MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 536 Yingying, am I still your brother?

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If you want to make a move, be careful. Xu Xin looked at the herd of animals outside. There are a large number of mutated creatures outside the city. At a glance, it is still a vast expanse. The jungle is crowded with all kinds of animals. It is hard to tell how many there are. But Xu Xin has a map in his mind. Now, the number of mutated creatures surrounding Crystal City is too terrifying. The number of beasts in any previous beast tide was less than 10% of this time. Not to mention that these creatures are all gathered around Crystal City, densely surrounding Crystal City. If according to what Lou Feier said before, one-tenth of them are mid-level mutant creatures...then the number of mid-level mutant creatures in the herd of beasts that surrounded Crystal City this time can be compared with the number of previous beast hordes. The overall beast count is on par! With the current situation, even if Xu Xin wanted to go out, if she didn't come back, she would definitely die. Thinking of this, he suddenly felt lucky. If it wasn't for the role of the Crystal City, with their current resources, they probably wouldn't be able to last long under the attack of this group of mutant creatures. Not only would the World Tree be unable to protect them, but even their own lives would be at stake. From this point of view, the alien invaders this time are determined to destroy the world tree that has not yet grown up and kill them. However, this made him look forward to the growth of this World Tree even more. Not to mention those low-level mutated creatures, there are a lot of mid-level mutated creatures out there, I think it's better for you not to go out. Jin Yue opened the mouth and explained the current situation to Wen Guixin. That's it. After hearing this, Wen Guixin was not surprised or frightened at all. She said indifferently, don't worry, there is nothing to worry about. Don't forget, apart from my mental poison, my own strength is also top-notch. Even if there is any problem, I will have no problem breaking through the encirclement and running back to this crystal city. This is true. She is now wearing purple-level equipment, purple-level weapons, and the wound medicine provided by Qi Xuefei. As long as she is not directly fatally injured, it is not a big problem. However, I don't intend to make a move now. Wen Guixin folded her arms around her chest and was leaned against the outer wall of the crystal building. I was waiting for news from that guy Zhao Xiaochuan. Zhao Xiaochuan... also came to the outskirts of Crystal City like himself. He should have sneaked into the beast herd by now, he said he would try to find the person who controlled these mutant creatures to besiege us in the beast herd. Wen Guixin looked at her watch, curled her lips, and asked me, what's the use of finding it? Is it necessary to move it with emotion and understand it with reason? Just let me kill them together. Xu Xin was not surprised, he had already guessed that Zhao Xiaochuan would do this: then wait, at least he can rely on him to find out the truth of this event, whether it is what Shi Wanyun said. Are the people who control these mutated creatures survivors from other regions? If so, what kind of threat did they receive to do so? To be honest, Xu Xin doesn't want to directly make enemies with other regions. After all, they are all human beings, and their enemies should be alien invaders. If regional conflicts really start directly, they will massacre people from other regions in District 188. People... Isn't that equivalent to the way of those alien invaders, starting a civil war and consuming it? If possible, cooperation is the best way. Then I'll go in and exchange feelings with these guys! Lou Fei'er turned her head and looked into the house, this big cat is so cute, it looks like a ***! After speaking, she walked in, sat in front of Huabao, and talked to Huabao on her own. Xu Xin also took a look inside. Of course leopards are like cats. On the surface, the cheetah is actually a slender leopard shrunk down. If the leopard and cheetah stand together, some people may even mistake it for a mother leopard with a baby. At this time, the size of this leopard is basically similar to that of ***, but because *** was originally a circle smaller than it, judging from the level of giant beasts and mutations, *** is still much taller. From the point of view of size, the two beasts may have almost the same strength in a frontal confrontation, and even Mao may lose a little bit, but if it is compared with agility and speed, Mao may far surpass the leopard in front of him. If it was an actual battle, the leopard's throat might have been cut by the ****'s sharp claws before it even had its claws out. Not to mention that it may only be two days since *** was promoted to a senior level, and the bloodline of the giant beast is also getting stronger and stronger under the influence of Crystal City. Just like what he imagined just now, it should be the most suitable choice for *** to be in charge of controlling these peripheral beasts. Zhao Xiaochuan is really slow...Wen Guixin pinched her fingers boredly. Jin Yue has been standing by Xu Xin's side, observing the situation of the mutated creatures outside. Xu Xin, can't you know our location? Show me where Zhao Xiaochuan is. Is he still in the herd? Wen Guixin got a little impatient waiting, and asked Xu Xin. Xu Xin shook his head: I can't see where you are...huh? He was slightly taken aback. Just now, his attention was all on the countless red dots densely surrounding Crystal City, and he didn't pay much attention to the green dots representing his own people. Taking a closer look now, Lou Feier beside him was actually a green spot of light on the map. It's not just her, the number of green dots in Crystal City now far exceeds the number of green dots he could see before. Obviously, all the survivors who were transplanted into the crystal city are now regarded as companions by default. ...Is it because of the world tree? Or, because of this crystal city? Anyway, this incident made Xu Xin a little happy. He had always wanted to connect everyone through the parasitic tree house and become true partners, but now it has come true in this way. Can not you see? No, I can see it. Xu Xin immediately began to look for Zhao Xiaochuan's green spot. Although I don't know which one is Zhao Xiaochuan, but as long as I find the green light spot outside the Crystal City... I found it! At this moment, on the north side of the Crystal City, there was a green spot of light in the middle of a patch of red spots, and a spot of green among the red bushes was so conspicuous that Xu Xin saw it almost immediately. This green light spot is moving at a moderate speed among the group of red light spots, heading towards the direction of Crystal City. He has finished his investigation and is planning to return to Crystal City. Don't worry, he'll be back soon...huh? Xu Xin frowned slightly. what happened? Both Wen Guixin and Jin Yue looked at him. On the map, to the west of Crystal City, there is actually a green spot of light. What surprised him the most was that the position of this light spot was outside the encirclement of the group of red dots! who is this Why not only ran outside the Crystal City, but even directly broke through the encirclement of mutated creatures? Could this be Zhao Xiaochuan? At this time, Wen Guixin's watch vibrated, it was Zhao Xiaochuan calling. I didn't find anything! The mutated creatures were densely packed outside. I wandered among these guys for a long time, but I couldn't find anyone to control them, so I just gave up and came back...Zhao Xiaochuan's voice reached the ears of several people present. Xu Xin immediately turned her attention to the previous green dot. Sure enough, this green dot has passed through the densely packed group of red dots and returned to the interior of the Crystal City. It is now at the northernmost point of the Crystal City. Are you north of Crystal City now? Although he was basically sure that this was Zhao Xiaochuan, Xu Xin still asked. Brother Xin? You're there too, yes, I'm at the northernmost point now. Hey, I originally wanted to see if I could make a contribution to those guys with my ability, but I couldn't find it at all. The guys he was talking about were the other survivors who had parasitized on his side before, and they were all in his tree house during the hot summer, so the relationship between him and those people was naturally much better. Let me just say, with so many beasts, it is too difficult for you to find someone to control them. Maybe they are not controlled by humans, but one of them. Wen Guixin no longer leaned against the crystal wall, but stood up straight excitedly, and looked out, is it my turn to play? Lou Fei'er also heard his voice and came out of the house: Are you going to deal with the beast horde outside? By the way, I don't think I've ever seen you show off your power? Haha, let me show you this time! Wen Guixin wanted to go out as soon as she said that. Be careful. Jin Yue reminded. Do not worry! Wait a moment. Xu Xin called to stop her who was walking out in big strides. what happened again? Wen Guixin turned half of her body to look at him, as if impatient to go out. Wait a minute, there is someone outside the Crystal City... Xu Xin looked at the green dot outside the Western Beast Tide. ah? There is someone else? Wen Guixin was also a little surprised, what did you see on the map? But besides Zhao Xiaochuan, who else can go out? …what's going on with the rest of the Explorers now? Xu Xin asked. How do I know, you can ask in the group of explorers. Who is this going out again? Xu Xin immediately asked a question in the group of explorers. Everyone responded. Except for him, Wen Guixin, and Zhao Xiaochuan, everyone else is still near the World Tree. Ji Chaoyang is in his tree house, and at this time he is contacting the experts in District 1 to communicate with them about the current situation. He said that not only the temperature returned to normal in District 1, but also some ordinary wild beasts appeared in the jungle more or less, and there was no beast horde, everything was very normal. Wang Lei and Qin Yunlong were also in his tree house, chatting with other survivors in District 188 on the regional channel. The situation of other survivors in District 188 was similar to District 1, and they did not encounter any danger. Moreover, those survivors in Crystal City have basically told other members of Area 188 about their current situation, including their living in Crystal City, including the role of the huge World Tree. Coupled with Wang Lei's reassurance, other survivors in District 188 not only did not complain, but were extremely envious. The other people did basically the same thing, all of them were near the World Tree, the center of Crystal City, and did not go out. Who is that outside? An ordinary survivor? Wen Guixin wondered, it's impossible, how could ordinary survivors get out, you can't read it wrong... Hey hey hey! Wen Guixin's eyes suddenly widened: Could it be Wen Xi? ! Wen Xi is back? Xu Xin is already sending a voice request to Li Wenxi. If the green dot is really Wen Xi, then based on her current position, she should be able to connect to the voice! But... Judging from the information in the previous crystal bead, Wen Xi should not come up...Huh? pass? ! real or fake? ! Wen Xi? ! Xu Xin hurriedly said, is it really you? …Not. ...? This voice... Yingying? ! Hey, I didn't expect that bro, that's right, it's me! Xu Ying's voice immediately cheered up. After hearing Xu Ying's voice, Xu Xin confirmed again that Xu Ying is definitely not sixteen or seventeen years old now. Sure enough, she has been in this world for a while. The three girls around were all startled so that their lips parted slightly. your sister? ! Wen Guixin stared at the watch on Xu Xin's wrist, and said in surprise, didn't you call Wen Xi? ...Wenxi's watch is in your hand? Xu Xin took a deep breath, suppressing the excitement in her heart, but still full of doubts, she asked immediately. That's right, sister-in-law can't come, but she is too worried about you, so I can only take a look. You should have seen the orb I gave that little guy just now, right? Is that really the case...You stinky girl, what are you now...Don't ask brother, I won't tell you even if you ask me! Xu Ying interrupted him directly. I just came to see if there would be any problems with you, but this Crystal City is really strong, and it is not afraid of the beast tide at all. It seems that I am worrying too much. ...Yingying, she also knows the effect of Crystal City? Wasn't Crystal City activated after he went underground? How did she know the function of Crystal City? Who told her? Also, don't call me a stinky girl anymore, I'm...well, don't call me that anyhow! The three girls around Xu Xin listened to the conversation between Xu Xin's brother and sister in amazement, and even Wen Guixin, who just couldn't wait to go out to clean up the beast hordes, was not in a hurry now. Are you on the west side of Crystal City now? Xu Xin asked again. Ugh? How did you know? Ah... map permissions? Mistake, I was assumed to have a friendly unit by default... While she was speaking, the green light spot on the map suddenly disappeared. ha? Xu Xin was dumbfounded. Not only did Yingying know his ability, but... she could actually do this kind of thing? Is this... Yingying, am I still your brother? Xu Xin took a deep breath, feeling a little overwhelmed. Every time this girl does something, he can make him want to quarrel with her. ...Of course you are my brother! It's because he's my own brother that I'm so careful! I don't remember raising my own sister to be a riddler! Tell me quickly, what is going on with UU Reading now! Where has Wen Xi been taken by you! Xu Xin immediately said seriously. Woo. Xu Ying, who was some distance away from Crystal City, was leaning on a tree and looking in the direction of Crystal City. Hearing Xu Xin's tone, she shrank her neck, and said with a guilty conscience: I can't say, brother, don't ask, if you know too much, with your current situation, you will really die! Xu Xin gritted her teeth. This girl...Brother, I can only remind you one thing. Didn't you realize that those **** didn't attack you personally? The words Xu Xin was about to blurt out stuck in his mouth, and his eyes widened slightly. What does she mean? Those **** are talking about those alien invaders. Could it be that she meant that if she said something she shouldn't have said, and let Xu Xin know something he shouldn't know...then those alien invaders would personally attack them? The current alien invaders really feel a sense of restraint, as if they dare not do anything to them themselves, but must rely on some external force. He suddenly thought of what happened in the Crystal Palace. In that video, they also told him what Xu Xin could know after asking him some information, instead of telling him all the information directly. ...What the **** is this... Ah, I've been found out, I have to go! That, bro, it's been a long time since I heard your voice! You find us quickly, when the time comes our brothers and sisters will talk about the past again! You have to hurry up, or I... On the map in my mind, countless red dots are approaching the location of the disappearing green dot at a very high speed! Was she being targeted by the herd? ! Yingying, you... goodbye! Before he finished speaking, the voice on the other side was hung up directly. Only a few people who were in a daze were left looking at each other in blank dismay.