MTL - Stealing The Heavens-Chapter 1155 Abandoning the Buddha

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The first thousand one hundred and fifty-five chapters abandoned the Buddha

At 8 o'clock tonight, 2935 channels, interested comrades come together to fool!


"I am compassionate!"

In the face of the attitude of the Supreme Master and the Big B., Zhai Shizun just sneaked a long sigh of Buddha, and then pressed down. The four sides of the void disappeared invisible, and there was only one huge golden Buddha's palm between the heavens and the earth with a rolling golden cloud that slowly pressed down from the sky.

The guardian’s face changed slightly, and he shouted: “The town!”

The countless cities, land, and mountain gods of the Quartet listened to the orders of the guardians. They were about to use the power of the heavenly gods to resist the slamming of the world. In the void, suddenly a few clouds floated down, and several heads were worn. The star crown is wearing a Xia, and the star-studded star is standing on the cloud. The first star in the hand stroking a small whip in his hand, faintly smiled: "Well, the priesthood is a heavenly device, how can it be used for personal grievances?"

An understatement of the words immediately turned the city, the land, and the mountain **** into a sinister wind, and even the sinister soldiers under the arm were running without a trace. Who do not know these stars? The leader of the leader is the ‘Tianyuan Xingjun’ in the 1.08 million star who was just booked.

Tianyuan Xingjun, the leader of the 18,000-star star, is the leader of the Tianting Xingjun, directly under the Yuan Dynasty Emperor, is one of the three commanders of the Yuan Dynasty. He was a great disciple of the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty and the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. Both the Emperor and the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty were stunned by the horrible swords of the Emperor's ambush in the night. Therefore, they were on the list.

There are empirators and emperors who have been together for hundreds of millions of years, and there are also the distressed feelings of both men and women. Tianyuan Xingjun is almost the spokesperson of the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. Any one of his words can be regarded as the meaning of the Great Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

Since Tianyuan Xingjun has come out to expel these cities, who would dare to stay here for a while? Although the Supreme Master is also the great Emperor of the Daozu, the Three Realms know that the Emperor of the Great Heaven had been erected for two years. He was not allowed to move in a court. However, the Yuan Dynasty Emperor Tiandi is different. If these cities, land, and mountain gods violate the will of the Yuan Emperor, they can be endless. It is necessary to know that after the heavenly seal of the gods, the power of heaven also condenses a ‘斩神台’!

Seeing countless yin gods fleeing, guarding the popular eyebrows, he sneered: "Good, good, good, Tianyuan Xingjun, poor road today remember you!"

The pony whip in the hands of Tianyuan Xingjun waved gently. He said in an understatement: "Your Majesty does not remember to hate the minister. The court is only to maintain the rules of the heavens. The heavenly gods are heavenly instruments, how can you use your personal grievances? These gods help you?"

Shaking his head and sighing, Tianyuan Xingjun was very embarrassed and smiled at the guardian. Then he took a few stars behind him and flew up to heaven. On the guardian's mouth, his mouth was soaking, and he suddenly sneered: "Okay, good, good, big blessing, today's fair, I have to preside over it for you! The poor road is to see, this world is three realms, Is there really no place for reasoning! You can’t go to the poor road with you, and ask the seven Buddhas what it means!”

The face of a slap in the palm of his hand changed slightly, and he suddenly took his hand. At the height of the sky, a huge golden Buddha's palm fluttered up and hesitantly, and the face of the world was changing rapidly. He suddenly said faintly: "The purple pole is inspired by the great emperor, this is my Buddhist affairs. Why do you have to intervene? Big B The Sayādaw colludes with the devil's head..."

When the Supreme Master interrupted the words of the world, he sneered: "What do you say, the seven Buddhas will believe?"

Yu Shizun was silent for a long time, and he slowly nodded: "It’s not just the poor ones who say this. If all the same doors of Daling Mountain are like this, then this matter will definitely be related to the Big B!"

Taking a long breath, the guardian slowly pulled out a white jade ruler. He said lightly: "Less nonsense, you have to do it, you have to fight! The poor road wants you guys to know, some things, It’s not that you can do whatever you want! Heaven is like this, so is the Buddha!”

Ruan Shizun looked at the guardian, and suddenly there was a anger in his heart. He looked up at the direction of the heavens and almost broke out. In the view of Yu Shizun, the guardian of the sect was venting his enthusiasm in the heavenly court to the head of the Buddha, so he would look at the mung bean with the big sorrower of the same disease. The big blessed person is in his early days.

He can even think that the six famous emperors in the court today are afraid that they are watching their own excitement. They are optimistic about the show, but they are hard to do here! Losing so many Buddha's signature plaits, if you don't get a top tank out, your group will not have good fruit to eat. Who wants to say the top tank, who is more suitable than the big one?

Not to accept the decision of the Buddhist congress, privately left the Great Lingshan to return to their own dojo, is the big B.

He and the Bodhisattva Lingdai Bodhisattva made a private grievance, and then the son of the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Bodhisattva suddenly lost, the biggest suspect is the Big B.

In the confrontation between the Daoist and the Buddhism army, the guards of the guards intervened and almost caused the battle. As a result, the devil head struck, killing so many people, still the big B. Moreover, so many disciples are killed in the dojo of the big B. The responsibility is not borne by the big Blessings. Is it necessary to let other people come to this pot?

If they change the weekdays, they will not dare to treat the big B., and they will not dare to blatantly give a Buddhist temple a black pot. But now the seven Buddhas retreat and practice, they have to attack a mysterious realm of erratic and unpredictable, they are innocent and distracted to pay attention to the outside world, as long as they can firmly bind the black pot of the devil's head to the big blessing, he It is impossible to turn over anyway.

But now it’s too embarrassing to have a guardian.

Killing the guardian? Ruan Shizun joined forces with the other 17 worlds to have this ability, but not the guts. The Supreme Master is the great emperor of the Daozu Qinfeng. If he kills him, the Daozu must be investigated, so they can't hold back the **** people. When Daozu and Buddha are angry, who can bear the wrath of Thunder?

Distressed and shook his head, don't say anything about the anger of the world! He looked at the direction of the heavens and took a deep breath. Many of the Buddhist monks in the Great Lingshan Mountain were forced to crowd out the big Blessings, but isn’t your heavenly crowds crowded with guardians? Now these two aliens are stunned, and you will always show up in heaven. What is it to send a Tianyuan Xingjun to drive away a group of Chenghuang land? You have to have more substantive moves!

Yu Shizun looked at the guardian and the Blessing, and once he saw the gods, he had already explored the past in the thirty-three days. He wants to join hands with the Great Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, and how to buckle the **** pot today.

In the Tongming Hall, the Emperor Yuandi of the Yuan Dynasty was gloating over the situation of the lower bound through a light mirror, and saw the sorrowful appearance of the singer, and the Lantern and the other five great emperors laughed at the same time. Just when they laughed, a voice was heard in the ears of five people: "The Guardian and the Blessings colluded with the hackers and killed my Buddhist disciples, so they were killed by the poor." How dare you ask the six great Heavenly Emperors?"

The smiles of the six great Heavenly Emperors suddenly condensed. They looked at each other and could not help but marvel at the sorrowful heart of the world.

In one breath, killing the Supreme Master and the Big B Supreme, this matter, the Great Heavenly Emperor did not have the courage to ring, this 柩世尊 is directly.

After a moment of indulgence, Yuan Zhen Da Tiandi said faintly: "If you can do it, there are naturally widows in the Taoist sect. But if you can't do it, the singer will ring the Yuanmen Gate and will do today's things. The obituary of Ten gave nine ancestors."

The **** of the world’s gods slowly left the Tongming Hall, and there was a raging anger in the heart.

Yuan Zhen Da Tiandi suddenly laughed. He shook his head and smiled. "This is a thief. He is daring to provoke a disaster. Why should he lead us? The loss of today's Buddhism... Hey, when the Buddha leaves the customs, there must be They look good. We just look at the show. If he can kill the guard, it is best. If it can't be killed, then all the responsibilities will make this thief go to squat!"

Yuanxiao Datiandi smiled lightly, and he gently claped his hand: "Strictly guard against the attack of the devil's demolition, shut up the four-door Tianmen, and order the priests to close the door, and not allow easy access. Today's business, who we are I don't know."

The six great emperors glanced at each other, and they squirted a purple-gold blood at the same time. Yuanxiao Datiandi sighed: "The powerful devils, they actually invaded the heavens and plotted, but fortunately I joined forces to expel them... just pity the Buddhist friends, they died so badly!"

The Yuan Dynasty Emperor Tiandi was so sad that he silently lifted his sleeves and wiped his tears in the corners of his eyes: "It is obvious that I can't resist the invasion of the devil's head. It is also helpless to close the four-door Tianmen. It is only the purple-inspired Datian Emperor is still traveling outside. What if he had a magical problem?"

Not to mention that these great tycoons, the great emperor has already done all the means to cope with it, and said that after the world’s promises from the six emperors, he groaned and turned his back to the bottom. Yan Shizun simply tore his face and yelled at the big Blessings: "Da B, you should not touch our interests. We have worked hard in Buddhism for many years, and we have done our best for the Buddha. With today's status."

Eighteen sages shouted in unison: "Why can you come to the future, how can He De let the Buddha pass on all the clothes to you?"

Eighteen huge Buddha's palms screamed from the sky with a whistling sound, and the eighteen worlds were not only to kill the guardians and the big sages, but even everyone around them. Not willing to let go.

The guardian of the top of the head of the Taiqing Wanxiang Dingxing Tower released a large piece of bright light, he will be hard to beat the 18 World Wars teamed up.

The big Blessing is a long sigh. He sighs and sighs: "The Buddha is so unfair, and the Buddha is still working hard to sell his life. From today, the Buddha is still vulgar and has long hair. I will worship the door after Buddha." !"

The palm of the hand patted the bald head, and the long hair suddenly grew out. The big blessing person grabbed it down, and the Bodhi giant wood in the Dalong Temple became a strong light, and the smash hit the 18th. Buddha's palm.

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