MTL - Strong Offense and Defense-Chapter 125 Conquer heaven

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For three minutes, Nie Chuan's eyes showed the figure when Reese and Seton confronted each other, but Nie Chuan didn't know how to pull himself back in the two people's overlapping figures.

When the first quarter was over, dk bit azu dead and the score gap remained at twelve points.

Everyone returned to Coach Gordon, waiting for the instructor's instructions. Carlow handed water to Ewing, whose fingers were shaking.

"Why hesitate? Even without a shot, Montenegro and I will grab the rebound." Carlo clasped Ewing's fingertips.

"You can really talk big." Ewing reluctantly twitched his lips.

"It seems to be a little arrogant. Neither Edgar nor Boulder is easy to deal with. But you always pursue the perfect shot, which is a good thing. But there is no perfection in reality, even if Ben Robbins, who claims to shoot in an instant. Can't do it all. "Carlo leaned his head and put his hands behind Ewing's head.

Coach Gordon's tactics have not been adjusted much, and he still emphasizes that all players should play their own style.

"I hope you enjoy this game, enjoyment does not mean to follow the wave. You have always been led by azu, although largely because they are pre-emptive. But every minute and every second of the game should be caught by yourself Instead of being **** by Azu. If Azu is holding his throat, I don't believe you will be happy. Ewing, you only got six points in the whole game, which is not like you. "

Ewing gritted his teeth, and he knew his own problems.

But clarity is one thing, but overcoming it is another.

"Children, there is a cliff in front of you. You always want to escape and hesitate to watch the best time, but every time you evade and wait and see, you will get closer and closer to the cliff. Or you will leap forward with the determination to die, Maybe you can go to a wider area on the other side. Or you can't help but eventually fall down. "Coach Gordon's eyes were very strong, especially because he seemed to be pushed hard, and got a cold sweat.

Ewing clenched his fingers subconsciously and rattled Carlo's fingers. Carlo clearly felt pain, but did not make a sound.

Reese was sitting next to Nie Chuan. He said nothing, but just reached out to Nie Chuan.

The lid of Nie Chuanjiang's water bottle was unscrewed and handed to him. This is the tacit understanding between them, even if they didn't say a word, they knew what the other party wanted.

Reese looked up, his throat was flowing, and Nie Chuan couldn't help but look at the other side.

"I don't seem to be able to keep up with Seton. Although I know that I can no longer be influenced by him, there is no way to control it. Reese, have you ever felt this way? It seems that how hard you work in the other party's field .Every time I thought I was going to get out, but again and again, I was disappointed to find that I was still in control of Seton. "

"Of course I do." Reese buckled the water in his chair, and turned his face to look at Nie Chuan. His eyes were frank. "Dk and Azu's first practice match. When I played against Seton Linde . "

Nie Chuan stunned: "You ... you are also seton ..."

"Yes, it was only twenty minutes and I lost 26 points in Seton's hands."

how can that be?

Nie Chuan opened her eyes and looked at Reese. But Elis's character will not comfort anyone. But Nie Chuan never imagined that Rees would be subject to others.

"The harder I work and the faster I make myself, the more outrageous Seston can make me wrong. And my physical energy is consumed quickly. Although it's just a practice game, I can't afford to lose."

Nie Chuan knew that although Reese seemed cold, he was persistent. This attachment is not for victory or defeat, but for another level.

"I can't afford to lose because I know that if I can't pull away from Seton's control in this practice game, the next game may be the finals and I will still waste a lot of time to adapt to him. And I ca n’t afford to waste it. So I know how you feel, and I keep repeating in my mind the moment that I ca n’t transcend. You will doubt yourself and feel helpless. "

"and then?"

"Then ... Conner kicked me directly. He said he hated the arrogant immersion in my own world."

"Connor?" Nie Chuan did not even imagine that Conner, a gentle person, would do such a thing.

But seeing now that Reese and Seston are evenly matched, it is impossible to imagine the predicament once restrained by Seston. Moreover, dk and azu did not meet in the finals last year, that is to say, there is not much chance for Reese to play with Seton, which is just one or two practice games. How does he adjust himself?

"How did you erase the shadows of Seton in your head and find yourself back?"

"I will listen to Vangelis's" Conquest of Paradise. "Reese replied lightly, and he didn't seem to worry about Nie Chuan's current state at all.

"Conquer Heaven ... Do you think you are Alexander? Narcissistic." Nie Chuan said funnyly.

Nie Chuan, who had heard the song "Conquering Heaven," also heard it while watching "The Great Alexander," and was indeed impassioned, and the sense of rhythm was obvious.

"So what's your favorite music?" Reese asked.

Nie Chuan shook his head. Even if he spoke, he could not find it temporarily.

"Then what rhythm do you like best?" Reese asked again.

Nie Chuan glanced at Coach Gordon. At such an important moment, he was talking to Carlo and Montenegro without making comprehensive tactical arrangements. He suddenly didn't understand the coach.

"I ... I like you the most ..."

I like your breathing the most.

But this is not the time to say that.

But every time on a quiet night, Nie Chuan heard the sound of breathing coming from behind him, and always had the illusion that his thoughts would be pushed to the highest place by the other's breathing.

When Nie Chuan opened his mouth halfway and did not know how to finish the sentence, Reese suddenly reached out his hand and pressed him towards himself.

"Then listen to what you want to hear now. This is the only thing I can do for you, Ogawa."

Nie Chuan swallowed and closed his eyes. Reese reached out his other hand, covered Nie Chuan's left ear, and put his right ear against his chest, as if to block him from all noises in this world.

Reese's breathing sounds very rhythmic, but its rhythm is not fast, as if the wind blowing from a long distance, whistling through the gaps in the canyon, sweeping across the desert, setting off a dust burst, moving towards no At the far end, I rushed towards the scorching sun.

Then it became clearer and clearer that Reese's heartbeat sounded, for a while, like the sound of a basketball bounce.

"Nie Chuan seems to have been hit hard by Seston. Hey ..." Ralvin expressed a regretful expression.

"For any competitive game, the rhythm of the athlete is very important, that is part of the competitive skills. Once you encounter a strong opponent, once you fall into the opponent's rhythm, it is difficult to extricate yourself, so when we are facing an opponent of comparable strength , I always want to control the rhythm and control the other party in his own hands. Seton not only affects Nie Chuan's rhythm, but also suppresses his confidence. In fact, Nie Chuan is a newcomer to ncaa. To this extent, it can be called a genius. "

"Probably the more talent he showed, the more people expected of him, and the more pressure he put on him."

At this time, Coach Gordon came to Nie Chuan and said with a smile, "I know that Reese's arms make you feel safer than the arena. You also know that you are like a child in front of adults. Just Watching you along the way, I believe you have your own judgment and determination. You want to move forward or back, in fact, I can not replace you. Because dk has no better point guard than you, even It ’s your worst performance. "

Nie Chuan was shocked. He knew that Coach Gordon sounded to blame him, but he was telling him that he was the only choice for Coach Gordon.

"Half a minute." Coach Gordon turned and left.

Nie Chuan took a breath, took the warm-up basketball, sat on a chair, and patted the ball rhythmically with his palm.

All the sounds in my ears are like the hustle and bustle that dropped from the boiling point to the freezing point, everything is still, except for the sound of Nie Chuan's dribble when it touches the ground.

He closed his eyes and let the sound of the dribble coincide with his heartbeat.

He always wanted to surpass Seton, but what happened to let him pass, he can still catch up.

"You said, if Seton passed me for the first time, could I still catch up with him?"

Nie Chuan asked suddenly.

"Of course I can," Reese answered without hesitation.

"Then can I do the reverse and trap him?"

"Of course."

"Speaking ... Do you like listening to" Conquer Heaven ", do you really think that you can conquer even the realm of God?" Nie Chuan asked funnyly.

"Alexandr thought he could conquer the world, but the world finally conquered him. God's realm is God's, and I just need to conquer your realm."

"Connor is right." Nie Chuan got up and threw the ball back to Reese. "You are really a megalomaniac."

When Reese got up, there was a light smile on the corner of his lips.

"I really want to know that someone can make the guy in Seton look like he's eating fly feces." Ralvin drew a cross on his chest, as if praying to God.

At this time the game is about to start, and everyone is back on the court again.

Azu launched a fast break, Seton was extremely fast, and drew the ball over Ewing and Carlo's defense. As soon as he reached the three-point line, he encountered Nie Chuan.

Everyone will wait and see how Nie Chuan, who was passed by Seton countless times in the previous game, will react.

Read The Duke's Passion