MTL - Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop-v2 Chapter 326 new (old) ideas

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Li Zhenhua was surrounded by two people, and his body was still tickled by them. Li Zhenhua was originally a very ticklish person, let alone being pinched from left to right.

So he couldn't bear the itching, and immediately begged for mercy from the two of them, and the two of them just wanted to eat a melon, so when he agreed to speak, they stopped scratching him, but sat down on the sofa and waited. His narration!

The current appearance of the two of them is like elementary school students listening to the teacher's lecture carefully, concentrating on it, but the expressions on their faces are exactly the same as Erha!

Seeing them like this, he started talking to the two of them on the sidelines.

"Uh, where did this matter come from? Let me think about it!

Let me talk about the aircraft first. The new type of passenger-cargo aircraft I am working on is actually the target of the Xuannv Aerospace Fighter in the legendary Nantianmen project!

At the very beginning, I never thought about making the earth the limit of the aircraft, so the energy used by the aircraft is a product of nuclear physics, and the raw material for the reaction is helium three. I named it the solar fusion energy core!

After solving the energy problem, a special particle was discovered during the manufacture of the energy core, and it was the discovery of this particle that also solved the power system of the follow-up aircraft! "

When Li Zhenhua said this, he stopped. About the plane, he planned to just talk about it. Talking too much is actually not good, not only for him but also for others.

The two people who were listening on the side were all dumbfounded after listening to it. They all wondered if they had auditory hallucinations just now, and they actually heard nuclear physics from it.

What is this? Is this something that mortals like them can touch? But without any of them knowing the situation, let Li Zhenhua sneak out nuclear energy, what a lie.

At this moment, the two felt that the person sitting opposite them was really strange, and they also felt that he was awesome. For a certain moment, the two felt that he was simply more powerful than Einstein.

When the two were in a state of confusion, Li Zhenhua didn't give them any more time to think, but continued talking.

"As long as you know about the plane, don't show it off.

Let's move on! Two months ago, I applied for the test flight of the aircraft. You should know that day. It was Juntou, Wang Yuesheng, Cui Tianzhi from Quancheng Air Force Base, and five pilots. Since it was not a public test flight, I just told you , did not let you come and see!

It was also that test flight. I stole the plane and took the initiative of the plane. Then I drove the plane to outer space, and went to the moon for a circle, and returned with a cabin of lunar soil.

After that, I didn't pay much attention to it, because at that time, I already had new ideas, and I was always researching things by myself! "

He was already two people who were already ignorant enough, but now they are even worse. What did they hear? The boss opposite them actually drove a plane to outer space, even went to the moon, and even pulled a cabin crew member. Moon Soil is back!

No matter how it sounds, it sounds like talking in sleep, but what the person opposite said is so formal, as if he is telling the truth, but considering what he has done in the past, he knows that he will not joke about business matters.

But this made the two of them even more unacceptable. It was outer space, and the moon. The buddy next to them actually drove the plane they developed to go there. It was a dream that they would never dream of.

And they also extracted more important information from it, Li Zhenhua actually started a new project!

An aircraft with such a high technological content, an aerospace aircraft, and an aircraft capable of going to and from the moon, did not continue to develop, but started a new project, so that neither of them really knew what to say!

"Zhenhua, hasn't the follow-up development of this aircraft been carried out yet? Why are you researching new projects again? Shouldn't you explore the follow-up potential of the aircraft first!" Guo Shugui asked impatiently.

Hearing his question, Li Zhenhua returned calmly.

"Hey, I'm just exploring the potential of this aircraft. In fact, the aircraft made in the early stage is just a product of compromise in various aspects, so the later ones need to be refined, and now I'm researching it in the direction of fighter jets."

When the two of them heard this, they immediately seemed to understand something, and they stopped asking about the rest of the matter. There are still some things that they can't know too much.

Since they can't eat anything big on the Lord's body at this time, they might as well look for it online! Maybe that's more complete.

Immediately, Liu Xiaodong took out his mobile phone to check. Li Zhenhua was also very curious about what happened to the outside world during this period, so he also went to Liu Xiaodong's side to watch. Guo Shugui did the same thing.

Then the three of them gathered next to Liu Xiaodong, and the three big men stared at a mobile phone. The three of them looked like a melon-eating crowd, and one of them was Li Zhenhua who ate his own melons.

Then Liu Xiaodong started looking at the hot searches one by one, and after reading one, they felt very passionate. That feeling only appeared a few years ago when Wan Dao came back after voluntarily suing for peace.

As they ate melons, they also understood what happened. On today's morning news, five or six minutes were devoted to aerospace planes, and after the morning news ended, a special topic was made .

After eating such a big melon, the three of them really quenched their thirst. Especially Li Zhenhua, he is really proud that the plane he made himself can do so many things.

In the news of this day, in addition to leaving some necessary face for the countries, almost all the matters related to aerospace aircraft were notified. Of course, some secret matters were not mentioned in the news.

How much material has been delivered to Tiangong and how much material has been delivered to the moon by the new aerospace plane in the recent period, the environment of the earth’s orbit is getting worse day by day, the work of cleaning up space junk is urgent, the country that produces space junk pays garbage cleaning fees to Kyushu, the Kyushu Space Administration uses the new Aerospace aircraft, paid to help the country where the failed satellite belongs to recover the failed satellite...

The three people who read a lot of news are so comfortable. In fact, it has been many years since I started the Qing Dynasty. I haven’t been so tough in the international arena. Although when the committee members were there, there were still a few leaders. They were also tough. , but that kind of toughness is completely different from the current toughness in strength.

Li Zhenhua originally wanted to come over to say hello to Liu Xiaodong and Guo Shugui, and then go to his own workshop to do business. Who would have thought that the melons he ate at Liu Xiaodong's place for a day were the melons he grew himself.

In the evening, the three of them ate melons for a whole day, and they got together comfortably to eat skewers all night. Luxi cattle, Inner Mongolian lamb, Boston lobster, and Jinhua ham could be grilled anyway, and the three of them did not miss it.

It had been a long time since they had this kind of dinner together. Although the place was not the backyard of the blacksmith shop, there were still three of them, which brought them back to the original feeling.

That night, Li Zhenhua and the two drank a lot together, and all three of them drank so much that Li Zhenhua didn't know how to get home.

I just vaguely remembered that he was carried back by Ning Wei and the others. When he approached the house, he immediately regained consciousness. He persisted in going to the bathroom to wash up, then went straight into the guest bedroom, threw himself on the bed and fell asleep .

Early the next morning, I got up from the bed with a slight headache, and after Li Yun complained, I went to the company after breakfast.

When he came to the company, he learned to be smart this time. He didn't meet Liu Xiaodong and Guo Shugui at all, and went straight back to his R&D workshop.

When he returned to the workshop, he devoted himself to the research and development of the Super Raptor, and the first thing to be solved was still the energy core.

For the main technology of the energy core, he does not want to upgrade it at the moment, because the current performance of the energy core is completely sufficient.

Therefore, there is no need to update the energy core technology, so there is no difficulty in manufacturing, but it is still somewhat different from the first energy core he created.

The biggest difference is the amount of fuel in the core. Before, there was only one gram of helium-3 in the energy core. There was a reason for that. Who made the entire Kyushu only have two grams of helium-3?

But now it's different, helium three refining work has not stopped for a moment, according to the news he received before, helium three reserves are increasing at an average of eight grams per day.

He had also estimated before how much helium-3 could be extracted from the lunar soil in his cabin, and that was twenty kilograms! So now he doesn't have to worry about helium three reserves at all.

Since there is no limit to the amount of raw materials, it is better to add more. Li Zhenhua made a decision with a slap on the head. The amount of energy cores should be based on the age of the longest-lived human!

If you are 154 years old, put 50 grams into the energy core you will manufacture later, and burn one gram for three years, and 50 grams will be 150 years!

It's exciting to think about it. At that time, he could also brag to others that the planes he made were all lost, and he didn't know how many pilots. One machine has been passed on for three generations, and the machine is still used by people.

He imagined the scene where this situation would happen in the future, and then began to arrange the follow-up construction plan.

What raw materials should be used for the energy core and where to purchase them? All these things were sent to Wang Yuesheng who was far away in Beiping through documents. Who let this old man be in charge of most of the military enterprises!

As for the materials he needs, civilian enterprises really do not have them. Some materials were researched by himself, but the formula was handed over to Wang Yuesheng for production. The materials he researched were also used in various military industries in Kyushu. system.

After the demand list for various materials was sent to Wang Yuesheng, it would take some time for the follow-up materials to arrive, and the materials in his hands were not enough, so he did not start work directly, and only waited for the follow-up materials to be in place before he started the core production manufacture.

What is he doing now? He was drawing the blueprints, all the blueprints of the final version of the aerospace fighter that he had created in the virtual laboratory.

This is not an easy job. There are many parts on an aircraft, and he has to draw each drawing individually, so it is very cumbersome. Fortunately, most of the parts on the new fighter are from the previous ones. Same on passenger and cargo aircraft, which saves most of the time.

However, some unique structural designs are not available ready-made, so I can only draw a little bit.

Just as he was drawing the blueprint of the fighter plane, an idea that had been in his mind before surfaced again from the depths of his mind.

what is it then? Of course, it is brain transmission technology, or brain wave recognition conversion technology.

In the beginning, Li Zhenhua's idea was to simulate his virtual laboratory to create a virtual reality thing, just like the kind of netizen novels he had read before, but after studying for a period of time, he gave up. .

The reason for giving up is actually quite simple. It is that the performance of the current chip is not enough to realize his vision, and there is also a lack of a moderately intelligent artificial intelligence program.

So before the two big problems are solved, this kind of virtual reality thing can't be completed, and then he will settle for the next best thing.

Since virtual reality can’t be realized, it’s always possible to translate brainwaves. Collect the brainwaves of thoughts in your mind through instruments, and then decode and translate them through special should still be can work.

As the saying goes, if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. Now Li Zhenhua is doing this. He put aside the drawing and manufacturing of subsequent aerospace fighters, and then specialized in the research of identifying, collecting, decoding and translating brain waves. technology.

If this thing is researched by him, it will be an important invention and creation, and it can do many things.

To put it simply, people often dream when they are asleep, but when they wake up, they can't remember anything clearly.

If you have such a thing, you can wear it when you go to sleep. As long as you have a dream that night, it will be clearly recorded by the instrument, and you can watch it the next day. What a dream.

Especially when boys wear it when they are running horses, it is exciting to think about it. What kind of **** dreams did they have to let themselves run horses. People who run horses can also see what they have done in their dreams the next day. Isn't this more refreshing?

Of course, it is obviously overthinking to talk like this. Li Zhenhua really did this purely to reduce his burden of drawing.

Yes, it is a burden. This drawing work is really a burden for him, because these pictures are all things he has researched in the virtual laboratory before. If he draws them again in reality, it will undoubtedly be like a The passenger on the bus vomited, but the vomit bag in front of him was full, and the passenger felt as if he ate it again and then vomited it out again.

Therefore, the development of this brain wave translator is really urgent. He is really tired of this kind of repetitive work, and then he checked it in the workshop.

Fortunately, he had this idea long ago, and he had collected a lot of information in this regard, so he didn't have to go through all the fuss to find it anymore, as long as he studied it carefully now, it would be fine!

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