MTL - Strong Offense and Defense-Chapter 109 . Expectation

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When everyone walked towards the stadium, there were thunderous applause in all directions. Nie Chuan knew that apart from going all out, they had no other way out.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he met Owen Wishaw.

The other side smiled at Nie Chuan very comfortably.

Robert, the star and commentator of the game, applauded: "Reed Redington of UDK has returned, which makes me believe that the battle between the two teams will be the most exciting game from the start to the present!"

"Ha ha, and Cbu's Nie Chuan. Today he returned to the position of point guard, but I believe that in addition to serving as a point guard, this young brunette will also cut into the cbu's basket like a small forward from time to time and give them A fatal blow! ”Engli was also very excited and couldn't wait for the game to start.

"But don't forget cbu. Their overall strength is very strong. Smart and fast point guards, power and explosive power forward, small forwards who are bold and good at judging the situation, first-rate rebounders in the league and like Owen · Wishawot, a long-range and close-up master! "

And the Internet is also starting to stir up enthusiasm, in the end who will be the winner of this game.

Various technical analysis stickers have also been posted, many of them are quite professional and have a good understanding of the two teams.

What made the audience even more surprised was that the main players and coaches of Azu, where Seston Linde was located, and UFR, where Ralvin was located, were present at the scene.

"Sethon, I thought you snored, and then said that this game is not worth your attention." Ben put the fries in his mouth, and turned his face to look at Seston.

Seton just smiled and twisted Ben's face in the direction of the coach: "The coach is going to get angry."

"Is angry? Why?" Ben looked like he was unknown.

"Because this is the third box of french fries you eat today. You junk food king."

"Uh ..." Ben hurriedly lowered the fries box, even though it was empty.

Ufr was sitting in a row below azu.

Ben greeted Ralvin warmly: "I said Ralvin, who do you think will win this game?"

"The two teams are evenly matched. Whoever can go unexpectedly can win." Ralvin turned his head and smiled, looking cold as he glanced at Seton.

"Oh, out of medical treatment?" If Seton smiled deeply, "Ben, don't you say that your hunch is the most powerful? Do you have any hunch now?"

"No." Ben shook his head.

He looked in the direction of Nie Chuan, showing a big smiley face: "But I really like Nie Chuan! He is so handsome!"

"That little ghost is handsome? Where is he!" The small forward sitting on the other side of Ben could not help asking. "If you think Rhys Redington is handsome, I can barely accept it."

"Because he, like me, is not conspicuous in so many outstanding people. But after the game, no one can forget him, and he looks forward to his performance more than once." Ben showed envious eyes, " But I'm different ... Everyone knows Seston Linde, but there are very few people who remember me.

Seton raised his hand and rubbed Ben's head: "Who doesn't know that Ben Robbins who underestimated Azu is seeking his own way?"

Not far away, Raven Harvey also sat down with his teammates.

Ralvin couldn't help teasing the other side: "Yo, Raven, are you here too? Are you waiting for Owen Wishshaw to repair Nie Chuan and give you a revenge?"

Many people watched it, including the audience.

Raven snorted coldly: "If anyone regards Nie Chuan as a subsidiary of Reese, he will die terribly. And if he is a vengeful one, will Owen Wishshaw survive? Question. Don't forget, how did Reese sweep the cbu in the last five minutes of last year. Add Nie Chuan this year ... "

Talking azu and ufr suddenly became silent.

The level of attention in this game has never been greater.

The countdown starts and all players and referees are in place.

Montenegro lowered his head, his face full of concentration. He must fight for this ball.

The entire stadium held their breath and watched the ball thrown high by the referee.

Montenegro leaped up sharply, he clenched his teeth, and had half more fingers than the opponent's center.

Nie Chuan shouted in his heart: Montenegro! Good job!

The audience also exclaimed.

"Bang——" The ground made a loud noise, and the ball bounced in the direction of Nie Chuan. Nie Chuan moved his steps and stretched his right hand to take the ball away.

But Nie Chuan's hand was emptied, and a figure flashed, taking the ball in the opposite direction.

It's Owen Wishaw!


Nie Chuan turned to pull his leg and followed Owen behind.

Cbu's small forward is on the other side of Owen. Nie Chuan knows that Owen may pass at any time, and he must find a chance to break the ball!

Nie Chuan narrowed his eyes and stared at Oun's dribble. He suddenly lowered himself at a certain moment, and shot the ball as soon as the ball bounced off the ground and returned to Oun's hand.

However, Owen didn't expect to stop suddenly and sideways, blocking Nie Chuan's "stealing ball" and passing the ball to cbu's small forward.

When Nie Chuan repented, Reese had already rushed to the other side and paused without warning. It was as if the driver suddenly encountered an obstacle, and Cbu's small forward was frightened, but he stopped still. Did not hit Reese.

His one-sided dribble accelerated again and was about to break through Reese, but he did not expect that Reese's pace of backing down was still so fast that he took his ball directly.

"Nie Chuan!"

Reese shouted for a while, and Nie Chuan was agitated. He rushed past Owen without thinking, and quickly followed Reese behind.

The two men's running speed is like two meteors rushing to the cbu basket!

The exclaiming sound continued.

Owen followed Nie Chuan. He was surprised. When did Nie Chuan have such a speed?

Before watching him and Raven Harvey on the court, although he felt that his speed had improved a lot compared to the past, Owen was also very clear that such a speed could not persist in the whole court. Is it because Reese is back and Nie Chuan doesn't care if he collapses in the second half?

Thinking that Reese would pass the ball to Nie Chuan, cbu power forward Thomas and point guard Wright came to defend Nie Chuan and Reese.

But to everyone's surprise, Reese passed the ball to Ewing.

Ewing received the ball, and there was no defense around him. Orn ran in the direction of him at the fastest speed, as if he was about to knock Ewing away.

Ewing's heart was fearful. At one extremely brief moment, he thought about whether to pass the ball to Carlo, but this fear was quickly suppressed.

He took off, from preparation to exertion to stretching his arms. The time was short, Owen jumped up, and that height could completely stop Ewing, but Ewing's ball was released long ago, and Owen was one step behind.

The moment he landed, Ewing closed his eyes.

At the rim, Montenegro competed with the opponent's center for rebounds. After all, Ewing shot too fast. His mood was obviously disturbed by Owen. The probability of this goal not being very high.

But I did not expect it to enter steadily.

Ewing lowered his head and exhaled, then raised his eyes and stared directly at Orne.

Although also a qualifier, his ability is obviously inferior to Owen, but it does not mean that he will always fear each other. As long as you seize the opportunity, you can score.

He still remembers Nie Chuan from the last game. Few people think that Nie Chuan can win against Raven, including Ewing, who is upset by Reese's absence.

But every time Nie Chuan broke the defensive score, the height of his jump and the strength of his dunk made Ewing shock.

So that in the past few nights, when he closed his eyes, Ewing could see Nie Chuan breaking through the multiplayer defense.

He asked himself more than once that Nie Chuan can always break through his own boundaries, so where is his boundary.

Owen froze slightly. He wasn't the first time to play against Ewing, and he was also a qualifier. Ewing is called a "three-pointer machine", which is not ambiguous, but ironically he can only be like a machine. Shoot a three-pointer. Once any interference and pressure can affect his accuracy, he lacks the ability to adjust and respond.

But what he just showed, the fast shooting under pressure is different from the past.

Owen wasn't new, he could feel something about Ewing's body changing.

"Good job!" Nie Chuan and Ewing high five.

Ewing smiled and whispered, "Just like Raven Harvey, give Owen Wishaw a little color."

Nie Chuan nodded and looked in the direction of Reese.

The second round of cbu's offense began again, and point guard Wright quickly passed the Ewing's defense with a ball. The pace and rhythm under his feet can be described as absolute. Nie Chuan carefully calculated in his heart. When he rushed to himself Nie Chuan suddenly turned sideways, looking like he was avoiding Wright, but somehow he detoured from the other side of Wright, and lifted his hand to peel off Wright's ball.

Wright opened his mouth wide, but Nie Chuan had already run away.

He will not sprint at full speed like before, because this is a dk game, not his personal show. Seeing that Owen was about to catch up with himself, Nie Chuan didn't think of wasting his energy to one-on-one with him, but passed the ball to Carlo refreshingly. Carlo faced Thomas' defense after receiving the ball and he turned sideways Give the ball to Reese.

"Oh, that's right. Dk has brought all the strengths of all opponents. For example, ujt mobilized the opponent to run the whole court." Commentator Engel's tone was full of praise for dk.

Read The Duke's Passion