MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 553 Blue-level fruit is a chronic poison?

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

That's it. "

Li Wenxi looked up at the sky.

"Just above here is the location of the metal mine I was talking about."

Beside her, Xu Ying and Wei Shishi looked up together.

The old man Wei Bai received a call just now, and he didn't know what it was, his expression became a little serious, and he hurried back.

Before leaving, he asked Wei Shishi to stay here to meet with Li Wenxi and the two of them.

"Is this here..." Wei Shishi looked around, her expression slightly relaxed, "The neighborhood is sparsely populated and there are no residential areas, which saves us a lot of work. When mining, just set the bottom as a dangerous area that is prohibited from entering. it is good."

Xu Ying lowered her head and rubbed her neck: "Oh, I'm getting old, and my neck will hurt if I raise my head for too long. I said, little girl, you have to respect your seniors."

She said this to Wei Shishi.

I don't know why, Wei Shishi didn't give her a good look along the way, she kept a straight face, as if Xu Ying owed her money.

"Older?" Wei Shishi glanced at her, "You just know how to travel through time, right? Your real age is about the same as mine."

Xu Ying spread her hands and made a helpless expression: "So, today's young people are really mysteriously confident."

"You... are you an aunt over forty years old?" Wei Shishi turned to look at her.

"...Who do you think is auntie!" Xu Ying broke her defense first, staring.

Although she has lived for a long time, she has always been like a little sister in the team at that time.

Most of the people in their team also have no offspring. After all, in such an environment where everyone is in danger, it is not a wise choice to have offspring.

In addition, the life expectancy of the people in the team at that time was very long, so most of them had no idea of ​​giving birth to offspring to carry on the family line.

So she has never been called auntie!

Of course, this does not mean that there were very few humans in the new generation at that time, on the contrary, there were not many at all.

At that time, most of the new generation of humans were born from those who had completely surrendered to the alien invaders.

They have gained a relatively stable life, and they are naturally able to raise their offspring.

Fortunately, the descendants of those people are not as thoroughly brainwashed as they are, and have fanatical worship and pursuit of alien invaders.

They have their own ideas. Although most of them have been instilled in childhood to be those alien invaders, young people always have a rebellious spirit.

After learning the truth of the year, quite a few people chose to join the resistance team.

The first step of the plan to go back to the past was carried out by these people.

"It's not what you said?" Wei Shishi gave her a white look, "A person who travels through time and pretends to be a ghost, what right do you have to call me senior?"

In her mind, when Xu Ying met her grandfather, she should have been around the same age as her grandfather at that time.

Then Xu Ying immediately crossed time and came to the modern age, that is to say, she should be in her twenties now.

Even her grandfather Wei Bo thinks so.

"I..." Xu Ying was a little speechless.

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

She didn't want to reveal her identity.

Her identity is a big loophole in this world, the less people know about it, the better, if too many people know about it, and the world notices the abnormality, she will be eliminated by the world just like her brother.

But this girl in front of me is really annoying!

What, why are you so hostile to her!

Don't be angry, don't be angry, Xu Ying, you are over three hundred years old, why are you angry with a little girl in your twenties?

"Well, stop arguing, can't we get along well?" Li Wenxi said helplessly.

She herself is also the kind of very energetic character, coming to this world

After entering the world, I have only been suppressing my curiosity, and those who are unfamiliar with the place of life are no longer so willful.

Along the way just now, the two of them exchanged countless words.

In front of these two people, she always felt that she was playing the role of an intimate big sister.

"Hmph, who wants to get along with her." Wei Shishi snorted lightly.

"You..." Xu Ying gritted her teeth, getting angrier as she thought about it.

Wei Shishi turned her head to look at Li Wenxi, her tone became much more normal and she said, "I wrote down the location here, are there any other places around?"

"For the time being, I only found this one. I haven't looked around properly yet." Li Wenxi said.

"Okay, this is for you."

Wei Shishi took out a small instrument from his pocket and handed it to Li Wenxi.

"this is…"

Li Wenxi looked curiously at the gadget in her hand.


"Wear it on your ear, and you can contact me directly with three clicks. The communication channel is encrypted, so you don't have to worry about being eavesdropped." Wei Shishi explained, "If you find a new location or have any troubles, you can contact me at any time. contact me."

"Ah, there is such a good thing!" Li Wenxi said in surprise, a little happy, "Then I will accept it!"

"Hey, where's mine?" Xu Ying stared at Wei Shishi.

"You? Aren't you very powerful, and still need our help?" Wei Shishi's tone suddenly turned cold.


Wei Shishi turned her head to look at Li Wenxi, and her voice became calm again: "If you are not satisfied with the residence this woman provided you, or if you encounter any danger here, please contact me at any time. You are always welcome in our Wei family."

"Oh..." Li Wenxi nodded, feeling something was wrong again, and secretly glanced at Xu Ying.

"Then I'll go back first." Wei Shishi turned her head and wanted to leave.

"Stop!" Xu Ying stretched out her hand to grab Wei Shishi's arm, and said angrily, "What's the matter with you? Why are you so hostile to me? Tell me clearly!"

"...Don't you know what you did more than fifty years ago?" Wei Shishi waved her hand vigorously, shook off Xu Ying's hand, then turned her head and left.

"What did I do? I did..." Xu Ying was stunned, "What did I do? Wait a minute, you..."

When she realized it, Wei Shishi had disappeared.

"What are you doing..."

"...You don't mean to scum her grandpa?" Li Wenxi snickered, and touched Xu Ying's waist with her elbow. Opinion, you didn’t do something messy and then abandoned it, did you?”

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

"What!" Xu Ying yelled, "I, I, Wei Bo and I are just normal friends!"

"Then why is she so upset with you? She should have heard all about you from her grandfather, right?" Li Wenxi looked towards the direction Wei Shishi was going away.

"What is this all about? Let's not say that it is impossible, and even if it is true, does her grandfather's feelings and experience need her to fight the injustice?"

Xu Ying suddenly couldn't sit still: "No, I have to ask that old guy! What did that guy say bad things about me to his granddaughter! He couldn't really talk nonsense!"

"Hey!" Li Wenxi hurriedly pulled her back, "Is the old man still busy? He seemed serious when he left, so let's not disturb others for the time being. Could it be that those giant beasts are attacking again?"

"...Huh, it shouldn't be. If so, won't he tell us?" Xu Ying didn't rush over, she curled her lips and said, "It seems that the three of them got together to discuss important matters, and it probably has something to do with me. That's why you didn't tell me?"

"That's it..." Li Wenxi rubbed her eyes slightly, "Then let's go back, I'm a little sleepy, it's getting late now... Wow! It's already almost twelve o'clock!"

She looked at her watch and exclaimed, "It's so late! It's almost the second day!"

"Oh, that's the bad thing here." Xu Ying looked up at the sky, and the crystal stones were still emitting light two or three kilometers above the sky, "Day and night are the same, there is no four seasons here Life always feels like time has stood still.”

"Ah... so what is the daily routine of the people here?" Li Wenxi looked in the direction of the living area.

On the street over there, there were originally a large number of pedestrians and vehicles, but now they are much rarer.

Although the sky has not darkened, people seem to have rested.

"Because everyone's schedule is similar to that on the ground. After all, the time for studying and working is still there."

Xu Ying explained: "Nine to six, eight to five, work and school hours are fixed, and everyone's work and rest are still similar to those of humans on the ground. Of course, there is never a shortage of people who stay up late. Still, it wouldn't count as 'staying up all night, would you? After all, there's no night at all."

"Well, this is really a magical world..." Li Wenxi felt that she still didn't understand this place too much, and she felt an urge to wander around.

She took out the blue tangerines she brought out from her backpack and began to peel them: "That's just right, there are few people active now, and we won't attract too many people's attention, let's go around!"

"Ah, isn't that the magic orange (blue) for staying up late!" Xu Ying's eyes lit up, "You still brought such a good thing down."

"You must have used this before, right?" Li Wenxi took out one again and handed it to Xu Ying.

"I miss it so much!" Xu Ying took the oranges in her hand, looked at them over and over again, and sighed, "There are many orange trees planted in our team's science and technology park. At that time, we wished we could split them into two for use , this thing is simply an artifact, but..."

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

"But what?" Li Wenxi stuffed the orange into her mouth and asked a little vaguely.

"However... it's better for you to eat less of this stuff now. Although it can make people's brains awake without sleeping, it depends on the lifespan of overdrawn brain cells." Xu Ying also began to peel the oranges in her hand, and at the same time Said, "If you eat too much, you will develop Alzheimer's disease in advance!"

"Hey?" Li Wenxi had just swallowed the petal in her mouth. Hearing what she said, the hand that was holding a petal of orange and was about to put it into the mouth stopped immediately.

She looked down at the orange petals in her hand, then looked up at Xu Ying, blinked her eyes, she didn't eat it, she didn't eat it, she said in surprise, "And... there are such side effects!"

"That's right, otherwise, if you keep eating this orange, you won't have to sleep forever? How can there be such a good thing, there is a price to pay for everything." Xu Ying said as she threw away the orange peel.

"But..." Li Wenxi swallowed, "I seem to have eaten a lot before...I won't..."

"It won't be a problem so soon." Xu Ying explained, "If ordinary people eat too much, they may develop Alzheimer's in their forties or fifties? It doesn't matter to people with a long lifespan like us, but You are still an ordinary gene right now? It’s best to rely on your own body to recover.”

She threw a piece into her mouth, chewed with a nostalgic expression, and said, "Well... eat less, eat less, sister-in-law, I didn't expect that when I returned you to my brother, you would have become Stupid."

"Stupid..." Li Wenxi almost threw away half of the orange in his hand, "This thing is a slow poison!"

"Chronic poison? That's a good way to put it." Xu Ying was still pouring the chronic poison into her mouth one by one, "However, you don't have to worry too much. There are a lot of genetic medicines in Crystal City. My brother is sure I will save a dose for you, even if you are stupid by then, as long as you inject the genetic medicine, you will be fine, um, take it at ease.”

"Is that so..."

Li Wenxi had heard about Xu Ying's gene potion in Crystal City before, and she immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the half of the orange in her hand, she immediately stuffed the remaining half of the orange into her mouth, and chewed it retaliatoryly!

This is actually a chronic poison!

Xu Ying had already eaten the whole orange, and licked her fingers with satisfaction: "It's really good! Since time wore

After the beginning, I haven't eaten this kind of orange. "

"Well... If I'm really stupid, don't forget to take me back..." Li Wenxi swallowed the whole orange, a little panicked.

"Then you must be at least forty or fifty years old, right? How can you stay here for so long? I'm afraid that after a while, my brother will come to you. If it's not possible, we will go out to find him after the matter here is finished. "

"Woo...we're fine, but those other survivors..." Li Wenxi suddenly remembered that blue-level fruits are already very common among survivors, and most survivors should be eating them.

"No way, if you want to obtain certain abilities, you have to pay something. And those people..."

Xu Ying has no interest in other survivors at all: "Forget it, let's not talk about this, I will show you around. There should be some mines nearby, right?"

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

"Go over there, I think there might be one over there."

"Okay, by the way, what did you do here fifty years ago? Tell me about it!"

"Well, it's nothing special, my brother does the real work, I just..."

on the ground.

"You found another statue in another place?" Zeng Tao asked in surprise.

"I didn't discover it, this little guy discovered it." Lou Feier rubbed Coco's big tail.

"Hmm..." Keke moved her tail, and continued to lie in her arms in a daze.

"Whose statue is it? Could it be Xu Xin's again?" Zeng Tao thought of something and got a little excited, "Could it be that there is a crystal city below?"

"It's not Xu Xin, it's a...a statue of a woman."

Lou Fei'er sat on the sofa, stretched her waist and said, "It's very secret there. UU Reading is in a crevice of a mountain that can hardly be found. After going deep into it, there is a lot of space inside, and there is a Statue. If Coco hadn't gotten in there, I wouldn't have been able to find it."

"It's so mysterious, there must be something good! Haven't you explored it?" Zeng Tao also came over and sat beside her, "Who is that statue woman? Have you seen it?"

Now both of them are in Lou Feier's tree house.

"I haven't seen it." Lou Fei'er shook his head, "I didn't explore it either. I always had an inexplicable palpitation there. I felt that something would happen if I explored alone, and it was a special period. Coco hurried back, let’s discuss this matter together, at least I will bring back the information.”

"Indeed, if you act without authorization, it will be bad if you go missing or have an accident." Zeng Tao's eyes moved slightly, "Hey, hey, why don't we both go and have a look? There shouldn't be any problems with the two of us, right?"

"What are you thinking!" Lou Feier said angrily, "Now we are still protecting the World Tree, so what is the two of us running out of?"

"Well, okay..." Zeng Tao lay down on the sofa, "It's really boring."

"Where's Jin Yue?"

"She, help Ma Hongwei and the others upgrade the tree house heavy crossbows for those survivors, so that they can also become combat forces in the protection battle."

"Wen Xi is not here, are these resources enough?" Lou Feier was slightly worried.

"It is said that the iron ore spots discovered by Wen Xi have not been exhausted, enough for the time being? I don't understand, let them do those things." Zeng Tao turned over on the sofa, and then muttered, "Xu Xin is so slow, when will he occupy my tree house..."

(end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion