MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 563 Even Xu Xin is greedy

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

Xu Xin suddenly felt that the whole thing had become extremely complicated, far beyond his previous imagination.

He originally thought that the information obtained in the Crystal Palace was already the truth.

But now it seems...

The truth is much more than that.

In fact, the ability to have so many human beings continuously sent from the past to the future to participate in this somewhat strange survivor plan has already explained one thing.

At least for now, in this thousand-year-old world, alien invaders definitely have the ability to travel through time.

But when did they have this ability, did they have this ability before they invaded the earth, or was it developed during the millennium's development?

Thinking of Shi Wanyun's face with blood tattooed himself that he just saw in Shi Wanyun's memory, Xu Xin already had her own thoughts in her heart.

At least in that time and space, at that point in time three hundred years after the invasion, the alien invaders could travel through time and space.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to see that photo in this time and space.

If you're thinking boldly, then...

These alien invaders may have already reached the point where they can control time and space.

Before they invaded the earth, they had the ability to travel through time.

It's just that it may not be used generally, and even if it is used, it is a top secret. After all, the ability to travel through time and space is a double-edged sword. Once something goes wrong, time and space will collapse.

Therefore, the enslaved humans at that time did not know that the other party had this ability.

They studied hard, and finally, relying on the technology given to them by the alien invaders, they researched the way to travel through time and space.

However, as humans who have come into contact with space-time travel for the first time, they know very little about time-space travel and do not know its taboos.

And in this case, they had very serious consequences.

The future of the world has changed drastically, and the time and space they live in is also facing collapse.

The collapse of time and space is very obvious, and some distortions will occur in time flow and space distance, and those alien invaders must have noticed this.

These alien invaders who have long been able to travel through time and space are familiar with this phenomenon, know the reason for this space-time chaos, and know that someone traveled through time and space, excessively affecting the past, causing the future they live in to collapse!

Knowing what caused the crisis, they took corresponding countermeasures.

This countermeasure is likely to be the same as that of Xu Xin's video team at that time.

return to the past.

They cannot let everyone disappear with the collapse of time and space. They need to let some people go back to the past to find out the truth about the turbulence of time and space.

Their task is not to let them in another time and space, the invaders of another time and space, make the same mistakes.

"Under the same time and space, the same people cannot exist..."

Xu Xin thought to himself.

"So... Are the individuals they returned to the past all young individuals of the new generation... Or, like here, they send away the self in the past time and space, and then return to the past."

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a terrifying idea in his heart.

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

Now he knows that the image of Xu Xin and himself are fundamentally two different characters.

What he does will not affect the other party, and the other party will not affect himself.

And the alien invaders probably knew about it, too.

Since they are different individuals and do not affect each other...

Wouldn't it be good to kill the self in this world and replace it?

This is the easiest way.

The method of sending to the future is really too troublesome.

Video Xu Xin and his team did this because they didn't know whether the past self in this time and space would affect them, and they were also preparing for the future to take back the world.

But alien invaders needn't be so troublesome.

They only need to send the new generation of individuals back to the past, and kill themselves without the other ninjas noticing, and they can directly replace them.

As for them not existing in this time and space, will they cause the world's rejection and dissipate...

Didn't Yingying also dissipate, and even persisted after a thousand years?

They...maybe have a special way to make them, who don't belong to this time and space, stay in this world.

if it is like this…

Of the group of alien invaders now living in the other hemisphere of the earth, perhaps, a small part is...

Intruders from that collapsed time and space!

And the one Shi Wanyun saw might be one of them!

Because it has a photo of **** Xu Xin in its hand!

Moreover, its soliloquy was also heard by Xu Xin.

【Oh, there should be no blood marks on his face now, right? 】

This obviously means that it has seen Xu Xin before, and Xu Xin who had blood streaks on his face back then.

It...Obviously, like the image of Xu Xin and Yingying who took Wenxi away, it came from that collapsed time and space!

Xu Xin rubbed the center of her brows with some annoyance.

It feels like... things are really getting harder and harder.

"The more you understand... the more difficult it will be." He sighed softly.

"...Can you explain, what do you mean by going back to the past?" Shi Wanyun suddenly said.

Just now Xu Xin's soliloquy caused a great disturbance in her heart.

Go back to the past, the past time and space...

She stared into Xu Xin's eyes, waiting for his answer.

Xu Xin looked at her.

He felt that he could trust the person in front of him now.

The truth he knew could indeed be told to her.

But before that...

"Are you rested?" he asked.

"Okay, I'm full of energy." Shi Wanyun nodded.

"Show me the next thing, and I will tell you the truth I know."

"it is good."

Shi Wanyun posted it immediately.

Shi Wanyun visited many places in the residential area of ​​No. 5.

Except for her pavilion, which is not allowed to enter, she has visited all the other places.

She found the source of the water flow.

It is the very edge of this area, and it gushes out from the wall like a fountain.

"Although the space of the World Tree is not small, my place can be regarded as the core area." No. 5 has been following her, leading her to walk in this garden, and is patting the whole area with her hands at this time. The boundary wall of the area, "Do you know where this is?"

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

"The core area...could it be the trunk of the World Tree?" Shi Wanyun guessed.

"That's right." No. 5 laughed, "This is the trunk of the World Tree, the heartland of the whole World Tree."

"... No wonder there is a current."

"Well, this water flow is not artificial water, but the water absorbed by the World Tree." No. 5 leaned over and held up a handful of slightly cold water, "This water is not ordinary water, but the water filtered by the World Tree , the water quality is very clean, and it also contains the ability to gradually change the body."

As she spoke, she held the water to her mouth and sipped it.

Then he raised his head, shook his hands lightly, and said with a smile: "Just this water has the ability to eliminate fatigue and prolong life."

"Is it that strong?" Shi Wanyun was a little bit incredulous.

"You can try it."

Shi Wanyun also knelt down and picked up a handful of water, and sucked it lightly.

It was very sweet, and even though she wasn't very thirsty now, the taste of the water still caught her eyes.

At this time, an introduction also appeared in her mind.

[World Tree Spring Water (Purple): Spring water that can be drunk directly. After being filtered and blessed by the World Tree, the water quality has undergone earth-shaking changes. It contains part of the energy of the World Tree. Drinking it can eliminate physical and mental fatigue and prolong life. 】

"Purple water?"

This really surprised her.

"Purple rank...? Ah, it's the ability of survivors."

No. 5 was a little puzzled at first, and then said with relief: "I remembered, I was able to see the grade of some props back then. It happened almost fifty years ago, and I forgot a lot."

Shi Wanyun glanced at her in surprise: "Now, you can't see the grade and introduction of the item?"

"Of course." No. 5 responded with a chuckle, "This ability is only available in the survival selection. After the selection, the ability disappears. Speaking of it, I was a little unaccustomed back then."

"Is that so... Then will my abilities disappear in the future?" Shi Wanyun's eyes moved slightly.

She wants to ask No. 5 if she has any special abilities, and whether the special abilities have disappeared.

But the words did not come out of his mouth.

Although her special ability is not a fighting ability, it can be regarded as a hole card. If you ask this sentence, it is equivalent to telling the other party that she has special abilities.

Moreover, since the other party has never asked about special abilities, they probably don't know.

Speaking of which, among the fifth batch of survivors, those with special abilities are also rare.

"It will definitely." No. 5 walked along the flowing water with Shi Wanyun, "Our first four batches of survivors were like this, and the fifth batch should be no exception."

"...You should also have a tree house at the time, right? Your tree house later..."

"No more." No. 5 said, "There is a special area for us to live in, and there is also a world tree."

She looked around and said, "Do you still need my little tree house?"


The area she owns is more than enough to plant a hundred or eighty tree houses.

The entanglement in Shi Wanyun's heart became even stronger.

She really... really wants to own such an area...

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

But the prerequisite for owning such a paradise of his own is to kill Xu Xin.

"Okay, the time is almost up, it's time to send you to where you should go."


Although she was not ready yet, Shi Wanyun could only walk behind No. 5.

The direction of walking was the attic she had never entered.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, she slowly let go of the entanglement in her heart.

Until then... think again.

The monster also said that her mission was to kill Xu Xin, but if she couldn't complete the mission, she had to lurk by his side to seek opportunities.

When the time comes, it depends...

"Are you ready to kill me at this time?"

Xu Xin asked suddenly.

He opened his eyes.

At this time, the two still had their foreheads touching, Shi Wanyun did not close her eyes, but stared at him in a daze.

Seeing Xu Xin open her eyes, she immediately looked away: "You are my savior, I..."

Xu Xin laughed: "I don't believe it. Let alone you, even I am very envious of that place."

Shi Wanyun pursed her lips, raised her head, no longer pressed her forehead against Xu Xin, tilted her head slightly and said: "...There is a little bit, just a little bit."

Xu Xin turned to look at the World Tree outside the window, and then looked at Shi Wanyun with great interest: "I am very suspicious now, if we hadn't planted this World Tree, you probably wouldn't be on my side."

Shi Wanyun was silent for a while, and finally nodded lightly: "This is... the most important reason. This World Tree has shown me the possibility of human beings. Maybe human beings can really defeat that monster and turn themselves into masters."

Xu Xin shook his head and said, "You are really real."

"I just don't want to lie to you anymore." Shi Wanyun looked at him and said, "When this world tree appeared, and that mysterious voice started to provoke the relationship between the various regions, I knew that this tree was definitely something big. "

"What would you do if I hadn't planted this tree?"

"...You have subdued me, but it seems that as long as I am obedient, you have no intention of killing me. I will continue to lurk by your side, looking for opportunities."

"Looking for a chance to kill me?"


"You're honest. But I can understand."

Xu Xin looked at the World Tree outside.

"Being the master of such a garden and dispatching most of the people, this kind of life has surpassed the life of 99% of people thousands of years ago, let alone in this dangerous world."

Now, he is even more looking forward to the growth of the World Tree.

No wonder it is called World Tree.

He also wondered why there are so many World Trees. In his impression, there should be only one tree that can be named World Tree, right?

Now it seems that the name "World Tree" is not as exaggerated as he imagined.

It is called this name because the tree itself is equivalent to a small world!

"No, you don't understand." Shi Wanyun pursed her lips and looked at Xu Xin, "You don't understand."

"...What do you mean?" Xu Xin looked at her suspiciously.

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

"The information I got next is the key to changing my mentality." Shi Wanyun said, without waiting for Xu Xin's request, she grabbed Xu Xin's arm and posted it herself.

She and Xu Xin looked at each other: "I, Shi Wanyun, am not cheap enough to kill my savior just because of a comfortable place to live."

Xu Xin took a deep look at her and closed her eyes.

Number 5 took her to the attic.

"What you are going to see next is one of our core secrets, and it is also a secret that you must keep."

No. 5 suddenly stopped and blocked Shi Wanyun who wanted to continue walking in.

"Remember, the things here at UU Reading must never be told to other people, even the people here, even the number 228 you are familiar with."

Her words were serious.

"Number 228 doesn't work either..." Shi Wanyun became a little nervous.

This is really a top secret.

She has only been here for a day, and she is really under a lot of pressure to let her know this kind of core secret.

"I see." She nodded.

"Okay, come with me."

No. 5 walked towards the gate of the pavilion. She didn't reach out to push the door, but the door opened slowly as she approached.

A gust of hot air came over the surface, mixed with some strange smells.

And everything in the attic made her slowly open her mouth.

Things in the attic don't match their appearance at all.

From the outside, the attic looks like an ancient Chinese building, very elegant.

But inside...

It is a strong steel torrent!

Complicated and giant machines were running in front of her, making the sound of machines running.

When she walked into it, the smell of metal mixed with blood became stronger.

It made her hold her breath for a moment.

However, that's not what she cares about.

"This... this is..."

She raised her hand and pointed forward.

On the wall in front of me, there are two rows of neatly demined large transparent capsules more than two meters high.

Each capsule is filled with a transparent light red liquid, and inside the liquid is…

Sleeping one by one, strangely shaped...

An unhealthy monster.

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