MTL - Stratholme God-v2 Chapter 1499 I control my own life!

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   Chapter 1499 My life is up to me!

  Although this line is exactly the same as in history, the dog thief is already familiar enough to memorize it, but he can't help but whisper: "In the eyes? Didn't you see that Illidan was blind for 10,000 years?"

Tyrande next to    choked on his own saliva on the spot, secretly pinched McDonald's palm, and reminded in a low voice, "Now it's the ally doing business."

"I know……"

   Over there, Illidan, who had just regained his senses and understood the current situation for the time being, frowned.

   He finally played secret infiltration in the Twisting Void, and he played well, but was suddenly interrupted by such a magic stick, and even his soul was pulled back. Unhappy heart can be imagined.

  呔! You big golden light bulb, you can't speak if you can't speak.

  Illidan resisted his anger and pointed at his shark teeth: "I gave up that talent a long time ago."

   In retrospect, when he pretended to join Sarras in the War of the Ancients, his eyeballs were forcibly gouged out, and two fel energy eyes were ejected from the withered eye sockets...

   Pain, mania, unease, and all kinds of negative emotions that I want to vent uncontrollably.

   He was getting more and more upset.

Where did the    Alliance find the goddess?

   If he hadn't caught a glimpse of Tyrande's slim figure in the distance, he wouldn't even want to say more nonsense to Zera.

   "Don't you want to take back what was lost and become a complete thing?" Zera, the MLM leader, continued to induce earnestly, and even her voice was full of temptation.

  Illidan accidentally caught a glimpse of Tyrande and McDonald's clasping their fingers together.

pain! It hurts so much!

   Even if he learned about Tyrande through a private message with the demon hunter who was locked in the Watcher Prison early in the morning, when he actually saw this scene, it was still a little painful.

   He forced himself to look at Zera and said solemnly: "I'm not interested in this - the destruction of the Legion is my lifelong pursuit."

   As soon as these words came out, not to mention Velen and Turalyon who were not far away, even the Alliance heroes watching the ceremony from a distance, and the Alliance bosses watching live broadcasts in various places, all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  If Illidan says what he says, at least resurrecting Illidan can't be wrong.

Zela is full of holy light, and those who are familiar with her routine will know that she has secretly begun to forcibly brainwash: "My child, you have paid so much, but gained so little. Your potential and your salvation are in you. In front of you... cast aside your broken and evil body and embrace the power of the Holy Light."

  Unconsciously, the Holy Light was like a barrier, firmly surrounding Illidan from all sides.

  Illidan subconsciously took two steps back, looked around, the anger between his eyebrows became more and more obvious: "I once exchanged my freedom for strength. Don't think about it..."

   Before he finished speaking, Zera said in the tone of a judge without any doubt: "The prophecy—must! must! come true! come true!"

   The voice fell, and a golden shackle of holy light firmly bound Illidan, making him unable to move, and his entire body was forcibly pulled into the air.

   Not to mention the other bigwigs in the alliance, even the old magician Velen immediately realized that Zera had crossed the line.

The foundation of the    alliance is the "seeking common ground while reserving differences" proposed by McDonald.

  The existence of different races and countries has different beliefs and pursuits. You can go to the other party's home to preach or something, but you can never force the other party to believe in your own religion by coercion. For example, forcing the Druids of the Nature Sect to believe in the Holy Light or something.

  After Illidan said the words "I want to destroy the Burning Legion", he was equivalent to returning to the night elves. If Zela makes another move, it's going too far.

   "Huh!?" Turalyon subconsciously reached out his hand to stop it.

too late!

  Zera's Light of Light began to refuse her approach to existences other than Illidan.

   Her voice sounded more and more frenzied: "Your past life will become a cloud, and the Holy Light will create a new you."

   "Ah!" Tyrande subconsciously drew out the longbow, and the smile at the corner of McDonald's mouth seemed like a wonderful stop, forcing Tyrande to stop her movements.

She didn't dare to say that she knew Mr. Mai very well after getting along for so many years, but his little actions were a thorough understanding - every time McDonnell laughed so badly, someone must be unlucky, and it must not seem to have the upper hand now the one.

   Gritting his teeth, Tyrande lowered his bow.

   Sure enough, in the next second, McDonald's hand put on the back of hers, which meant she wanted to stay calm.

   Over there, where would Illidan be cowardly?

  A **** cudgel who ran out of nowhere said that he wanted his life and that his soul should be subservient to the holy light?

   What interstellar joke?

   Lao Tzu has planned a great cause for N years, how can I destroy this **** Naru for you?

  Illidan growled: "Want my life? You are not qualified—"

   "The Holy Light will heal your wounds!" Zera's voice was like a thousand bells, ringing in Illidan's ears.

Illidan struggled frantically, and the shackles of the Holy Light made a "creaky" scream in front of his violence, and his roar was reminiscent of those ancient beasts that traversed the ancient Azeroth continent: "Scars created The real me-"

   He just broke free a little, and the shackles of Holy Light tightened again.

   "The Holy Light is your destiny--" Zera's low voice of judgment had a certain sense of destiny that was hard to resist.

   Holy Light!

  Like the sun falling into the mortal world, the bright golden light shone so brightly that thousands of spectators could not open their eyes.

   Anyone would think that Zera had won.

   At this critical moment, Illidan's final stubbornness broke out!

   That was an ancient Kaldorei.

  Although the translation of the common language "my destiny is in my own hands" is also very domineering, but McDonald's ears suddenly changed to——

"I control my own life!"


   Too high school!

   No matter how many times you listen to it, you will feel that your soul is burning in the middle of nowhere!

   In the next instant, a huge fel energy that Zera had never imagined surged out from the depths of Illidan's soul, and every fel energy rune on his body shone with a strange green light.

The    shot out from those eye sockets without eyeballs is the ultimate ultimate move of the Demon Hunter——

  Dynamic death light, Ah Bu, it's the [Eye Prismatic Ray]!

  This is a world where spiritual power is manifested. When a middle-aged second year of Sao masters the self-hypnotic magic skill of 'I think I am invincible in the world', then everything is possible.

   Under the eyes of all the people, the sacred golden light of Zera, the dignified mother of holy light, was suppressed by Illidan's green eye ray.

   In McDonald's field of vision, the golden light on Zera standing on the left was rapidly shrinking. It feels like the size of Holy Light has been hit from Z to A at once.

  This... Such a big holy light is actually an inflatable fake?

   This is false propaganda!

   Among the bigwigs present, except for McDonald's, no one had the extra time to think. They subconsciously covered their eyes with their hands until the ultimate confrontation between Fel Energy and Holy Light caused a shocking explosion.


   After a few seconds, everyone was stunned when they recovered their eyesight from the bright light.

  The Mother of Light Zera was blown up, and there was nothing that could be called a naaru fragment in his body, and it was completely shattered into golden beans. And Illidan slumped to the ground...

   (end of this chapter)