MTL - Stratholme God-v2 Chapter 1525 【The Power of Haitian Soy Sauce】

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   Chapter 1525 [The Power of Haitian Soy Sauce]

  【Giant Scythe Sweep】!

   A seemingly ordinary but quite lethal skill.

  The 40-meter-long sickle swept over with one blow, and everyone within a radius of 100 meters in front of Argus would suffer.

   The seemingly brilliant starlight was mixed with the shadow energy overflowing with evil, and when the giant sickle was swung, it swayed like a splash, and the old wolf king Gene rubbed it, and almost disappeared.

   Fortunately, the old wolf is a warrior anyway, not as good as a paladin. Anyway, he is much thicker and thicker than a thief, so he didn't die on the spot. If Malfurion hadn't raised his **** hand on the spot, he wouldn't have allowed the old wolf to have a diaper between his legs.

   "Don't get close to the front of Argus!" Commander Mai said these words lightly.

   Argus the Destroyer is not stupid. In reality, the fallen titan will not only swipe from the front. He stabs the long-handled tail of the sickle back with his backhand...

  Because the shot point was too high, the end of the long handle that was more than 20 meters long passed over the 3T and 4T of the Hero Group and poked Malfurion at once.

   If the Great Druid hadn't turned into a bear on the spot, maybe he would have been killed by this moment.

   As we all know, old Marfa's bear form looks **** the surface. In history, Varok Saurfang could chop his **** into four pieces with an orc throwing axe.

   Being stabbed like this by Argus, such a big bear flew to the outer circle in front of everyone's eyes. At the same time, the bear was stabbed in the abdomen, and a bunch of things that had to be mosaic were spilled in the air on the spot.

   McDonald: "..."

   Tyrande: "..."

   Ah this...

  Tyrande: Fortunately, I didn't marry this guy, otherwise I wouldn't even think about raising my head in this life.

   This scene can only be regarded as a microcosm of this difficult battle.

   Even if McDonald adjusts his position on the spot and lets Muradin, a 4T god, descend on the spot and turn into a dwarf to stand in front of the crowd, he still cannot completely resist Argus' basic attack.

The body of the fallen titan is placed here, the huge body of 12 floors, except for Magni the dwarf who can grow to the height of eight floors, and Muradin, who can maintain his strength at the height of six and a half floors, the alliance will never again. There was no third giant to match in size.

  Don't mention the Titan Guardians or Dragons, those orthodox Titan creations are branded with the death order not to be enemies with Titans from the level of DNA and soul. It is also the mutated humans and dwarves of Azeroth that can have this ability to go to the Titans.

   In this way, it becomes, after getting bigger, only the "merely" two-story old cow becomes 3T.

  The fact that hand-to-hand combat can't stop Argus from slashing at the crowd is a problem, but more of a problem with Argus' endless flower work.

  A [Rage of Pain], the existence within a radius of hundreds of meters, no matter the sky or the ground, all have to eat a shadow shock wave.

   The impact of shadow energy in reality is not a matter of dropping a little blood. If it can't be counteracted, then shadow energy can even affect the casting of other types of magic.

   In the next instant, Argus's most disgusting combo came - he started with a [Soul Withering Orb].

  When this fel energy orb full of dark energy appeared out of thin air in front of Queen Azshara's chest, before anyone could react, the shadow had already begun to resonate, it was the interweaving of evil negative energy and destructive fel energy.

   That is, the standard destructive force—

Azshara bowed her head, and saw a lot of messy translucent black lines appearing on the fair skin of her chest. They quickly covered the entire chest and were rapidly becoming clearer and clearer. Those black lines seemed to be hundreds of thousands. A poisonous snake began to bite and destroy her body.

   "Leave the crowd!" McDonald's binge reminded her.

   Azshara obeyed the order subconsciously and instinctively, and hurriedly ran behind the crowd.

   For a moment, she thought the team was going to give up on her. Fortunately, Tyrande milked her with natural magic, which reassured her a little, and after another second, the furious Argus raised his scythe in her direction.

   She knew that she couldn't escape no matter what, and for a moment, she was desperate, but there was a clear voice in her heart that drove her to shout:

   "Master save me—"

  To tell the truth, McDonald's has always had a salvageable attitude towards cannon fodder.

   Azshara, at any rate, is a bit taller than the cannon fodder. Over the past few years, the sincerity of work has not been compromised.


  Save it!

Just as the power of the [Withering Orb] on Azshara exploded, causing the 100,000 pores on her body to leak out shadow energy at the same time, causing a large cloud of [Death Fog] to spread around, Argus' [Death] Cone] is here.

   A cone-shaped attack with a large range, although the angle is narrow, the attack range can be more than 100 meters away. After being slashed by him, for at least half an hour, no one will stand in this conical area.

   "Humph! Want to kill my horse? Ask me if you have!"

  McDonald snorted coldly, and then slashed out a sword.

   The sword qi that seemed to be swung out was just a thin line. After it collided with Argus' [Death Cone], the lightning light on the sword qi quickly dimmed. It seemed that only the last piece of sandalwood was burning, emitting the last trace of residual heat.

   But a silver network stretched out from the place where the sword, light and sword collided, wrapping the shadowy aura emanating from the sickle.

  The silver light pulses cascade forward, connecting to each other, grid by grid, forming a gleaming banana-shaped mask.

   Then, there is no then...

   Such a big lump of shadow energy just appeared out of nowhere and disappeared out of nowhere.

  Those who didn't know thought that Argus was just a sleight of hand, making a big move like a fart.

   Actually, this is the power of space!

   Outside the Pantheon, a large amount of shadow energy poured out like a splash, and swayed into the world of Argus. This is the final answer to the mystery of the disappearance of shadow energy.

   On this side, Azshara survived the blow she thought was fatal and jumped out of the circle of shadow energy swaying on the ground, she was a little stunned.

The turbulent    element blew her long hair, and the strands of hair swept across her delicate cheeks.

   Looking at McDonald's, who returned to the battle sequence with a calm expression, she stared at the back of her master, as if she was standing there, listening to a hero's hymn...

   She was a little crazy.

  The battle with Argus the Destroyer was complicated and intense.

   But one thing is certain, as long as the attack power is high enough, you can turn a lot of boss tricks into useless work!

  The Destroyer missed with one blow, and the heroes immediately called on the whole group's artifacts to suppress their momentum with super high attacks.

   At this time, the pit bulls were taking the opportunity to get their bodies back. After some adjustments, they finally got down to business.

  Gogoneth, king of the heavens and the raging waves, shouted: "Mortal warriors, I'm here to help you—"

   So, he sent out the [Power of Haitian Soy Sauce].

  Cough, this is the abbreviation, which means to make soy sauce for everyone with the power of the ocean and the power of the sky.

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion