MTL - Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop-v2 Chapter 374 asteroid landing

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Just as the asteroid exploration team dragged the asteroid behind them towards Venus, the Mars exploration team had landed on Mars at this moment.

Because there are scientists on the plane on this trip, they can be said to be very professional about the Mars exploration mission this time.

Under the professional guidance of scientists, the uncertainties of their missions have been greatly reduced. Almost all of them are carried out according to the guidance before departure. Of course, unexpected situations will inevitably occur in the middle .

Strictly speaking, their Mars exploration team was full of disasters. The last time Snowy Owl and his team first encountered a volcanic eruption, and then encountered a meteorite impact.

And this time the Mars exploration team, when they were exploring the underground of Mars, they encountered Martian earthquakes, and they really had frequent situations on Mars.

In fact, the occurrence of this earthquake has something to do with their activities, because they were using drilling equipment to drill deeply at the place where the earthquake happened, and they happened to release the energy under the earth's crust.

Fortunately, there is not much energy accumulated under the Martian crust, so that the earthquake that occurred was not too big, which gave them enough time to rush back to the aerospace plane and escape from the center of the earthquake.

But when everyone returned to the aerospace plane when the earthquake happened, the astronauts got together and talked about something related while watching the earthquake below.

"Why do I feel that since we arrived on Mars, this planet has become a little more active? Is this my illusion? Or is it that Mars was like this before, and it's just because we came here that we discovered these conditions!"

One of them uttered the doubts in his heart, and a scientist who followed the plane returned to the side.

"No one can answer your question for you. We still have too little data on Mars, and we don't know much about the situation on Mars. But what is certain is that Mars is indeed in an active state. Possibly because Mars is recovering itself!"

After listening to the scientists' explanations, the astronauts also knew that they still knew too little about Mars, and then they stayed here to study everything that happened on Mars.

As time passed day by day, there was a very tiny thing moving towards Venus in the universe, and an asteroid was dragging behind it, which was exactly the aerospace plane that the asteroid exploration team was on.

The aerospace plane, which is only 3% the size of the kilometer asteroid, is trying to fly ahead, but the asteroid is also moving towards Venus under the drag of this gadget.

This picture is actually very inconsistent, quite a feeling of a small horse-drawn cart. In fact, the gap between the two is a bit big, which means that it is in a state of weightlessness in the universe, plus various other factors. , to make the aerospace plane reach this state.

After a month of dragging, the asteroid exploration team finally dragged the worthless asteroid behind them from afar to the vicinity of Venus.

After approaching Venus, the aerospace plane began to decelerate consciously in space, but the effect was not very good. The speed of the asteroid was still so high. In addition, it was close to the orbit of Venus and was captured by Venus After that, the speed slowed down even more slowly.

The astronauts on the aerospace plane dragging the asteroid finally realized at this time that there was a problem with their experiment. As far as the power of their aerospace plane is concerned, it must be out of control. An asteroid that landed safely on Venus.

The ability is limited, and they can't control it at all. After they realized this problem, they immediately sent a signal to the Kyushu Space Agency to request support.

After receiving their request for support, the Kyushu Space Agency also immediately sent out the aerospace plane in its hand as a backup force.

But the distance between the Earth and Venus is quite far, a full 40 million kilometers. Even if the aerospace plane travels at the maximum speed, it will take more than 20 days.

Besides, there is another problem here, that is, I don't know if the aerospace plane sent will be useful at that time, and will there still be a problem of insufficient power? These are all unknowns.

After the aerospace plane was sent to support by the Kyushu Space Agency, five of the aerospace fighters that belonged to the military on the earth also briefly packed up their things and hurriedly chased the aerospace plane ahead.

Strictly speaking, aerospace fighters are not suitable for such long-term missions. There is too little internal space on aerospace fighters. In the universe, aerospace fighters are only positioned as carrier-based aircraft of the mother ship.

But in this emergency situation, they have no particularly good solution, and they can only send the fighters out.

Fortunately, there is an accompanying function on the aerospace fighter plane, which allows one plane to lead and the other planes to follow behind. Otherwise, there is only one person driving each fighter plane, and it must be unbearable.

And the asteroid exploration team, which is still dragging the asteroid and flying towards Venus, after receiving the message from the earth, they also calmed down a little, and they also changed the space plane from the original dragging to the Control the asteroid for braking.

The support from the earth will take at least 20 more days. At present, they can only delay the asteroid hitting Venus as much as possible.

Then, more than 20 days passed. The astronauts on the aerospace plane were extremely tired. Under the highly nervous situation, they were always worried about what would happen if the asteroid was out of control and crashed into Venus. manage.

Fortunately, their worries are about to come to an end, because their support is about to arrive, and there are a total of six planes coming to support it.

But it is said that the six space planes/fighters flying towards Venus at this moment are all rushing towards Venus at the fastest speed.

The six astronauts on the aerospace fighter are okay, because the space on their plane is large enough, and because of the large number of people, but the time of many days is not so difficult.

But the five aerospace fighters are another situation. After all, the space above the fighters is small. After the cockpit is filled with enough objects, the astronauts do not have much room for movement. That's pretty restrictive.

It was quite a torment for them to fly all the way from the earth. As the distance between them and Venus got closer, the dawn finally appeared in their hearts.

Finally, after a period of time, the six aerospace planes that came to support finally merged with the asteroid exploration team. The six planes that came to support had nothing to say. After a brief exchange, they directly joined the team to control the asteroid.

With the addition of an aerospace plane and five aerospace fighters, the asteroid, which was about to lose control, was finally defeated by manpower.

The asteroid was completely controlled this time. The anti-gravity force fields and power of the seven aerospace planes all acted on the asteroid, and the asteroid was also controlled by many planes in the orbit of Venus.

The asteroid at this moment is like a satellite of Venus, just like the moon is relative to the earth, but the difference is very big. Who made this asteroid come down a bit compared to the moon!

After controlling the asteroid, they and their party can start the next step of the experiment, and during this period, the scientists who followed the plane finally calculated the control force required for the asteroid based on their knowledge.

But for the sake of safety, all seven aerospace planes were on board. The asteroid exploration team acted as the command, and the other six aerospace planes assisted in controlling the asteroid, slowly approaching Venus.

The atmosphere above Venus is the thickest of the four terrestrial planets, with more than 96% carbon dioxide and an atmospheric pressure 92 times that of Earth. It is not a simple matter for them to pass through such a thick atmosphere.

You must know that the atmosphere of Venus is 250 kilometers long. After the asteroid passes through the atmosphere of Venus, they and their party will face the strong pressure of Venus and the high temperature of more than 400 degrees Celsius on Venus.

This means that the aerospace plane has a particle energy shield to protect the aerospace plane inside. If there is no shield, the aerospace plane stays at such a high temperature for too long, and it will definitely cause damage to the aerospace plane. irreversible effects.

Under the control of seven aerospace planes, the asteroid slowly entered the atmosphere of Venus. After entering the atmosphere of Venus, due to the presence of their uninvited guests, the charge in the atmosphere had a large place to release.

The many charges accumulated in the atmosphere seemed to have found a vent, and they all began to discharge towards them.

The lightning continued, and the asteroids continued to land on the ground of Venus. Although their descent speed was very slow, it was not too slow, and they passed through the atmosphere of Venus soon.

But at this moment, the asteroid was hit by a huge amount of lightning in the atmosphere because it had just passed through the atmosphere of Venus, which caused the asteroid to carry a huge amount of electrical energy.

After passing through the atmosphere of Venus, even if they entered Venus, the huge pressure on Venus followed. After the pressure appeared, the asteroid was more or less affected.

After passing through the atmosphere of Venus, in order to test whether the asteroid was really controlled by their seven aerospace planes, their seven aerospace planes controlled the asteroid to hover over Venus for as long as five minutes.

During this period of time, when the asteroid was really hovering over Venus under their control, all the astronauts participating in this mission knew that their plan was feasible.

It is also feasible to drag the resource asteroid they discovered before back to the earth completely. Since all this can be done, the huge number of asteroids in space, whether they have resources or not, all All can be used by Kyushu.

After the asteroids containing various resources are dragged back to the earth, they will be mined for resources. After mining, the dregs can also be transported to the sea for land reclamation.

Asteroids with no available resources are dragged back to the earth, thrown directly into the sea to build continents, and expand the living space of human beings on the earth. Isn’t it also wonderful?

These huge asteroids in the universe have once again become an important fuel for the rise of Kyushu.

Under the control of seven aerospace planes, the asteroid no longer continues to hover over Venus, but is landing towards the ground of Venus.

When the bottom of the asteroid with an extremely irregular shape touches the surface of Venus, even if it is controlled, a large amount of smoke and dust will be generated due to this contact.

The dust that was stirred up was also quickly blown away by the strong wind on Venus.

The surface of Venus is formed of solidified basalt lava, and its crust is much stronger than that of the earth. This is probably also caused by the huge pressure on Venus.

But even such a solid crust, after the asteroid was placed on the surface of Venus, was constantly crushed by the asteroid under its huge weight.

And the seven aerospace planes that controlled the asteroids to land on Venus, all the astronauts on them were also attracted by all the scenes displayed on Venus.

There are a large number of large craters connected in series on the surface of the earth, and there are many volcanoes between the craters. Only at this time did the astronauts discover that there are so many volcanoes on Venus.

After their group placed the asteroid safely on the surface of Venus, they did not stay on Venus for too long, because the environment on Venus is too harsh.

For human beings, Venus doesn't have much use value at all, even compared with Mars, it can't keep up with Mars. At any rate, although the magnetic field on Mars is small, it still has a magnetic field, but Venus has no magnetic field at all.

Without a magnetic field, even if you want to restart the magnetic field, it is impossible, and the various harsh environments on Venus determine that its transformation is many times more difficult than Mars.

They have not yet fully understood the relatively simple Mars exploration. How can UU reading have so much energy to carry out Venus exploration? Supporting the particle energy shield, it rushed out of Venus directly.

Returning to the universe, all the passengers on the plane, after seeing the bright and vast universe, were relieved of the depression caused by the environment of Venus.

And after they rushed out of Venus, the six aerospace planes that came to support completed the experiment, bid farewell to the asteroid exploration team, and immediately flew towards the earth.

When they came to support, they were not well prepared, especially the five fighter planes, the astronauts on them were exhausted to the extreme, and in terms of food, they also consumed nearly half of them.

During this mission, the aerospace fighters were also found to be somewhat unreasonable. These things are the reasons why they want to rush back to the earth immediately.

While they were rushing towards the earth, the asteroid exploration team was also rushing towards their goal. Their next task was to return to the vicinity of the previous resource asteroid and drag the asteroid as a whole. back to earth.

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