MTL - Stone Age Husband Raising Journal-~ 114|Winning

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Kumano is worried about the silence of the week, but there is no other thought except for killing the huge whale in front of him.

His eyes are red, and there is only fighting in his heart. Even if the ocean is not his home, it is difficult for him to exert all his strength, and he is not afraid.

He is crazy, where do you know that you are afraid?

Seeing that the whale fled into the sea, he didn't want to chase it up. Because of his big size, he was not drowned when he was in the shallow sea.

Under the control of the whale, the sea water shook the waves and kept hitting his body. The sea water entered his eyes and nose, but he didn't feel it. He was looking for the whale to fight desperately.

Although Zhou Lian has not been a long time to become a Beastmaster, his strength is very strong, let alone his ability and spiritual strength.

The whale thought at the beginning, with his strength, he would be able to easily kill Zhou Zhou, and as a result... he was beaten to fight back, it turned out to be him.

When did the Beast Temple have such a powerful Beastmaster? The whale went to hide in the sea. After hiding in the sea, he should be able to stand in an invincible position and kill the silence. As a result...

Zhou Silence becomes a human form, with energy on the surface of the sea, then falls on the back of a huge whale, and the vent of the whale is a punch.

The whales were tumbling and struggling, but Zhou Mou continued to attack without hesitation, and even gave birth to the sea kelp to tie the whale.

The animal shape is the beast king of the whale. Although the combat power is not high on the land, it can only rely on the body shape to crush others, but it should be invincible in the sea, but he has encountered Zhou Sil.

Spiritual attacks, plant attacks, and energy attacks are all three-pronged, plus the desperate posture of Zhou Mou... This whale is even more powerful, and it is a bit overwhelming.

"The beast temple, deceiving too much!"

"stop it now!"

"The **** beast temple..."


This whale screams from time to time, and the sound is sound all over the world, but it has no effect. It has become a human form of silence. No matter how he hides, he firmly "sticks" to him and attacks him on his body. Tearing a wound.

It is him, it is very difficult to attack a "little guy" on his body.

The huge whale can't stand it anymore. He feels that if he goes on like this, he will die...

He finally decided to say: "You let me go! As long as you let me go, I am willing to give you a beast!"

Zhou still still did not respond, red eyes continued to attack, pulling a piece of meat from the huge whale.

The huge whale, now desperate, his blood is rushing away, and if he goes on like this, he will die soon...

He couldn't even keep the animal shape and became a human figure.

"I have been in the ocean for decades, I didn't expect it..." He sighed in the sky and was very sad about his ending. He didn't notice that he was inadvertently close to the site of a marine behemoth.

The strength of this marine behemoth is not weaker than the Beastmaster.

Although this blue whale is self-proclaimed as a sea god, it never gets rid of this monster. After all, it really has to fight, he may not win.

He must not be able to live... The person who has been seriously injured, this time is desperate, and the huge marine behemoth is attracted by the movement here, swimming toward him, opening his mouth to eat He.

The orcs can become stronger by absorbing the crystal nucleus in the evolved beast, and these evolved beasts can become stronger if they swallow the orcs.

This behemoth is here for a short time.

The animal with the blue whale thought that he was going to die. He didn't think that at this moment, the person who chased him suddenly rushed toward the marine behemoth.

When you get into a crazy week, you only know the battle, and when you have a strong battle object, he will naturally ignore the weak, dying battle object.

At this moment, he forgot his enemies at the beginning and fought with the marine behemoth.

The animal whose whale is a whale saw this scene and was paralyzed.

This animal shape is the name of the whale. He was born in a large tribe on the mainland of the orcs.

Before his age of ten, his life was very happy, but when he was ten, he became a "fish."

There has never been such an animal shape in their tribe. His parents were shocked and could not understand the reason. He took him to the beast temple and wanted to know what his animal shape was and how to raise it.

As a result, the people of the Beast Temple actually said that he was cursed and turned into a fish, and then his parents threw him away.

His mother didn't want to, but his father threw him away.

After the life, he lived very hard. At first, he lived on the land according to the habits of the past. As a result, he almost starved to death. In desperation, he became an animal and went into the water.

His animal shape is very big. Since then, he has never been hungry again. He can eat fish every day and grow bigger and bigger...

Eight years later, when he was an adult, he thought about his family and returned to the tribe where he lived from a young age. However, his parents had already separated and had other children. He did not welcome him as a cursed child. He can only leave in the eyes of the guards.

He became a homeless person.

Not only that, his animal shape is too big... He has no way to live in those small rivers, but in desperation, he lives in the big river that separates the orc continent and the abandoned forest.

Because of his size, he survived some dangers in the river.

He feels that life is very good, very happy, occasionally whim, and will protect some of the exiled people to the other side.

Unfortunately, among these people, there are people who want to kill the beast temple, and then he is discovered by the people of the beast temple.

The people of the Beast Temple thought that he was a demon, and even found some senior beast warriors attacking him who was only an intermediate beast warrior!

He was beaten and bruised. If the high-ranking beasts were not good at fighting in the water, he was afraid that he would have been dead.

Later, he hid in the sea and grew stronger and lived here.

He also found that the ocean is the place that he likes the most.

He has always hated the Temple of the Beast, but he has not gone to the troubles of the Beast Temple - his fighting power on the shore is really bad.

The experience of being besieged also made him fear the temple of the beast.

The beach tribe was originally a small tribe on the side of the abandoned forest. He helped them. These people began to believe in him and gave him tribute food.

He lived in the sea and had been eating the fish directly. He had never eaten any delicious food. He liked the tribute of the beach tribe and began to shelter the beach tribe. Finally, he became the sea **** of the beach tribe.

Today, he originally went to the beach tribe to collect tributes. As a result, he saw the pottery pot that only the beast temple had. He thought that maybe it was the beast temple to find him trouble, and he went to tempted it.

After discovering that there is a strong person in the so-called Big Bear tribe, he affirmed this point - it must be the trouble that the Beast Temple came to him again!

He was very angry and took the initiative to launch an attack. He did not expect to be beaten and killed for a long time. The person who killed him and died halfway had the strength to fight others...

Using the sea as a surname, I named myself a huge whale named "Sea Breeze" and floated on the sea.

Then a wave hit, and he drifted away.

The sea breeze is no longer able to come a few more waves, and it is good to push him far away - he wants to escape from the huge elephant!

It is a pity that the spray is getting smaller and smaller, and he is too hurt to move.

When the sea breeze was very desperate, Zhou Lian had been wounded and injured, and the animal king of the Beastmaster level was killed. He was also awake. At this time, his power was exhausted and the whole person was particularly weak.

This is no problem, he actually stayed at the bottom of the sea... Before he could use energy to isolate the sea, he was left unaffected, but now his energy is almost exhausted.

If you don't go to the sea again, he will be dead!

Zhou Lian felt that he was about to be crushed by the huge pressure from the sea. He was about to go to the sea and suddenly thought of something.

He can still hold on and have a little strength, but after a while, he will become weaker and weaker. When he stays at sea, he may be drowned when he is careless, or become someone else's meal.

Thinking of this, Zhou suddenly suddenly thought of something. He gritted his teeth and used the last strength to dig out the crystal nucleus of the marine giant beast into his mouth.

A huge amount of energy spreads in his body along with the bitter taste of the sea... Zhou Zhi knows that he will not have anything, he closes his eyes and lets himself be pushed by the buoyancy of the sea to the surface of the sea.

The energy in his body is exhausted, and the sea can no longer be isolated. Therefore, the eyes are soaked by the sea water. The nose is filled with sea water. It hurts like a fire in the trachea, burning in the throat...

Fortunately, the crystal nucleus belonging to the giant sea beast has a very powerful energy to nourish his body.

Zhou Silen was pushed by the waves and floated forward - after a few hours, he could recover some, and then he would find the way back.

Floating and floating, Zhou suddenly suddenly found someone around him. He looked around and saw a person who was hurt and his face was lying on the sea not far from him, floating like him.

The man's face is swollen, his nose is swollen and tall, and his eyes can only open a small slit because of injuries.

This face, Zhou Sil is strange, but this smell, Zhou Sil is really no stranger.

Isn't that the whale that suddenly attacked him? It was because of this guy that he suddenly exposed his vest and was crazy again, almost dead!

He thought that this person had been killed by him... Didn't it?

If his illness was a little better, he was a little earlier, and now he might have drowned in the sea.

Zhou Silent sneered in his heart and decided to wait until he recovered. He must try to seek revenge.

The sea breeze was desperate at this time.

Where did this Beastmaster come from? ! It is no problem to be able to beat him in the sea. After almost killing him, he still has the strength to clean up a beastmaster-level sea beast.

Now this person is very good here... The sea beast has been killed by him?

Is he not... and he is not living?

The sea breeze wants more.

Since he is already awake, Zhou Mou can no longer kill him. After all, if he starts again, he will go crazy again.

However, it is a must to catch the sea breeze.

Zhou swallowed a nucleus of a beastmaster-level sea beast, more or less has recovered some, he gave birth to a kelp, directly tied the sea breeze.

The sea breeze quickly asked for mercy: "Please let me go, I can give you a lot of things, I have the beast god..."

He has no strength at all, and the other person can kill himself with a finger... The sea breeze can only say the words of forgiveness that he once said.

When he said this before, the other side did not respond at all. The sea breeze thought that it would be useless this time. I didn’t expect the fact to be the opposite of what he thought.

After he said this, the powerful orc actually said: "Do you have a beast?"

"I have! As long as you let me go, I will give it to you!"

Zhou Lian picked up his eyebrows: "As long as you give it to me, I will let you go." He always wanted to get a beast to give to bear wilderness. If this person has it, then it would be better.

"Do you really want to let me go? You are not afraid of the beasts of the beasts?" The sea breeze was shocked and happy.

Zhou Silent said: "I have said that I am not the beast temple."

sea ​​breeze:"……"

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