MTL - Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World-v2 Chapter 1806 : it's my son

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In fact, in order to build this cannon, Chu Zihang at least asked Lan Ke for resources equivalent to 30 pieces of Dao-level full-rated equipment.

Because the senior brother had failed many times during the process of R&D and manufacturing with him, the final product is rare, and there is only this one at present.

Theoretically speaking, as long as the cannonballs they load are powerful enough, they can kill even the late stage of the real self state, and the peak of the real self state will be severely damaged.

But the production of shells is actually very particular. High-lethal shells are not so easy to make, and for all kinds of creatures, this Armstrong cyclotron jet Armstrong cannon needs to be replaced with different shells to be effective.

For example, the shells that Chu Zihang fired at the beginning were shells with damage bonuses for spirit bodies and conceptual creatures, which were all prepared in advance.

For thousands of years, apart from his cultivation, he has basically been arranging for that senior brother to make cannonballs for him.

He is equivalent to using the resources that Lu Chen got from Lanke to grant research funds to the brothers and elders of the Institute of Technology and Truth. This is where Lanke really hurts.

The Institute of Technology and Truth has the most lunatics, and there are often some whimsical scientific research projects, but the education funds of each institution are limited, so those projects are often not approved by the Institute of Technology and Truth.

It's all right now, Chu Zihang took the resources from the supreme god, and the brothers and elders started to become scientific research madmen one by one. As for the finished product, it doesn't matter to Chu Zihang, they only enjoy the research and development process.

After all, Chu Zihang is now the patron's father. If he pays the money, you have to give the results.

So Chu Zihang called it his own practice and research needs, and supported the entire Institute of Science and Technology and Truth for three thousand years in a disguised form, almost causing Lanke to be impeached by other senior management to step down.

Compared with the consumption of the Institute of Technology and Truth, the consumption of cultivation within the All-heaven Sightseeing Adventure Group is actually nothing.

"Brother Chu... don't you need money for this cannonball?"

Martial Saint Tianji was dumbfounded by the power of this cannon, "Why don't I do it, save yourself."

Tianji Wu Shengxin said that you just said not to let Lu Chen make a move, for fear of making too much noise, but your Armstrong cyclotron jet Armstrong cannon is also making too much noise!

"It's okay, it's all money from the Supreme God Land, I don't feel bad about it."

Chu Zihang said blankly, then turned to look at Karma, "Fire."

Karma is like a machine with no emotions, hey, he seems to be a machine after the mechanical ascension, although he also has the normal emotions of a living being, but most of the time he is still calm and indifferent.

Under Chu Zihang's order, he directly manipulated the cannon and fired continuously. In just a few breaths, he flattened the several waves of troops from the inner world who came to attack around Lu Chen.

Looking at the gunpowder smoke all over the sky, Tianji Wusheng was thoughtful, he seemed to understand what Chu Zihang meant, he was a smart person, and he knew that Chu Zihang was also a smart person, so he would not do reckless things.

If the siege of creatures from the inner world is a taboo temptation, then Chu Zihang is telling the other party that the temptation can end. Lu Chen will not fight ordinary creatures from the inner world, and their team has enough strength to penetrate the inner world. Conventional combat power in the world.

And if there are strong men from other forces in the dark, this can also act as a deterrent, or announce the entry of their new combat power.

In this way, if other creatures in this world are explorers, they will naturally know to hug their thighs and export information about the world to them.

If it is a potential enemy, it can be said to shake the mountain and shake the tiger, or it can be said to lure the snake out of the hole. In short, they don't need the back world to be a pool of stagnant water, but to make the strong move.

Tianji Martial Saint knows the situation in the space, and currently the most promising person to reach the peak quickly is Lu Chen. If there is a follow-up in the origin space and other spaces, it is necessary for Lu Chen to awaken his talent in the inner world, so they don't have time to keep grinding. Chirping on an outing in the other world.

They have been exploring the inner world from the outside to the inside for a long time, but they have not been able to get any effective information except being besieged by the miscellaneous soldiers in the inner world.

They, that would be endless.

"The master of the Lingxu Hall is really generous, I hope there will be no substitutions."

Even Leng Yue, who has always been reticent, watched Chu Zihang fire continuously, and she couldn't help but sigh with emotion that she also got a lot of benefits, and filled up her growth potential.

At the beginning, Leng Yue was more restrained and reserved, and asked Lan Ke for a little bit. Later, Chu Zihang said, don’t be so reserved, if you can use five points, you need ten points.

Later, Leng Yue also let herself go, and in one step, she filled up her equipment and needed a lot of rare cultivation resources.

"I think he's almost done..."

Kun Ling of the Origin Adventure Group complained, saying that he made a promise as the master of the Lingxu Hall, which led to the extortion of so much from the Supreme Divine Land. Isn't Lanke dereliction of duty?

The other world is extremely lively now, but Yu Tian in the void is dumbfounded. What's the situation? A cannon is about to flatten the world! ?

He is a taboo master, so he can see clearly that those cannons are completely prodigal gadgets, flashy existences, and the forces that use such things to fight big wars are fools.

Because the resources that can make a cannonball are probably enough to train a real-world master. In the long run, of course, the 'person' that can be used continuously is more cost-effective. After all, it can be output all the time and used in a complicated manner.

But if you shoot a cannonball, it will be consumed if you kill someone, and it will be consumed if you don't kill someone. Even the supreme **** soil is not such a prodigal.

He thought to himself that this is because the supreme **** is impatient, and hired the legion of space to sweep up the inner world?

But even if such a strategy is adopted, does the UU Reading Institute of Technology and Truth have no better cost-effective weapons?

In fact, the Institute of Technology and Truth had more reasonable weapons, but Chu Zihang didn't like them, feeling that they were not violent enough. It was very useful for those below the level of real self, but it was difficult for them to fight against masters.

And the group of researchers at the Institute of Science and Technology and Truth don't care about the price/performance ratio. Anyway, Chu Zihang contributes, and they will do it. Chu Zihang is only responsible for receiving the finished product and then squandering it in the world.

Lan Ke can only comfort himself in his heart, this is actually used to fight in the other world, it can relieve the pressure on the front line, the money is not wasted.

At this moment, Yutian looked at the gunfire in the inner world, and felt that something was wrong. He never thought that Taboo hadn't taken action against Lu Chen and others, and they were just playing like this.

Open the map gun directly! ?

Just now, fragments of a cannonball flew past him, which shows its great power and wide range.

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