MTL - Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop-v2 Chapter 298 to integrate

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After he developed these technologies, he had some other ideas. Who didn't imagine that he would have such a mecha when he watched Gundam?

This thing is very different from the powered exoskeleton, so he made it when he thought of it, and immediately used these existing technologies to start researching the mobile suit mecha.

But under his research, Gundam's direction was finally denied by himself.

As for the reason, it is also very simple, it is too difficult, the difficulty is too great is a main aspect, and through a series of analysis, the combat power displayed by the manufactured mecha is not as powerful as imagined.

Don't look at the mobile suits in the childhood, the Transformers in the country, and the humanoid mechas in the movie Pacific Rim, but the overall performance of the humanoid mechas is not much better than the combat capabilities of aircraft and tanks.

Compared with the two, the efficiency of the humanoid mecha is too low, and the cost performance is not high, so let him know that although the humanoid mecha is handsome, it is not very practical.

Science fiction is always science fiction, and fantasy can only be fantasy. It is impossible for him to become a reality. Of course, it may also be related to the relatively low technology he has mastered. It is possible that in the future, as he masters more and more, his senses will be developed. Change, but for now, the energy efficiency ratio is not good.

So he also drove the dream of Gundam out of his mind, and began to concentrate on studying the three projects involved in the Nantianmen project.

In the Nantianmen plan he made before, there was also a mecha, but the Yingying mecha was not a humanoid mecha when it was designed, and after verification later, the humanoid mecha was excluded by him.

Now that he has the core technology, his Nantianmen project can be considered to be formally researched, and his first plan is to make the Xuannv space fighter.

Why did he choose a fighter plane instead of a carrier platform or a mecha? That is because relatively speaking, he is still interested in flying in the sky, and compared with the two that can fly into the sky, the aerospace fighter is obviously more suitable for him. Since he was a veteran, the research and development of the Xuannv fighter was put on his agenda.

Paddle in familiar areas, know where the water is deep and where the water is shallow, so some routine problems can still be avoided with experience.

The first thing to solve is the core of the aerospace fighter, that is, energy and power. There is a saying in the aircraft manufacturing industry, called Li Da Flying Brick, which means that as long as the power is strong, even a brick can fly. of.

And the new particles he just solved, as well as the thermonuclear fusion reactor, using these two cores to create a fighter, has abundant energy and strong power, and these two attributes are brought into play.

Maybe at that time, even if there is only one such plane in Kyushu, the whole world will probably be tense for a long time.

Who can fly for a month or more continuously, its flight speed is not too slow, the outer layer will have an energy defense force field, the weapon is an energy particle cannon, and it can fly out of the earth for space navigation if necessary Such a frame does not feel palpitations.

This is not a level thing at all, just like the gap between adults and children.

For these fantasies in his heart, he attacked the energy core again.

The original thermonuclear fusion reactor has been miniaturized by him to a size of 125 cubic meters, which is 5 meters square, but it is still a bit large for an aircraft.

So he is still using his existing knowledge to start the research and development of miniaturized reactors. One of the problems that plagues him now is that the size of the magnetic confinement equipment is really too big, and the reactor is actually not that big.

The main factor restricting the size of magnetic confinement equipment is that there is no ideal superconductor. As long as such a qualified superconductor is developed to achieve the same magnetic confinement effect, the volume will be much smaller.

And he is another old line of research in materials science, so the direction is still easy to find, and the general material has also been conceived, it is nothing more than working **** the graphene that he made before.

Graphene is a material that is a panacea for him. He has not forgotten about it in many cases, and now he also thinks of graphene.

Unrestricted experiments then began, because superconductivity can only appear after bilayer graphene is rotated at a specific angle, so he also took advantage of this characteristic as a known direction of progress and began to conduct experiments.

Not once! twice! Not twice, three times! Anyway, he couldn't figure it out, so he vowed not to give up!

In the end, the hard work paid off, and he really made it out, and it is still a room temperature superconductor. The difficulty in the middle cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences, but the final result is good.

With this room-temperature superconductor, the working environment of the superconductor does not need to be set up separately. The original 5-meter-square nuclear reactor was finally reduced by more than half in size when he used this material.

Immediately after using new materials, the reactor structure was redesigned again, so that the final size of the reactor became a spherical appearance with a diameter of only two meters.

This volume is much smaller than before. The original volume was 125 cubic meters, but now it has been reduced to 4.18 square meters by him, which is a huge improvement.

However, for a reactor of this size, the energy produced and the amount of new particles have not changed much from before, and it can be used as the core of a fighter.

After finishing the energy core, the next step is to study the engine that uses new particles. In this respect, the principle is different from that of the jet engine, so he really doesn't have much idea.

But he didn't have a clue, but it doesn't mean that there are no sci-fi works. In the end, he got the guidance in Mobile Suit Gundam 00, and let him make the engine out according to the vague concept of Keen's solar furnace.

Of course, it is different from Keen's solar furnace, which is a thing that integrates energy and engine, but what he made is that the energy and engine are separated, and the appearance is also different.

To say that the engine he made is not much different from traditional jet engines in appearance. It is about 6 meters long and 1.4 meters in diameter, which is the same volume as the engine on an ordinary fighter.

However, their working principles are not the same. It can be said that there is a world of difference. One uses the reaction force, but the engine he has created now uses anti-gravity technology, which can freely navigate in space. gravity technology.

Moreover, due to the different working principles, the operation mode of the engine is not only the same, the engine's release port for new particles is not only at the tail, but is designed with many release ports.

After getting the engine out, he couldn't wait to connect it to the energy core. Under the simple control system of the engine, all the release ports on it glowed red, which was the sign that the new particles were working.

After some experiments, the engine and energy have reached a practical point, and the next step is to manufacture the aircraft that will match the two cores.

For him who already has an anti-gravity engine and nuclear energy, in fact, the aerodynamic layout is not so important for the appearance of this aerospace fighter, and some shapes are not so aerodynamic. Under these two technologies, It can be done without hesitation.

As for the reason, it is also very simple. A large part of the new particles emitted from the engine will be wasted, and this part of the new particles, as long as the technology used to restrain nuclear radiation is used to form a new particle outside the fighter plane. Layer Energy Particle Layer.

The shape of this particle layer can be controlled, as long as the particle layer is used to form an aerodynamic shape in the atmosphere. As for the shape of the fighter plane, it can be designed to fit the shape of space combat.

So after having these two core technologies, this aerospace fighter is about to be understood by him.

After there is no restriction on the appearance, then all the designs on the appearance can be directly moved closer to the direction of the space fighter, and there is no need to confine it to the restriction of the aircraft in the atmosphere.

In his hands, this fighter plane has become more and more sci-fi. At the beginning, it could be seen that it was a flying plane, but with the modification of his design, the more it changed, the less it looked like a product on earth. .

And this fighter plane has become more and more like a small spaceship after numerous modifications by him. First of all, the most obvious point is that the iconic wings of the plane are gone, and only the most core body remains.

If it is said that the wings disappear completely, that is not the case. There are still wings at the end of the entire fuselage, or the tail can be used, but it has become four small tails. In this case, the wings are relatively small. It was just deleted.

As for the real fuselage, it has become more and more like a ship from its original slender appearance, but its appearance is still somewhat different from that of a ship, and the layout of the power system remains the same as that of the original aircraft.

After such a major change in appearance, he did not plan to use chemical weapons in weapons, but directly used particle weapons in one step, using an energy gun that emits one particle, a large-caliber energy gun with five particles, ten An energy cannon composed of three particles, and an energy main cannon composed of forty particles.

Generally speaking, even if it is an energy gun with two particles, the effect it produces must be equivalent to the power of a machine gun. As for the main cannon composed of forty particles, the equivalent of the particle cannon fired is equivalent to an eight-kilogram TNT explosion. Effect.

The effect is comparable to that of missiles, and it can be said that it is enough to hit any object in the air. As for the missiles, he did not design missiles to be standard equipment on this aerospace fighter, of course the missile pylons are still kept.

Why is the missile not designed as a standard configuration of the fighter? Let’s talk about its overall design. As long as it flies in the sky, new particles will be generated, and if new particles are generated, then there will be an external energy defense layer, so Even if the enemy's missile hits, there is no problem.

All explosions will be isolated by the particle energy defense layer, and will not cause any damage to the internal body, so this is only one reason.

Another reason is that the speed of the airframe is very fast, faster than the missile, so it is really not easy for the missile to catch up with the plane, so there is no need to equip the missile.

But this does not mean that the missile is completely useless, the position of the missile is still reserved on the body, and the missile can still be mounted.

The overall appearance design is more sci-fi, it will be as sci-fi, and it is not a product of the same era as the current mainstream fighters.

After the overall design plan has been worked out, the next step is to start manufacturing. Now the appearance can be designed in whatever way, which allows Li Zhenhua to really let his mind fly.

When he was still manufacturing aerospace fighters in the virtual laboratory, Guo Shugui, who came back from Beiping with his parents, regretted it to death in the past two days. As for the reason for the regret, his own life-long event was urged by the old couple. .

On the left, Liu Xiaodong got married and had a child. On the right, Li Zhenhua also took over the marriage, and the child is eight or nine months old.

Originally, when the three of them started their business together, they were three unmarried youths, but now there is only Guo Shugui, a prodigal son, who is out of style every day. , it would be better to have entangled women!

So ever since Guo Shugui returned to Summer Town, his parents started the mode of urging marriage and urging children, which made him very annoyed, but he had no choice but to endure it.

He just came back from the outside and was planning to lie down on the sofa for a while. Before he could lie down comfortably, his parents started talking again one by one. The feeling should be the same as Monkey King listening to the curse.

Just as he was about to find some excuse to escape, his cell phone rang.

'Ouch! The call came just in time! ’ He thought so without looking at who was calling, he picked up the phone and performed in front of the two old people, and then immediately fled from his own Shura field.

After he came out and out of the sight of the old couple, he had time to look at the phone number. Seeing the name on it, Guo Shugui immediately had another headache.

'Why is this old man still on the phone? I have made it so clear to him before, but I still don't give up. Are these people in Wudaokou so shameless? '

Although he thought so in his heart, he couldn't say that in his mouth. He still politely explained the meaning of the words he said before. After the explanation was clear, the two chatted a few more words. Only then hung up the phone.

"Fuck, this old clapper is really shameless. I have left Beiping the fuck, and you have come with me, and so have the people from Wudaokou. Why do you have to ask Zhenhua to be your professor? What are you doing? Don't you have a clue?" Guo Shugui said to himself, pinched his head, turned and left the house.

He really has a headache, not only the matter just now, but also the matter of the old couple forced to marry, it can be regarded as getting together, but it has to be resolved anyway! 18298/10929227