MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 2 black bear cave

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Before he got there, he heard the sound of water, and he was worried that he had finally let go. After approaching, the true face of the sound of water flow is also revealed.

A clear stream is about two meters wide, but with a depth of tens of centimeters, the flow rate is very fast. Xu Xin put his hand into the stream, it was freezing to the bone, causing Xu Xin, who was covered in sweat, to shiver all over.

[Fresh water (green): Fresh water resources that can be directly consumed, but it is recommended to drink after boiling, remember to drink more hot water. 】

You can drink it!

Xu Xin suddenly felt rude and plunged her head into the stream and started drinking. As a person who often drinks happy water and puts ice cubes, but never drinks hot water at home, ice water does not have any effect on his stomach. As long as the water quality is good, it is not a big problem.

After drinking enough, Xu Xin wiped her mouth and stood up.

There are also fish and shrimp swimming in the creek, and the stones at the bottom of the creek can be seen at a glance.

[Pebble (green): The stone washed by the stream seems to be the raw material for some kind of tool. 】

Why is it all "seems to be"! What kind of tool is that!

Xu Xin felt a little uncomfortable, but after thinking about it, things in this world that are similar to "workbenches" should be in a tree house. He should have found fertile soil earlier and planted a tree house.

He looked at the land beside the creek, it was still barren soil.

Xu Xin is not discouraged, at least he has found a stream now, and if he walks along this stream, he may be able to find a river, a lake, or even the sea.

Xu Xin sat on the stone by the stream and thought for a while, then looked up at the sun in the sky. It was almost noon now. Although Xu Xin often skipped breakfast, he also felt hungry after walking for a long time.

The task must be completed quickly.

After confirming the direction, he walked downstream along the stream.

After a while, a green light appeared in Xu Xin's field of vision. He did not rush forward, but stopped, squinted his eyes, and carefully looked at the position where the green light appeared and where he was. distance between.

Probably...about one thousand meters, this is probably the scope of his item identification ability.

It's far enough, as long as the line of sight is not obstructed, the resource level in a radius of 1,000 meters can be seen. Xu Xin's level of satisfaction with his ability suddenly rose by a notch.

One thousand meters away, it will be there soon, Xu Xin looked at the green resources and was overjoyed.

"Delicious!!" As a foodie, the happiest moment is to find food, and it is food that I have never eaten before.

The green resources are buried in a bush. If it wasn't for the greenness that appeared, Xu Xin might not have noticed that there were still green resources here.

[Red berries (green): Fruits that can be eaten directly, with a sweet and sour taste. Although they are not very full, they are delicious to quench thirst. 】

The red berry bush buried in a pile of bushes was full of small berries, Xu Xin picked one, wiped it with her hands, and put it into her mouth impatiently.

"Well~ that's really good!" Xu Xin showed a satisfied smile on her face. I have never tasted it before, but it's really good, sweet and sour, full of water, and it can even burst into the mouth.

There were a total of dozens of red berries on this red berry bush, Xu Xin picked them all and washed them with the stream water, ate a dozen or so, and put the rest in his pocket. It's inconvenient to not have a package, but there's nothing you can do but be careful not to squeeze the berries in your pants.

Keep going.

While walking, Xu Xin throws a sweet and sour berry into her mouth from time to time.

After walking for an unknown period of time, the sky gradually darkened. This half-day Xu Xin was not without gain. As he moved forward, the frequency of green flashes in his field of vision became higher and higher.

In addition to the green stream around him, he also found an apple tree about four or five hundred meters away from the stream, picked three apples, and picked a few edible mushrooms in the jungle. There are also some mashed herbs that can be used to wipe wounds. Because there was no package, Xu Xin could only take off his short sleeves, washed it with stream water, and tied the collar and cuffs as a package.

Other green resources are some that cannot be taken away, such as stones and trees, and he has no idea for the time being.

It was getting dark gradually, thinking that because there was no light source, Xu Xin could not move forward for the time being. Although his object identification function seems to make objects glow, but it is only an illusion-like light in his field of vision, and has no ability to illuminate.

But not to mention, the item identification function at night is more useful, because without the interference of sunlight, Xu Xin can see the white light and green light all around.

You have to find a place to rest before it gets completely dark. Although you are in the novice protection period, there is no danger from outside at night, but it is too dark to see and there is no way to move forward.

If I can't do it, I can only sleep by the creek. It's not impossible, but Xu Xin is still a little worried. Although it is a novice protection period, it only says that it will not be attacked by creatures. It does not say that there is no danger. There is always a sense of insecurity here.

If it rains, wouldn't it mean that you will be directly exposed to the disease.

After walking for a while, I finally found a cave before it was about to get completely dark. Xu Xin found it with the green light. It was not far from the stream, only two or three hundred meters away. The entire cave was emitting green light.

[Black Bear Cave (Green): The habitat of the black bear, where the fierce black bear once But recently a mysterious force made the black bear disappear, and it will not appear again after at least three days. 】

"Fuck!" Xu Xin was really taken aback when she saw the introduction, black bear!

Fortunately, looking at the introduction, the black bear is no longer here because of the novice protection period, otherwise Xu Xin is afraid that this time it will be more fortunate and less fortunate.

A little scared, but Xu Xin felt that she should be able to trust the introduction. This thing is a function of the creator mode. If this thing deceives him, then he might as well die to see if he can return to the original world.

Walking into the cave, Xu Xin didn't go deep. After all, it was completely dark inside and couldn't see anything. He just sat near the entrance of the cave, leaned against the cave wall, and took out the contents of his clothes.

After eating an apple, Xu Xin began to deal with the small injury she suffered today.

Because I was wearing short-sleeved shorts, when I first walked in the woods, my legs and arms were scratched a lot. Now it is painful and itchy, swollen and red marks, and some places even oozing blood and scabbing. .

Although it's not a serious injury, in the original world, you wouldn't even care about it, but in this world, if the wound becomes inflamed, it will cause serious consequences. Fortunately, Xu Xin had foresight and got some herbs.

[Hemostatic grass (green): Grind and apply it on the wound, it can effectively prevent the wound from inflaming and speed up the recovery of the wound. 】

This herb looks similar to ordinary grass. If it wasn't for the green light that Xu Xin's ability allowed him to see, he would never have obtained this precious herb.

Before Xu Xin came to the cave, she washed two flat stones by the stream and brought them over. After crushing the herbs with the stones, they carefully placed them on her calves and arms. She felt the cold comfort, and her consciousness gradually became blurred.

After a day's walk, I was really tired.