MTL - Stealing The Heavens-Chapter 1197 One blow

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The first thousand one hundred and ninety-seven chapters hit the life and death

The number of Buddhist disciples in Da Luo Tianzhong is increasing, and they are coming from all over the Pangu world. The lower ones were raised from the temples of the Pangu world, and they were raised to the higher stars. They flew from the stars of the outer starry sky and repaired them to a higher height, from the Pangu world. The core of the star and the inside of the black hole are everywhere.

There are also some Buddhist monks who have been trained to be extremely deep and magical. They are returning from the chaos to the Pangu world. They use the Buddha's magical powers to directly split the void, and then they use the method to spread to the Da Luotian. Some Buddhist monks are also riding some strange strange chaotic creatures, apparently this is their mount in chaos. Some of these chaotic creatures have even reached the level of breaking the road, and the magical powers that can be exerted with the strength of those Buddhist monks are even more amazing.

The mighty Buddha repairs rushed into the Great Luotian, respectively, according to the division of the Baimen of the Buddhism, respectively, according to the strength and status of the high respectively.

Everyone in Dalu’s Daomen’s door was screaming from time to time. These Buddhist monks who walked out of various incredible retreats, some of whom were preached by the very early days. But now they all appear here, and the Dharma practice is a strong exception, and they are much stronger than their peak strength.

Among them are more than three hundred Buddhas in the Buddha's dynasty. These more than 300 Buddha Lords are said to have fallen in the treacherous world, and there has been no chance of reincarnation. But now more than 300 former Buddhist masters have arrived, all over the body, and the body is shining, they sit on the lotus platform with a smile of compassion, and the smile seems to be a bit ridiculous in the eyes of everyone.

Zimei Daozu suddenly sighed a sigh of relief: "The seven Taoist friends are worried, afraid that it is a long time to plan a face with us?"

The sacred Buddha red-red scorpion stared at the purple-browed ancestors, and he sneered: "To each other, just be prepared."

The two cockfighters generally looked at each other, and the purple eagle ancestors took a long time to slowly nod and said: "If you are a real face, I am afraid that it will only be cheaper. If you are careful, do you really have to go that step? You I have counted each other for countless years, but they all care about the feathers. They have never really killed them. Is it really going to end in the end?"

The guardian Buddha bites his teeth: "Unless you return our innate spirit, you can't stop."

The Nether Buddhas have already carried the mighty sinister squadron to the Da Luo Tianzhong. They used the supreme power to move the six-wheeled reincarnation to the Daluo Day. The six black and white two-color strange lights slowly rotate, and all the heavenly soldiers who were swept by the strange light fell. Rao is protected by the power of the gods and gods. He is still forcibly stripped from the heavenly gods. The body is cut clean by the reincarnation, and the spirit is forcibly entered into the reincarnation.

At the same time, several Taoist ancestors looked up at this hugely incomparable six-round reincarnation wheel that included the entire Da Luo Tian. It is reasonable to say that the six reincarnations are only a part of the heavens. It is impossible to have such a powerful force to obliterate the gods in the heavenly position. However, there are seven huge golden Buddha gates lurking in the six reincarnation wheels in front of us. Each round of reincarnation has a treasure wheel sitting in the town, six pivots at the hub, and one inner and outer nesting forty-two weights. The incomparable Buddhism treasure wheel is looming.

"Tian Tian Sheng Lun!" Zimei Dao ancestors said: "This is when we entered the ancient holy palace together, you get the strongest piece of ancient saints, actually used to suppress six reincarnations, you are really big! Look Come, are you planning?"

The guardian Buddha slowly raised his arm, and the six arms formed a violent lion's magical seal. He screamed: "Yes, it is already a plan. You are the door to the gods, and you control the heavenly priests in one hand. How can I not prepare for the Buddha's door? The Tiansheng Holy Wheel cooperates with the six reincarnations, just to restrain the priesthood that you sealed. ”

The hustle and bustle of the sky has become a mess. The six reincarnations continue to spur the black and white two-color singular light to sweep into the big array. The large group of gods and soldiers will crash the body and be forced into the reincarnation. It’s just a few words of effort, and hundreds of millions of peripheral soldiers have been swept away.

Zimei Daozu sneered again and again, he said: "Excellent, very good, but your Buddha's door is deliberately trying to deal with my door, how can we prevent it?"

The nine-color lotus flower slowly rotates, and the purple and blue color of the fairy scent rises up, and the top of the nine ancestors condenses into a road with a hundred miles. The huge Taoist sacred possesses a horrible mana. As the purple-browed ancestors shouted, the nine ancestors waved at the same time, and the road flew into the sky, and the bang was on the edge of Da Luotian.

Numerous Buddhist sacred sacred in response to the call of the Buddha have come to Da Luotian, but this plaque hit, Da Luotian suddenly surrounded by terrible space tides. The smashing of the void is like a myriad of razor-stricken shots. At least a million sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred entanglements have been involved in the smashing space. The seven Buddhas were angry and anxious. They roared in anger and released the Taoist light to guide the disciples who were involved in the void, but where is the use?

A emptiness in the sky above Da Luotian collapsed, and a clear clear light accompanied the richness of the heavens and the earth.

Everyone was shocked, including the beggars who had just sneaked back to Da Luotian. They have only been said to have been thirty-three days since ancient times, but what is it that appears in the sky above Da Luotian? That is a huge area where the three areas are extremely large, and each weight is equivalent to the total area of ​​thirty-three days.

In these three heavens, there are green mountains and green waters everywhere, and Taoist buildings are everywhere. At the moment, countless Taoist people wearing purple robes are flying from the Taoist temples, and they have formed a cloud of thousands of people. Taiwan’s big squad flew down the big Luotian.

The phoenix hovered, the cranes danced, and some of the superbs were superbly seated across the various mounts. These Taoists fell around the nine-color lotus, and bowed to the first ceremonial tribute to Dao. All the Taoists do not say a word, they do not need to say any word. At this moment they appear here in this way, they are clearly the power of the ambush to guard the Buddha.

The blood in the seven Buddha's scorpions was slightly dimmed. There were still three heavens in the sky. For so many years, they never knew the secret. Even some of the pieces they placed in the gates are already the identity of the Taoist lord. They still don't know that there are three heavens in the sky. And who are the people who walked out of these three-day days, many of them are impressive to the Buddhas - in the Heavenly Emperor, at least three hundred days of the Emperor are among these people, and it’s said that the heavens and the earth are looting. Daomen Da Luo Jinxian, there are more than 10,000 people.

Zimei Dao ancestor said: "They are all my elite, and there is also Hongjuntian in the sky. In addition to my brothers and sisters, other disciples can't go out in Hongjun days. The entrance and exit are my brothers. Nine people are in charge, and no one knows the existence of this triple heaven except the disciples who were sent to Hongjun Tianzhong."

The purple-browed ancestors looked at the guarded Buddha: "Your Buddha's door is to be arrogant and my face is turned, then try it?"

The nine auras flew from the top of the Taoist priests, and half of the aura was hidden in them, and half of the aura was flying in the wind above them. Zimei Daozu sneered: "Our innate spirit is here, whoever has that skill, just take it!"

There was a low roar in the array of scorpions, and the twelve broken-offers saw that there were nine innate spirits here. They were really crazy. Everyone is dying from the impact of the death, only to grab any innate spirit, and then they have no fear.

The guardian Buddha turned his head and glanced at the other six Buddhas.

The eyes of the six Buddhas are extremely firm. As they have just calculated, those who have captured their innate spirits are likely to have escaped into chaos. Even if the ancestors had nothing to do with their innate spirits, they would only be able to plunder for the sake of extraordinary sanctification. The innate spirit of the nine ancestors.

There is no room for relaxation, only life and death.

In order to truly live forever, in order to truly squander, for the true extraordinary sanctification, even if you sacrifice all the disciples and disciples?

Looking up at the six reincarnations suspended above the head, the seven Buddhas flew up and sat on the six lanes and the center of the six reincarnations. The Tiansheng Holy Wheel released the Taoist Buddhism, and the seven Buddhas recited the scriptures at the same time. The golden scent of the day was full, and the rich aroma swept the entire Pangu world.

The Buddhism giants who have already arrived at Da Luotian have flew into six reincarnations. The Buddhism powers that are coming to Da Luotian are also rolled up by a Buddha light, no matter where they are in the Pangu world. Among the six reincarnations of the round.

Hundreds of thousands of lotus flowers bloom in the six reincarnations. Each lotus flower is a Buddhist country. Every Buddha has a lot of Buddhas in the country. There are countless Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Luohan, King Kong and other Buddhist temples. Singing the Buddhist scriptures loudly.

In the Pangu world, countless Buddhist believers have been inspired by the meditation, and they have fallen to the ground to sing the scriptures and provide great faith.

Nine ancestors also sneered, although it is so different that it can take away the innate spirit of the Buddhas, but now the seven Buddhas have made clear the opportunity to seize their own, how can this kind of thing tolerate? And the general minds of the Buddhas, in order to prove the opportunity, even if you sacrifice all the elites of the road?

Daomen are not the gates of those disciples. The gates are only the gates of the nine ancestors.

The Taoist ancestry exists and the Taoist door exists. The Taoist priest has fallen, what is the meaning of the existence of that gate?

With a clear scream, the nine-color lotus flower flashed rapidly, and countless disciples also plunged into the nine-color lotus, and they stood in a position.

The Buddhas sacrificed the powerful holy sacs they had received from the Seventh Holy Monastery. The Taoists were not willing to show weakness. They also sacrificed a purple pagoda with a height of 36.

The thirty-three days in which Tian Ting was located included Da Luotian and the triple-occupation that had just appeared at the same time, and the thirty-six heavens turned into thirty-six giant auras and rushed into the pagoda. Zimei Dao Zulang said: "This is the end of the matter, no nonsense, you and I will kill life and death."

Read The Duke's Passion