MTL - Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop-v2 Chapter 320 discharge

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The Foreign Minister of Kyushu is currently staying in his own office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Looking at the document in front of him, he feels a slight headache. It's not because of anything else, but because he doesn't know what's going on here now. , when he doesn't know much about his own situation, it's really difficult for him to deal with it handily.

And now he has been procrastinating for a long time, and he really doesn't know what to do next, so now he plans to find out what's going on on his side first.

When he contacted the relevant departments, Li Zhenhua had already introduced all the technologies on the entire plane to the three of them.

As long as there are weapons, defenses, loads, etc. on the plane, Li Zhenhua introduced them all in detail, and the three leaders who were listening were already shocking enough before, but now they feel even more awesome.

Let’s talk about the weapons on the plane first. The weapon racks reserved for the missiles are there, and missiles can be hung on the weapon racks of the plane at any time. I just learned from the side that the plane has a volume of at least 200 square meters. , How many aerial bombs must be installed!

This is just a relatively conventional weapon. Later, Li Zhenhua told them that he used gold particles to create a new technology, that is, a particle weapon, which is also a type of energy weapon.

This is an energy weapon. What is the energy weapon that is popular in the world and the easiest to achieve? It is a high-energy laser weapon, but what is appearing in front of them at this moment? This is a particle weapon, so to a certain extent, this is a more advanced weapon than a high-energy laser weapon.

When they heard the specific effects of particle weapons introduced by Li Zhenhua, they finally understood that the particle weapons in front of them could be said to be a variant of nuclear weapons in a strict sense.

When new particles explode, it is a nuclear fusion reaction with an extremely small equivalent. A particle gun with one particle unit can be regarded as the smallest nuclear weapon in the world today.

After receiving all the information about the weapon, Li Zhenhua told them about the defense. The Golden Crow particles were still used, and the Golden Crow particles produced by the energy core were used to float outside the plane to form a layer of particles.

And this particle layer composed of golden crow particles is the most important method used to provide Fei with defense, also called the golden crow particle energy shield.

This energy shield is not only capable of resisting energy and other attacks, but also has a strong protective effect on physical attacks. As far as the strength of his shield is concerned, as long as it is not in the center of the nuclear explosion, the rest of the strength Almost can resist.

It seems that from this moment on, their awe of nuclear weapons is not as strong as before. Although nuclear weapons are still the most powerful weapon on earth, due to the nuclear radiation that can already be ablated and the ability to resist Without the energy shield of a nuclear explosion, I really don't have much feeling for nuclear weapons.

Especially these two people in the military can best understand what this represents. That is to say, if a nuclear war starts in the future, as long as the earth can withstand the power of nuclear explosions and is not destroyed by nuclear weapons, then they Kyushu is no longer so afraid of nuclear weapons.

What's more, as far as the current world situation is concerned, a nuclear war will definitely not happen. Unless the third world war breaks out, at that time, there will be a real fire from the stone fruit holder or the fight will be life-and-death, otherwise the nuclear war will definitely not happen.

And after listening to the weapons and defenses, there are some things about the take-off weight of the plane. When Li Zhenhua told them about the take-off weight, they all understood the awesomeness of the plane in front of them.

With the blessing of anti-gravity technology, it can be said that there is no limit to the total take-off of the aircraft. As long as the size of the aircraft is large enough, there is basically no restriction on weight. Who would have anti-gravity technology?

Li Zhenhua was on the Qingniu bus that day, and explained the various data of the aircraft to the three leaders, and the three leaders also understood what the aircraft that Li Zhenhua created actually represented.

And Li Zhenhua talked until night, the work here was not finished, and the three of them couldn't just leave like this, so the three leaders also stayed at the base that night.

Li Zhenhua returned to the dormitory again, waiting for the clear job. He slept soundly that night, and he didn't feel any strange because he made such a plane.

However, the Jiuquan base was busy. After learning from Li Zhenhua that he had brought back a package of moon souvenirs in the cargo hold of the plane, Wang Yuesheng began to make extremely detailed arrangements at the base.

To say that there are not many other places on the Jiuquan base, there are quite a few places where the next 30-meter-long aircraft can be placed, not to mention that the wingspan of this aircraft is not very wide.

Immediately, a completely enclosed workshop was found at the Jiuquan base, and the inside was strictly cleared. Originally, this temporary rocket assembly workshop was already very clean.

On the second day, the plane that had been parked outside the Jiuquan base for nearly two days was under the control of Li Zhenhua, suspended in the air with a clearance of 50 cm from the ground, and slowly flew into the air under the guidance of the base staff. In the workshop that has just been cleaned up.

And it didn't fly in with the nose inward, but it stopped at the innermost end of the workshop by reversing the car. Compared with the workshop where it is now, this 35-meter-long aircraft occupies only Very small portion.

Then the staff at the Jiuquan base started the construction work outside the plane. What did they build? In such a clean laboratory, another temporary clean room is built.

As for why this temporary clean room was built, it was entirely because Kyushu did not want to waste even a little bit of lunar soil. Even the traces of lunar soil brought out when the plane was opened would be collected by them in the end. It is thrift to the home.

In one day, the temporary clean room was built, but Li Zhenhua, like the surrounding staff, got into the clean room wearing a fully enclosed protective suit with an internal circulation system.

In the temporary clean room at this moment, at the nose of the plane, there is a loader with extremely high precision. This is the mechanical equipment brought in by the base to load lunar soil.

Looking at the unloading team waiting at the nose of the plane, Li Zhenhua sat on the cockpit, watched them getting ready, and pressed the button to open the cargo door in front of the plane.

As he pressed the button, the cargo compartments in front of the plane automatically opened under everyone's gaze, and not far from this workshop, there were three old men sitting on chairs, staring intently at the big screen in front of them. Look, if Li Zhenhua looked at it, he looked exactly like the way he stared at the TV and waited for Dragon Ball when he was a child.

In the clean room, as he pressed the button, the cargo compartments in front of the plane slowly opened outwards, and as the door opened outwards, a lot of black and gray fine particles slipped out from the crack of the door, and these particles followed the door The cracks opened wider and wider, and the amount of outflow became larger and larger, and soon these small particles, like dust, turned into flying dust.

The atomizing cannon, which had been waiting for a long time, was activated at this moment, and the small black particles flew up, and then fell to the ground along with the water mist.

The small particles that flew in the air were caught by the water mist and fell to the ground. Most of the clean room was covered with small black and gray particles.

At the cabin door at the nose of the aircraft, the flow of lunar soil quickly piled up into a hill. After more than ten minutes, as the lunar soil stopped falling, the staff in the clean room also took a look at the quality. The good sealed bags came to the side of the mound, and the two started to pack the lunar soil in groups.

Every ten kilograms of lunar soil is sealed into a bag, and then handed over to the next process to store these bags in a vacuum. According to the previous procedures, these lunar soil should be placed in sealed tanks, but now the lunar soil is full There are two hundred cubic meters, which makes the airtight cans useless.

In the past, sealed cans were used because the lunar soil was too precious, but now that there are a full 200 cubic meters of lunar soil, sealed bags are enough.

However, after Li Zhenhua opened the plane door, he controlled the mechanical arm from the cockpit, and put the thing brought back by the mechanical arm that was still left under the power of the particle weapon outside.

After finishing all this, he tidied up in the cockpit, and walked down from the cockpit with the six white flags that he threw in the corner.

He asked people to use tools to carry the remnant up to him, and he also found a large sealed bag from the staff to vacuum seal the six white flags. After finishing the work, he began to follow strict procedures. He left the moon soil he carried in the clean room.

When all this happened last night, he walked out of the clean room, and when he walked out of the clean room, he came to the three leaders who were watching with gusto.

In the clean room, the lunar soil left over earlier has been collected by the staff, sealed in a sealed bag, and sent to the laboratory. The purpose of this is to confirm that this kind of lunar soil brought back with the plane The thing is actually lunar soil.

After a series of inspections, the scientists who tested the lunar soil in Kyushu came up with an accurate answer. What they tested was the lunar soil, and it was not adulterated at all. In terms of composition, it was the same as what they brought back from their previous lunar exploration. The lunar soil is the same as a hair, and there is nothing wrong with it.

After reaching such a conclusion, they immediately reported to their superiors, and finally it was passed on to Wang Yuesheng and the three of them. After learning the exact news of Yueyang, they looked at Li Zhenhua who was following them and watching the distribution of Yueyang. They were also happy for a while.

After that, they stopped staring at the scene. It was meaningless for them to stare here. If they had time to stare here, they might as well sit down in the office and study how to proceed with the work.

The three of them looked at each other tacitly, and they all understood what each other wanted to express. Then they led Li Zhenhua to the base conference room that had been prepared earlier.

In the conference room, the three old men were also very curious about what Li Zhenhua was holding, especially the military leader. He really didn't understand why he went to outer space and the moon, and he didn't know where he got a six-faced white man. flag.

"I said Comrade Li Zhenhua, what is this thing you are holding in your hand? Where did you buy it, and it was a white flag. No surrender!"

Hearing the military head ask him this, he knew that the old man must have felt disgusted with the six white flags in his hand, but in Li Zhenhua's opinion, if the military head knew the origin of the white flags, he probably wouldn't be so Disgusted.

So he sat across from the three of them with a very playful smile, laid out the six white flags he had brought on the conference table one by one, and said with a smile.

"Hey hey, chief, don't be in a hurry. After I finish talking about their origins, I think you will fall in love with these six white flags!"

"Fuck off, none of our Kyushu soldiers love the white flag, unless the white flag was preserved when troops from other countries surrendered to us!

Ugh? No, this can't really be that kind of white But you just went to outer space once, where did the white flag come from in outer space? "

After he finished speaking, the military leader immediately continued to talk, and finally he guessed a little bit, and after he laughed for a while, he didn't hide it from the three of them anymore, and started talking directly.

"Hey, three chiefs, you don't know what I did up there, listen to me tell you!

When I was about to leave the moon, I thought that the moon has belonged to our Kyushu since ancient times, so apart from things from Kyushu, nothing else can exist on the moon.

So when I came, I used particle weapons to humanely destroy the traces left by the old mold on the moon one by one. Didn't they have a total of six moon landings?

During the six moon landings, six old moldy national flags were planted on the moon, and the six white flags before us are the old moldy Stars and Stripes! "

The three chiefs really refreshed their worldview at this moment, thinking in their hearts, how can they still do this? Strictly speaking, this can be regarded as pulling the flag, and this is undoubtedly a slap in the face of Lao Mei's world police.

Wang Yuesheng was also shocked at the moment, Kong Kong raised his hand and pointed at him in the air, but the old man didn't say a word.

He reacted in this way, and the other two leaders next to him also reacted in the same way. The old man sent people up after all the hard work, and the flag that was planted on it was pulled out by them in Kyushu so easily!

This is such a serious matter, but at this moment the three old men are so happy in their hearts, their emotions make them secretly happy, or they are called secretly happy!

Wang Yuesheng was very curious about the white flag after he tapped him a few times in the void, and then he pulled a white flag closer to him and looked at it carefully.

Read The Duke's Passion