MTL - Stealing The Heavens-Chapter 1141 Broken source

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The first one hundred and forty-one chapter broke the source

The size of this palace is not large, the internal hall is more than 100 acres in size, there is no pillar in the clean, the ceiling is more than 100 feet high from the ground, it looks very bright. The old man floated in front of the pedestrians, and behind him was a hazy glow, and it was faintly visible that many odd-shaped objects flickered in the glow.

"Hey, hurry up, do you want a powerful saint, or do you want to hear my last words?"

The old man squinted and smiled a few times. He clap his hands and smiled with a bit of relief: "Since I am dead, I will die clean. Those who are new to the nephew are a pity." In short, is it a sacristy or a last word? Hurry and think clearly, I am too lazy to waste time here.

Waiting for the opening, the old man urged: "Although I was not very precious when I was alive, but now I am rushing to death, rushing to death, so you can quickly decide what you want."

Don't scream, he also stared at the old man. God knows carefully about this old man. The old man's body is no different from ordinary people. He has blood and flesh and temperature and heartbeat. It looks like a normal person. But his breath is a bit weird. He seems to be missing something. He should be an artifact, an item made by a saint.

He is not a ghost, not a jealousy, not a projection or something, nor a distraction. In the end, this old man is something, and he has not yet touched the level that the saints should have, so he can't figure out what the old man is. He didn't give a sense of threat, and it was like a bowl of water.

Seeing that he didn’t say anything for a long time, the old man grabbed his head and slightly tilted the high crown worn on his head. He smiled and said: "Is it difficult to make a decision? Then, my last words can't tell you first, but some powerful saints here, you can come out and let you see and see!"

Grabbing the light curtain behind him, a group of stunned pink liquid **** were caught by the old man. The liquid ball condensed in the wind and turned into a pink human-sized crystal ball. He proudly licked the crystal ball and said with a smile: "This is the unique treasure of the world, the daughter country, hey, but I liked the most proud piece of the year!"

The unsightly eyeball almost jumped out of the eyelids. He smiled and rubbed his palm and smiled: "Daughter country? Hey, what's the use?"

The old man smiled and glanced at it. If he nodded thoughtfully, he whispered: "There is still a good person here. Unfortunately, unfortunately, I am already dead, otherwise I must discuss with you on the beauty." Means. I thought that I could even have 30,000 princes in the sacred beauty, and the golden guns wouldn’t fall, killing them and throwing away their blood and flowing into the river. Hey, it’s the name of the first cherished flower in my holy world!”

While bounced on his own, and regardless of the strange expression, the old man gently touched the 'daughter country', and he heard a bang, and a large crystal ball spewed a pink haze, greasy and tired. A faint scent of haze gradually spread, and a soft laughter came out. After the haze was gone, more than a dozen young girls who couldn’t help but appeared in the old man’s side.

These girls have a good face, they have a very straight and elastic chest, with a slender and soft waist, with long and powerful long legs. They are either pure, or enchanting, or noble, or quiet, or smiling, or angry, or chasing play, or sitting quietly around the old man, smiling at everyone.

What makes you feel fearless is that the weakest of these girls has the cultivation of the peak of the Ming Dynasty. The strongest one is actually the strength of breaking the peak. And there is a pair of beautiful girls who are beautiful and beautiful. They have a strong heat in the whole body, and a cold body is chilly. It is obviously a wonderful couple with both ice and fire power.

The unspoken saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth to the ground. He stared at the smile of the twin girls: "The appearance is unspeakable, the twin sisters, the ice and the fire, the world, how can there be such a wonderful thing? Hey, this daughter country It really is a supreme device!"

The old man smiled and handed the pink crystal ball to the front and said: "I want it, it's yours!"

He rubbed his head and sighed with a sigh of relief. He shook his head and stepped back. He stared at the 'daughter country' and sighed: "It really is a wonderful sacred device. It is a pity that Lao Tzu does not respect the female color, but also knows what is good. This baby, I can not ask. Oh, unfortunately. It’s a pity, how good the baby is!”

The old man looked at him with disdain. He shouted: "This holy device can create all kinds of beautiful women with your heart and mind. The endless beauty of the woman allows you to be graceful, and all of them are extraordinary, no matter Whether it’s a double repair or a double repair is a great thing. So you are a treasure, don’t you really want it?”

敖 敖 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不!"

I was surprised by the old man, and suddenly I laughed and said: "It’s a pity that this old ghost is a public goods. If you are a mother, hehe..."

The old man’s face is green. Have he ever seen such a superb bastard? He stunned and looked at him with a sigh of relief. In his nephew, he flashed his light and threw his daughter's country back into the light curtain behind him, and took out a polished knife from the light curtain. He looked at the smirk and said: "This is a good baby. It is also a good baby. This knife name is called 'meat forest', but it is a rare treasure."

Holding a butcher knife and gently slashing into the void, I heard a tragic scream, a five-clawed golden dragon fell from the air, and there was a clear knife on his belly. The internal organs were being weighed by a strange force. Pull out from the body. Along with a loud screaming sound, Jinlong's scales, internal organs and other things have fallen off, and his muscles and bones have been separated by a strange force.

A piece of fire wrapped the body of Jinlong, and a long time there was a strong flavour of meat. The population of the cockroaches, the golden horns, etc., squirted out, especially the Golden Horn, the Silver Horn, the Golden Feather, and the Silver Feather, which could not control their fascination with the roasting dragon meat. Goed two steps.

The old man smiled and handed the butcher knife to the front of the golden horn. He smiled and said: "This is the meat forest. How can you see the power? You can take a knife, whatever you want to eat, or whatever you want to eat, this knife Can fulfill your wish!"

Don't sigh and cough.

The Golden Horn took a deep breath and they slowly stepped back a few steps. Jin Jiao shook his head vaguely and said: "Let's eat us, are you?"

The old man's face became a bit ugly. He blinked and threw the meat forest in the light curtain behind him. Then he sighed a little lazily and shook his head. "It's really a bad group of dolls, oh, look at it, see how many good babies I have here!"

A little behind the fingers, the light curtain shattered open, and thousands of sacred sacred sacred objects appeared behind the old man. He looked at him and smiled: "It's all good baby, countless good things. There is power to destroy a saint, there is a moment to create a saint, there are also things that can help you speed up cultivation, and more It’s like a wonderful sacrament like a daughter’s country and a meat forest!”

Taking a deep breath, the old man smiled and said: "What do you want?"

Don't mean pointing to the old man, Shen Sheng said: "Want to hear what your old words are."

The old man looked at him with amazement: "A person with a slightly normal brain will choose these saints? My last words, do you think that there will be clues to my treasure in my last words, which can help you get more What about the holy device? That is impossible!"

Don't frown and coldly say: "For the people of the Holy World, even if I am just a small creation, what is the holy device? These things outside can be created by hand. The holy device is created by the saints. To facilitate your daily routine, but your last words, I would love to hear your last words, because I don't want to die in the hands of the broken people like you."

The old man looked at him with amazement and he bowed his head: "It is a clear understanding."

Shaking his head and sighing, the old man said with approval: "Before you, four people came to me, but they just chose to leave after a holy device... Oh, compared with you, they are too Stupid, stupid."

After a few laughs, the old man asked: "So, since you have come across the boardwalk outside, then you should have heard the bunch of nonsense left by the little guy of 'Zizi'?" My life is not for me, the little guy complained a lot?"

Don't think of the strange head of the second floor of the second floor when he remembered the embryo that he collected the creation. He nodded and smiled bitterly: "He has complained for more than a dozen hours, which is really unbearable."

The old man nodded slowly. He blinked for a while and said slowly: "So, as the kid complained, if you want to die, you will surpass the repairs of the seven Supreme. So, you will The real eternal life is not extinguished."

With a sigh, the old man waved a hand, and thousands of pieces of the sacrament behind him shattered at the same time. He slowly said something.

The sacred world is a natural disaster and a man-made disaster. The destructors represent the most negative thirteen forces in the sacred world. So many sacred sacred sacred sacred sects, in the long process of cultivation, they excluded those negative forces from their own bodies, and all the negative forces gathered together to form the embryo of the devotee.

That is to say, the devotee is the collection of all the negative energy that all the holy sacred sacred can expel, so they have such tyrannical power that they can finally completely destroy the entire sacred world.

But the devotees should not have appeared. They can only be free forces, and should not be condensed into the entities of the devotees.

But a tyrannical force interfered with all of this, and that power directly shaped the thirteen squadrons and gave them the immortality, giving them the power to break the sacred world!

"Where does that power come from?" Don't ask the old man subconsciously.

The old man just smiled slightly. He pointed to the door of the temple and sighed softly: "That, you have to go to other palaces and turn around."


Broth, but did not eat meat!

Read The Duke's Passion