MTL - Stealing The Heavens-Chapter 1125 Anonymous realm

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The first thousand one hundred and twenty-five chapters of the nameless realm

The ruins trembled fiercely, and the violent energy that rushed up the spiral gap again shocked the relics. Everyone has become accustomed to this matter, and every three or five months, short seven or eight days of effort, this group of unknown energy will impact the relics once. Every impact will cause some damage to the remains, but the damage is very small in terms of the remains of more than 10 million miles in length and width.

It’s nothing more than the energy that ignited the little stones, which may cause some of the unlucky ones to be beaten or simply killed. There is no other harm to this energy.

Sitting on the top of a large hall near the core of the ruins, don't make a tough fight, and look straight at the three-foot-high pile of colorful clouds. The colorful petals and stems are translucent, as if there is a stream of light flowing in it, the faint scent is constantly floating, and the powerful energy fluctuations can be clearly felt by hundreds of thousands of miles.

This kind of lotus flower is the only one in the Yuanling secluded environment, but because of the ruins that came to this place, I don’t want to rely on the understanding of the colorful old gods of Yuanling, and condensed tens of thousands of lotus flowers. It was distributed to everyone, and tens of thousands of trees were cultivated in the spiritual environment of the Yuanling, and it was not even in the Yuanling's secluded environment to open up a lotus field with a colorful color of the gods.

Time has passed unconsciously for three years, and you have already swallowed thousands of colorful Yunshen Baolian, and the mana repair has been greatly improved. Perhaps it is not as good as the group that is not in the Pangu world, but any power that breaks the road cannot be possessed by the mana of today.

Colorful and beautiful, the lotus is fragrant and beautiful, and it contains extremely powerful power. As long as it is taken down, the enormous power of the intrinsic can be transformed into a mana of ten robbing. But this lotus has many benefits, but its taste is really a breakdown. Sour and sour, spicy and incomparable, all kinds of terrible tastes of sin are almost all hidden.

But in order to play better and faster, do not have to chew it down. Every time you don't swallow this terrible baby, the terrible taste that swayed directly from the soul of the gods will make him crazy. This kind of madness has been going on for thousands of times. Don’t even think that you are crazy, how can he endure for so long?

However, I feel the infinite endless power of the body. I don’t want to gnash my teeth and grab a lotus flower. While screaming and smelling, I frown and put it all in my mouth. 'Chew up.

The strong medicinal juice tumbling into the abdomen, and it turned into a hot stream in the blink of an eye. Like a bomb erupting in the body, the body of the vast and boundless 'Fa Li Hai' rippling a huge wave, purple gold mana whistling and swept the whole body, constantly absorbed by the innate chaos of the purple house, and then continuously purified to Hong Mengzi The air flow turns all over the body.

Because of the ever-increasing relationship of mana, the soul of the gods has skyrocketed thousands of times in the past three years. He has been able to freely control the new refining Tianding, the new-born Fuyuan Qitian Banner and dozens of other pieces. Carefully selected Hongmeng treasure.

All the treasures have been enhanced by the unique method of condensing, and each piece of treasure has been upgraded to the realm of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity. The re-honored Hongmeng Zhibao can easily smash his body into pieces.

This makes Fei Yi feel particularly horrified. It’s not a shame to throw away the Pangu and the Emperor’s. Now the physical strength of the don’t be the first person in Pangu’s world. Even if it’s the Hongmeng treasure, it won’t be too serious for him. The injury. However, in the ruins, the use of continuous integration and condensation to upgrade these treasures can actually pose such a direct threat to the shackles.

How strong was the people in the sacred world? How weak is the Pangu world today compared with them?

All of this puts a thick cloud on the heart of the beggar. He is only able to constantly enhance his cultivation and win a chance in the endless murder. The more you come into contact with these things that may be related to the sacred world, the more you feel that you are weak, the more you feel that you are surrounded by dangers, not enough strength, how can he protect himself and protect those around him?

Another lotus flower was swallowed by him slowly chewing, and the body has become numb because of the uninterrupted strange smell, and the soul is also a bit stiff.

However, in the past three years, in addition to constantly consuming the colorful Yunshen Baolian to enhance the mana, it is constantly analyzing the three hundred and sixty runes. This ruin is so wonderful that the prohibition of protecting this ruin in the periphery is obviously also a small matter. The power of these 366 runes is also experienced by ourselves. Each rune contains infinite mysteries that can drive Strong power.

Unlike the ancient scriptures recorded in the ancient books, the so-called ancient scriptures are the words used by the gods born after Pangu was opened up. Every word is directed at the origin of the world and leads directly to the core of the avenue. But those sources are also good, the core is also good, representing the origin of the Pangu world, representing the core of the Pangu world.

And these three hundred and sixty runes are magnificent, and the atmosphere is so old that they are old and carry a sacred spirit that cannot be invaded. The gods recorded in the ancient books are like the stars and the sun. Controversy is not at the same level.

Do not forget all the gods in the ancient books, and all his thoughts are immersed in these three hundred and sixty runes.

Although he had personally cracked the ban on these runes, he only used the text to break the ban under the rune, as if a door was there, and he opened the door with the key left on the door. But how the door is made, how the key is forged, but he knows nothing.

Nowadays, there is only a little basic knowledge of manufacturing portal tools. He is analyzing the manufacturing methods of this portal and keys, and studying the various principles. In the past three years, his ability to analyze and analyze has been rising because of his powerful mana, and his ability to analyze and analyze has also risen, showing a leaps and bounds in geometric multiples.

It was still a difficult and incomprehensible three hundred and sixty runes, but in his eyes it is crystal clear and intrinsic.

For example, the simple one represents the rune of 'ray', and you don't feel the boundless light and heat from it. The limit of light is the destruction of everything 'white' and 'emptiness', the kind of hot and violent power. Let the beggars feel the boundless horror.

The power contained in these runes is extremely terrible. Every rune actually becomes a world, and it is a law. Once the gods in the ancient scriptures are unfolded, they only borrow the power of the laws of heaven, but each rune of these runes is the embodiment of the power of law itself, and each rune represents a unique rule of power.

Such as the ‘ray’ rune, when it appears, the power around it will be rejected by it, it will be burned by it, and it will be melted by it. In particular, the darkness, the evil spirits and other forces that oppose the radiance will be completely destroyed by the most violent means.

Do not have a lot of fascinating rituals in Buddhism. The Buddha's light in Buddhism is also the supreme magical power to clear the darkness and the evil spirits, but the power of this rune is compared with the radiant power of this 'ray' rune. More pure, more overbearing, and more exclusive of dissidents. Even the Buddha's light touches the light and heat released by the ray runes, and only two choices are swallowed up or destroyed.

This is a higher-end force than the Buddha light of Buddhism. If the Buddha light of Buddhism is a vast river with infinite power, then this ray rune represents the endless sea of ​​the source of the river, the river is either integrated into it, or rejected by the sea. , thus eliminating invisible.

Don't feel that his refining Tianding is good, and the mixed yuan covers the sky flag. After dozens of upgrades, they have printed a more high-end, more original energy atmosphere similar to this rune. Therefore, these newborn babies can have such terrible power.

He has a bold guess that this ruin should be a sacred residence of the Holy Land. These runes are the ones who are enlightened by the power of the high-end forces of the Holy Land. When the sacred world was not shattered, the people who lived in this ruin were thirsty and had a variety of drinks and drinks everywhere. They were hungry and full of food and food. If you want all kinds of extravagant enjoyment, women and men are Feel free to follow your heart. I want to do everything, and this place is called a dream heaven.

Since these three hundred and sixty runes are the legacy of the sacred world, it is only natural that they possess such a hegemonic and such source.

Do not even think of the mysterious palace of thirteen broken-offers and thousands of broken-offs. The runes outside the palace are more and more unpredictable. Don’t just remember their textures and they will almost disappear. It can be seen that the runes outside the palace are more high-end, perhaps representing the top power of the sacred world.

" Pangu has mastered that kind of power!" Don't think of Pangu's appearance in front of him, he can easily draw the strength of those seals.

Although he got three hundred and sixty runes, these runes are indeed a lot worse than those.

Time passed by, and when he stayed in the ruins until the seventh year, his body suddenly changed dramatically. Three hundred and sixty runes were thoroughly enlightened by him. His power of the soul of the gods soared a hundred times in that moment, and a strong aura spewed out from the remains. These auras were directly poured into the body of the body and turned into a kind of Purple gas is more mysterious and unpredictable.

It’s not just the new aura that has entered the body that has undergone such a transformation, and even the ambiguous redness of the body has changed.

The power of the new life is erratic, like a tiny piece of diamond dust, bringing a large amount of fluorescence in his body.

At that moment, don't let the whole person become a huge light bulb, and the light that shines shines around, and the whole remains are illuminated by the light that he releases. Don't feel that you have suddenly broken through the road that has been in the broken road for a long time, but his soul does not coincide with the heavens of a certain world. He seems to have entered a similar realm of harmony and harmony, but it is a strange realm.

He broke through the peak of the broken road, but the realm of this realm is indeed not a harmonious environment.