MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 567 infiltrated city

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Xu Ying was in the field at this time, sitting on a big rock, holding her chin in depression.

"Why can't I find it? It's clear that only this land in this area is polluted..."

After coming out of the villa, she checked the surrounding area of ​​the city, and found that only the area they had just inspected was polluted, and the other areas were still normal soil.

"The soil is polluted, which means that there must be some special facilities here."

Xu Ying jumped off the big rock and turned to look at the big rock.

She touched her clean chin, then suddenly kicked sideways towards the stone, which was nearly two meters high.


It was clearly a seemingly slender and weak leg, but it suddenly burst out with unparalleled strength. The moment it touched the big stone, the whole stone shattered instantly, and then burst into all directions.

"Well... aren't you in there?" Xu Ying showed a slightly tired look, "Where is it? Could it be that I was wrong?"

"No, it should be right."

Xu Ying looked around carefully again: "The center of the entire polluted area is here, and the pollution source should be right here...Could it be underground? Probably not...I remember that a part of the transmission device must be exposed. "

Xu Ying believes that the soil nearby is polluted because some of the alien invaders planted a teleportation device here.

The teleportation device of the alien invaders will not pollute the nearby soil when it is buried, but every time it runs, it will release some pollutants to the surroundings.

Pollutants that cause land pollution are waste materials generated during the operation of the conveyor.

Because the main substances in it are basically used up, so the pollution ability is not strong, so it will not completely pollute the surrounding land, making the land completely unusable.

But the pollution will spread gradually. The more times the teleportation array is used, the larger the area of ​​the surrounding slightly polluted land will be.

"Based on the area occupied by this polluted soil, if it is really caused by the transmission device, it will be a bit difficult." Xu Ying looked a little ugly.

To cause such a large area of ​​polluted land, the transmission device must be activated at least hundreds of times, or even hundreds of times!

This number of times is very scary!

If the facts are true, this can basically show that this city, the core of human beings, has probably been peeped into the sky long ago.


The reason why the guards who suddenly wanted to catch her this time could also be explained why they received such orders.

Among the high-level human beings here, perhaps someone has really established a relationship with the alien invaders on the ground!

There should be nothing wrong with Wei Bo, and she didn't feel any traces of monsters or mutated creatures there.

In this way, it should be one of the other two...or both of the other two?

"There are more running dogs!"

Xu Ying kicked away the gravel under her feet to clear an open space, but she still didn't see what she wanted to see here.

"Maybe... I was wrong?" Xu Ying didn't want to believe her own guess.

If this is the case, then she is now in a very passive situation.

This situation is simply too bad!

She is not afraid of what the humans here will do to her, they can't hurt her at all, but if it is an alien invader...

That's another situation.

Although she is very proud of her current abilities, facing the alien invaders who have developed 700 years more than the group of monsters that have enslaved her for 300 years, and have taken root in the region for thousands of years...

She really didn't have much confidence.

"You can't think like that!"

Xu Ying patted her face hard, and patted her face

A little flushed, let yourself sober up.

"I am a person with the ability of time and space. The only thing that can kill me is this world. Those monsters are nothing! Now I fight them alone... It should be no problem to hit them alone!"

He obviously wanted to muster up courage for himself, but lost his temper while talking.

Annoyed, she kicked away the gravel on the ground, squatted down, and hugged her head.

"What's going on? It's clear that everything was normal when my brother was still there. Why did things become so complicated when my brother left!"

Obviously, she was not in charge of the previous matters, but now the problem has become several times more complicated than before, but she is required to be responsible...

She can't do it!

"No! I want to cheer up!" Xu Ying stood up suddenly, "Brother gave me the chance to survive, I can't be so decadent!"

She looked around and carefully checked the surrounding situation again.

Still nothing.

"My guess should be correct."

Xu Ying thought about it seriously.

"I did see mutant humans here for a while before, and the standard color of the equipment is undoubtedly those lackeys."

"If this is where the teleporter is, it would explain why I see them here."

"But I can't find it..."

Xu Ying looked down at the ground.

"Could it really be buried in the ground? It's really strange..." Xu Ying stomped her feet and stepped on the ground, "This is the underground world, and then buried in the ground... Can this teleportation array really work?"

"Perhaps...the source of pollution is not in the center of the polluted land?"

The area of ​​pollution in this area is not small, and the low shrubs and vegetation are relatively dense, covering most of the ground surface. It is not easy to find a metal pillar with a small part of the ground in this area.

"I don't want to look for it alone." Xu Ying temporarily gave up, her strength alone is still too small, "tell the Wei family, let them come here to do a carpet search, dig three feet to find Find that thing."

"Otherwise, the teleportation device located near the main too dangerous!"

She looked in the direction of the main city.

The three tallest buildings are very eye-catching.

"Wei Bo should be finished by now, right? Wait... It's broken, I didn't leave his contact information just now." Xu Ying felt a little headache.

Then her eyes lit up: "By the way, my sister-in-law seems to have Wei Shishi's contact information! Let's go back first!"

As she said that, she stepped on her foot lightly, and a purple-black vortex appeared, she fell into it, and disappeared in place.

In the jungle, it was still very quiet.

In order to hurry, Xu Ying appeared directly in Li Wenxi's room.

"Sister-in-law, don't sleep, I have something to do..."

Xu Ying's words came to an abrupt end.

She saw that Li Wenxi's bed was a bit messy, the quilt was lifted, and there was no one on the bed.

"Sister-in-law... isn't there?"

The bedroom door was closed, but the window was wide open.

"…this is…!"

Xu Ying panicked for a moment.

Could it be that my sister-in-law was kidnapped? !

In this villa, there is indeed a tool with space-time ability jointly made by her and Xu Xin, which can make the surrounding humans unconsciously stay away from here and cannot get close.


If it's those monsters, or their lackeys...

Xu Ying suddenly lost confidence in the device she made.

With a kick, she appeared by the window almost instantly and looked out.

It was silent outside, nothing.

"No...I can't..." She really panicked this time, "I...I lost my sister-in-law? I..."

At this time, the room behind her

The door was pushed open suddenly.

She looked back abruptly, only to see Li Wenxi walking in with a little sleepiness.

"sister in law!"

Xu Ying's eyes widened immediately.

"Hmm...Yingying? You're back!" Li Wenxi became sober when she saw Xu Ying.

"Sister-in-law, what are you doing!" Xu Ying first let out a long sigh of relief, and then complained.

"Huh? I...I just go to the bathroom?"

"Go to the toilet?" Xu Ying didn't believe it, "Did you make no sound when you went to the toilet?"

Before Li Wenxi pushed the door, Xu Ying didn't feel her presence at all.

With her hearing, it's impossible...can't even hear footsteps?

Li Wenxi seemed to appear outside the door out of thin air.

"No sound?" Li Wenxi was a little puzzled, "What are you talking about? I flushed just now... Oh, what are you asking!"

"Hmm... Could it be because I'm too tired, so..." Xu Ying rubbed her head, "The senses have declined?"

She walked to Li Wenxi's side, stretched out her hands to pinch various parts of Li Wenxi's body.

"Why... ah! Itchy!" Li Wenxi hurriedly grabbed Xu Ying's hand, "Don't pinch my waist!"

"Yeah. She's the real sister-in-law."

Xu Ying even suspected that Li Wenxi had been swapped just now, but after some verification, she overturned her idea.

If it's not Li Wenxi's problem, then it's her own problem.

Her senses have declined?

Could it be that…

Xu Ying's eyes trembled.

Is my time... coming to an end too?

"What's the matter?" Seeing Xu Ying's blank eyes, Li Wenxi immediately reached out and pulled her face, bringing her back to reality.

"Ah... It's okay, it's okay!" Xu Ying shook her head.

Not a big problem!

She was not afraid of death!

Now her senses have returned to normal, just a little problem just now, not a big problem.

Moreover, there is no space-time disorder around her, so she can survive at least for a while!

At least the immediate problem should be solved!

"Sister-in-law, you should be able to contact Wei Shishi, right? I have something to ask her for help."

"Wei Shishi? Oh, yes."

Li Wenxi took out a small device from his backpack: "Is this the one you use? At that time, Wei Shishi asked me to put it on my ear and knock three times, and I was able to contact her."

"That's right, this is it." Xu Ying immediately took it over, "I'll use it!"

She put it on her ear and tapped it three times with her fingers.

Immediately there was a beeping sound from the device.

Li Wenxi also brought her ears closer.

"Hello, it's me, Wei Shishi." Wei Shishi's voice came over, and her voice was a little indifferent as usual.

However, both Li Wenxi and Xu Ying knew that she was a person who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

"Ah, it's me, Xu Ying."

"...Why do you have the device I gave Li Wenxi?" Wei Shishi's voice suddenly turned cold several degrees.

This is really indifferent.

"Don't be so hostile, okay, I haven't done anything to you." Xu Ying said a little depressed.

"I'm hung up."

"Hey, don't, I discovered something, which is related to the survival of human beings."

"...What's the matter?" Wei Shishi's voice became much more serious.

"Is such that…"

Xu Ying told Wei Shishi what she had just discovered, and also expressed her conjecture.

"You mean to say that the alien invaders have already discovered our place?" Wei Shishi's voice was full of shock, "This is impossible! The surrounding area is under surveillance by our Wei family, how could they... "

Li Wenxi

Also slightly surprised: "It turns out that the polluted soil is because of..."

"Forget about your surveillance. As long as I'm careful, you won't notice it. It's too easy for them to avoid your surveillance." Xu Ying curled her lips, "And..."

There was a bad guess in her mind.

"And what?" Wei Shishi asked.

Although Xu Ying's contempt for their technology made her a little annoyed, but the fate of human beings was at stake, so she didn't dare to lose her temper.

"It's just my guess." Xu Ying looked at the city outside the window, "You have to know that those running dogs of the alien invaders are also human beings who survived thousands of years ago, or new ones born within these thousand years. Humanity."

"...Your consciousness is saying...!"

"Well, perhaps, there are already lackeys living in your city, using the identity of ordinary humans!"

Her words made the hearts of the three people, including herself, suddenly hang.

This conjecture is...somewhat creepy.

But, it is indeed possible!

Xu Ying spoke again: "What I can confirm is that fifty years ago, this area was not polluted. Therefore, the land pollution occurred within these fifty years."

"If the land pollution is really caused by the teleportation device, then based on the area, the teleportation device has been used at least hundreds of times, or even hundreds of times or thousands of times."

"Why put a teleportation device here, and teleport so many times?"

"If it is to infiltrate the city, it is very possible."

"Those lackeys teleport again and again, just to integrate into the life here."

The three of them were silent for a long time, thinking about the possibility of this matter again.

"I have a question." Li Wenxi asked, "Those lackeys have the bloodstripe mutation gene, right? If they have bloodstripes on their faces, it won't be easy to fit in here, right?"

"The first generation did have blood streaks. But blood streak mutations are not inherited." Xu Ying explained, "Maybe it is the individuals that have not mutated in the next few generations?"

"Unreasonable." This time it was Wei Shishi who spoke, "The population has increased by hundreds or even thousands of people for no reason. It is impossible for us not to notice it."

"What if these hundreds of thousands of people entered step by step within fifty years?" Xu Ying asked, "If there are a few people in a year, can you notice it?"

"Yes. At least a few cities around here can. This is the core area. We don't allow people without household registration to exist, unless they have been hiding as underground rats, but in that case, they can't do anything formally. Even Even walking will be watched by the police. Just like you before."

"That's it... It seems that your technology has improved a lot in the past fifty years." Xu Ying was thoughtful, "It really doesn't make much sense. But... What if they don't join, but replace?"

"Instead of...?" Wei Shishi's voice changed slightly.

"Kill me, and pretend to be them, and live here instead of them." Xu Ying said solemnly.

"This...isn't it more difficult than the previous one, UU Reading" Li Wenxi asked.

"Don't underestimate alien technology." Xu Ying shook her head, "It's too easy to change your face, even humans a thousand years ago can do it. As for fingerprint genes, as long as ordinary people don't commit crimes, no one will check fingerprints and keep records Ah. So..."

She asked Wei Shishi: "Have you ever heard of some people having major changes in temperament, blurred memory, or even amnesia? If there are hundreds or thousands of people, maybe there are some clues? For example, a certain Some kind of weird disease."

"Yes." Wei Shishi's voice trembled slightly.

"Forget it, if you don't have it, then you don't... huh? Yes?" Xu Ying's eyes widened immediately, "Really?"


"Who, are there many people? Do you know anyone?"

"My grandpa."

"Your grandfather... huh?!"

(end of this chapter)

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