MTL - Stone Age Husband Raising Journal-~ 166|Fanwai: Teaching and educating people

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The Beastmaster does not know that after someone sees that he is working hard, the psychological balance does not feel wronged.

He himself... actually is aggrieved.

As a beastmaster, he usually plays a role in deterring other tribes in his own tribe. He does not need to do the labors that work hard, but now...

He actually fell to the road!

He shouldn't be playing Kumano at the beginning. If he doesn't play Kumano, he must be as free as the Rhinoceros King, and he can stay in the Orc's own tribe to enjoy it...

Forget it, still don't think much, think more sad.

The Beastmaster hugged the wood on his hand and slammed it on the ground, pulling out a flat, spacious mud road.

Xiong Ye is a companion of the beast god. He is also working here. He does not have any work for him...

Kumano is really working this time, he is cutting trees.

He re-planned the land around the tribe, and then one of the trees was to be cut, and he did it himself.

But after a while, Kumano stopped.

The sun is already hanging in the middle of the sky, and it’s time to go to lunch!

In the past, he only ate a meal every night, basically did not eat during the day, but after knowing the silence, he changed to a morning meal and had a meal.

And recently... Zhou Mou gave him another meal at noon.

He now eats three meals a day!

Kumano feels that he is eating a bit more, but to be honest, he is using it...

He is now a beastmaster, and even if he eats more, he can easily digest it!

For example, he will become a beast and cut some trees at this moment, and he will be hungry immediately.

The huge brown bear ran towards his yard.

The door of the yard was a little small for his animal shape, but the wall of the yard was quite short for his animal shape... Kumano jumped from the outside of the yard to the yard.

After jumping in, his movements froze.

He seems... what is crushing something?

Kumano immediately became a human figure, only to find that he had crushed a lot of flowers and plants. He was thinking about how to do it well, and he heard the voice of Zhou Silence: "The beauty descends from the sky."

Kumano: "...I am not a beauty!"

"Then I am a beautiful person." Zhou laughed and said: "You can eat."

Zhou Mou made a table of delicious dishes, cooked rice and grilled meat.

Kumano was particularly happy to eat and said: "We are still not going to do so much in the future... I love everything, not picky eaters."

"Good." Zhou laughed and smiled, but did not intend to listen.

It is okay to do a few more delicious things and improve the living standards of him and Kumano.

He wants to be a refined beastmaster.

When Kumano had eaten something, he left again.

When Zhou You and other Xiong Ye left, they came to Xiong Ye to jump in from the outside and pull out a pit. They were taken away by the sloppy flowers and grass, and finally a piece of anti-mite grass was planted.

Of course, he did more than that... Zhou Mou sprinkled cotton seeds and planted a lot of cotton.

Although the weather is already hot and there is no need for cotton, the use of cotton is absolutely great. If you can use cotton as a nest in winter, it must be particularly comfortable to sleep in, and the children in the tribe can not be frozen.

Cotton soon grew a large piece in the open space of his yard, bursting with a cluster of white flowers.

Usually people grow cotton. Because of the rain, many "flowers" can't be opened, or they are opened. The cotton inside is also stiff and yellow, but he is not the same - every one Cotton is white.

Zhou had collected a few cottons and thought about it. He also called the children in the tribe to help him pick cotton.

"After these cottons are picked, you will take them to the priests. This is a place to do the nest. Of course, before you make a nest, you must first take out the cottonseed from it. It is the seed of cotton and can be planted." Then, I took my picked cotton back to the room.

He plans to try cotton to make cotton.

Of course, he made cotton cloth not for making clothes, but for making towels... no towels, it was really inconvenient.

Zhou Mou used his mental strength to get through with cotton. When trying to get cotton cloth, Xiong Ye was holding a branch and painting a map on a mud.

This map, Kumano is painted to the priests of the beast temple.

Before going to the Beast Temple, Zhou Lian has been teaching him all kinds of knowledge. When they came back from the Beast Temple, every night, in addition to sleeping with him, he would teach him something. They even made a big bear tribe together. planning.

The people of the Big Bear tribe will definitely be more and more, so there must be a lot of houses, there must be roads, and it is best to bring the river water to let the water there...

I talked with Zhou Mou for many days that Kumano had a full stomach, but he found helplessly that people in their tribe could not understand.

But those priests of the Beast Temple, one by one very smart, one pass.

So, Kumano called these priests and prepared them to be supervised.

Although these priests came, but at the beginning, my heart was a little reluctant.

They only want to take care of the beasts of the beasts and do not want to be supervised! It is a pity that the beasts of the beasts will not let them close!

This is really sad.

They can only find ways to please the beast of the beast, and then find a way to save the country and contact the beast.

Therefore, although they did not want to do such a thing, these priests did not show it, and even learned very actively.

Kumano didn't know what they thought. He painted the map on the ground according to Zhou's quiet teaching. He began to mark the length and wrote a few words to mark it...

Zhou Lian has been forcing him to read the words, he must be written, he wrote it subconsciously, and after he wrote it, he realized that it was wrong - he recognized the word, but others did not recognize the word, could not understand...

Kumano is trying to erase the words and mark them with other things, and they are stopped by the priests of the Beast Temple: "Wait!"

"What's wrong?" Kumano asked.

"What is this?" asked the priest of the Beast Temple.

"This is the word." Kumano said.

"What is the word?" the priest of the Beast Temple asked again.

"What we say, each tone can match a word." Xiong Ye wrote a "big" on the ground: "For example, the word is ‘big’ and the size is big.”

"It turns out to be like this!" The priests looked at Kumano together: "Is this the beast **** taught you?"

"Yes." Kumano said.

These priests were immediately excited: "This must be the text of the beast god! Beastmaster, please teach us!"

Kumano: " work hard, I will teach you." These people are so eager to learn to read words... He did not study seriously before, is it too bad?

"We must work hard." The priests swore one by one, and realized that they had only thought of serving the beasts before, and their eyes were too narrow.

When they come to the tribe of the beast god, they should not only think about serving the beast god, but should learn more about the beast god's ability - such an opportunity, missed it!

And want to learn things... Beast God does not want to see them, and is not willing to teach them, but they can find the partner of the beast god, and find other people in the Big Bear tribe to teach!

These priests were a hundred times more energetic. They asked Kumano not to talk about many problems. They also learned ten words from Kumano. Then they separately recorded different words, prepared to help each other at night, and remember all the words.

Upon hearing their plans, Kumano suddenly felt oppressed.

He has already known a lot of words, but there is not much. According to this situation, it will not take long before the words he learns will be finished by these people... He must find more words to learn more!

Thinking about it, I was so fast that I had to go to dinner. Kumano didn’t want to go back and was going to eat and learn to read.

The priests of the Beast Temple, who still want to learn something, reluctantly looked at the back of Kumano and thought about it. They went to the priest of the Big Bear tribe.

The priests of the Big Bear tribe may also have something for the beasts.

The priests of the Big Bear tribe do have some things that beasts, such as counting, and...

When they left the priest of the Great Bear Tribe, the faces of the priests of the Beast Temple were all circled.

They are particularly satisfied with their new image.

At this time, Kumano had finished eating dinner, and after eating, he looked forward to watching the silence.

Zhou Mou was stunned by his eyes - Xiong Ye... Is this going to take the initiative?

Kumano said: "Weekly, where did I crush the flowers and plants before, how did I become a lawn?"

"It is convenient for you to jump in later." Zhou lonely.

"You are very kind to me." Kumano said.

Zhou Silent pinched Kumano’s chin: "That you have to repay me?"

"Zhou is quiet, you are so good to me. When I taught me to read the words, I didn't recognize it. It really shouldn't be too... You teach me more words today, I must study hard!"

Zhou Silence: This trend is different from what he imagined.

He started to teach Xiongye to recognize the word because it was a long night of uninteresting sleep, but now... even if it is long night, you can sleep together, why should you learn to recognize words?

Well, he is willing to teach more about Kumano and let Kumano recognize the words so that they can have a common language in the future.

Zhou Qiang taught, and he felt that he was almost taught. Xiong Ye was not satisfied: "Zhou is silent, you can teach me more words!"

"Do you not like to learn to read words? How suddenly is so positive?" Zhou couldn't help but ask.

"I want to teach others to read the words." Kumano said that Zhou Mou told him not to teach the practice to others, but other knowledge did not stop him from teaching others. He had taught the priests a lot.

"You even want me to care for others?" Zhou said: "I want to punish you!"

Kumano: "..." OK...

Kumano was tossed a bit, but he was the Beastmaster, and he was still fascinated when he went out the next day.

However, after seeing the priests of the Beast Temple, he was a little embarrassed—the priests of the Beast Temple, who wrote words on their faces one by one!

"Xiono, we have already known the words you taught us yesterday. We have also learned a good way to read words. We write words on our faces... We have a total of twenty people, and you will teach us twenty every day. Let's write one on our face!" Those priests said.

Kumano: "..." He must refuel, and at least 20 words must be learned to sleep this evening!

Kumano suddenly ignited the enthusiasm for learning.

Zhou Silan is very much in favor of letting people in the tribe learn more knowledge. It also ponders the way to teach these people to recognize words.

It’s not easy to recognize one by one, but if you can compose some songs, you can read a lot faster... On the textbooks of first-year children on earth, is it all children’s songs?

A few days later, Zhou Lian found a piece of wood and wrote the words on it: "Spring is coming, the grass is green, the flowers are open, and the dinosaurs start to lay eggs."

So the next day, the priests of the Beast Temple were all backed up: "Spring is coming, the grass is green, the flowers are open, and the dinosaurs begin to lay eggs."

They carried it back several times, and the people of the Big Bear tribe began to follow.

For a time, people everywhere said "Spring is coming."

There are Beastmasters hunting a big guy every day. Although these days, the bears of the Big Bears are busy building, but they don’t have to worry about hungry. Even the captives of the Mountain Wolf tribe can eat every day.

If you want people to work hard, you can't be hungry.

Therefore, although the people of the Shanwo tribe are not doing well, they are not bad, plus here, even the Beastmaster will work... The people of the Mountain Wolf tribe slowly calm down and even get used to the dinosaurs. The smell of feces.

Now, the wolf sand has been able to wipe the sweat with the hand of the dinosaur feces without changing its color...

However, when he heard the words of the Big Bear tribe, he couldn’t help but say: "Is this big bear tribe a stupid person? Come back and forth with such a sentence and repeat it! What dinosaurs are born, the dinosaurs are obviously pulling! "Those **** dinosaurs, how can you pull this way!"

Others in the Mountain Wolf tribe were deeply convinced that they nodded.

However, even if they think the people of the Big Bear tribe are a bit stupid, they still have to work.

This is really a sad fact.

The priests of the Beast Temple are full of enthusiasm for learning. They learn to be silent and engrave on wood chips or bamboo to deepen their memory.

The same is true for learning, and the priests of the Big Bear tribe.

Because the tribe came to the priests of the beast temples at once, and finally did not need to learn to be the priest's Xionghe, and was slain by the priests - the priest asked him to engrave the words taught by the beast gods in the stone walls of his cave. on.

Xionghe: "..." If you want to engrave a word, you must learn the word, you are inexplicable, and you are learning something!

The entire tribe is booming.

The priests of the Beast Temple were busy as supervisors, and they had to learn to read the words. They were too busy to talk, and they ran all day, and slowly... became dark and strong.

They are saddened by this.

They want their looks to be like beasts, but it is clear that they are no longer like beasts.

They can only comfort themselves, the beast **** should like them like this, after all, the beast god's companion is very strong...

In the blink of an eye, summer is over and autumn is coming.

The people of the Big Bear tribe have a lot of songs on their backs, and the priests of the Beast Temple have learned a lot.

At this time, Zhou Silan made cotton towels, made clothes and pants, and made a quilt. He and his Xiongye’s residence were better. He also made paper from plant fibers.

Zhou Silent has always wanted paper.

With paper, not only can people in the tribe learn to read words, he does not need to use the leaves to wipe the toilet!

So he broke many plants and tried to make paper.

At first, he had been failing, but after many failures, he finally got a piece of paper that was thin and uneven.

Papermaking has been successful.

Zhou Silo simply summed up the method, and then let Kumano find someone to make paper - the paper made, good can be used to write, if it is not good, the toilet paper is good, it is perfect!

Kumano: "..." is perfect, but they are missing!

If you can drop some people from the sky, just fine!

When Xiong Ye was looking forward to being able to come to some people, the patriarch Rhinoceros of the Shanwo tribe was driven out of the tribe by his partner.

The rhinoceros partner said that since the rhinoceros can drive the son away, she can drive the rhinoceros away!

The patriarch who was driven out of the tribe looked at the tribal door and sighed, and said to the people around him: "A woman can't get used to it. When she gets used to it, she dares to climb to the top of a man's head!"

"Yes!" Rhino's hand said: "The patriarch, let's go back?" With the strength of their patriarch, they don't have to worry about their partner.

"Forget it, I don't know her general!" Rhino said: "Let's go find black fat."

The rhinoceros's hand said: "...good."

Rhinoceros said again: "You said that this guy is black and fat, will he have something? He has nothing to do, lazy and timid, I thought he only dared to turn around the tribe, but also thought that he couldn’t stand it and ask for mercy. I personally took him to see the world... As a result, he went far, there is no news!"

The rhinoceros's hand said: "The patriarchs have brought a lot of people, and there will be nothing!"

Rhinoceros sighed again: "This kid, isn't it like me? It's so useless!"

The staff of the rhinoceros: "..." The patriarch, you said this is wrong, the patriarch is especially like you! Your partner is a flower of the mountain wolf tribe. It is the most beautiful woman on the snow mountain. What about you? Black and fat... The little patriarchs are exactly like you!

Rhinoceros said again: "Let's ask for it, look for my black fat, don't know where he is going, no tan, no hungry."

"Yes, patriarch!" Rhino's men should have, and I feel that the fear behind the rhinoceros is unnecessary. Their young patriarchs are already dark enough, and like their patriarchs, it is impossible to tan. As for being hungry and thin... the appetites of the young patriarchs and the patriarchs are particularly good. It is impossible to be thin and thin, and it will never be possible.

After the black fat patriarch of the Shanwo tribe, after inquiring about his whereabouts, he came to the place where the big bear tribe was located, and was ready to come to his black and fat patriarch.

At this time, the Rhinoceros King came.

When Kumano and Zhou Mou left the orc continent, the Rhinoceros King did not follow, but stayed in his own tribe and planned to deal with some things. Now that he has finished processing, he will come and come to find his son.

When the Rhinoceros King came, the Rhinoceros was becoming an animal shape, helping to step on the road.

"Baby!" The rhinoceros king, when he saw his son, was delighted.

The giant rhinoceros that stayed in the wood was three feet tall and quickly became a human figure: "Father!"

"Baby, you grew up!" The Rhinoceros King looked at his son and was very happy: "How are you doing recently?"

Rhinoceros said: "Recently... the hot pot is delicious, the barbecue is delicious... Spring is coming, the grass is green, the flowers are open..."

Rhinoceros King: "..." Just in front of it, what is this behind?

Behind the children's songs, the children of the Big Bear tribe loved the back, and the rhinoceros also liked the back, and repeated back and forth every day!

Now he intends to recite the songs of his own, from head to tail, to the Rhinoceros King.

Come to a beastmaster!

When the news spread in the Big Bear tribe, the people of the Big Bear tribe were all very calm.

When they came back, they were shocked. They even couldn’t digest them. The tribes came suddenly. Many beasts did not say anything, and there were facts about beasts. But after a few months, they saw that the beastmasters were honest. Working on the ground and hunting for them, they are calm.

What about a Beastmaster now? It’s just that there is more of a working person!

The people of the Big Bear tribe are very busy now, even the old and weak in the tribe, they are also responsible for cleaning and cooking, and they have no time to pay attention to the Rhinoceros King.

No, at first they were curious about the animal shape of the Rhinoceros King. Later, knowing that his animal shape is like the rhinoceros, he is not curious. He only thinks... This animal shape is too heavy and not suitable for work!

The animal shape of the Rhinoceros King is indeed not suitable for work, so Kumano arranged for him to hunt.

Originally responsible for hunting is the sea breeze, and now, the sea breeze is going to visit the beach tribe.

After changing the salt, the beach tribe and the big bear tribe have been in contact.

The beach tribe lived by the sea, and the powerful marine beast in that sea area had been eaten by the sea breeze in the early years. Therefore, in the past half year, the beach tribe people did not encounter danger, but they could not always So good luck... The sea breeze used to help the beach tribes clean up the nearby waters.

By the way, grab some dinosaur meat and give it to the beach tribe so that they can spend the winter.

It’s already autumn, and everyone should be preparing for the winter.

At this time in the past, the people of the Big Bear tribe were always worried about not enough food, but this year... Kumano is not enough to make a fuss, and too many people can't make up the prey brought back by the Rhinoceros King to make bacon.

Fortunately, more than half of the age-appropriate women in the tribe are pregnant, and their tribes will welcome many children.

Hu Yue and Xiong Bai were pregnant, and even his mother was pregnant again...

It is a pity that these children will have to live for a few years to grow up...

Kumano was an animal in this moment. He scratched his head and continued to work.

At this time, the rhinoceros came to the Big Bear tribe under the leadership of a small tribe.

The humanity of the little tribe: "Adult, in front of the Big Bear tribe, it is a very powerful tribe!"

Rhinoceros is not a serious thing.

Where can the tribes of the abandoned forests be strong? He has been here for decades, and even a senior beast warrior has never seen it!

On the side of the Orc, the senior beast warriors are rare, and there is no such thing as this!

Speaking of it, he is actually not bad in the orc continent, it is not comfortable - obviously he is already very powerful, but in the orc continent, there has always been a giant rhinoceros more powerful than him!

Fortunately, he came here, and now he is the best here!

Rhinoceros has confidence in its animal shape and strength.

However... he suddenly saw a very special big rhinoceros.


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