MTL - Strong Offense and Defense-Chapter 68 . Nie Chuan's problem

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But Reese was in a good mood today and ordered a lot of food. Including Mapo Tofu and Spicy Chicken.

Nie Chuan, who wasn't full enough to eat last night, took a big mouthful regardless of his image and his cheeks were like frogs.

He turned his face on one side and saw that the lips of several girls seemed to say "cute".

Where is he cute?

Because Nie Chuan had a rash, and there were traces of it made by Reese last night, Nie Chuan wore a long-sleeved shirt, covered his neck with a collar, and long sports pants. The package is rigorous.

Carlo also came to the restaurant and sat down next to Nie Chuan, grabbed Nie Chuan's shoulders, and watched Reese with anxiety: "Hey, Ellen, are you all right?"

"I ... good!" Nie Chuan nodded. "Carlo, is my cellphone with you?"

"Yeah! I'm here to send you a mobile phone! I guess you'll eat at an Asian restaurant." Carlo put the phone on the table, and then stared at Reese.

Reese looked just like Carlo didn't exist.

Nie Chuanyin felt Carlo had a problem with Reese's attitude: "Carlo, is there anything wrong with you?"

"Alan! How dare you ask this! Do you know how worried I was last night? Reese stormed into our party aggressively, asking me where you were!

Nie Chuan is dumbfounded. Will Reese still do such a thing?

He looked at Reese and asked silly: "I told you about my Halloween party yesterday!"

Reese had no intention of answering, but just tucked the dishes together.

"Then we told him that you and Lily were gone, and he had to bother you! How urgent and serious things were, he was going to destroy you and Lily!" Carlo whispered seriously.

Nie Chuan's eyes widened, so Reese went to the party to find him, and then went to the Shuiwen Hotel. After all, in fact, Reese has been looking for him?

"I did not destroy them," Reese replied lightly.

"You didn't destroy them? When I met Lily today, she also said that she and Allen were just friends. Fools can see that she likes Allen and will suddenly say that they are friends. You must have been destroyed last night!" Carlow was so obsessed with his reasoning. Of course, most people will believe this inference.

"If you don't believe it, just forget it." Reese had no intention of continuing to struggle with Carlo. He took out the napkin, wiped his mouth, and said to Nie Chuan, "Leave."

Nie Chuan was about to get up, and Carlo stopped him: "He must have bullied you last night, right! You don't want to live with this guy anymore!"

"That ... Reese really didn't bully me." Nie Chuan was speechless, why did Carlo think he must be the one you bullied by Reese?

Couldn't he bully Reese?

Well, this is too difficult. Last night he was riding on Reese, and he was eventually overturned.

This black history will not be recalled.

"How is it possible! If not, why is he aggressively going to trouble you and chasing the Watermark Hotel!"

Nie Chuan did not think of an excuse to explain Carlow's question.

"I'm going to give him a cover. Do you have a comment?" Reese said.

"What?" Carlow frowned. "Is there any reason to be more lame?"

Reese put his hands on Nie Chuan's shoulder and looked at Carlo: "He likes chocolate, don't you know?"

"of course I know."

"He can't stand up without a chocolate sleeve, you know?"

Reese's tone was straightforward, as if he were telling a fact. Only Nie Chuan knew that this guy was so blind that he would not make drafts!

"When can I not stand without a chocolate cover!"

It was Nie Chuan's turn, and the whole restaurant looked over.

Nie Chuan was dumbfounded, and Carlo quickly got up and covered Nie Chuan's mouth: "Hey, don't say this loud!"

Reese's face was still expressionless, but Nie Chuan saw a playful smile in his eyes.

This guy is intentional.

The girls who had been watching Nie Chuan laughed.

Nie Chuan felt that he had really lost his face at home.

"Originally ... this is the case ... then did you send the kit on time?" Carlo looked up and asked Reese standing behind Nie Chuan.

"No, because you have been dragging around and not telling me where they are going. The final result is that when I arrived at the door of the room, Lily was very dissatisfied with Nie Chuan and left angrily." Reese still looked humiliated. .

Nie Chuan couldn't bear it. He tried to open the hands that Reese pressed on his shoulders, but the other party remained motionless.

Too irritating!

"Ah, I'm so sorry, Ellen ... I should have told Reese earlier." Carlow showed a very regretful expression. "I said that the entire dk would say to whom Reese is the best, it must be to you. How could he It will destroy you and Lili! Well, you will quit the chocolate in the future! This will not work! After all, there are no chocolate flavors everywhere! "

Nie Chuan looked at Carlo silently. Only Carlo the idiot on the campus would believe Reese's statement!

"Leave, I'll get some medicine."

Nie Chuan followed in angrily behind Reese, and distanced him from him.

Reese Redington, you are too much! What chocolate set! Why don't you eat chocolate-flavored shit!

At this time, a girl with heavy makeup passed by Nie Chuan, and by the way blew a whistle: "Hey Ellen, you are suitable to show your beautiful legs, wearing trousers is a violent thing!"

The other person blinked like him, and Nie Chuan blushed suddenly. It seems that the effect of leather pants last night is still long-lasting.

Reese walking in front stopped suddenly, turned around, without a smile on his face: "You better wear me trousers in the future."

Nie Chuanton for two seconds, suddenly reacted to something, ran forward, grabbed Reese's wrist: "Hey, are you really jealous? Jealous of others like me!"

Reese did not answer.

"Actually you were jealous last night! You're afraid I'll be watched by someone at the party for rolling sheets, so you can't wait to catch up! Right!"

Nie Chuan came to Liz, and deliberately put his head to the other side. He should see Liz's expression clearly!

Reese turned to his side, avoiding Nie Chuan, and continued to move forward.

"Ah ... ah ... let me think about it, when did you like me?" Nie Chuan opened her eyes and continued to follow Liz's side, like a brown sugar, "That time in the library When you kissed me, did you do it on purpose? Oh my god, that was my first kiss! Did you like me then? "

"That wasn't your first kiss." Reese said only that, and moved Nie Chuan's head with his hands.

Nie Chuan's brows frowned: "How could that not be my first kiss ..."

Reese has gone a few meters away, and Nie Chuan chased it again: "What do you mean, when was my first kiss? Did you tell me the library when you kissed me, did you like me?"

Reese refused to answer in silence, while Nie Chuan kept following him: "You say! What can't you tell me?"

Nie Chuan is so curious! It is incredible that Reese likes a person, but Nie Chuan really wants to know when it is. Did you like Reese first? Or did Reese like him first?

Most of the time, I first liked Reese ... Then Reese realized it, so what did he say, "chemical reaction"?

At this time, they had gone downstairs in the bedroom, and while going upstairs, Nie Chuan still did not give up the problem, which attracted everyone's attention.

"Hey, did you find that? Reese seems to be very patient with Allen? No matter how bad Allen is, he doesn't mind."

"Yeah, if anyone entangled him to ask this and that, it would have been thrown away!"

They came to the door of the room, and Reese opened the door with the key. Nie Chuan still asked: "Well, even if you don't like me when you are in the library, then in the bathroom of the cbu basketball hall? Do you like me?"

As soon as Rees closed the door, he held Nie Chuan on the door.

Nie Chuan, who was opening his mouth to raise the question, was firmly held by Reese. Reese's kiss was as strong as last night, stirring the wave with a formidable force, and Nie Chuan's legs almost couldn't stand.

"I only answer you once. In the cbu's bathroom, I kiss you, because I look ridiculous and irritable when you look at you terrified by Owen Wishaw, but I am cute and terrible so I want to kiss you. "

Reese's eyes were very hot. Nie Chuan subconsciously wanted to leave his face, but Reese caught his cheek.

"In the library, because you always remember that I was touched by Seren's chin, you are sad because Seren, not me, you have consumed my patience and tolerance. Do you think it is interesting? In my Show concern for Serene? "

"So ... so you liked me then?"

Oh my god! Reese has liked him for so long! This is simply ... his peach blossoms came too suddenly!

"You said that the library wasn't my first kiss ... when was that?" Nie Chuan couldn't remember who he had kissed with.

But Reese had no intention of answering this question at all, but turned his face to the side, licked Nie Chuan's lips, pressed his lips, and then returned to the gap between his lips. That soft and moist touch is nothing like Ris's grim style.

Next, Nie Chuan was held up. His ears were filled with the sound of water rushing during kissing, and Nie Chuan's mind was in a mess. All the countless questions that he had previously thought about were completely lost.

When Reese supported Nie Chuan's hand and let go, Nie Chuan couldn't help but slide down the door.

"You have a lot of problems today." Reese turned around, took the ointment out, and patted the side next to him. "Apply the medicine. Three times a day, the medicine can't stop."

Nie Chuan's heart was still beating fast, he came to Reese, and Reese had already voluntarily loosened the nylon rope of his slacks.

"Well, wait!" Nie Chuan seemed to have thought of again, "that pool party, did you jump into the water to save me?"

Reese stopped squeezing the ointment. He looked at Nie Chuan and said, "Do you think I jumped out of the pool to swim?"

Nie Chuan blinked, and the smile on his mouth became even bigger. He squeezed Reese's ear with both hands: "Oh my God! You liked me then, right?"

"Are you still having problems? Apply medicine without problems." Reese waved Nie Chuan's hand.

"Erotic! Erotic!" Nie Chuan took off his pants happily.

Reese lowered his head, and Nie Chuan could clearly see the other person's slightly raised eyelashes, which were really beautiful.

Even if Reese knew that he was described as pretty, he would probably be cold again.

What happened to Nie Chuan suddenly? "Who was the first person you kissed?"

How could he forget, Reese said that he likes a person and likes to pay attention to every move of that person, but that person is far in the sky and in front of him ...

"You." Reese sighed. "After taking the medicine, take a nap."

Nie Chuan could feel the obvious perfunctory, Reese did not want him to ask any more questions.

But I really want to know, who is the person that Reese once liked? Does that person suddenly appear again?

"How could you be the first person to kiss me? You're so technical."

At first, his heart was a little bit sour, Nie Chuan dragged Reese's quilt and turned away.

Reese sat by the bed and rubbed Nie Chuan's head, but Nie Chuan did not want to speak at all.

A few minutes later, Reese was still sitting by the bed.

"My first kiss was indeed you. I didn't lie to you. I don't actually know if my skills are good or bad, maybe I'm honored that you like my kiss."

"So you don't need to practice and experience your skills are so good, it is indeed a genius." Nie Chuan knew that he shouldn't say such words recklessly, but he couldn't help it.

"I have practiced."

"Ha? With whom?" Nie Chuan sat up sharply.

Reese looked into Nie Chuan's eyes and said in a slow voice, "Follow you."

"Nothing at all!"

Do you think I'm Carlo's idiot? I believe everything you say!

"I will imagine in my mind how I will kiss you, how to lick your lips with the tip of your tongue, and you will have such a reaction? How do I **** you, do you feel heartbeat? How do I entangle you, do you feel willing to be bound What kind of breath will you have? Will you be afraid of my kiss? Will you hate me? "

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