MTL - Stone Gambler (Orc)-Chapter 60 60

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In such a small piece of wool, the energy cluster inside is twice as small as that of the high-ice type just now! The energy activity is also stronger, those little fur **** briskly and mischievously hit Baizishi's perception, densely enveloping all his perception, like soaking in a warm spring water.

Glass species! At least it's glass! Bai Zishi stared at this unattractive piece of wool. The whole piece of wool showed a rich black color. If you look carefully, you can see a small piece of unintentionally clear pine flowers on the raised part of the wool. Not sure, other than that, there is nothing particularly good about it, but there is actually glass in such an unremarkable piece of wool!

With this piece of glass, Bai Zishi completely despises the extremely fast wool material that was selected before. Although this wool material is smaller than the previous one, the energy contained in it is not bad at all. The most important thing is, It absorbs so well!

Seeing that it was getting late outside, Bai Zishi simply didn't put down the wool in his hand, and just took it wherever he went, and put it by his side when looking at the wool. Sigma was curious and funny when he saw it. He walked over and wondered Said: "What? Did you see this one?"

"En." Bai Zishi nodded bluntly. Sigma picked up the piece of wool, looked at it carefully, and frowned for a while: "This piece of wool is hard to say, and the performance is not very good, but..." He turned over the wool again. Again, "However, I think the bet is quite large. The texture of the material is very tight, and the place where the loose flowers come out feels good..."

Bai Zishi smiled: "I think so too."

"Since you have chosen, let's take this one." Sigma touched his head and said lovingly, "It's getting late. Let's go back, there is still plenty of time in the future. The homework assigned to you-- --Remember to write a review to me when you get home."

"Hmm." Bai Zishi took the teacher's request seriously in his heart, and began to think about what he was writing in his mind. Sigma was very pleased with the apprentice's hard work. He took the Little Asian orc man out and greeted Simba before leaving. Simba greeted him from a long distance away, and after greeting Sigma , turned to Bai Zishi, and said in a very gentle tone, "Have you selected the wool?"

"Yes. Thank you Simba Ada." Bai Zishi thanked him with a smile, and then raised the piece of wool in his hand. Simba was delighted when he saw it: "Why did you choose such a small one? I remember that there are a lot of good materials in it, so you don't have to save it for Ada."

Bai Zishi shook his head, "This one is pretty good." At this point, Simba has nothing to say, but looking at this unattractive piece of wool, Simba appreciates Bai Zishi so tactfully in his heart. When the wool is first mined, it will be picked by the Stone Gambling Masters Association to pick out the best performing ones, but there are still wools that have the potential to produce glass seeds. If Bai Zishi really picks out such a piece of material, he will It's also a hemorrhage. Seeing Bai Zishi's provocation now, he is a considerate person. In particular, as the person in charge of the mine, although he is not a stone gambler, he still has a certain eye for wool, and the performance of that small piece of wool is not impressive. Now that Bai Zishi picked out such a piece of wool, Simba still felt that the meeting gift was a bit small.

However, Bai Zishi didn't think so. Simba didn't know, but he knew that there was at least one of the best. I was also quite sorry: "Simba Ada, is it really okay to give me a piece of wool like this?"

"It's okay, it's okay, such a small piece of wool is also sold by the catty, up to 20,000 points. It's nothing important to give it to you." Hearing that Bai Zishi still cared about him, Simba's smile grew stronger. The person in charge of the first-generation mine, he was still in charge of the one or two pieces of wool in the warehouse, that is, the one that performed best in Bai Zishi's turn picking, at most it was a piece of glass that was floating green, and it was still a small one. So what if you gave Bai Zishi a meeting gift for the three million points? He is not only Yajia Sigma's apprentice, but also Vincent's partner. Such a meeting ceremony is not considered too grand. Not to mention that now he has picked such a small piece of unremarkable wool that sells by the pound.

"I'm relieved." Bai Zishi nodded, and he also felt relieved. Simba would not get into trouble, and the wool was not worth much in Simba's eyes. That was enough.

This little thing is afraid that people will take the things back? Seeing the little orc man's seriousness, Sigma couldn't help smiling. This time, Simba missed it. It was the first time that Bai cared so much about a piece of wool. It's as simple as that. But wool trading is like this. The price tag is the seller's business, and the buyer's business is the buyer's business. If you make a profit or lose it, each is responsible for it, just rely on your eyesight. Regardless of what kind of emeralds are in this piece of wool, in Simba's eyes, it is worth 20,000 points. As for what was solved later, it had nothing to do with Simba.

Seeing the relief of the Little Asian orc man on the opposite side, with Simba's experience, he can already see that this little thing is not all worried for himself, and Yajia Sigma's smile is so interesting. He looked at the wool material in Bai Zishi's hand, could it be because it contained good material? Simba touched his nose, his curiosity was aroused.

"Why don't you just untie it here?" he suggested.

Bai Zishi opened his mouth and wanted to refuse. If this is untied here, it will really hurt Simba too much. However, Sigma took a look at Bai Zishi, slapped his hand on his head and rubbed it: "Okay, it happens that there are tools here."

Bai Zishi's words of refusal slipped away from the corner of his mouth. There must be a reason for Master to agree to do this. Simba quickly brought them to understand the stone machine. Bai Zishi didn't dare to decipher the top-quality jade like that inside. With his stinking level of decomposing stones, he could just decipher it and break it. Bai Zishi asked Simba to find one of the most experienced stone interpreters.

Simba looked at the small piece of wool, and his heart became even more murmured, such a piece of material, actually seriously asked for an experienced stone calculus? His curiosity is really getting higher and higher.

"Okay." He readily agreed to Bai Zishi's request, and Simba asked to find the best stone interpreter in the first-generation mine, and then let Bai Zishi and the old master squat in front of the wool to discuss.

Sigma was smiling all over his face, and Simba walked over to him and stood together and chatted with Bai Zishi: "He is a good boy. But playing with Vincent is still a bit..."

"The current Bai is not enough to match Wesson, but, Simba, he has enough potential, given him time, he will be stronger than those people that Kurollo is looking for, and, most importantly, Wesson loves he."

"Do you think he will be stronger than the people the city lord is looking for?" Simba was surprised that he had never heard Sigma have such a high opinion of any sub-orc.

"80% sure." Sigma nodded with a smile, "Simba, go back and tell Kuroro to give Bai Zishi some time. Most importantly, tell him that Wesson really loves him. It's not the first time you're in love. Perseverance. I know the situation is very serious now, but how effective is Weisen's partner contract (marriage) alone?"

Speaking of this, the smile on Simba's face also faded a little: "If the matter hadn't become serious to a certain extent, the city lord would not be like this. Moreover, you don't have to worry too much, the city lord will not do anything to Bai Zishi's personal safety. threaten."

"I know that." Sigma nodded, and what Kuroro did was to create opportunities for the sub-orcs he liked, "but I don't want him to hinder Wesen's happiness."

Simba fell silent. He looked at the Little orc man squatting next to the rock-dissolving machine, watching the grinding wheel with bright eyes, and sighed: "I will go back and tell the city owner."

Sigma nodded. Simba changed this heavy topic: "Yajia, Bai just asked me if it would be okay to give him this piece of wool. After I replied that it doesn't matter, your smile seemed a bit intriguing."

Speaking of this, Sigma brought a smile to his eyes: "Anyway, in your eyes, it's only 20,000 points at most."

The meaning of these words! Simba was surprised: "Is it really a good material?"

Sigma nodded without selling a lawsuit this time: "It's still a bet."

Simba didn't think there was anything wrong, he just shook his head, and looked at Bai Zishi amusedly: "This little thing is kind of weird, are you afraid I'll take it back or something?"

Bai Zishi was really afraid that he would take things back! The emeralds inside are really good!

"It's foggy! It's foggy! What a layer of skin you've just wiped off! It's foggy!" With years of experience in Jieshi, the old master stopped as soon as a few colored streaks appeared. He took a closer look, "It's a black-purple mist! It's very likely that purple emeralds will come out!"

The excited voice of the old master immediately attracted the attention of the two people who were talking here. Simba strode over. After checking the appearance of the window, a feeling of "maybe I will really regret it" suddenly surged in my heart. idea.

"Wipe! Change the coarse sandpaper, and continue to rub!" Returning the wool to the master, Simba said, the master is also a veteran, looking at the black and purple fog, how can he not know what to do?

Bai Zishi's cheeks were flushed with excitement. He knew that it should be glass jadeite, but he didn't expect it to be glass jadeite! Purple jade is better absorbed than glass green jade!

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