MTL - Steel Shell System-v2 Chapter 333 eye

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After the next moment, the woman raised her own hand again. The previous time, the jade hand that was destroyed by Qian Lingfeng to the green onion years ago did not know when it had returned to its original state.

This time the whole person was completely frozen, even though Qian Lingfeng did his best, he still couldn't break free.

Yu hand gently touched Qian Lingfeng's eyebrow, a cold, then **** stuck in, a ray of blood splattered, and Qian Lingfeng's eyebrow was pulled out vertically.

Hold the vertical eye in the hand, carefully hold it in the hand, and then take out a transparent tube, the vertical eye is placed in the tube.

"Oh, the elder's ability to predict is really not wrong at all, even the ability to restrain has been predicted, and it is precisely with such a powerful ability that my family of Atlantis can continue to prosper." Laura of the golden robe thought in his heart.

Intense pain, at this moment, Qian Lingfeng felt that he was almost dizzy with pain! It feels as if my soul is being cut by pieces! !!

There was a blur in front of him, and that one vertical eye was dug out. Qian Lingfeng felt his mental strength plummeted, and it seemed to affect the vision of his other two eyes, and he couldn't see clearly!

For a while, Qian Lingfeng's intuition seemed to be abolished! !! !!

Could not help but obviously the whole person was still, but the old money's body even trembled automatically! !! !!

"Rest assured, although this eye is dug out, the related abilities are deprived. But you will not die, and your strength and mental strength will not be reduced, and over time. Eyebrows will regain Healing, and if that's possible, that eye could grow back, of course, at that time, maybe I might come to you again. "

Looking at Qian Lingfeng's appearance, she put away the eye-filled tube, and the woman said so suddenly. Then it seemed to remember something, with a little pride, the woman in the golden robe said something very strange again.

"I took your eyes, but I see that you have half of Atlantis' blood, I can give you a little compensation, let's say. What do you want. I can satisfy you as much as possible.

Of course, you'd better make a reasonable request. If you want me to die, or if you want me to give you back your nonsense, don't say it. "

"Is that compensation? !!! Or shame !!!"

Incomparable pain invaded his own nerves. At this moment, the entire person was still frozen, completely unable to move, endless hatred was burning, and endless anger was screaming. Old money can't wait to rush forward now, tearing this woman in front of her into shreds! !! !!

But the last will tells me. Be calm! !! Be calm! !! !! !! Impulse cannot solve a little bit of the problem, you must recognize the present form! !! !!

"Compensation ?! Give humanity a life !!!!!! Use my eye to exchange humanity's right to survive on earth !!!"

Inexplicably, bearing endless pain and hatred, Qian Lingfeng's spirit delivered such a sentence.

After looking at Qian Lingfeng, this woman paused for a moment, there was a hint of pity in her eyes, and she nodded in the end.

"As long as you can survive the calamities of the last days, I can let you and your race live.

According to the Constitution, you can obtain interstellar citizenship. At that time, the Steel Shell Group will help you to develop and build a planetary civilization.

However, in accordance with the principles of the Constitution, I will not help you to survive the disaster in the last days. You must rely on your own strength to survive the disaster in the last days. "

After this sentence, the woman glanced at the King of Poseidon not far away, followed by a look of indifference in her eyes, turned around, stepped on the golden beam when she came, and eventually disappeared.

Everything is restored, Qian Lingfeng's body is back under control, but the pain is still there, and the endless hatred is still there!

And at this moment, Poseidon, the **** of the sea not far away, was already scared.

But at this moment, he recovered, and looked at Qian Lingfeng, who was still bleeding because of serious injuries, and he was born with jealousy, and the whole person rushed to Qian Lingfeng like an electric light!

"Asshole! I didn't expect that this would also allow me to grasp the opportunity. It really helped me to the sky. This time, let me send you to hell!"

The powerful force rolled over in an instant, and the sea **** king's face showed an incomparable look! !!

"A Feng !!! (Little brother Qian !!!) !!!"

At this moment, under such a crisis situation, Wang Chao and Qian Dafu rushed up desperately, but unfortunately, where the strength of the two was as good as the Shanghai God King, things were immediately blown away!

The powerful force blasted them out, and the two were directly thrown out without knowing hundreds of meters. The blood spewed and went directly to the dying state!

Then broke through the barrier of two people, with endless killing intention and excitement, Poseidon rushed to Qian Lingfeng!

A big hand stretched out to Qian Lingfeng's head half-knelt on the ground, to pinch Qian Lingfeng's head unceasingly! !!

The next moment, the whole person was half-kneeling on the ground, his hands supported on the ground. The severe pain drowned the old money, but it still seemed to feel the killing intention of the king of the sea, and he endured the incomparable pain. Qian Lingfeng read A sentence,

"Steel Shell City !!!"

The ultimate system performance of the steel shell system is instantly turned on! !!

The silvery white light burst out ~ ~ The pure silvery light instantly enveloped everything, the power of silver spread everything, everything touched was turned into silver, as if it was forcibly plated A silver metal layer!

In the face of Qian Lingfeng's life and death crisis this time, he broke out with all his strength and used all the excess experience value accumulated over the years!

Horrible system skills are more powerful than ever! The countless experience points are exhausted in an instant, bringing unbelievable power! !! This is a killing move that Qian Lingfeng has always prepared for the king of the sea!

It's a pity that for a long time, the king of the sea has not come ashore, and now, this time he finally delivered it to the door! !!

Under such a close distance, the king of the sea did not even have time to react, there was no time to dodge, and the whole person was directly swallowed up by the silvery white color.

He was still struggling at first, but the silver brilliance flowed through instantly, turning him into a silver statue, and all vitality was blocked.

Immediately following the horrible silver color's continuous spread, countless powerful accumulation of experience value burst, and the silvery-white light even spread out for hundreds of kilometers in a split second! (To be continued ...)

Read The Duke's Passion