MTL - Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop-v2 Chapter 359 manner

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After the soldiers left, Li Zhenhua opened the electronic file he had just received with some doubts on a computer that didn't even have a network card, Bluetooth, and other things installed, and looked at it.

Originally, in his opinion, guessing that the materials sent this time might at most be related to the recent situation of the sun star, but when he really opened the file, he realized how outrageous his thinking was.

He really didn't expect that the relevant content of the document sent to him would actually be about the situation on Mars.

This made him feel extremely curious. He was still curious enough about Mars. Even though he had been to the moon before, he was really interested in Mars, which has been boasting that it is currently the most suitable for human immigration.

Curiosity about the situation on Mars made him put aside all the things in his hands at the moment, and he put all his energy on the current document.

He concentrated on looking at the information in his hand, and after looking at it, he understood that it was just a video about the volcanic eruption on Mars, and at the end there were some conclusions formed by various experts.

After reading the materials in his hands, he became less interested, because in his inherent thinking, Mars is not that important to the current Kyushu.

Because as far as the current earth is concerned, it has not reached the point of large-scale immigration outside the earth, and the importance of Mars to him here is not so high.

To say why he has such an idea is simply the opposite of the public's inherent opinion.

That's because in his opinion, if you want to immigrate to Mars, you must first transform Mars. The cost involved can be imagined, and now you want to transform Mars, there are many technical problems .

The biggest problem Mars is currently facing is that Mars has no magnetic field, and restarting the Martian magnetic field is the first to bear the brunt. It is unimaginable how difficult it is to restart the Martian magnetic field.

Restarting the Martian magnetic field is the first step, and large-scale investment will be required in the follow-up. The investment in transforming Mars is imaginably huge in terms of cost.

In this way, when they transform Mars and make it suitable for human habitation, it will take many years. This is transforming a planet, not a small renovation of a house.

Time, material resources and many other things are added together, and the effect achieved is only to build a rough house, and the investment and harvest are simply not proportional.

So in his opinion, everything on Mars is not very attractive to him. As for emigrating to Mars, it is a thankless task.

And as far as the current situation of the earth is concerned, the earth has not yet reached the upper limit of its capacity in terms of population, and the living space of Kyushu on the earth is still sufficient, so there is no need to work hard towards Mars.

At present, for Kyushu, with the current technology, it is completely enough to fully utilize the moon.

Wouldn't it be more advantageous to emigrate to the moon than to Mars?

Compared with the two, the moon is closer to the earth, and both are unsuitable planets for human habitation. In his eyes, the moon and Mars are no different, and the moon has more advantages because of its spatial location.

Compared with the costly transformation of Mars to make it habitable, it is better to build a large-scale base on the moon!

The idea in Li Zhenhua's mind is that if the earth can no longer accommodate more people in the future, and it is really necessary to carry out large-scale extraterrestrial immigration, it is better to find an earth-like planet to relocate there.

Don't think that his ideas are too advanced and unrealistic, but things are just the opposite. This is the best direction.

The current technical level is not up to it, so can the technology not solve related problems in the future?

In fact, in the ranking in his heart, Mars cannot be ranked first. What he values ​​most are those asteroids in the universe that are not very big, with or without fixed orbits, or even meteors. These planets are more meaningful than Mars.

After he read all the materials he had received, he lost interest in things on Mars, threw these materials aside and put them on the shelf, and he started to make relevant preparations for his travel plan again.

On his side, he thought through the matter of Mars thoroughly, and threw aside what happened on Mars. However, from the perspective of everyone in the Kyushu Space Agency and the upper echelons of Kyushu, everything that is happening on Mars now seems so obvious. importance.

After all, before this, the understanding of Mars was only through some previous observations on the earth, and the understanding obtained later through Tianwen-1 and Zhurong.

And now that his own plane is on board, Mars is clearly in front of Kyushu. There is such an opportunity, so Kyushu is so interested in Mars at this moment.

It is estimated that if we really have to wait until later, everyone's attention to Mars will be warmer. After everyone thinks calmly, their views should be close to Li Zhenhua's.

But at this moment they are not like this, all their thoughts are still on Mars.

In the lobby of the Kyushu Space Administration Command Center, all the people on the scene were nervously staring at the progress bar on the screen, especially when the progress bar was about to come to an end, these people became even more nervous.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and when everyone was nervously staring at the progress bar, the progress bar finally reached 100%. When the document was finally accepted, everyone at the scene cheered on the spot.

Finally, the reception was over, and the people on the scene were finally able to see what happened on Mars, and in their guess, what was sent back this time must not be that simple.

Because after they arrived on Mars, except for some big things, the Snowy Owls didn't send back too many things. And now what? This is the event that has just received the Martian volcanic eruption.

Could it be that something major is happening on Mars now? Is it something that can be of the same level of importance as a volcanic eruption?

Just when everyone was extremely puzzled, the file was opened again, and it was the same video as before, and then the fast broadcast with powerful decoding capabilities was opened again, and the video was decoded and played on the big screen of the command center stand up.

The picture appeared on the big screen, and it was still the place where the volcano erupted last time, and nothing was found at the beginning.

The follow-up development in the initial screen was far beyond everyone's expectations, because the screen actually showed water being sprayed into the sky, and then the water flow became bigger and bigger, and finally formed a similar torrent.

While everyone was lamenting what happened on Mars, the video finally finished playing.

The video was finished playing, but everyone did not take their eyes off the screen, and everyone was still looking at the big screen.

Because what is displayed on the screen at this moment is really some data collected by the snowy owl after the water appeared. Of course, there is also the snowy owl’s speculation about the successive eruptions of volcanoes and mountain torrents, and finally a piece of water quality composition test report data.

When they understood the last water quality data, the people at the scene really started to be confused, and the meaning it represented was self-evident.

Water, the source of life, there is actually drinking water on Mars that can be filtered and drinkable, which really caught everyone by surprise.

However, after accepting this fact, the experts at the scene focused their attention on the conjectures given by Xue Ou and others. Although water is important, the conjectures about what happened on Mars are more important than water .

The experts combined the information sent back twice, and based on their own understanding of Mars, they increasingly believed that Snowy Owl's speculation was correct.

This cycle of Mars is really a coincidence among coincidences.

But this cycle is not that important, everything has to look at the essence through the appearance, all kinds of things that appear on Mars, in the eyes of experts, are the appearance of events, as long as the essence is what?

The essence is the state of Mars seen by experts based on these known information.

In their eyes, Mars is no longer just the star that they look up at night, but has come to them.

Through these materials, some new conclusions and other things have been drawn about Mars.

First of all, the core of Mars has not been completely extinguished. Mars is still a dynamic planet for a moment. There is water on Mars, and the amount of water should not be small!

The lava underground on Mars has always been active, but not active enough...

After drawing these conclusions, some experts started thinking about the future, and murmured unconsciously.

"The conditions on Mars are really good. If the problem of the Martian magnetic field is solved, the ecology of Mars may be restored!"

It doesn't matter if he murmurs, what matters is that an expert astrophysicist like him listens to it.

"You old man, you have been thinking about all these things all day long, and you have solved the problem of Mars' magnetic field. I see you, you haven't woken up! You actually had a dream in broad daylight!"

The person who just murmured aloud, after being bullied by the people around him, did not have the slightest reaction to being bullied. In fact, he also understood that it was just his own fantasy about beautiful things.

"You old man, eavesdrop on my speech, and besides, this is my own fantasy, when will my fantasy be under your control!"

The two old men had been arguing for a lifetime, and then they started arguing again in the public, but none of the people around came up to persuade them, but stared at the two of them to watch the excitement.

After reading all the materials, various experts are about to start follow-up research. The Kyushu Space Agency has become busy again. These studies this time have also given them a deeper understanding of Mars.

Li Zhenhua and everyone in the Kyushu Space Bureau are busy with their own affairs, but there is a huge gap in their attention and attitude towards Mars.

And the aerospace plane still on Mars, under the driving of Snow Owl and the others, started to scurry around once again full of Mars.

Many places on Mars that have been detected by space telescopes and Mars probes on the earth before are in their next itinerary.

Every time they go to a place, they will carry out the most rigorous data collection from the beginning on the environment of this place. They also use this kind of data mobile phone to know the distance between the two places on Mars when they are separated by a long distance. The environment between them is not only the same.

There are four seasons in a mountain, different places for three miles, and different sky for ten miles. This popular saying in Kyushu can also be used on Mars.

It's just that compared with the earth, the changes on Mars are much smaller, which is also determined by the characteristics of Mars.

For a big Mars, it is obviously impossible to visit all the places on the entire planet. Even if they want to do this, the materials they carry cannot support it. They do.

So this time, they can only start to observe the famous places on Mars that they knew before, and now they have just finished collecting data on a place on Mars.

The aerospace plane is still staying here, taking a short break at the place where the data collection has just been completed, while Snowy Owl and the others inside the plane are getting together in the cockpit to discuss, Where do we go next? "

Snowy Owl, who was asked by the team members, was staring at the screen in front of the cockpit, lost in thought on the map of Mars drawn by their own detection.

And at this moment, on the electronic map, they have already made a lot of marks, some places are marked with red circles, and some places are marked with other colors.

And these circled places are exactly the places where they completed the collection on Mars during this period, and the color of the circle expresses the importance of that place.

The darker the circle, the more important it is. Some places have groundwater, and some places have mineral deposits. Anyway, they are classified according to the data they observed.

After Snow Owl heard the team members' questions, he let him out of the trance, and he came to the screen after regaining his senses.

He patted his hand on the Antarctic region of the Mars map on the screen, pointed to the place on the map and talked to many team members.

"Let's go to the Antarctic next, and let's see the difference between the South Pole of Mars and the South Pole on Earth!"

After his words fell, their subsequent itinerary was confirmed.

Now that the formation has been determined, they will not stay here anymore, and the aerospace plane immediately ascends into the sky and flies towards the south pole of Mars under their control.

In fact, their itinerary on Mars is actually quite full. This is also determined by the materials they carry. They must cherish every minute and every second on Mars.

Although the solar star energy core can provide a huge amount of energy, and water resources they have also found a drinkable water source on Mars, but the condition that restricts them is food.

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