joke, but Nie Chuan knows that Reese is serious.

Reese got up, and Nie Chuan went to the door to put on shoes without looking at him. Because whenever you see it, you will remember Zhou Bin's comment on Reese's figure.

Go out the door, and the breath you drink becomes white. Reese held Nie Chuan's hand, and the two walked on the street.

Nie Chuan lowered her head and smirked.

They went to Chinese restaurant for lunch. Nie Chuan has an appetite, but Reese does not let him eat something that is not easy to digest.

"I really want to eat spicy fried chicken crispy bones!" Nie Chuan complained.

"You can eat, but when you go to the bathroom tomorrow morning, don't cry to me and say it hurts," Reese said lightly.

Nie Chuan suddenly became uninterested.

After lunch, Nie Chuan was going to take a nap, but after two days of too much sleep, the two went to the cinema to watch a movie.

That was a detective film. At the beginning Nie Chuan watched it very seriously, but he didn't know when Rees started deliberately keeping Nie Chuan from focusing. When Nie Chuan turned his face to protest, Reese kissed directly, but at the end of the movie, Nie Chuan was in a state of breathlessness.

When the theater lights came on, Reese let go of him.

Nie Chuan stood up and found out that the other audience in the theater didn't notice them before exhaling: "Hey! I didn't even see the last killer!"

Reese sat there, raising his face: "Let's go back."

His eyes were deep and his voice was dull.

Nie Chuan swallowed and pulled Reese up: "Go back."

The two did not speak all the way, only the sound of scum from the shoes stepping on the snow.

As soon as Nie Chuan closed the door, Reese caught him on the door. The kiss was enthusiastic and eager. Nie Chuan embraced Rees and responded, while Reese held Nie Chuan's legs to lift him up and put him on the bed.

Nie Chuan indulged himself, followed Rees, and completely surrendered himself to the other side.

In order to make Nie Chuan adapt, Reese endured a lot of hard work at the beginning, but later became more and more out of control.

When Reese hugged and kissed him, Nie Chuan suddenly felt that it was actually quite enjoyable.

But Reese did not do it a second time.

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