MTL - Strong Offense and Defense-Chapter 60 .Nie Chuan's Fangs ~

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"What are you angry about? Because I didn't really kiss you?" Reese crossed his face with his chin.

The upset figure that upset him now seemed to have nothing to do with him.

Nie Chuan wanted to punch him in that handsome face.

Of course, he did the same.

"Go to death--" Nie Chuan's fist was caught by the opponent's palm before he hit the tip of Reese's nose.

Reese moved Nie Chuan's fist and looked into his eyes: "If you really want me to kiss you, you don't need to say anything, just nod your head."

Nie Chuan is about to explode.

"Riss, kissing is a serious and serious matter for me."

If you don't really want to kiss me, don't make a joke with kissing me.

Nie Chuan also looked at Reese's eyes without shifting.

There is always a lot of deep meaning in Reese's eyes.

"I can kiss you very seriously and earnestly." Reese's gaze remained still.

At that moment, Nie Chuan opened his mouth and he wanted to say: If I tell you that I really like you, can you still say that you want to kiss me?

But he found that he didn't have that courage.

If he did say that, what kind of expression would Reese have?

surprised? Disgusting? Or more indifferent?

Reese's smile, Reese's teasing, and even the time Reese spent on him, were never experienced by outsiders.

What if all this disappears because of his confession?

There was something warm in Nie Chuan's eyes.

He once said to himself countless times that he failed to confess, and his head fell away, but it was a big scar. Eighteen years later, he was a good man!

In fact, in eighteen years, he would like another person.

But at this moment, at the moment when the impulse came, he realized that many of his previous likes were not as good as the impulse to kiss Reese at this moment.

"I can't grill German sausages. You grill them yourself."

Nie Chuan withdrew his hand and lowered his head to eat the chicken wings dullly.

He didn't want to see Reese, he was afraid that if he looked at him again, he would become impulsive like a fool.

"What's wrong with you?" Reese's fingers stretched out and poked Nie Chuan on the cheek.

"Nothing. Anything you want to cook yourself." Nie Chuan rudely bit the meat on the wings of the chicken, and he couldn't taste anything on his tongue.

"Hey, are you angry?" Reese poked Nie Chuan's face again.

There was no jokes in his voice, as if he really started to pay attention to Nie Chuan's anger.

"Yes, I'm angry. There are things that can't be joked, at least for me."

Nie Chuan raised his face. He didn't know that his eyes were already red.

"Your eyes are red."

"Spicy by Mexican peppers."

Nie Chuan was about to lower his head, but Reese supported his chin.

"Nie Chuan, who had lost love 365 times, was so serious about kissing? No one seems to have kissed you."

Nie Chuan waved Reese's hand and said dumbly, "I'm not as experienced as you."

Your kissing skills have been tried and tested at a glance!

"I've only kissed one person," Reese replied.


"Why do you think I'm a liar?" Reese looked at Nie Chuan, even though all he could see now was Nie Chuan's forehead and nose.

"If you've only kissed one person, what about me? And if you've kissed only one person, why are you so good at it?"

"Oh-so you admit my skills are good." Reese leaned to Nie Chuan, his eyes were all smiles.

"Yeah," Nie Chuan admitted generously.

"When I was young, my sister Vivian made a boyfriend. They kissed under the window sill in my room. I remember Vivian's head half-closed and eyes closed, as if she was intoxicated. At home, I asked her, what was it like to kiss? "

"You're even curious about this kind of thing?"

"Of course it does. But Vivian told me that there was a feeling of anticipation. It was not as intoxicating and memorable as described in the movie or novel."

Nie Chuan shouted, he didn't think so.

When Reese kissed him, even when he was caught off guard, even now he remembers that his heart still beats fast.

Reese said that no one would kiss him like he did.

Now Nie Chuan knows the truth. Because no matter whether Serene, Lily, or anyone in his life, he will not appear in his field as hot as midday sun like Reese, slowly permeating, making him unable to extricate himself.

"So how did you feel about kissing for the first time? Did you feel that your expectations were missing?"

After Nie Chuan asked, he regretted it. He really didn't want to know what Reese's first kiss was like. Because that person cannot be himself.

If the person who Reese kissed for the first time was able to play at such a high level, it was simply a gift of talent!

Reese said in Chinese, "No. It's much better than I expected. I can still remember his reaction."

It's just to make Nie Chuan understand more clearly, or maybe because so many people around him only want Nie Chuan to understand.

Nie Chuan did not speak, and he hoped that Rees would stop the topic. He didn't want to know what it was like to kiss Reese.

But Reese didn't mean to stop.

"The tip of his tongue was warm, his reaction was a bit stupid, his shoulders shrugged, and then I felt intolerable for the first time. I sucked him hard and wanted to swallow him into my body. I I want all of him, no matter how hard, just let me know more clearly, I ca n’t have all of him. I want to leave his mark on him in the deepest place of him. From the moment I kissed him The moment I started, I wanted him like crazy. "

"Hey ... you don't need to continue ..." Nie Chuan shook his hand, and he couldn't imagine what the runaway Reese would look like.

"I thought I would be disappointed, that as long as I kissed him this time, and then as my sister Vivienne said, I would no longer expect to kiss. But it is not the case, I want to have him more , Even as long as I imagine another person will kiss him like me, I can't stand it. "

Nie Chuan was dragged by Reese's voice, and he slowly raised his head. He saw persistent madness in Reese's always calm eyes. They broke through all the restraints, came to the surface, and drowned Nie Chuan.

"Where is that person now?" Nie Chuan asked subconsciously.

"In a place that is close and close, but that distance I can't cross with all my care," Reese replied.

"I'm going to roast mushrooms." Nie Chuan stood up.

He didn't want to face Reese anymore, he was afraid he would cry without bones.

He always felt that he had failed before he confessed.

The person who can make Lee like hard to be like must be special.

"Don't forget my German sausage." Reese said.

"You bake it yourself!"

Nie Chuan sniffed and turned his back, his whole face wrinkled.

After eating the barbecue, Nie Chuan and Reese returned to the bedroom.

After taking a shower, Reese sat at his desk and read a book. It seemed that he had a difficult problem.

While Nie Chuan plugged in his headphones, lying on the bed listening to music.

At this time, he should have played games online or watched some non-nutritive videos, but now he is very quiet.

Reese, who had been performing calculations, suddenly frowned, turned to his side, and looked at Nie Chuan, who was only exposed to the top of his head, in the quilt. Ten seconds later, Nie Chuan didn't move.

Reese got up, came to Nie Chuan's bed, and sat down.

Feeling the mattress sink, Nie Chuan inexplicably tense. He pretended not to know anything, closed his eyes until Reese's hand reached into the quilt, and gently covered his ankle. Nie Chuan was stiff and even more afraid to move.

What does Reese do?

Feeling that Reese's hand reached out from the trouser tube of the pajamas, slowly upward, he pressed Nie Chuan's abdomen slightly. His temperature seemed to leak from Nie Chuan's skin into his blood, and all his sensations became sharpened.

Nie Chuan kicked his knees subconsciously, and finally he couldn't hold it. He opened his eyes and turned to look at Reese, who was sitting behind him: "What are you doing!"

"I have a lot of exercise today. Let me see how tight your calf muscles are." The look on Reese's face was serious.


Nie Chuan growled in his heart: what the hell! Don't touch me! Be careful I'm welcome to you!

... but how can I be polite to you?

"Hey, what are you thinking?"

"I'm sleeping."

I miss you.

I was wondering what it was like in your mouth "a place you can't cross without much effort".

"You don't seem to be very happy." Reese's hand left Nie Chuan's abdomen and retracted from the quilt.

Nie Chuan thought that he was about to get up and continue to do his math problems, but he did not expect his hands to be supported by Nie Chuan's pillow, and the whole person was pressed down.

There was a small space between his arms, full of his taste.

"What's wrong with you?" Reese moved closer.

As soon as Nie Chuan pulled the quilt, he covered his face: "I'm sleepy when I'm full, and want to take a nap."

Reese reached down and pulled Nie Chuan's quilt under his nose.

"Don't sleep with your face covered. Hypoxia can make people stupid."

"Got it."

I was stupid, and I couldn't be more stupid.

Nie Chuan regretted that when Zhou Bin left, he didn't record all his words of comfort to his brokenheartedness, and now he only needs to listen to it again and again.

He felt that the person in Reese's mouth was like a □□. All the attention he had from Reese now would burst apart when that man appeared, leaving nothing left.

I really want to talk to Zhou Bin, but Reese is not any girl he likes before. He is his own roommate, or his teammate, and the same gender.

In the next few weeks, Coach Gordon arranged several practice matches, and deliberately adjusted Nie Chuan and Reese. In the first half, Reese went up, and in the second half, he changed to Nie Chuan.

And Nie Chuan's outstanding performance also made him small and famous in the area, becoming the focus of attention of other school basketball teams.

When Nie Chuan was running fast on the court and assisted again and again, Carlo sitting off the court crooked his head and said to Reis, "Hey, do you think Allen has eaten too much chocolate recently?"

"Really?" Reese didn't have any expression, just hugged his arms, his gaze followed Nie Chuan.

"Your reaction is only‘ is it? 'When you were on the court just now, he was sitting here eating chocolate! ”Carlo pulled Nie Chuan ’s sports bag away and rubbed a piece of tin foil inside.

He unrolled the piece of foil and brought it to Reese: "Did you see it? Such a big piece! He's all eaten! Do you think he will become a fat man!"

"It's impossible to become a fat man with his amount of exercise," Reese replied.

"Okay ... but you find that none, Allen seems to be licking his teeth with his tongue? Is the chocolate sticking to his teeth?"

At this moment, Nie Chuan passed the ball to Ewing, and Ewing scored. On the right cheek of Nie Chuan, his tongue was licking there.

"Reese, Allen is really a little distracted." Coach Gordon also spoke.

"I know, when I go back, I will ask him what happened."

After the practice match, Nie Chuanzheng smiled and chatted with Lili on the sidelines. Lili made Nie Chuan smile very happy.

Carlo touched his chin: "Well, originally Lily's Kaolin Flower was my goal, but since Allen likes her, I have to bear it!"

Ewing rolled his eyes silently to the sky: "Isn't you pursuing Lily, did Lily reject you because you were too careless?"

"Then we went to the dessert house we talked about today?" Lili asked Nie Chuan.

"Okay! Let's go together!"

Although Rice said that the dessert shop was expensive, she also checked the price online. Now that he has saved enough money, he can eat it!

Reese didn't know when he came behind Nie Chuan, fingers crossed his back collar: "You can't go."

When Nie Chuan heard Lee's voice, his heart seemed to be pinched.

"Oh, why can't I go? Is there any training?" Nie Chuan's face frowned.

"Open your mouth." Reese's expression was cold.

At this time, Nie Chuan suddenly found that Reese would appear every time he had a good chat with Lili. And his face doesn't look very good.

It's almost like being jealous of being with Lily.

But Nie Chuan is very clear ... this is impossible.

"Jealousness" is an emotion that does not belong to Reese at all.

Nie Chuan found himself unable to keep up with Reese's logic.

Reese reached out his hand and pinched Nie Chuan's cheek, forcing him to open his mouth.

"What are you doing ... you hurt me ..."

Liz turned his face, stared at the tooth socket on Nie Chuan's right side, and said to Lili, "He has tooth decay and can't eat dessert. I will take him to the dentist this afternoon."

"Oh ... that's ..." Lily didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I don't have tooth decay! I just have a swollen gum!"

Nie Chuan is going crazy, how can Reese say he has fangs in front of Lili? What a shame!

"Your gums are swollen because the nerves of the tooth decay are also damaged. Do you want to keep bugs all the time without pulling them out?

Reese frowned, and Nie Chuan was suddenly weak.

"Did you sleep secretly with chocolate at night?" Reese asked again.

Nie Chuan took a step back and motioned with his eyes to remind Reese not to discuss the topic of tooth decay in front of Lili.

"Haha ... how is that possible ..."

The fact is that he hid the chocolate in the pillowcase. With chocolate, he wouldn't always think about Reese sleeping in the bed beside him.

Otherwise, listening to Reese's breath, he couldn't sleep at all. The smell of chocolate can distract him.

"Then how can your teeth rot?" Reese maintained a high-pressure blow to Nie Chuan.

"I'll go to the dentist this afternoon." Nie Chuan's face wrinkled.

Dentists are expensive ...

Reese turned to Lily and nodded at her and said, "I'm so sorry, but the coach also saw that he was not paying attention during the game. The college student league training will start next week, so his fangs must be settled as soon as possible. . "

"Ah, I understand! Ellen, you have to go to the doctor quickly! If the tooth decay is left untreated, it will be painful to sleep at night.

I wo n’t go to the dessert shop. Next time we will make an appointment for something else. "

"Okay, I'm sorry!" Nie Chuan folded her hands, she was really sorry for Lili.

"It doesn't matter, we have time."

Looking at Lili's back, Nie Chuan looked stunned. Before the next time they make an appointment for dinner, they already gave the money to the dentist ...

As soon as Nie Chuan turned around, he saw Reese holding his arms and staring at himself.

He bowed his head with the eyes of Reese.

Reese watched Nie Chuan brushing his teeth all the time, but he still failed.

After training, Reese drove Nie Chuan to the nearest dental clinic.

Along the way, Nie Chuan was very shy. He still remembers his tooth extraction experience when he was a child. He was so painful that he couldn't even eat braised pork for a few days, and the white rabbit toffee was given to his neighbor's children by his mother.

"Maybe I just got barbecue and got swollen gums ..." Nie Chuan comforted himself like this.

Reese ignored him, and his face remained cold. Reese was angry, and Nie Chuan could see it. No way, anyone looks at him brushing his teeth like this in the morning and evening, and then still doesn't stand up to the chocolate hidden in the pillow case.

The car stopped in front of a dentist's office. Reese took Nie Chuan to register, and when he entered the waiting room, Nie Chuan realized that it was basically the mother who brought the child.

The little one was only three or four years old, and was held in his arms by his mother, crying while coaxing. And the older ones are not in their teens.

When Nie Chuan and Reese sat down, they immediately caught everyone's attention.

A child rubbed his mother's neck to the side and looked at Nie Chuan: "Mom, does he also have tooth decay?"

His mother smiled and didn't answer him, but just carried the child back.

"Isn't only a child able to grow fangs?"

Nie Chuan lowered his head and really felt ashamed.

Reese still didn't speak.

After waiting for more than an hour, it was finally Nie Chuan's turn.

This dentist is a middle-aged man in his forties. He saw Nie Chuan smiled kindly and asked Nie Chuan to sit in a chair and open his mouth to receive a doctor's examination.

"I suggest removing this tooth decay. Usually you should pay attention to the cleanliness of your mouth. Never go to sleep after eating sweets."

Nie Chuan is crying, do you really want to unplug it?

That tooth has been with him for more than ten years. Is he really going to lose it?

"He didn't go to bed after eating sweets, but instead went to bed with chocolate." Reese responded coolly to the dentist.

"Ah? Why should you sleep with chocolate? Do you feel stressed, or is there something that makes you unhappy? I heard that sweets can make people feel happy and relieve stress. Is it because of this that you Just sleep with chocolate? "Said the dentist half-jokingly.

Nie Chuan was stunned. Is this a dentist or a psychologist?

He has really been under pressure recently!

Because after listening to Reese's description of his first kiss, he couldn't help but imagine that Reese would meet that person again one day, and then he would move out of the bedroom like Zhou Bin!

Although this idea is silly, Nie Chuan knew very well that even if that person didn't show up, they would one day be separated.

Once college is over, they will go their separate ways, right?

Nie Chuan agreed to remove the tooth. The injection of anesthesia couldn't swell any more, and the tooth was taken out and thrown on the tray.

Nie Chuan sat up and looked at the tooth. He was really choked off ...

Finally left the dentist's office, and Nie Chuan's face swelled slightly.

When they returned to the car and Reese started the engine, he put his hands on the steering wheel and suddenly said, "You sleep with chocolate, is it really because of stress?"

Nie Chuan hesitated, but did not expect Rees to take what the dentist said casually?

Seeing that Nie Chuan didn't answer, Reese asked again, "Do you feel pressured, do you speak for me?"

Nie Chuan trembled a little. Did Reese find out?

"Did I usually treat you too harshly, or did you never want to live with me?"

Reese's question was stuck in the heart of Nie Chuan like a needle, and he said without thinking: "It is because I am afraid of being separated from you that I will feel stressed!"

After speaking, Nie Chuan regretted that he would bite his tongue!

What is he talking about! If Reese asked him why he thought about it, how would he answer? They are just roommates and teammates, and it will be a matter of time before they will be separated.

"Why do you think we'll be apart?" Reese rolled her face and frowned slightly.

"Because ... because we will graduate sooner or later. If you are lucky, I will go to work in a company related to communications engineering, and you ... will either go to nba or stay in school for further studies ..." Nie Chuan Look down.

Fortunately, Rhys asked "why do you think we would be apart", not "why do you think about this?"

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