MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 565 i really don't want to die

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

The momentary feeling of powerlessness made her almost lose her balance and fell to the ground.

She was at the side of her tree house at this time, only thirty or forty meters away from the tree house.

What makes her uncomfortable is that it is at the peak of the scorching heat at this time, and the poisonous sun shines directly on her body, making her exposed skin feel tingling.

Moreover, the temperature is also very hot, about 50 degrees, which is not something ordinary people can bear.

Fortunately, she is not considered an ordinary person now, whether it is the sun or the scorching heat, apart from making her feel a little uncomfortable, it cannot cause substantial harm to her.

In his hand, the crystal ball used to convey information became brighter and brighter under the sunlight.

Her body also became weaker and weaker.

"This crystal ball..."

Shi Wanyun immediately realized that her weakness was not caused by the high temperature and sunlight, but...

The crystal ball in his hand is absorbing her power?

The crystal ball in his hand suddenly emitted a scalding heat.

She made a decisive decision and immediately threw the crystal ball in her hand.

Even though the crystal ball contained very important information, she threw it out anyway.

She felt that if she continued to hold this crystal ball, she might faint directly under the scorching heat and exposure due to her weakness.

That's too dangerous!

Although she didn't suffer any harm now, she might faint in this environment. Long-term exposure to the sun and high temperature will kill people!

Not to mention the ferocious beasts that are likely to appear outside the tree house, that is the biggest threat.

The crystal ball rolled twice on the ground, and rolled to a place seven or eight meters away from her, shining brightly under the sunlight.

Shi Wanyun staggered, and finally couldn't support her body, and sat down on the ground.

She smiled wryly.

Recently, she has always felt that she has experienced such involuntary things many times.

Sure enough, although she can be said to be the strongest group of survivors in District 1, she is still too weak in the face of the crisis in this world.

...What about Xu Xin?

How strong is her savior and her assassination target, Xu Xin?

She sighed lightly, and just about to prop up her body and stand up, suddenly, a little crisis rose in her heart again.

She turned her head immediately and carefully observed the surrounding situation.

Immediately afterwards, her pupils constricted instantly.

...What do you really want?

She saw mutated creatures poking out huge bodies from behind the tree.

They were not small in size, and their bodies were covered with scarlet bloodstains. They were all staring at her, and most of them showed their sharp fangs.

She even saw that the slightly opened mouths of these mutated creatures were drooling.

It was as if a group of beasts who had been extremely hungry had seen an extremely delicious meal!

Shi Wanyun could directly feel the very strong hostility from these mutated creatures.

It seemed that in the next second, these guys would pounce on her and tear her apart.

Why is there siege around her tree house?

...that crystal ball?

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

Now is not the time to think about these things!

She propped herself up, trying to stand up from the ground, and then ran to her tree house.

However, her legs did not obey her command at all.

Just when she stood up, she fell to the ground again because her legs were weak.


Why does the crystal ball make her weak? Why would a group of mutated creatures be attracted here?

Is she really... dying?

She wanted to get up again, was too late.

In the crystal ball seven or eight meters away from her was the translucent white light, and traces of blood-red light mixed in.

Then, the mutated creatures around her tree house suddenly rioted collectively!

Under her horrified gaze, countless mutated creatures emerged from the surrounding jungle and charged towards her!

But she couldn't even stand firmly, and she didn't have the ability to escape at all!

Obviously her tree house is tens of meters away from her!


The heavy crossbow on her tree house was activated!

The mutated biological group has entered the range of the tree house heavy crossbow!


A blood-stained hyena was directly pierced by the heavy crossbow, stuck on the ground, and howled.

At the same time, several mutated creatures were concentrated by the heavy crossbow, and there were several howls for a while.

And because of these miserable wailing sounds, the group of beasts stopped moving forward for a moment.

"still have a chance!"

In an instant, Shi Wanyun once again had a glimmer of hope in her heart, which was already close to despair.

She looked at the crystal ball which was seven or eight meters away from her, and for a moment regretted throwing the crystal ball so far.

If the crystal ball is stored, will the mutated creatures around it no longer riot!

She wanted to get up to get the crystal ball, but her legs couldn't support her body when she was so weak.

Gritting her teeth, she no longer had any scruples, and crawled towards the crystal ball.

Because she pursues the principle of acting alone, the number of heavy crossbows used to protect the tree house on her tree house is very large, and each of them is fully loaded with five rounds of heavy crossbows.

With such a large number of heavy crossbows fired at once, the surrounding mutated biological groups were temporarily suppressed.

And Shi Wanyun staggered forward with hands and feet.

She felt weak all over her body, and the unevenness of the ground made her arms and knees sting when they touched the ground.

Finally, before the group of mutated creatures pretending to be crazy hurt her, she caught the crystal ball that was still exuding dazzling white light and traces of blood red light.

For a moment, she felt her palm was severely burned.

It was also at this moment that she put the crystal ball into her backpack.

She immediately looked at the mutated creatures around her, and as a result, the group of creatures were still madly attacking her.

Still regard her as a target!


She looked back at her tree house.

With a distance of more than 20 meters, she couldn't make it through in her current state!

For a moment, she really wanted to throw the crystal ball out.

It should be this crystal ball that attracts the mutated creatures. As long as it is thrown out, she should not be noticed, right?

But...with her current physical condition, she couldn't throw the crystal ball very far!

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

Moreover, there is information in this crystal ball that is related to life and death for her...

She saw the ring on her finger for a moment.

For a moment, she thought of what Number 5 said.

Fruit No. 5, the backpack cannot be regarded as a space storage tool, but at most it can be regarded as a compression tool. And this ring is indeed a real space tool!

If you put a crystal ball in a ring, will it work?

In a critical moment, she couldn't think much about it.

Just do it!

She turned the ring immediately.

There was a loud bang, and a huge metal pillar instantly stood on the spot, causing the entire ground to tremble, and making the surrounding mutated creatures who were about to break through the line of defense pause for a moment.

The crossbow bolts of the tree house heavy crossbow have been completely exhausted.

Last chance!

Shi Wanyun immediately turned the ring and put the crystal ball into the ring which could only hold one item.

The moment it was put in, the roars of the surrounding beasts suddenly decreased a lot.

"Success... was it successful?" Shi Wanyun sat on the ground weakly, looking around.

The blood streaks on the bodies of this group of mutated creatures are no longer as scarlet as before, but dimmed, no different from ordinary mutated creatures.

They also stopped in place, looked at the mutated creatures around them, and seemed to be a little puzzled, why they were so crazy just now.

Shi Wanyun breathed a sigh of relief, leaning on the metal pillar she had just taken out of the ring and standing on the ground, panting lightly.

But she still didn't dare to move too much, but cautiously looked at the herd of beasts that were no longer attacking at this time.

Although this group of mutant creatures is no longer as crazy as before, but... they are still brutal mutant creatures.

Even if they were not in a state of madness, these mutated creatures might still notice her and attack her.

In her current state, she has no power to fight back.

"Don't pay attention to me anymore, leave now..." Shi Wanyun had no choice but to say silently in her heart.


Things didn't go as smoothly as she thought.

Several mutated creatures near her still noticed her "delicious meal".

They paced slowly towards her.

But at this time, Shi Wanyun, because of the violent rolling and crawling exercise just now, made her already weak body worse, and at this moment, she couldn't even lift her hands.

"Is it all over..." Shi Wanyun's eyes showed a touch of despair.

Probably because of the extreme fear and panic experienced by the monster's gaze, she didn't lose her composure when she was surrounded by mutated creatures.

Instead, he sat on the spot and looked at the scorching sun.

"It's so dazzling... My eyes hurt..." Shi Wanyun felt a sharp pain in her eyes, and her vision gradually blurred and turned red.

"Today's it so dazzling?" she muttered to herself.

In her blurred vision, she saw several mutated creatures rushing towards her.

"I really... don't want to die..."

The picture stops here.

Xu Xin felt the darkness again.

He opened his eyes and found that Shi Wanyun was no longer touching his forehead, but was looking sideways.

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

"Next, what's the matter with you?"

"Bite by a wild beast." Shi Wanyun said softly.

Really bitten?

"But I survived." Xu Xin looked at her body.

In perfect condition with nothing missing.

"Dead. Died once." Shi Wanyun looked at him, her eyes slightly dull, "I was bitten to death."


For a moment, he thought of Lou Feier and the others.

Resurrection from the dying state?

In other words, she was...bitten to death by those mutated creatures?

"It hurts. That's why I interrupted the memory." Shi Wanyun said softly, "I don't want to experience the feeling of being bitten to death again."

... Her way of dying is indeed too tragic.

Ma Hongwei also had a very tragic death before, being crushed to death by a giant anaconda in the middle of the lake.

But his death method, although it is indeed extremely desperate and painful, is only a momentary matter.

Being bitten to death by wild beasts is not so pleasant.

"..." Xu Xin didn't know what to say, so she could only pat her on the shoulder lightly, "It's all over."

The moment Xu Xin patted her shoulder, her body trembled slightly.

"Let's continue." Shi Wanyun said softly, "Let's end soon, I'm a little tired and want to rest."

"it is good."

When she opened her eyes again, she was still in her original position.

She looked at herself.

The clothes that were originally changed on the World Tree have been completely broken at this time, basically the clothes are not attached to the body.

However, the skin exposed in the gaps of the clothes was smooth and flawless, and looked delicate and fair under the sun.

It was as if she hadn't experienced that thing just now, even if it was a hallucination, it would almost make people insane.


On the soil under her body, there is a large piece of blood that has not yet dried up, but it really proves that that thing happened for real.

These are the traces just left.

Her body was indeed torn apart by the beast with its teeth.

"...My body has recovered?" She took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and began to think.

Although she has just experienced a very horrible thing, Shi Wanyun's mental strength has been tempered very tenaciously by the World Tree monster, and she will not completely lose control because of the tragedy just now.

Although her body is still shaking uncontrollably.

After going through that pain, she has absolutely no courage to face it again.

Only by dying once can you experience how terrible death is.

She raised her watch and glanced at the time.

Only twenty minutes had passed since she teleported back.

After doing the math, it was only... about ten minutes since she was bitten until she lost consciousness?

It was unexpectedly fast...

She thought she had been unconscious for at least a few hours...


That crystal ball!

She turned the ring subconsciously, then reacted immediately, and stopped her movements abruptly.

Almost took that **** thing out again!

But... she needs the information in that crystal ball.

What is going on, why does a crystal ball that transmits information almost cause the death of the person receiving the information...

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

The information in the crystal ball is necessary, but at least, it must be entered in the tree house first.

Otherwise, if herds of beasts were attracted again, she would not be able to squander her few lives!

She moved her body a bit.

To her surprise, although she felt extremely tired at this time, she was not as powerless as before.

At least, normal action is still possible.

She supported the metal pillar beside her and stood up slowly.

[Do you want to activate the teleportation device? 】

At this time, a prompt sound suddenly appeared in her mind.

She glanced at the metal pillar, and didn't have the energy to think about it any more, so she said softly, "Yes."

As soon as the voice fell, accompanied by the sound of "click, click", the metal pillar suddenly began to rotate, and it was thinking about slowly sinking below the ground.

The metal pillar that moved suddenly almost brought Shi Wanyun who was supporting it to fall down again.

Fortunately, she still has the strength and is stable now.

The metal pillar rotated and sank little by little, like a drill bit drilling a hole.

In the end, only the short layer of the top ten centimeters of the metal pillar was exposed, and the rest was submerged under the ground.

Immediately afterwards, purple-black lines appeared on it.

【Activation successful】

That's good…

At this moment, Shi Wanyun didn't want to delve into this device any more, she just wanted to go back to the tree house and take a good rest.

Walking quickly back to the tree house, she manipulated the roots of the tree house to pull herself back into the tree house.

Back in her tree house, she immediately felt an unparalleled sense of security, and fell down on the sofa.

"finally came back…"

Everything that happened just now was like a dream...


She gasped suddenly.

Because, the ring on her finger suddenly became extremely hot!

Crystal ball!

What happened to the crystal ball!

She twisted the ring, trying to take it off, but the moment she twisted, the crystal ball was released from the ring.

This made Shi Wanyun's heart suddenly lift up.

Fortunately, although the crystal ball at this time exudes a slightly dazzling white light, it is not as red as before.

She immediately ran to the window and looked out.

Then he was relieved.

Nothing unusual outside.

"What the **** is this..."

She turned to look at the crystal ball, and the words in her mouth stopped abruptly.

Above the crystal ball, a image appeared.

It's my sitting posture, but I can only see the image of the monster, and I can't see what is sitting under it, as if it is sitting in the air.

"Do you understand what despair is?" The monster once again manipulated the somewhat unfamiliar human language, and said in a slightly joking tone, "Remember, if, I think, you can make you like this at any time, Life is better than death."

The appearance of the monster made Shi Wanyun's body a little stiff, but what it said made her pupils tremble even more.

What happened just now was controlled by this monster...

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