MTL - Stratholme God-Chapter 9 The backstab of the honest man

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  Chapter 9 The backstab of the honest man

   100 million small goals.

  I didn’t expect it to be realized so quickly.

   McDonald's is a man with no big desires.

   With an ordinary family background, he didn't even dream of achieving this "small goal" that once pierced his pain point.

   In fact, the words of the Big Pharaoh were taken out of context. People's original text is: "If you want to be the richest man in the world, the direction of struggle is right, but it is best to set a small goal that can be achieved first, for example, I will earn 100 million first."

   McDonald's never thought of being the richest man in the world. He was very satisfied if he could achieve a 'small goal', such as buying a few shops in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and eating and waiting for the rest of his life.

   Seeing that the preliminary settlement in the system display has reached 20818 gold coins, McDonald is very satisfied.

   This is money already spent.

   After receiving the invasion of the Kingdom of Stormwind into Elwynn Forest, the archbishop, who was extremely honest, chose to formally accept the donation from McDonald, and he most likely began to prepare for his Paladin plan.

   McDonald's was very careful, and he was also afraid of any mischief, so he went to Chattansholm's vault every day to make sure that there were only a few gold coins in it.

   During this time, his maids with strong **** often came to hang out with him.

   In order to avoid triggering the Interstellar 404 regulations, McDonald was ruthless and replaced all the maids around him with aunts in their 40s and 50s, all with thick waists and round arms, and they looked like ogres.

well! A small leak will sink a great ship!

   When I go back, there will be 100 million.

  I can call 18 beauties on KTV, swaying their waists and pouting their butts...

   And every time I get behind a beautiful girl, I just… fly and kick her ass!

   Then drove the convertible to the downtown, took out the banknote gun, and shot the hundred-yuan bills biubiubiu all over the sky.

Hi! The life of the rich is so unpretentious!

  Thinking like this, on the surface, of course…

   "I want to reboot!"

   This reason sounds a bit ridiculous, thinking of how the Duke of his own was 'critically ill' last time, but no vassal objected.

   The vassal only worries that the boss has too many illegitimate children and wants to wipe the **** of the boss, but he never worries about whether the boss reboots.

   As long as McDonald's finds a noble daughter in the future and gives birth to a formal family heir, the vassals wish that McDonald's would live like a saint on weekdays.

  The system prompts: [It is detected that the host has initially completed the first stage goal, does the host open early settlement? If it is turned on, it will count down 72 hours. Please be sure to pay attention to the changes in funds during the countdown period. The final settlement will be based on the amount spent by the host at the time of settlement. 】

   "I...can I return to the Celestial Empire if I really meet the standard?" McDonald asked in a low voice in his heart.

  【The answer is yes! 】

   "Open settlement mode!"

  [Received, advance settlement is being started, please be sure to pay attention to the balance status...]

  McDonald immediately asked Barthelas to get the ledger and checked the expenditure carefully. His actions frightened the civil servants below. They were shocked to discover that their duke actually knew mathematics, and seemed to be better than them. It was really "the same nine years, Ru Hexiu"!

  Since 2,800 years ago, humans have joined forces with elves to defeat trolls and completely end the hegemony of trolls on this continent. However, human beings could not completely eliminate the trolls hiding in the deep mountains and old forests, which caused the war on this continent to never stop.

  In the case of enjoying various privileges, the human aristocracy has only one core responsibility—killing people!

  The meaning of the surname [Torbairn] passed down from the Stromgard royal family means "enemy of trolls".

  You can take everyone to kill those trolls and monsters who are doing things. You are the most perfect noble. As long as you don't treason, everything else can be suppressed.

  This leads to noble social, etiquette or... muscles in the minds of nobles.

  It counts, and the logistics are all in charge of tools like Barcelas.

  Generally, the boss will only ask the tool person, "I want to kill the XXX troll clan, do we have enough money to fight?"

   Enough, then fight!

   is not enough, then fight!

  Anyway, the hard-pressed are tool people.

   Have you ever seen a duke who seems to be self-taught, can coordinate, and can do arithmetic?

   Not only is he proficient, but McDonald's also helped them optimize the calculation method of warehousing. To put it bluntly, he had explored the "Kingdee" intelligent financial management system by himself for employment.

  It must be hard for him to calculate by himself. For this reason, he has to resort to vertical, abacus and other big killers that can be called dimensionality reduction.

When McDonald spent almost three days sorting out the accounts and delaying the delivery of various incomes intentionally or unintentionally, he looked at the cost of more than 22,000 gold coins displayed by the system until his eyes were bloodshot. He ordered: "Be sure to wake me up before twelve o'clock tonight! This is very important!"

   When he woke up, McDonald, who was so happy in his heart, opened the system interface and immediately fell into a complete sluggish state.

and many more!

   There must be something wrong with this world!

   I threw so much money, and I carefully checked every expenditure, who told me meowingly why my income and expenditure were more than 30,000 gold coins! ?

  Although he was still confused, after reading the content of the system description, McDonald quickly understood the cause and effect of this incident.

   There was a heart-piercing roar from the Grand Duke's bedroom.


   This 120 decibel roar almost squeezed all the air out of McDonald's lungs.

   In addition to extreme anger, there is also the kind of sadness and sorrow that outsiders will never understand.

  10 minutes later, the Duke study.

  The iron-boned Uther, and the other three saints of silver and silver, stood on both sides of the McDonald's table like a javelin, like the Four Great Kings.

   On the right, with their heads bowed, are Barthelas and other civil servants, and on the left are vassals such as Sir Serijek.

   Facing McDonald's desk, a group of guys knelt on the ground.

   "I am guilty! I am sorry for the Stratholme family, I am sorry for my ancestors."

   "I shouldn't be greedy for kickbacks!"

   Forget the few tool people, and the leader is Anastari.

"I'm sorry, my dear, I spent a little more on the amount you gave me. I forced Bartheras not to say it, and I told him that I was the woman who was going to be 'Stratholme's mistress'. I'm so sorry!"

   is really a million dots.

   Not much, just 10,000 more gold coins, this vain woman who loves luxury, relied on McDonald's previous infatuation with her, and frantically spent the gold coins in the small vault of the Stratholme family. Originally, the dead ghost had promised to give her a thousand gold coins per year. The luxury merchant of Lordaeron who sold precious gold ornaments smothered her a few times. In front of her best friends, she desperately exceeded the standard.

   She cried and shouted, wanting to rush up to hug McDonald's thigh, but under Uther's frightening gaze, she didn't dare to take half a step.

   McDonald didn't catch his breath, he almost exploded in anger!

  My **** call you to be a bodyguard, at most a part-time soldier, who made you the anti-corruption chief! ?

   Facing McDonald's terrifying gaze that seemed to want to kill, Uther, who was open-hearted, met his gaze without fear.

   "Your Excellency Duke, for your safety, I used [Confession] on those around you!"

   (end of this chapter)

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