MTL - Steel Shell System-v2 Chapter 363 Shuttle.

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"But depending on how you look, I'm afraid you think too much, so I decided to tell you those things."

"The reason why the adult decided to become that way was that her own death was a factor, and another factor was that she decided to embed her consciousness into the alliance's system and become a system's intelligent consciousness!" Speaking here, Admiral Wieser's look was full of admiration!

"Transform your consciousness into a system?" Old Qian was surprised.

"Yes, you should also know that the alliance's technology in this area is too different from the interstellar government, our system has too many loopholes, and the interstellar government is enough to crush us!

This time the Miyoshi Institute incident fully exposed this! But if that adult transforms himself into a system, and with her thinking consciousness, once it succeeds, it will definitely bring a leap forward in the entire system! !! By that time, our system can in turn surpass the interstellar government! !! "

For a while, Wieser's eyes were full of determination and fiery! This is the determination of generation after generation.

"And human thinking is limited, especially in the use of abilities, it is easy to grow out of the source of exhaustion and the exhaustion and fatigue of abilities, but once you transform your consciousness into a system, you can improve this!"

"It ’s like using the foresight to predict the future. You should have experienced that using one ’s power to predict the future, even if the power of the god's eye is strong, it is difficult to support the power of space and time. Therefore, at most, you can only see a picture of the future. .

But if consciousness is connected to the system, it is supported by the energy of the entire alliance. You can see much more about the effects of things and abilities! !! "Wisser's words clearly stated everything.

"At first, that grown-up still hesitated. She couldn't see the way forward, and didn't know whether she was right or not. She was wrong. She is the entire alliance, the only one who can fight against the existence of the three old stars of the interstellar government. Once she had an accident, there was not enough power in the alliance to resist the three elders of the Atlantis family.

But your arrival made her determined to wait until you came back from Earth. The transformation will really begin, and now this is the first step. "

Nodded, although there were still some inexplicable and other thoughts in my heart. But old money is not good at saying anything.

Time is very tight. Originally, Wiesel wanted Qian Lingfeng to rest first, and then went to the earth, but the old money rejected Wiesel's kindness.

Earth's own compatriots are suffering. Especially his relatives are among them. Old money is waiting for no more than a second.

Now Lao Qian's heart is full of anger and killing. He just wants to quickly sneak into the star field of the Atlantis-ruled interstellar government, return to the earth, and then kill the people with a lot of humanity. Ruled area.

Along the way, before going on the road, Wiesel gave the detailed information on the use of the god's eye by the Marcu three-eyed star family to Qian Lingfeng, and the old money also acquired the secret of the maku three-eyed star family's cultivation of the god's eyes the day after tomorrow. Surgery.

The power of the God's eye is born. But the day after tomorrow, you can further develop your ability through exercise. For the acquisition of this secret technique. The old money expressed sincere gratitude to Wiesel.

This time old money was no longer riding the interstellar train when it came, but replaced with an advanced shuttle ship developed in the Alliance Lab and still in the experimental stage!

This shuttle ship has automatic piloting capabilities, does not need Qian Lingfeng to drive at all, and has many advanced technologies that even the interstellar government does not have, especially in terms of infiltration! !!

In terms of operation, this shuttle ship has three advanced intelligent systems of the alliance. According to the evaluation of the alliance, Qian Lingfeng's success in this dive was as high as 99%!

This submarine-only shuttle was deliberately arranged for Qian Lingfeng by the alliance! !! The purpose is to help old money sneak in!

At first, he was taken out of the star field ruled by the interstellar government, and there was no condition to use such an advanced shuttle. That interstellar train was also difficult to get for Geer. The conditions at that time were unimaginable compared with the present.

On board the shuttle, this shuttle was faster than old money imagined. After leaving the asteroid belt as the headquarters of the alliance, this shuttle directly entered the transition of the dark universe.

This shuttle ship belongs to the newly released goods, the shape and internal structure have not been completed, let alone the alliance's own account number has not yet been completed.

However, the alliance's commentator opened the way, and everything was naturally no problem. Soon, he obtained an absolutely universal instruction from the alliance's highest defense system.

In fact, there is no problem at all if you don't have that stuff. This shuttle ship is researched for submerged use, and the defense system cannot be found at all.

When it comes to the star field of the interstellar government, it will depend entirely on the ability of this shuttle ship.

In fact, the old money now has the ability to annihilate the space of the owner, and the strength is strong, so he can carry out space shuttles and jumps on his own.

Use the ability of space annihilation to break through the barrier of space, and then enter the dark universe to walk through. Old money can now easily do it.

However, short distances are okay ~ ~ If long-distance interstellar transitions are not possible, the coordinates cannot be determined, and the speed of the old money is completely incomparable with that of the shuttle. Such a long distance really needs to shuttle past I'm afraid money will run to death.

The speed of the shuttle is quite fast. Even in the dark universe, because of the use of special advanced technology, the speed in the dark universe is five times that of the ordinary military shuttle!

The alliance headquarters is not too far away from the border between the alliance and the interstellar government. Compared to the No. 3 Institute, the oversized planetary belt where the alliance headquarters is located is less than one third of the boundary between the alliance and the interstellar government. distance.

Reaching the division boundary between the Alliance and the Interstellar Government, the old money took less than two days, then shuttled through the Alliance's defensive optical network, and then walked through a period of nothingness and chaos, and then looked at the huge front that enveloped and divided everything. Defending the light network is the rule of the Alliance.

When he arrived here, the old money was also invigorated, although according to the shuttle's intelligent system, the shuttle shuttled through the interstellar government's defensive optical network at all.

However, when the shuttle is actually carried out, the old money is still a little worried. (To be continued ...)

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