MTL - Steady Development From Douluo-Chapter 2 Out of the mountain!

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   Chapter 2 is out!

  Energy points are points for the system to maintain operation!

   If the system is compared to a mobile phone, then the energy integral is electric energy, and the energy integral is the life of the system, and it cannot be easily used under normal circumstances.

Obtaining    energy points is also very simple. After Su Xun completes the task, the system can obtain energy points, but the upper limit is only 10,000.

   And Su Xun was basically in a closed state after crossing over, and he didn't complete many system tasks at all. The points given out by the novice gift package and the points obtained were consumed quickly!

   Over the years, he is also consuming the energy points of the system!

   At first, the system absolutely disapproved of this matter. After all, no one wants to "actively" sacrifice, even if... the system is not a human being.

  But in the end, it compromised...

no way!

   He is also very desperate when he encounters such a cautious host!

   Saying that the other world is too dangerous, you can only practice if you can…

  There are thousands of roads, and safety is the first!

  If you don’t cultivate to the peak, you will never come out to make a move!

   I have pity on his system in the experimental period. So far, he has not achieved any results. He is afraid that he will not be able to pass the safety certification.

  Without security certification, it cannot be officially listed on the shelves!

  Without salary income, how did he reach the pinnacle of his life to marry Bai Fumei? !

  (⊙o⊙) what?

  You said that the system is not a human and does not need these?

Ha ha…

   What age is this!

   Once a large number of high-intelligence systems are seized, mechanical systems are almost eliminated. Humanized service is the unified pursuit of the system industry.

   In order for Su Xun to safely reach the pinnacle of life and realize the value of life!

  For world peace and stability…

  For love and peace…

  For the girl...


   All in all, he finally compromised, agreed to Su Xun's unreasonable request, and contributed his energy points.

  Otherwise, how could Su Xun maintain his thirteen-year retreat.

   "Originally I planned to train my body to the height of a god, but I didn't expect it to end so soon..."

   Knowing that the system's energy points are really running out, Su Xun shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to retreat.

   After practicing for thirteen years, this kind of life is really boring.

   Contra-level defense should be enough, Su Xun thought to himself.

   Hearing that Su Xun was going to train his body to the height of a god, the corners of the system's mouth kept twitching, and his heart was speechless to the extreme:….


   The Contra level is already pretty good, but you still think about cultivating to the level of a god, why don't you go to heaven? !

  After dinner, Su Xun twisted his waist and slowly stood up from the ground.

  In an instant, a crackling sound like popping beans sounded.

  Su Xun shook his legs and feet, and after a while, pushed the door and left his wooden house.


   As Su Xun left the wooden house, he saw three circular lights of various colors faintly flashing on the ground.

   The innermost one is white, the middle is yellow, and the outermost is silver. The three rings surround the wooden house, which can be said to be watertight.

  As Su Xun moved, the white ring first cracked and dissipated, followed by the yellow ring.

   Surprisingly, the silver ring not only did not disappear, but the silver light was bright.

  The silver light flickered like a star, or it was... a siren!


  Suddenly, tiny water droplets appeared in the air, but in an instant, they turned into huge ice ridges, shooting straight at Su Xun.

"not good!"

   Seeing this scene, Su Xun seemed to think of something, and hurriedly avoided it.


   In the blink of an eye, the ice ridges turned into flames, igniting the entire wooden house.

   (end of this chapter)