MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 556 nameless fear

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As she spoke, she pushed Shi Wanyun out of the room.

Mrs. Cheng was waiting for her outside at this time, and only continued to walk forward when she saw her come out.

Shi Wanyun followed behind her.

"When I see Master later, don't be too rude." The woman walked side by side with her, and said softly, "Master's appearance is a bit...unusual for us humans, so don't be rude."

"Yes, I see." Shi Wanyun nodded.

She is so nervous now that she can hear her own heart beating.

This is the advanced intelligent creature that brought them to this world, and it is also her hope to return to the original world!

Follow the adults and move on, and at some point, there are only two of them left around.

The two also stood in front of a door.

As soon as the woman stretched out her hand, the door opened.

It's a cramped little space.

"...Elevator?" Shi Wanyun asked in surprise.

"The elevator is driven by the biological energy of the World Tree. The owner's location is not in the lower area, but at the top of the World Tree."

As she spoke, she walked into the elevator, followed closely by Shi Wanyun.

The doors of the elevator then closed and began to ascend.

The entire elevator is completely enclosed, and the outside cannot be seen, and there are no buttons or displays inside. There is only a row of relatively dim overhead lights, so the interior of the elevator will not be too dark.

Judging from the feeling of thrust from the feet, the speed of the elevator is very slow.

One second is probably a speed of tens of centimeters, which is much slower than a normal elevator.

And for some reason, the elevator's ascent felt blocked, as if an elevator that hadn't been used for many years was suddenly activated.

The elevator went up silently.

"Should I also call... master?"

Shi Wanyun asked Mrs. Cheng who didn't say a word and seemed to be thinking about something.

The adult came back to his senses and nodded.

"The name master, the real meaning is not the master of us people, but the master of this world tree, just like when you go to someone else's house as a guest, you are the guest, he is the master, it probably means this. So, don't Too nervous, the master actually doesn't care that much about us humans."

Is that what the master meant...

"But No. 228 and the others..." Shi Wanyun was a little puzzled.

When No. 228 told her about the things here last night, there was a servile attitude revealed between the lines.

"Oh, most of the people below have misunderstood the meaning of 'Master,' in fact, 'Master,' this title is what the first batch of us who came here called the master of every World Tree, but the people below also I believe that the master of the World Tree is also their master.”

The woman smiled slightly: "We explained it before, but we didn't clear up the misunderstanding, so we simply let it go. After all, it is easier for us to manage with such a respectful attitude towards the owner of the World Tree."

Easy to manage?

Shi Wanyun's eyes moved slightly.

"I think you figured it out too."

The woman leaned against the wooden wall of the elevator and said with a light smile: "That's right, except for the most basic rules, the master will not interfere with the operation of this World Tree at all. Most of the matters here are handled by We humans manage it, and I am one of the managers of the women's area."

"So that's how it is..."

Only then did Shi Wanyun understand why most people here have never seen the so-called master.

Because this master doesn't care about anything at all!

"Then why does Master want to see me?" Shi Wanyun asked her doubts.

"I actually don't know about that."

The woman shook her head and said: "As one of the five managers of this world tree, in the past fifty years, most of the time has been unable to

come into contact with the owner. The last time I was able to contact the master was... eleven years ago, when the selection of the fourth batch of survivors ended. "

"Eleven years ago?" Shi Wanyun really didn't expect this time, "Is it so long? Does this master really care about the following things at all?"

The woman nodded: "Except for making some rules that almost no one will break, don't care, don't care at all."

As she said that, she reached out and patted the wall panel of the elevator that was still going up: "This elevator is unusable most of the time. Only during the time when the elevator is open, we managers can Communicate with the master."

"Three days ago, this elevator suddenly opened. The owner called all our managers and told us that in the past few days, there may be a fifth batch of survivors sneaking in. If you find it, you must inform us as soon as possible."

"That's suddenly arrested me." Shi Wanyun said softly.

"Yes, the elevator stopped running again last night, and it was only opened this morning, that is, just now, so I went to see the master, and the master asked me to take you there immediately." The woman nodded.

Although a woman is the manager here, she is not so patient with Shi Wanyun. Basically, she will know everything Shi Wanyun asks, and she will also have a slight smile on her face.

Apart from the fact that she has some affection for Shi Wanyun herself, it is more because of the importance that "Master" puts on her.

This Shi Wanyun is the first human being that the "Master" has asked to see in the past fifty years.

Her importance cannot be overstated.

I am afraid that they will become an important person in their world tree, even more important than the manager.

It is precisely because of this that she is so patient.

"That means..." Shi Wanyun looked at the woman's face, "Actually, most of the time, you managers... are the 'masters' who actually control the area below."

"Of course not." The woman smiled, "We are just managers, and we have to abide by the rules set by the master. We can't do anything wrong in the lower areas. Once we violate the rules of the master, there will be a group... claiming to be order Defender's people."

"A defender of order?"

It was the first time Shi Wanyun had heard of this name.

No. 228 didn't tell her about any order defenders last night.

"Are the defenders of order human too?"

"Yes, but not ordinary humans."

The woman nodded and continued: "Perhaps you may not believe what I say next, but I want to tell you that in this world, there is another group of human beings, who are older than us, the first group of survivors. Humans who have arrived here."

"...What..." Shi Wanyun's eyes trembled, and she murmured softly, "In this world, there are...earlier humans?"

"Well, they are different from us, they have fully adapted to life here, and... it can be said that they are advanced creatures that surpass humans."

The woman's words made Shi Wanyun a little speechless.

The woman continued to speak: "The difference between these humans and us is that they have dense blood marks on their bodies, which are very similar to the mutated creatures outside."

...bloodline mutated human?

Shi Wanyun raised her eyelids slightly.

She is all too familiar with this.

She was around her own creatures, but she had seen blood-striped mutated humans before.

And those weird people with hair, she has seen it many times.

"They have the same long lifespan as those of us who have undergone genetic modification, but their physical capabilities are much stronger. They even...have replaced some of their body parts with mechanical weapons."

"Each of them is a mobile killer with incomparably sufficient energy and super fighting ability."

The woman sighed: "It seems that they...are not living in the same world as us."

Shi Wanyun opened her mouth, just about to say

What, the elevator under my feet gradually stopped.

The door of the elevator opened slowly with a "creak".

"Okay, come out, we're here. Don't be nervous." The woman walked out of the elevator one step ahead of Shi Wanyun, "Follow me."

Shi Wanyun took a light breath and walked out.

First, I walked through a passage, and then suddenly became enlightened.

A whole bright and wide area, as if... the hall of a great palace.

Looking up, there is no ceiling above, and what blocks the sunlight is the lush green canopy.

But the sunlight was not completely blocked, and part of the light could still shine through the gaps in the green leaves, which not only set off the extremely green canopy, but also made the whole hall look bright.

"...Huh? Isn't the master here?" The woman looked forward.

Shi Wanyun also followed her gaze.

At the very front of the entire hall, there are several wide stairs that go up step by step. At the top of the stairs, there is a gorgeous seat.

The entire seat was carved out of blue-black stone, Shi Wanyun just glanced at it and then looked away.

She didn't see the original appearance of this gorgeous blue-black stone chair, but only saw the two...


Two huge eyes, bigger than her fist.

It's even... still spinning!

The moment she looked over, those eyes just turned around and met her gaze.

At that moment, she felt uncomfortable all over her body, as if something in her body was about to burst out from the pores all over her body and from her scalp!

So for a moment, she shifted her gaze, and opened her mouth to take a slow, deep breath.

Obviously it's just two eyes, at most it's a bit of a novelty, she shouldn't be afraid after experiencing countless life and death.

But the fear at that moment almost made her lose her mind and almost made her knees go limp on the ground.

It made her feel as if a terrifying monster was about to emerge from her body.

That feeling is really a kind of fear from the bottom of my heart!

In layman's terms...

The san value plummeted!

It feels like the spirit is about to split in an instant!

It's just a seat...

Beside her, the woman did not look directly at the seat, she should have known this situation long ago.

She turned her head to look at Shi Wanyun, saw the beads of sweat on her forehead, and her slightly dull eyes staring at the ground, and said with a smile: "How, do you feel it too?"

"Hmm..." Shi Wanyun nodded slightly.

"I wanted to remind you, but after thinking about it, I still think it would be better for you to feel it yourself. Wait a minute, and don't look at the owner. The owner's line of sight will only be more terrifying than this seat."

even scarier...

"But, the master is..." The woman's words came to an abrupt end.

Shi Wanyun turned her head to look at her, and asked softly, somewhat cautiously: "What's wrong?"

"I'm leaving," the woman said softly.

"...Why? Me?"

"You wait here. Master seems to only want to see you alone."

After finishing speaking, she gave Shi Wanyun a wink, then turned and walked towards the elevator.

Shi Wanyun wanted to reach out and grab her, and ask her some more things, but the fear just now made her body a little weak.

Coupled with the aftertaste of fear lingering in her heart, she couldn't take a step, and could only watch the woman walk into the elevator.

When the elevator closed, she saw the woman looking at her with a hint of encouragement.

This made her feel a little relieved.

It seems that the woman was ordered to leave?

Shi Wanyun took a light breath, turned her head and faced the hall again


At this moment, her gaze froze.

Her lips trembled slightly, and her legs even softened, and she sat down on the ground directly.

Her vision became a bit blurred, and the terrifying things she saw were covered.

Suddenly she came back to her senses, looked away abruptly, and gasped heavily.

"…Ha ha…"

She was trembling violently even for breathing.

What did she just see?


Unspeakable monster.

An indescribable monster was sitting on that blue-black living chair.

She didn't know how to describe the monster's appearance.

Because it was a monster that could not even appear in her imagination.

Densely packed, dozens of eyeballs the size of walnuts seemed to be squeezed out of the body, all of them were staring at her.

Each eye has more power than the eyeballs on the chair just now.

At that moment, she felt the extreme fear that she had never felt in her life.

Her blurred vision was blocked by the tears of fear at that moment.

Speaking of this, Shi Wanyun couldn't bear it any longer.

She held onto Xu Xin's arm tightly, curled up, and didn't care about her own image anymore.

Just thinking about the situation at that time made her speechless.

No matter how Xu Xin persuaded her, slapped her on the face, and even used all her strength, she still didn't recover.

...this is really...

Xu Xin was a little helpless.

what's the situation?

Is there such a fear?

What the **** did she see?

A Cthulhu monster in another dimension that makes people's san value plummet?

However, her fear at this time was real, and Xu Xin could feel it. It wasn't that she didn't want to say it, but the fear caused by the memories made her lose her voice for a while.

It's hard to imagine how terrified she was at that time.

Forget it, let's take advantage of this time to sort out the information he just got.

In fact, from just now, a guess suddenly popped up in Xu Xin's mind.


He felt that he might have discovered the truth of the matter.

"I have a conjecture." He said softly, "Come and see if it makes sense."

Shi Wanyun was still holding his arm, and looked up at him.

Her eyes were a little absent right now, and there were still two lines of tears on her face.

...was she really out of fear?

Xu Xin shook his head and began to talk about his conjecture.

Thousands of years ago, alien invaders invaded this planet and almost wiped out the human race.

And after a thousand years, for unknown reasons, this group of alien invaders needs a large number of high-quality ordinary humans.

But at this time, there are no ordinary humans on the earth.

The lackeys who were left behind during the invasion had already been genetically modified and could not be regarded as normal human beings.

Thus, The Survivor Project was born.

They go back to the era when humans existed in the past, pick humans from various time points, and send them to the future to play this ridiculous survival game.

As for the intention of this is to continue to purify these humans.

What they need is high-quality human beings, not human waste.

These relatively high-quality human beings are the ones who survived this survival game.

These people were allowed to build a city on the planet that originally belonged to them, live in it, and began to reproduce, passing on their relatively high-quality genes from generation to generation.

But in reality, these humans are still not up to the standards required by these alien invaders.

Or rather, the first

The batch of survivors is up to par, but there are too few of them to meet demand.

The number of survivors in the second batch, the third batch, and the fourth batch has indeed increased, but the quality has dropped again.

Thus, the second tier of selection began.

(end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion