MTL - Strong Offense and Defense-Chapter 102 .Nie Chuan's air change

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Nie Chuan and Carlo caught up with Ewing. Ewing raised his hand and passed the ball to Nie Chuan. Raven had already come to Ewing.

Nie Chuan didn't scream in his heart, Ewing didn't know where the reaction ability came from, he just collected the ball that was about to pass, Raven opened his arms, Ewing pulled back, Raven His fingertips just swept across Ewing's chest.

When Ewing's ball came behind, Nie Chuan also came behind him and picked it up.

The audience was excited again, and Nie Chuan rushed to the basket of KSU, as if the speed was faster than the previous game.

"I thought he was fast enough, but didn't expect it to be faster?" Ben looked surprised.

Seston chuckled: "Because he is more confident. He danced in shackles in the previous section, but now he knows that he has the strength that rivals Raven. Just like Ben, if your strength may be better than Europe. En Wishshaw was a little bit worse, and suddenly you not only resisted Oun ’s attack, but also succeeded in counterattack, and you suddenly realized. Oh, I can still do this, then you will be the second And third. "

Ben poked his lips: "You mean it seems like I can't pass Owen Whistall's defense every time."

Seton asked, "Did you pass?"

At this time, Nie Chuan was approaching the basket, and ksu's center and small forward Ashley came to intercept.

Raven was about to catch up, but was double-eyed by Montenegro and Carlo.

"Nie Chuan-to score!" Carlo shouted.

In such an emergency situation, Nie Chuan's run-up was about to shoot, and his opponents both jumped up.

The audience exclaimed, because Nie Chuan has already made a shooting gesture! This will be covered!

However, Nie Chuan changed his backhand shot into a backhand, took back the hand that held the ball, sideways in the air, and passed through the gap between the center of the opponent and Ashley.

The center of Ashley and KSU can only look back and watch Nie Chuan score.

The audience was almost crazy for this change in the air, and the three professional commentators were stupid on the spot.

"Oh my god, it feels like Reed Redington is still on the field ..." Ksu's point guard frowned, looking at Nie Chuan's back.

"What are you talking about? He has less fire than Reese Redington." Raven moved the cervical spine.

The game continued. Ksu's point guard got the ball and passed to the quartile. The quartile faced Ewing's close defense without a chance to break.

He was surprised that Ewing's scoring ability in the perimeter of dk's previous games has never been as defensive as this game.

He had to pass the ball to Ashley. Ashley dribbled the ball into the basket and got a layup. Montenegro jumped to block it. In terms of bouncing power, Montenegro still slightly beat Ashley. When Ashley saw that the situation was not right, he terminated the layup, took a step back with the ball, and passed to the online division.

Montenegro yelled "bad", the quartile has already set the shooting position, his hand was about to push the basketball out, a figure leaped from his side, only to hear a "touch--" The cover fell.

It's Nie Chuan!

The audience exclaimed again.

Chuck was about to pick up the ball, but Raven had the speed to take it before Chuck.

Nie Chuan turned around and went straight. Raven layup, Nie Chuan and Heishan took off. The two guys had excellent jump heights, but Raven pushed the ball under their arms and sent it in. The basket.

"This ball is really wonderful!" Commentators Qi claimed.

Nie Chuan and Heishan did not seal Ruiwen together.

Nie Chuan pulled up his collar and wiped his chin.

He breathed a sigh of relief. The full run of the first half of the game consumed a lot of his physical strength. The start of the second quarter caused Nie Chuan to ignore his amount of exercise because of his good condition. I can feel that I am exhausted.

"He's tired," Seton lowered his eyes and leaned against the railing with one hand.

"No way! How amazing that jump was just now! His feet were higher than Montenegro at the same time!" Ben did not believe what Saiston was saying.

Seston smiled: "Raven's speed is one of the best in the league. Being able to keep up with Raven, this Nie Chuan is really not a fuel-saving lamp. But he also has to assume the function of cutting in, which he wants to avoid more than Raven Much more. I say he's tired, not because he's not physically fit, but because he's under much more pressure than Raven. "

The score has been changing. Once dk recovers the lost points, ksu will inevitably recover within twenty seconds, and dk always maintains a gap of five points behind ksu.

Five points, even the last ten seconds in a basketball game, can be recovered, not to mention five minutes before the end of the game.

Just five seconds ago, Nie Chuan chased Raven from the rim of KSU to the dk. Raven's ball control skills were very high. Carlo played a one-on-one defense against Raven under the basket. Gave Nie Chuan to defend Ashley.

But Raven passed the ball to the points behind him, and the ball took off. Nie Chuan was shocked. Fortunately, Ewing and Chuck came to defend, but this point forced the ball and hit the ball. Fingertips hit the basket.

Montenegro jumped to get the rebound, but Raven took off faster, and first seized the ball, even going to the basket.

Carlo and Montenegro had poor interception angles.

Don't let him score!

Nie Chuan didn't know when he rushed into the basket and jumped hard. Everyone looked over. Nie Chuan's palm clasped on Rui Wen's basketball. Everyone held their breath and waited.

Although Nie Chuan clenched his teeth and tried his best, Ruiwen forced the ball in.

When he landed, Nie Chuan suffered a large impact, couldn't stand firmly, and fell to the ground.

"Actually, Nie Chuan did a great job defending the basket this time. But the gap between him and Riven is still very clear." Robert was a bit regretful.

"Hey, are you okay?" Rui Wen lowered his head and looked at Nie Chuan. "Should your coach call a time-out to give you a break?"

Raven's voice was a bit ridiculous.

The opponent he had expected was Reese, but Dk sent Nie Chuan. He didn't think the kid could be his opponent, but the situation was beyond Raven's imagination.

Even if he built this hot pot three times, he thought he would completely attack his self-confidence, but he didn't expect that he would be unaffected or even better.

But that's it, Rui Wen knows that his cooperation with Ashley has greatly consumed Nie Chuan's physical strength. He doesn't think that Nie Chuan can start in the second quarter in the remaining minutes. The state persists to the end.

Carlo rushed over and pulled Nie Chuan up. "Did you fall?"

Nie Chuan shook his head and slowly stood up. He could clearly hear the beating of the heart in his chest.

He knew that he was tired.

After all, such a high-intensity game, running all over the field, every effort is made with every jump. If he doesn't feel tired, it is really superman.

Just then, coach Gordon called a timeout.

"Sure enough, it's going to be called a timeout. Allen must take a break." Even Cbu's point guard Wright saw that Nie Chuan was tired.

"The question is whether this short break can adjust Nie Chuan's condition." Owen's eyes cooled down.

Nie Chuan followed Carlow and they returned to the seat. Nie Chuan looked at Reese. After the whole game, Reese did not change his posture.

Everyone took out water to drink. Carlo looked at Nie Chuan with anxiety.

Reese covered Nie Chuan's head with a white towel. Nie Chuan lowered her head and was adjusting her breathing.

Coach Gordon said: "Everyone has done a great job, but for the last four minutes or so, I want you to schedule the scene, be more mobile, and let ksu be unable to guess our direction. Everyone I can feel that through the cooperation of Raven and Ashley, Nie Chuan has run at least 30% more than other players. I hope that this situation will be reversed in the rest of the time, and we let ksu run Instead of us being run by ksu holding his nose. Montenegro, the basket is over to you. "

"Yes, coach."

"Carlo, I want you to break the connection between Raven and Ashley. Just defending Raven's scoring ability is not enough. You have also seen that sometimes you may not even be able to defend with Montenegro. Stop him. So don't give Raven the opportunity to bring the ball into the basket. Only you and Montenegro can do this, so that Nie Chuan can score with peace of mind, understand? Or Carlo, you don't have such strength against Montenegro? "

"Of course I do!"

"Ewing and Chuck, I want you to control our rear. Your range of activity does not need to be too wide. It is between the three-second area of ​​the enemy and ours. Running full court is not good for us, and our focus on the goal area is now Just in part. Ewing, your defensive ability makes me stand out. I need you to give Ashley a little color when necessary. "

"Me? Ashley?" Ewing showed a surprised expression, and then cheered up again. "Okay, this guy Ashley really hates!"

While Nie Chuan was still adjusting his breath, he reached out his hands subconsciously and held Reese aside.

Reese put his fingers together and slowly said, "I originally wanted to say to you that you are already great. It is better than everyone thinks. From the start of the game to now, you have scored 28 points by yourself. "In the previous games, don't say twenty, that is, there are very few 15 points."

Reese's voice is smooth, and this smoothness is not a trivial victory, but his own confidence.

Nie Chuan is very clear that if Reis is on the field, even without him, Ksu may not win dk.

Read The Duke's Passion