MTL - Stealing The Heavens-Chapter 6 Mountain people

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Chapter VI Mountain People ()

This is a dense forest. Standing at the foot of the mountain, the black lacquer is endless in the night, and it is tall and thick trees. A few night birds were suddenly frightened, hiding in the dark shadows of the trees and making a screaming screaming sound, making the night forest a little more empty.

The rush of grass blades rubbed, and the head was often five feet and five feet. The black tiger was panicked and jumped out of the grass.

The black tiger has not yet landed in the four feet. In front of it, the sky suddenly twisted, and the burnt-up was almost completely covered by a layer of blood plasma. It fell heavily in front of the black tiger. The fierce black tiger's instinctive claws were shot at the head of the donkey, and the tiger's claws, which were the size of the fan, brought a gust of wind, which was able to smash a stone.

There were a few screams in the back mountain forest, and five or six arrows rushed with a savage wind.

The grass was again amazed, and the three heads were born with elk, but only the stag horned beast with a stag in the middle of his head smashed three brawny men wearing burlap clothes.

The black tiger heard the arrow behind him, and it was too late to break the head of the donkey. He hurriedly twisted his waist, and the huge body rushed to the side, and the arrow swept his body. Over. Some of the cold stars clung to the black tiger black scorpion with a strangely shiny fur flashing, and the sharp arrows brought up a few thin tiger hairs.

The black tiger that was scared to the sky had not yet landed on the ground, and the three strong men had driven the mount to rush to it.

A pure iron spear with a small sea bowl thickness is just under the black tiger's belly. The strong man with a spear is struggling with the strength of the mount. The black tiger has at least two or three kilograms of heavy body. Was taken to the side and tilted a bit.

The body lost its balance, and the black tiger stood on the ground when it landed, and the wolf was rolling on the ground a few times.

The other two strong men made a sharp scream in their mouths. They screamed rudely, and the swords and swords brought a heavy wind to the black tiger's neck. The black tiger, which is based on instability, can't afford to dodge. The swords are smashed in the left and right sides of its neck. In the black lacquered forest, two blood springs with a few feet are sprayed out.

The black tiger made a desperate roar, and all the strengths of the tiger swayed, and the thick tiger tail of the sea bowl swept away with a gust of wind. The brawny man with the big knife was too late to dodge, and the tiger tail hit the chest and flew seven or eight feet away.

A rupture of the ribs came, and the spurred volcano squirted a few mouthfuls of blood, fell on the ground and rolled a few times, and could no longer climb.

The strong man who just flew the black tiger roared, and the iron spear hit like a poisonous scorpion, and the sly broke into the black tiger's neck.

There were a few more arrows in the rear, which shot just on the black tiger's fleshy buttocks. The arrow was quenched with a strong anesthetic, and the black tiger was hit hard by several times. The body twitched and crawled on the ground for a while, and finally stiffened.

Several horses riding on the odd-shaped elk, holding strong bows, slowly came out from the grass, and everyone cheered in unison.

The man with the iron spear dropped the weapon, hurriedly jumped off the mount, grabbed the companion who was drawn by the tiger's tail, and put him in the vicinity of the neck where the tiger spurted blood. The injured big man hurriedly opened his mouth and swallowed the blood. It didn't take long for him to support his body and stand up.

The big men cheered again. At this time, a man with a strong bow discovered the nakedness lying naked on the ground.

Several people got together and didn't want to lick them. They wiped the thick blood of the chest and looked at the broken skin of his chest. Nodded, whispered a few words, they will not be dragged to the side of the tiger, open the mouth of the beggar, give him a belly of tiger blood.

Roughly, it would not be like a broken sack to be thrown on the back of a mount. Several strong men eagerly cut down the branches, **** the stretcher, and glared at the sturdy tiger, carrying a rough and unknown tune. Let's go through the mountains and mountains.

When he woke up from a coma, he was lying on a bed of snarling beasts.

This is a wooden house with a length and a width of a few feet. It is built with raw wooden piles that are two feet wide. The bark on the trunk is not cleaned. On some of the most vital trunks, two or three feet are still born. The new branch, but no one cares.

In addition to a rough wooden table and a few round wooden posts that serve as stools, there is only a stone bed that is not lying. The stone beds cut from the mountain rock are paved with dozens of animal skins. The techniques of these leather tanning are not very good, and the skin also carries the natural body odor of the beast. Tigers, wild bears, leopards, all kinds of beasts, and other wild beasts, don’t know.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, a strong feminine force in the body came into being, with the ‘water spirit pulse’ in the arms of the seven mysterious thieves as the core, instantly rushing all over the body. Concentrate on the inside of the eye, do not feel faintly feel that the body's thick and tough meridians are shining with a touch of blue water.

"The Waters of the Seven Xuanzhu Lingbi", the way the body works, is so ‘familiar’.

Do not lick the corners of the eyes with large tears falling down, his body violently twitching, almost crying and crying.

In the process of the transfer of too large and large, Wu Wang and Le Xiaobai became gray, and the soul was crushed into the smallest soul particle. In the mysterious figure, when the "Stolen Sutra" was taught, all the soul particles poured into the sea under the influence of great pressure from the outside world, and integrated into the soul of the beggar.

Looking through the memories and knowledge that came out of my soul, there was a sudden burst of blood.

All the experience and knowledge of Wu Wang and Le Xiaobai have been integrated into the soul of the beggars and become a part of the soul.

Do not get all the combat knowledge and operational will of Wu Wang out of thin air, and get all his combat experience and all kinds of bizarre experience. He also got the knowledge reserve of Le Xiaobai's enchanting level, as well as his amazing memory and comprehension!

Stealing the scriptures, stealing the scriptures, taking the rest of others to make up for their own shortcomings! The first benefit of the first practice of stealing, not to get the best, is indeed derived from the most respected master and the most lovable friends! This is tantamount to not wanting to devour the soul of Wu Wang and Le Xiaobai. How can he not be sad, how can he not grieve?

Wu Wang’s left-footed big bang, the cause and effect were also known.

Before sneaking into the sky and changing the door to do undercover, Wu Wang’s left leg was implanted with an amazing metal hydrogen bomb. The bomb is linked to the vital signs of Wu Wang. When Wu Wang’s life is terminated, when his heart beats, the bomb will explode.

Knowing that he had entered the imaginary and vain movement, the three men would have no physiology. Wu Wang smothered himself and detonated the bomb in his leg bones. As a result, the chain reaction of too large and large shifts was triggered, and Miaoyuan Daojun and Shangguanye and others were all blown up.

"Master, master!"

"And, Le Xiaobai, you are like this, is it so dead?"

The body that is not squatting curled up, and suddenly burst into tears. He cried with tears in his eyes and his body violently groaned.

Even if he had done a lot of things in the days of stealing the day, he was only a teenager.

The master who had the gift of rebirth for him died, and his brother, who was as close as he was, died, and the teenagers of the wolf group who had been with him day and night were killed. He was caught in too big and moved. He didn't know where he was. He didn't feel that he was a broken kite. He fluttered and lost his direction and lost his goal.

When he was not crying loudly, the door of the wooden house was suddenly kicked open, and a stout man with a height of absolutely more than two meters strode in. Put a porcelain bowl with a small washbasin size on the table and put it on the table. This is very rough, and the big man with black hair on his chest and his face shouted loudly: "Man, you are The man is still a girl? What are you crying? What are you crying?"

The voice of Dahan is rough and ugly, and the wording is also very rough, and with a strong local accent.

I don’t know if I can understand the words of Dahan. Fortunately, he combines all the memories and experiences of Wu Wang and Le Xiaobai. Wu Wang has a lot of knowledge and has traveled all over the world. Le Xiaobai has a fascinating IQ. The original language of the world, including the native languages ​​of African tribes, was studied by him seven or eight.

So, don't understand the words of the big man.

The accent of this man is a bit close to the accent of the northeast of Tianjin, but with some folk slang. When Wu Wang was training near a village that had been closed for a long time in a mountainous area there, the accent of the old man in the village was similar to that of the man.

Wiping the tears of the eyes and tears, don't stand up and stand up and bow to the big man.

"Thank you for your uncle's help. Uncle said, man, shouldn't cry."

I was stunned by the big man. I don’t want to understand it suddenly. What are you crying, what is the need to cry? If Miaoyuan Daojun and Shangguanye are not dead, try to cultivate and try to go back and find them to retaliate. If they are dead, then they must also eliminate the Qingcheng vein and avenge the brothers of Wu Wang, Le Xiaobai and the Wolf Group.

Wu Wang’s willpower to stay away from the beggars played a powerful role, and did not stop crying and quickly made a decision.

The softness of his body disappeared cleanly, and the murderousness of a steel knife like a steel knife spread faintly.

Dahan agreed to nod and nodded, pointing to the big porcelain bowl on the table and laughing: "This is the man! Oh, I got you a bowl of tiger meat, and quickly ate up the vitality. The light of the tiger, The man ate the aphrodisiac, the woman ate the lactation, the best thing!"

After a pause, Dahan suddenly had a slap in his eyes, and he pointed at it and said, "What do you call me? Uncle? I have such an old man? I am only 14 years old this year. You call me Uncle? You guy. I have such an old man?"

Year 14?

Don't look at the big man who is two meters tall and tall, look at the black hair on his face, and look at his vicissitudes of looks and rough temperament. Is this what a fourteen-year-old boy should have? ?

However, perhaps the way of the year here is different from the year and month that you are familiar with?

I figured out this truth, don't rush to the big man and say, "I don't want to be reckless. This little brother, thank you for saving me!"

The little black-haired little brother laughed three times, and two pieces of burlap pants were taken from the animal skin pockets at the waist and thrown to the donkey. He smiled and said: "Little brother, I love to listen to this. Quickly eat meat, Our family is always asking you what to say!"

He shook his head proudly, and the big man squatted and squatted, and twisted his **** out of the wooden house.

Don't stare at the huge porcelain bowl on the table, look at the tiger meat at least five pounds in the bowl, and the brow is deeply wrinkled.

With a sigh, I barely ate a few pieces of rough tiger meat, drank two broths to quench my thirst, and did not dare to go out.

A beautiful mountain village appeared in front of the donkey.

Read The Duke's Passion