MTL - Stratholme God-Chapter 2 Spend a little money to brush your face

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   Chapter 2 Spend a little money to brush your face

  When McDonald was eager to know whether this world was the Azeroth he knew well, his brain seemed to turn on a wonderful switch, and the memories of the original owner immediately flooded up, and scenes emerged.

The effect of    crossing is so awesome, as if these memories were originally part of his childhood life.

  McDonald's is a little confused, absolutely no dream has such detail.

  The lives of two different worlds that have no meeting point at all are connected by crossing.

   That's right, this is the world of Azeroth, a parallel world of the same world view of "World of Warcraft" that my father had been playing 15 years ago. When I was a child, there was no high-end entertainment. Being able to follow behind my dad and watching my dad play games was the greatest enjoyment.

   McDonald's never imagined that his memory of monsters could be used in this dangerous world.

  If I'm not mistaken, McDonald's has come to a moment in the world that is temporarily safe and soon will be very dangerous.

This is the time point not long before the "Dark Gate" event, which symbolizes destruction and chaos, since Thoradin the Great established the glorious Empire of Arathor in this chaotic land full of trolls, elves and various monsters. About 2800 years in the past.

  Humanity was also divided into seven kingdoms from the unified empire that year.

   Stratholme, where McDonald's is located, is a large city in Lordaeron, the northernmost and most powerful human kingdom on the continent.

  It stands to reason that McDonald's should be the start of Tianhu, and he can shout "How can the dragon ride the face lose"?

McDonald, who is familiar with the history of Azeroth, knows very well that behind this seemingly prosperous city is a sinkhole-according to the upcoming 'history', this heroic city will be destroyed by the dread Lord Balnazar. The infiltrated control, by spreading the plague on the food, turned the entire city into a horrible dead city full of zombies, thus luring Lordaeron Prince Arthas into the pit.

Arthas, who was still a kind Paladin at the time, has been tracking down the continuous plague incidents in Lordaeron. When he found that most of the residents of Stratholme ate the food containing the plague of natural disasters, they endured the torture of conscience, in order to avoid the large-scale plague. Proliferate, choose to kill residents who haven't fully turned into zombies.

   This also became the fuse for his later spiritual degeneration and becoming the Lich King.

   Even if McDonald's 'replay' in this life can prevent the Stratholme massacre from happening, so what?

  Don't be funny, the fear demon king has been lurking here for unknown years, and some are behind.

   Only a thousand days can be a thief, how can a thousand days be a thief?

   The most important thing is that McDonald's is 100,000 sure, at least in the original official history of Azeroth, there is no mention of the so-called Duke of Stratholme.

Do not!

  He may exist, but it is too irrelevant, or there are some special reasons, so it was ignored by the official history.

This is a very simple reasoning. In the game, after the fall of Stratholme, there are two major bosses, namely, Balnazar of the [Main Entrance Dungeon], and the Stratholme Backdoor Boss - Death Knight Rivendell .

  Please note that Orix Rivendell, who will become one of the four horsemen of the Scourge's Apocalypse in the future, and now stands in front of McDonald's with the appearance of a loyal dog, is only a baron.

   How can a mere baron, who is almost at the bottom of the noble class, lead a major northern town with a population of 200,000?

  Stratholme is not only economically developed, but also guards the border between humans and high elves. In this place, the king can safely hand over to a baron?

The only explanation for    is that the original boss has died, and even the Scourge has no interest in resurrecting him as a small boss!

  Sorry, that dish dog should be him.

   Just think about it, a 16-year-old young duke with only one seedling in the family when both parents died unexpectedly.

  The kingdom of Lordaeron implemented a feudal fief system, and the backward transportation meant that cities far from the capital had to be enfeoffed. If it weren't for the fact that the lord of McDonald's was lying dead, there would not even be a guy with the right to speak in the city, and even if Arthas was a prince, he was not qualified to kill in the vassal's territory.

   Thinking of this, McDonald shuddered.

   This Nima's **** is not easy to be!

   I’d better spend all the money quickly and run away!

But when McDonald looked at the illusory screen projected in front of him, it said - the amount to be spent within the deadline is 100 million, and when he saw that this broken system didn't even have a [Exit] button, As soon as it got dark, he fainted again.

   "Your Excellency! Your Excellency the Duke—" There was an anxious voice in his ear, and he couldn't even hear it.

   When I woke up again, it was the next morning.

   McDonald's got up and the first thing he did was run to find the organization.

   "Wait! Your Excellency the Duke, your health is not yet healthy! Sigh! It's all my fault..." The graceful and luxurious Anastali, very considerately, led a group of maids to stop McDonald's, while being hypocritical.

   McDonald's only felt two cruciform blue veins rising from his forehead.

  You **** it! It turns out that how the dead ghost practiced the swordsmanship of lying dead, didn't you count it?

   I teased the original owner so much that I didn't want to touch him, so I had to find half a dozen maids...

   Looking at the baroness's evil against E-Class, McDonald couldn't help thinking of his girlfriend Cuihua in his hometown.

  Cough, fierce is definitely not fierce enough, but Cuihua is better than the skin! I don't know if the dead ghost of the original owner is 1000 degrees myopia or something, but it can withstand those black sesame seeds on the big white steamed buns?

   Even according to the original history, after Sylvanas died, she was Queen Xi of the undead, and after this one died, she had the same shape as the Howling Banshee.

   Alas, the gap between people just came out.

   The point is, when he thinks that these guys have become members of the Scourge Legion in history, MacDonald’s heart is shattered—what a full-fledged two or five boys!

   I feel unhappy in my heart, and immediately open up!

"You still know it's because of you! You're not going to be a jerk!?" Even if McDonald's body is weak at the moment, his face is pale, like a candle in the wind, but the identity of the grand duke is here. was smothered.

The    side is unbelievable.

   You used to call others...

   "Your Excellency, let's go..." Baron Rivendell greeted him.

   His own master was close to death, and it is completely understandable that his temperament has changed a little.

   "Cathedral of Light!" McDonald said in a tone of indifference.

   The human kingdom of Azeroth generally believes in the Holy Light.

  Stratholme is known as the [Holy City], and an important reason is that it is the headquarters of the Holy Light Church of the Seven Kingdoms of Humanity. In the future, after the Archbishop of the Holy Light, Alonsos Fao, developed a new profession [Paladin], the first batch of paladins, known as the Five Saints of Silver, was held at the Cathedral of Holy Light in Stratholme. baptism.

   Bringing a group of dog legs, McDonald came to the cathedral in a mighty manner, and after retreating from the left and right attendants, he said to the archbishop.

   "My dear godfather, I want to donate ten thousand Arathor gold coins!"

   This moment is amazing!

   This is about a gold coin equivalent to fifty million soft sister coins.

   (Please note that the system is not measured according to the gold value of the earth. This is the result of rigorous calculation and comprehensive conversion according to the purchasing power of gold coins in the human kingdom of Azeroth.)

   (end of this chapter)

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