MTL - Stone Age Husband Raising Journal-~ 161|Going home

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Zhou Sil is deliberately attacking the lion, and said: "Because Xiongye, you can make a name for yourself in the last life. I didn't expect to be contented. After having the chance to come back again, I will do stupid things one after another."

The lion is lying on the ground, but Zhou is still standing.

Zhou is standing at the door, outside the door, the golden afterglow of the sunset shines in, as if to give Zhou a quiet golden light.

The lion looked at the silence of this kind and suddenly said: "Is it you, are you sending me back? If you look at Kumano, I will send it back and make me stupid..."

Said, the thief spit out a blood.

Zhou Silence: "..."

Zhou did not think that Lion Li would think so.

This is absolutely impossible. He does not have such a skill. If the lion is really telling the truth, in the last life of the lion, he will not like someone who has someone else in his heart.

However, the lion is also very good at thinking like this.

He must regret it at this moment, and then he will die in remorse...

Zhou Lian has a little sympathy for the lion.

Shi Li really regrets that he can be a beastmaster if he is with Xiong Ye, but he and Xiong Ye are separated!

In his life, he was actually not as bad as he thought... Although after the Big Bear tribe was destroyed by the Giant Tigers, they lived a long and violent life, but after he and Kumano became stronger, they crossed. The better.

Kumano has always been good to him. Even the patriarchs let him be a good man. Although he is stronger than him, he has always given him face.

Kumano is not letting him find someone else, but Kumano himself does not find someone else.

Kumano is a person who even the beasts like, how can he not like it?

The lion is more and more regretful, and during this time, I feel that something is broken in my body.

The lion has lost his breath.

Zhou Lian looked at him and walked toward the temple. On the way, he picked a large leaf and let a plum tree next to him produce some plums.

Zhou Mou took the plums wrapped in leaves and went to find Kumano.

When he spoke to the lion, he always paid attention to Kumano.

Some equipment has been put in the temple, and Kumano began to look at the West with nothing to do, but later, he began to look at the image of the gods, and he still recited something "not at all."

The statue is a stone that looks a little human, and certainly not like him!

When Zhou Lian took Li Zi in, he said to Kumano: "Do you want to eat plum?"

"Yes!" Kumano said, a little confused: "Is Lee not to have it in two months?"

"I can make it grow faster." Zhou lonely.

Kumano immediately thought of Zhou’s death as a beast. For Zhou’s silence, let Li Zi grow faster, should it be simple?

"We are so bad, Zhou Yudao." Suddenly, I suddenly felt that I was a little bad.

Compared with Zhou Silence, will he be too useless?

Kumano is worried, suddenly heard Zhou asked: "Xionye, ​​if the lion had not suddenly changed his mind, but he became a partner with you, it is also very good for you, will you always be with him?"

When Kumano thinks that Zhou Silu asks this question, it seems a bit unhappy... He knows how to answer it, so that Zhou will be happy, but after thinking about it, he still said the truth: "Should be."

Zhou Silence: "If he didn't like you later, it became like this now, would you be separated from him?"

Kumano said again: "I always thought that after I became a partner, I couldn't separate."

Zhou still said: "Do you still like him?"

Kumano is very sure: "No."

Before listening to the words of the lion, Zhou’s heart was very unhappy. He came back and asked Kumano. After getting the answer from Kumano, he was even more unhappy at first.

Fortunately, at this moment, Kumano still said something that made him happy.

Kumano is like this. Others don't like him, and he won't like that person again.

Therefore, after the lion was in his life, after he did not like Kumano, Kumano did not like him any more. It should be only because of his responsibility.

Zhou Qiang hugged Xiongye, and kissed him and went to kiss the neck of Kumano.

Xiong Ye was ticklish, and couldn’t stand this. He quickly grabbed his neck with his hand. As a result, Zhou Mou had another movement...

Kumano was scared and wanted to shift the attention of Zhou Silence: "Weekly, why did you suddenly ask those before?"

He already knows that the people of the Beast Temple will go to arrest the silence of the week, which is provoked by the lion. Whether he is a big bear tribe, he has never been sorry for the lion, but the lion has wanted to harm him... He feels that the lion is not enough.

However, he and the lion are both years old, and Zhou is so jealous?

"I am jealous." Zhou Qiandao, and kissed him up, kissed him, and brought Xiongye to the corner of the bed that he had placed before.

Kumano: "..."

Kumano still couldn't stop it, and she was eaten clean from head to toe.

Zhou Silence should have a lot of things to do outside, why is it so free! ? There is also jealous or something... Zhou Sil is just looking for an excuse to put him like that?

However, he had not been able to adapt to the change of Zhou’s identity before, but now he feels nothing - Zhou Sil is still the original Zhou Sil.

When Kumano relaxes, the whole person is confused.

Zhou is quiet and refreshed, and feels that his previous behavior is a bit unreasonable. Some embarrassed to give Xiongye a waist, squatting, his movements are not regular, but Xiongye is already asleep.

Zhou Silence: "..." Long nights, no sleep.

The beast of the beast on this day was destroyed.

In the afternoon, it was originally the time for the new people of various tribes to hold a companion ceremony. As a result, the "beast god" of Zhou Mou was born, and these people finally failed to become partners.

But even then, no one dared to complain, and even everyone looked at the beast of the beast and became more and more awe.

Some words will be more and more outrageous.

At first, I saw the people who had dealt with the scenes of the Beastmasters. I described the situation I saw. I wanted to make the audience more amazed. I added a little bit of decoration, but when I said it, I gradually began to exaggerate.

This evening, the people gathered in the market have already said this: "The beast is very powerful. He used only one nose to kill all the beastmasters!"

"The beast **** can slap the mountain!"

"He wants to kill us, maybe just take a sigh of relief."


These people are saying this, and even those who have seen the battle of Zhou’s silence with their own eyes do not feel that these words are problematic.

The beast **** did not do that before, it should be because it is not needed, he really wants to do it, he can certainly do it!

The beast **** became invincible in these people's mouths. After saying this... those who were originally afraid of the silence of the beastmasters in their tribes, who were beaten by Zhou’s silence, and who rejected the silence of the week, even grateful for the silence.

Their Beastmaster is disrespectful to the beast, but the beast does not blame them... The beast is really merciful!

When the outside people think that the beast is kind, the waking beastmasters think so.

They thought they would die, and they didn't die... Zhou is really kind!

When they know that Zhou Lian is actually a beast god...

"It turned out to be the beast god, it is really too strong!"

"That lion is too odious, and even lie to us to deal with the beast!"

"The people are beasts, of course, know how to make people become a beastmaster..."


The beastmasters who have escaped from the dead are now full of fear of Zhou Silence. They have no rebellious thoughts. Since this is the case... Zhou Ruo said that he is the beast god, then he is the beast!

The next day, the day was just bright, and Zhou was awakened.

Then he found out that there were many people outside the room where he and Kumano lived.

There are people who come to worship him, but also come to sin.

Yesterday, Zhou You’ve already observed the people in this beast temple with his mental power. He also knows about everyone’s situation...

He opened the door and began to announce his decision directly.

The beastmasters will accept the punishment he has given. As for the high priest...the high priest will no longer be a priest, and will be expelled from the beast temple. In addition, some of the corpses in the beast temple will be expelled from the beast temple.

The high priest thanked him. Being expelled from the Temple of the Beast is a very serious punishment for him. He will not hunt at all. Other tribes will not take him. After leaving the Temple of the Beast, he may be dead.

But I thought that yesterday, I went to see the lion, and then the lion was dead. I still felt that the punishment was still good.

The beast **** did not kill him directly.

Zhou is too lazy to manage too much. He has always been arbitrarily arrogant, and soon he handled the things of the Beast Temple, and let the old priest serve as the high priest.

Then, the ritual of forming a partner that was not completed yesterday can be continued.

Of course, these are not going to be silent.

Zhou Silo went straight to rest, and people called the Big Bear tribe to bring all his things.

He is not used to the things he is used to and the people he is used to.

The people of the Big Bear tribe soon came, and then looked at the eyes of Zhou’s silence one by one, and they saw the gods.

Well, in the eyes of these people, he is indeed a god.

Anyway, my ability has been well known, and Zhou Lun is not hiding. After people put the pot up, they will find some plants directly from their own packages to prepare for cooking.

For example, soy beans, he gave birth to a lot, and then when the soybeans have not grown old, a grain is still cyan, stop using the ability.

Such green soybeans are picked up together with the pods and boiled in salt water. It is delicious. It is delicious to peel the beans out and steam them or put them in the soup.

There are also the seeds of the various colors that he exchanged. Looking at the seeds alone, Zhou can't see what plants they are. They haven't had time to give birth to them... Now that they are free, he will all give birth to some.

Zhou Mou got a few more vegetables, including the eggplant he liked very much.

When Zhou Mou did these things, the movements were flowing, and the people of the Big Bear tribe were watching.

They know that Zhou is very powerful, but I really don't know, Zhou is so powerful!

It is a beast!

When everyone looked at Zhou’s silence, they were even more awed, waiting for Zhou’s preparation for cooking...

Zhou is a beast, and actually cooks himself? !

The people of the Big Bear tribe were all shocked.

Even Kumano has something to say: "Weekly..."

Kumano called out the name of Zhou’s silence, and changed his mouth in the eyes of the people around him: “The beast god...”

Zhou Silence: "..." He doesn't mind being a beast god. After all, he is held by people. His days will be very comfortable, but this does not include Kumano!

He thought that after yesterday's intimacy, Kumano and he would still be as usual, did not expect...

Zhou Lian looked at the people of the Big Bear Tribe: "You all go out."

The people of the Big Bear tribe immediately went out.

Zhou was silent and looked at Xiongye: "Xionye, ​​I have one thing to tell you."

"What?" asked Kumano.

Zhou Silent said: "There is no beast in this world."

Xiong Ye is a little embarrassed - is Zhou is not the beast?

Zhou Silent said: "I am not a beast **** at all, but the strength is very strong. It is above the Beastmaster. If you cultivate well, one day will be like me. When you are, you are also a beast."

Kumano is even more embarrassed.

Zhou Mou saw him like this, pulled people over, and kissed him.

Kumano was inexplicably in the end, and was tossed again by Zhou.

He believes that Zhou is not a beast.

How could the beast **** be like this!

However, even if Zhou is not a beast, in his heart, it is more important than the beast.

Suddenly became the beast god, Zhou Lv originally wanted to have a comfortable day in the beast temple.

There is everything here, and there are countless people waiting for it. He likes it very much.

He deeply doubts that in his last years, when the lion was the king of beasts, he stayed in the temple of the beast to eat and drink.

But he thinks very well, but the reality is that there are many problems.

After a few days of silence, I felt a little unbearable.

The people of the Beast Temple are too enthusiastic about him, and one can only wait to rush to kiss his toes.

Not only that, Kumano is not used to life here.

Compared to the Beast Temple, Kumano definitely likes the Big Bear tribe. He also misses himself in the courtyard of the Big Bear Tribe.

That is his home.

After staying in the Beast Temple for a few days, Zhou Lian decided to leave.

Of course, when he left, he took a lot of things.

A variety of plant seeds, various spices, various utensils, and some workers, as well as ... a group of beastmasters, a group of priests.

Those beastmasters were brought by Zhou Mou, but those priests... are dead skins to follow.

Their team, the mighty left the beast temple, went to the Big Bear tribe.

The old priest who had become a high priest looked at Zhou’s silence and was very unwilling, but he could not follow as a high priest. His physical condition was not suitable for long journeys. He could only send away his tears with tears.

His eyes are so hot, they all make the goose gossip...

The team slowly left the beast temple. This time, the reclining chair sitting in the week is not the one before, but a beautiful reclining chair with precious stones.

He feels extravagant, but the recliner is really nice.

After a day, when the team stopped at night, Zhou Lian asked Kumano to process the ingredients and start cooking.

"Great beast, how can you do something like this?"

"The benevolent beast, this kind of work should be done by us."

"The beast is on, I didn't take care of the beast..."


The priests who followed came to cry one by one.

Zhou Silent said: "If you don't shut up, give me away."

These people immediately shut up, but they looked at Kumano with the eyes of condemnation - the patriarch of the Big Bear tribe, who actually eats the food made by the beast!

A few days ago, Kumano was alone and had a meal with Zhou Mou. Now, when I encounter this situation, I am not used to it: "We are very dissatisfied with me..."

"Don't care about them, and make them even more dissatisfied." Zhou lonely.

Kumano was a bit puzzled, and then when he set off the next day, he saw that Zhou Silo became an animal shape and became the size of a suitable ride: "Today, I am carrying you."

Xiong Ye looked at Zhou Silent in surprise. He knew how lazy he was in Zhou. Now, Zhou Lian actually wants to carry him away?

"Up." Zhou is silent.

"No need..." Kumano refused: "I still carry you."

When Kumano had not finished, he was rolled up with a elephant trunk and placed on his back. Zhou still said: "I rarely ride you once during the day, you have to seize the opportunity!"

Kumano thinks... It’s a bit wrong with Zhou’s words. Didn’t he ride Zhou’s silence at night? Wait, it seems to be riding...

He was a little happy - he rode on Zhou's back, and everyone around him looked at him with incredible eyes.

Before others knew that he was the Beastmaster, and thought that Zhou Silence was a weak person with no animal shape, he used this kind of gaze to see Zhou’s silence.

Kumano stared at such a gaze, and inexplicably felt that... it was quite good.

His heart just flashed such thoughts, and Zhou Mou carried him far away, away from the people behind him.

"Weekly!" Kumano was shocked and grabbed the hair on Zhou’s back.

Zhou suddenly suddenly said: "You are riding on my back, I will be with me forever."

"Good!" Kumano said, he can't wait forever with Zhou.

Zhou Silent has been lazy, but this time, suddenly felt that carrying the bear wild, it is also very good.

This is what he likes, the person he loves.

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