MTL - Stealing The Heavens-Chapter 1201 Overall situation

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Sixteen dim light glided from the void, slowly pouring into the gold body collapse, leaving only one soul of the Buddha, the Taoist ancestors. When it comes to a harmonious environment, even if the gold body collapses completely, it will only weaken the strength of the seven Buddhas, and their souls will still be able to exert more than 60% of the amazing power, but their defense power has weakened a lot.

However, the seven Buddhas and nines who still maintain the above-level strength are looking at the streamer in the body. The surface of the fairy soul is constantly swaying, as if their fairy soul is shaking with violent trepidation. There is no such thing as the wrong soul, yes, now they have been sweating!

They have already joined the Yuanling of the ancient world, and their cores are branded, and they record the spirit of all their information. Why are they going back to their bodies? In this way, they are no longer the holy sacred people of the road, but the ordinary power of the ordinary power is thousands of times more ordinary power than the peak of the road.

There is no eternal reliance, no spirits that are in harmony with the Scorpio, and what kind of sacred people are they?

Especially when the body of gold collapses, the soul is hit hard, and the spirits return to their place. Doesn't this really take their lives? Looking at the hands of the people holding their hands on the top of the head, a chill came from the bottom of the seven Buddhas and nine hearts, they could not help but chilled.

"What do you want to do with your friends?" After a long time, the guardian Buddha finally asked dryly.

"Oh..." Don't let it go for a long time, he has a lot of words to say, but he can't find a mouth for a moment.

After thinking for a long time, he slowly nodded: "I don't agree with your idea of ​​repairing and refining. I don't agree with the means and method of doing things. I don't even agree with you. In a nutshell, the road is different. I don’t want to be tempted, I don’t want to be pleasing to the eye."

The faces of the Seven Buddhas and the Nine Ways are very ugly, and there is a faint aura around them. Their gods were cautiously swept away, and wanted to see how powerful he was, and why they were able to strip their spirits from the rolling stream. This kind of thing, can it be done in the midst of the opening up of this world? Why does he do this?

"I have seen the ancient immortals around the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor." Do not lick the mouth, he snarled: "Good, very good immortals. Although they are long-lived, but they are free, they do not figure the right, not profit, Don't try to dominate the industry, don't ask for the high level to master everything."

Sigh a sigh, don’t shake your head and say: "I don't understand. It's also the person who repairs and smelts. Why do you make the Buddha's Gate and the Daomen's Gate make you angry and sorrowful? Why are there heaven and earth looted in your head? Are you too greedy?"

I sneered a few times, don't scream: "With your mind and means, if you start from the ancient world, you will start to meditate on the innate spirit you got. Can you not integrate with them now? At least Pangu has already done it, and even Huang has done it, but what about you?"

"You build Buddhism, establish Taoist martial arts, reject dissidents, kill the homologous chaos and demon gods, and even fight each other and kill each other, making the ancient world smouldering, so that Tianzhudao actively rejects the doorman and other scorpions. From time to time, the world will be robbed and killed. They will want to ask for a real longevity. Do you want to ask for a true extraordinary sanctification or a brain?"

The purple-browed ancestor was ugly by the singer, and he could not help but anger: "Boy, what do you know?"

Don't spread his hand, he sneered: "I don't know anything. I only know that you are stupid to kill each other. Now it's both hurt, and it's cheaper for me!" He took a deep breath and didn't want to squat. Once it became the essence of Yuanling’s old man, he said faintly: “All the old friends, Yuanling has been polite. The account of the year, we have a clear pen.”

Looking at the seven Buddhas and nine sorrows that looked disastrous, don’t say anything: "Don't say what kind of person I don't want to say in this world, what do you say about my past life and my relationship with you? The spirits are not all exchanged from me. As a result, you have teamed up to beat me to the ground, and the mistakes are not the same as the emperor’s and the ancients. people."

The guardian Buddha shouted: "Yuan Ling, you dare..."

Do not rush out of the eyebrows, and a rune that smothers the annihilation of the breath, and hits the heart of the Buddha. The guardian Buddha snorted and suddenly burst into a glare, and the soul that had been hit hard was collapsed. The guardian Buddha screamed, and his right palm turned to the soul of the defending Buddha's disintegration, forcibly grasping the spirit of the sacred Buddha.

The guardian Buddha took a few Buddhas to retreat, and he screamed: "The old spirit is weird. We are not right in the past. It is already here. We have nothing to say. From today, our brothers and sisters left the enthusiasm." The ancient world, in the chaos of the world can not escape, Eternal World will no longer see you, how do you mean?"

Don't sneer, he annoyed: "Okay, I won't kill you!"

The six Buddhas were sullen and sullen, and Changhong was rushing to the sky, but the nine black lacquered long tails flew in the oblique thorns, and the long tail with sharp poisonous hooks deeply penetrated the Buddha's theory. The poisonous gas quickly filled the whole body, and the six Buddhas mourned in unison. Their souls quickly dried up and huddled, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Jiuwei’s smooth and full-fledged, spit out seven yuan. He greedily looked at the seven Yuan Ling drool, but this is not to use the voice of God to order him to leave, he did not dare to really swallow the seven treasures. It is a pity that all the seven Buddhas have had their enlightenment experience in countless years. If they can swallow up these seven spirits, Jiuwei feels that they can at least improve their intelligence by seven or eight times.

Holding the Buddha's Yuanling in his hand, don't ignore the mourning and curse sent by the seven Buddhas. He sneered at the ugly nine ancestors and shouted: "Hand over the big horns of their spirits, these seven guys The spirit of the spirit belongs to you all... Hey, don’t say anything stupid about the broken net of fish, don’t you want to personally get rid of the sin of this step?

The purple eyebrows and ancestors raised their eyebrows and screamed. He smiled and slowly threw the bracelets of the nine powerful abilities of the town, such as the prince and the big horn, to the shackles.

Do not be faithful to the seven Buddhas of the Yuan spirit to the purple eyebrows ancestors, a long eyebrows and ancestors screamed, grabbed a seven-way yuan Ling Zhai into the mouth, like a wild animal chewed up. The seven Buddhas made a scream of screams, but their screams soon faded, and gradually became a little bit less.

Zimei Dao ancestors looked at the void and sighed: "Yuanling blame, you have a reason, if we don't fight each other, don't count each other, don't slap each other's heart, fear that we have been so many years The congenital spirit has been merged." The complexion suddenly became extremely sinister, and the purple-browed ancestors gnawed their teeth: "But there are seven of them, because they are seven, how can we dare to reconcile the enlightenment? How do we dare to understand the innate spirit?

Taking a deep breath, the purple-browed ancestors screamed and said: "We must calculate step by step... step by step, smashing the hearts and minds, step by step, and must completely suppress them. We have the courage to calmly understand the innate spirit."

The hand pointed to the direction of the heavens, and the purple-browed ancestors said: "Not only are they seven, but also the son-in-law, but also the Fuxi, and they are also a group. They must be left with enough strength. To guard against them, we must accumulate enough power to guard against them. Otherwise, how can we dare to calmly understand the innate spirit? Do not completely control the ancient world, how dare we?"

The cracks in the void are gradually dissipated, and the pale yellow ochre granules are constantly integrated into the void-reinforced space structure.

A glimmer of flying light, the top of the emperor's head Wan Ling Ding came to the side of the crowd. She just heard the crazy roar of the purple-browed ancestor, and she could not help but shook her head again and again: "The ridiculous, purple-browed, wrong, you have done too much, why did we want to count you?"

Zimei Daozu sneered at his disdainful sneer and said: "Now you naturally say so."

Yan Huang gently shook her head and said faintly: "I swear by my spirit until you pick up the taboos to betray the people, I began to warn you. Before that, we did not really do it for you. Any defense."

The face of Zimei Dao’s face suddenly became stiff and the faces of the other eight Taoist ancestors became extremely ugly. They looked at each other, the mistake is that they are now losing their gold body or they will be mad at vomiting blood.

All along, they have regarded the seven Buddhas as the most direct enemies, but their ultimate object of defense, the most powerful enemy in their hearts, has always been the ancient and the emperor. However, the emperor of the emperor swears by the Yuanling, the wrong non-seven Buddhas and nine sects actively mobilized the Terran, but in fact the Pangu and the Emperor Huang did not have the right to do with them.

This is a real truth, no one dares to swear by the spirit! In other words...

The purple eagle ancestor was as gray as he died. He smiled bitterly and shook his head. "It turns out that... if we are willing to return..."

The voice did not fall, and the eyebrows of the nine ancestors were suddenly penetrated by a long tail. The nine-tailed joyful madness absorbs the vast and pure power of the nine ancestors, and the shackles are the ones that sacrificed the death of the Ding bricks. Nine innate spirits flew out of the bodies of the nine ancestors, and they did not want to open their mouths, and the nine auras quickly flew to his mouth.

Yan Huang’s face changed slightly, and her jade hand was light, and she would stop the Yuandao Lingguang.

Pangu can give away the three innate spirits, which is the relationship that needs to be helped. But these nine original souls belong to the ancestors, and there are already suitable candidates for them in the heart of the emperor.

However, the emperor's net just shot, the five-color Shenguang was brushed down from her, and a small piece of the emptiness of the emperor's body suddenly turned into a porridge. Her fingertips collided with the chaotic void, a weird The heat went straight through the palm and almost didn't burn her palm. Yan Huang was shocked and hurriedly shrank hands. The five-color Xiaguang suddenly lit up beside her. Xia Xia did not know when she had arrived at the back of the emperor, and a small hand was stuck to the heart of the emperor.

Xia Jiaojiao squeaked and smirked: "The Virgin Mary, you are the Virgin of the Virgin, the Devil and the Purple Sisters will bear your love. But Xia Xia was born in chaos, it is the outer domain demon. The body of the ancestors, so there is no psychological burden for killing the Virgin."

A chilly and bitter evil force invaded the heart of the emperor, almost freezing her heart. Xia Xiyin channel: "A gamble, can you grab the nine innate spirits? Then gamble, can you kill her Yuanling?"

Yan Huang’s body is stiff and does not dare to move. If the person who controls her is a beggar or a princess, she will never have the slightest fear. But for Xia Xia, she really didn't dare to move. As Xixia said, she is of course the identity of the Virgin of the Terran. The beggars and the Princess of Lele are all human beings in this life, but what does the relationship between the Terran and the Xia Xia have? She did not care about the emperor.

Two magnificent people rushed out of the oblique thorns, and Xuanyuan Huangdi and Yandi Shennong, who had been invisible, attacked Xia Xia. Xuanyuan Huangdi screamed: "The demon girl, take your hand away!"

But before the two holy emperors attacked Xia Xia, they did not respect and show that the Holy Spirit has stopped in front of them.

敖 尊 尊 尊 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I heard that the Xuanyuan Huangdi Royal Girl had three thousand and got the road. The district is three thousand? Hey, I count how many years I have been in the royal family?"

Xuanyuan Huangdi can only helplessly smile, and he does not respect this change. He really didn't grasp it. In terms of seniority, 敖不尊 is the identity of the Taizu Zulong. He is certainly the Holy Emperor of the Terran, but what can he do with the ancestors of the Dragon?

On the other side, Yandi Shennong is also not doing anything to show the Holy Spirit, just to show the Holy Spirit, and there is a big hammer staring at it. Looking at the hill-sized hammer, Yandi Shennong felt the brain faint.

Yan Huang's bitter smile, gently shook his head, she said lightly: "Yuanling old friend, this is your fate!"

Do not lick Zhangkou to swallow the nine-way Lingguang into the belly, he helplessly screamed at the emperor: "This can not blame me, hey, too many friends and relatives, always give them a chance. Not to mention the music in the belly My eldest son, always leave him a piece."

I laughed and said, "I don't want to look at the ugly Xia Xia." "Xiao Xia, our baby... Still forget it, hey, this congenital spirit is not a leek in the earth, there can be so many." Xia’s one child gave birth to 360,000 magic species, and I had a headache when I thought of the huge number. Prepare a congenital spirit for each demon child? That is impossible!

The souls of the nine ancestors have been swallowed up by the nine tails, and their spirits have become a nine-tailed tonic.

The screams of screams in the void disappeared completely, and they should not be separated from each other by the emptiness of the emptiness.

After a long silence, the Emperor’s gentleman nodded slowly: “Is the Yuanling old friend to live here for a long time?”

Don't bother with the first words: "Yes, the former Yuanling is really a boring person. My best memories are in the red dust, so I have to settle here."

Don't wait for the opening of the emperor's mouth, don't say slowly: "I won't interfere with too much in this world, but I don't want too much to interfere with me. The situation is very good, very good. I I think, Pan Gu will agree with me."

娲 氏 氏 没 没 没 没 没 没 没 没 没 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . As you can't say, the situation at the moment is very good... Even if the Emperor Huang thinks that it is not very good, it is difficult to re-constrain the Tianzhu Road unless the Buddhism and the Daomen Gate are again in the same situation.

With a sigh, Yu Huang’s slogan said: "So, that’s it. As long as it is recognized by the ancients, it’s good."

Don't laugh at it with a sigh of relief: "Pangu is a man of generosity, he will recognize it."

Look up at the sky, don't sigh: "The last trouble is the broken-off, and I am going to help the old man."

Laughing, don't wave a hand, tearing open the void and stepping in.

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