MTL - Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World-v2 Chapter 1793 : Only attack but not defend, stepping on taboos angrily

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"Lanke! You neglected your duty and let him kill you!"

There was another strong person in the city of God who came out of the gate, and he cursed as soon as he came out, thinking that the Supreme God Land was about to usher in disaster.

There are digital taboos in the other world, and two taboos are the worst. They must not be allowed to invade the supreme sacred land to spread thinking and conceptual ability. This Halak is one of them.

You don't need to investigate to know that the young people in the Supreme God's Land today, those with weaker cultivation bases, have definitely been affected. Even if they don't show it now, it will plant disasters for the future.

It is the peak of the digital self-realm, which is said to be an absolutely luxurious lineup. Lu Chen feels that if he is going to his hometown, it is enough to hang the nine-winged taboo on the ground. After all, the peak of the real self in the highest world Knowing the taboo, and having the magic weapon bestowed by the taboo, there are many means, and it is supposed to be extremely powerful with the cooperation.

But the situation is different now, because of the time difference between the 'dispatch of troops', the peak of the digital real-self realm who first fought with the big crimson hand has shown signs of contamination, and has begun to distinguish between the enemy and the friend.

The big hand condensed by the crimson mist is like a puppet operator playing on the battlefield, controlling the rhythm of the battle and making many strong people mess up.

Lu Chen watched this battle with relish, not because he likes to eat melons to watch, but because such a strong man is really hard to come by.

He could see that the Supreme World would still win in the end, because there were still many real-world peaks in the Divine City of the Supreme World who hadn't made a move yet.

If dozens of people at the top of the Real Self Realm act together, even if it is a taboo, they will definitely be completely abused under the normal confrontation, and they will be expelled by him directly, and then pressed back into the passage.

"Little friend Lu, do it, the contract is done according to your wishes, when will you see it!?"

When Lan Ke said this, he was obviously not rational, because he had repeatedly persuaded Lu Chen not to go to the other world, and it was best not to get involved with the other world.

Moreover, it is their own business to take action against the Supreme God Soil in the Inner World. Lu Chen came here as a guest, so there is no need to deal with such a dangerous matter, and confront a taboo in the Inner World.

Furthermore, Lu Chen's strength is low. Although he knew that Lu Chen got the No. 81 native world, he didn't think it was all due to Lu Chen's own strength, but the result of space planning and powerful foreign aid.

The most important thing is that Lu Chen is a pioneer of the void, and he is still a diplomat at the moment. Even in the mortal world, it is not said that a diplomat is on a mission to visit a powerful country, but that country suddenly came to the door and asked the diplomat to help you fight the war. right?

But Lanke still said it at this time, because he is not rational now, but in pain and anger. He saw Lu Chen sitting there drinking tea, watching them fight with relish, and there was an unknown fire, so So yelled.

Lu Chen sat there cross-legged, with Kingslayer across his lap, and grinned, "Then it will be more convenient when we go to the other world!"


Lan Ke scolded angrily, with no grace at all, obviously already Shi Lezhi.

Lu Chen didn't mind either, knowing that it wasn't Lanke's fault, but the Lord's.

Lu Chen wanted to make a move, because he felt that the big hand was aimed at him, instead of going to the Supreme World to harass him, and the other party probably didn't intend to fight for a long time.

If the commotion becomes bigger and the taboo of the supreme world makes a move, this big hand may not be able to return.

Until now, the taboo of the supreme world has not been done, is it because you don't know what happened here?

Lu Chen thought that it was impossible because he thought that the managers should handle such small things by themselves, because it wasn't the taboo body who came over.

And he felt that another purpose was to observe his own situation. From just now, he felt that several eyes fell on him, but he couldn't find the source.

It can be traced back if you use the root soul, but that's a bit 'ignorant'. Lu Chen doesn't want to get into trouble with the Supreme World yet.

Anyway, this piece of sacred land is a taboo territory, and the other party doesn't care about the loss suffered by the supreme sacred land, so why worry about it?

He stood up slowly, but appeared in the next instant

At the forefront of the battlefield.


A spiritual wave erupted, a streak of crimson blood rushed into the sky, and a domineering spirit criss-crossed the sky, throwing away several powerhouses at the peak of the true self state who were fighting in chaos.

The boundless fist pressed forward, it was a big fist condensed by air flow and soul, accompanied by the crimson blood above, and the gloomy evil spirit below, like a tiger opening its mouth, it collided with the big dark red hand.

The void was annihilated, the avenue was shattered, and many real self-level peak powerhouses who had been attacking each other in anger were thrown away by the impact of the air current. They also calmed down a little and looked towards the front of the battlefield.

A figure in black clothes and a black knife stood there, slowly withdrawing his fist, he didn't make a knife just now.

The spirit of the soul stirred the sky, almost spanning the entire land of the Supreme God. It is hard to imagine that this is just the fluctuation of the spirit of a monk in the late stage of the true self state.

At this time, the man standing above the sky had demon marks on his face, with a ferocious and angry expression on his face, with one hand on the handle of the knife, ready to go.

"Good conceptual ability, with the blessing, it gave me a new world."

Lu Chen grinned and said, the expression on his face was ferocious and ferocious, he would also be affected by the other party's ability, but because he has a lot of experience in facing this concept, he has already gotten used to the pollution of the mysterious blood of God, so he can't help it. As for getting out of control.

On the contrary, this ability makes him feel pain and anger, and it will also stimulate his talent for convicting sins, allowing his soul to climb.

So much so that the ability to control the taboo, which is code-named Harak, is not a negative effect on him, but a beneficial effect.

At this time, Lu Chen activated the Condemn's passive, and the Condemned's initiative was also activated. At the same time, the Great Desolation Art, the God Eater Ring's active skill, and the God's Secret Blood Forbidden Art were activated at the same time, and the comprehensive attribute climbed to the ninth-level extreme value.

For the first time in history, he reached his highest peak, 3

40 combat attributes!

"A piece of farming.... Gu Gu Ha Xia Si..."

A majestic whisper sounded, but Lu Chen couldn't understand it, because it didn't belong to any language he knew, and it was very ancient.


At this time, a strong man at the peak of the real self realm came, and his eyes were red, covering Lu Chen and the big crimson hand.

Lu Chen stood there, not hiding, the cloud was calm and the wind was light.

After the violent shock wave passed, he was not injured at all, because a powerful force descended from the void and blessed him, making him invincible.

This is the supreme land of the gods. The meeting between him and Lanke is not over yet. He is in a diplomatic state and is invincible at this time.

"Disturbance, back away!"

Lu Chen waved his arm, and an endless wind blew up. Accompanied by his domineering spirit, he slapped several powerful people at the peak of the true self to the top of the mountain.

Lu Chen's sudden burst of invincible combat power directly awakened those who were originally furious at the peak of the Real Self Realm.

At this time, the supreme gods and soil powerhouses who had just woken up had only two words in their hearts, **** it!

This is Lu Chen! ? That little brat who participated in the Supreme Athletic Conference ten thousand years ago! ?

It's only been 10,000 years, how come I've reached the peak of my true self? And stronger than them!

Lanke was also shocked at this time. He knew that Lu Chen was very strong, almost comparable to the peak of the real self, but he didn't expect that Lu Chen would be so fierce that he could fight Taboo head-on without losing the wind, and even burst out with strength , completely overwhelmed the peak powerhouses of their supreme world.

He jumped forward, wanting to help Lu Chen, but after walking a few steps, he stopped in the void again, because he subconsciously felt that he could not get close to the battlefield.

A lesson learned from the past, he felt that Lu Chen was also affected by this taboo concept, and he might be in a state of irrational anger, and he might be attacked if he approached him rashly.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Lu Chen did use the taboo concept in front of him to interfere with the promotion of the convict, but he is indeed irrational.

But when he fights, he never relies on absolute reason, but on absolute skill and intuition.

The next moment, Lu Chen rushed straight to the big crimson hand, and the jet-black blade light flickered on the Supreme World.

Silently, a black knife mark appeared in the sky of the highest world, and the big crimson hand was cut in two.

The crimson mist weakened, and the sky became somewhat clearer. One punch against taboo, one blow to break the sky!

Lu Chen's move seems to have angered this taboo, and the real spirit world is trembling even more at this time, because the channel is almost bursting, and even the real spirit world has become extremely unstable, and the final result is this A taboo has to be crossed, and the true spirit world has completely become history.

Realizing this, the powerhouses at the peak of the Real Self Realm in the Supreme World turned pale, and rushed to the source one after another to take charge of stabilizing the True Spirit Realm.

The battle situation of the supreme sacred land is important, but the true spirit world is equally important. As the junction point of the inner and outer real three layers, this world is very old and belongs to a stable hub. Once it is destroyed, the surface universe will collapse completely, and the real layer will directly contact with where worlds border.

Stronger power was transmitted from below, the big hand changed shape, and the crimson mist condensed into an indescribable monster, pounced on Lu Chen.

Many laws and extremely destructive attacks fell on Lu Chen, but Lu Chen couldn't block it, and rushed towards the opponent with a knife.


Those attacks fell on Lu Chen and disappeared instantly, and his knife cut through the red mist again.

What he slashed was not the appearance, but the root cause. Every cut he made was wounding the taboo of the one who was still in the inner world, so the other party reacted so violently.

Through this confrontation, Lu Chen fully affirmed the blessing power of the nine dimensions.

To say it is absolutely invincible is to be invincible, at least in terms of direct attack.

But Harak's concept interference ability still affected him, which shows that this invincible also has certain flaws, and will be affected by the concept ability.

This is also normal, space is a dead object after all, it can only provide simple and crude protection, but not those fancy things.

However, Lu Chen is not completely sure about this, because Harak's ability is not a threat to him in essence, but a gain, so it is possible that the space did not block it.

If it is to directly kill Lu Chen's conceptual ability, space may also help to protect it.

Anyway, now that Lu Chen is in an invincible defensive state, there is no need to beat this old monster who doesn't speak martial arts.

How does it feel to be slashed by the peak attribute Lu Chen?

Now I have to interview the taboo body in the inner world. Every knife of Lu Chen has many special effects, that is, this taboo himself has mastered the concept of pain. The otherworld must have echoed with the anguished and angry roar of someone forbidden.

The pitch-black light of the knife stretched across the high land, like a master of landscape painting splashing ink in the sky, leaving long-lasting and indelible knife marks. People in the whole world can see the scene of this battle.

The strong man in the distance has not yet recognized the identity of the strong man who fought against the taboos in the inner world. He thought it was a taboo from the Supreme God Land who made a move. That's why he was so strong that he could only attack but not defend, and beat the taboos in the inner world. We are losing ground.

"Brother Lu...that's too outrageous, isn't it?"

Sensing the movement, Tianji Wusheng, who also rushed into the Supreme Divine Land to watch the battle, was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

When Taboo comes to attack you, it’s fine if you don’t hide behind the supreme god-soil powerhouse. After all, you have diplomatic power and are invincible, but you actually took the initiative to attack and hacked, and even hacked Taboo so badly.

At this moment, Martial Sage Tianji used his Martial Dao Heavenly Eye to check Lu Chen's attributes without opening the state, and it turned into a row of question marks, which shocked him even more.

Because this means that Lu Chen has increased his comprehensive attributes by ten points from the basics!


Is there such a pioneer in history! ? Wusheng Tianji thinks he is strong enough, but Lu Chen is simply not a human being.

I saw Lu Chen slashing infinite sword marks in the sky, and his root soul, accompanied by the passiveness of killing the king, continuously attacked the taboo body. In just a few breaths, Lu Chen pressed the red mist and hit the Supreme The junction of the divine land and the real spirit world.

"Go down!"

Lu Chen stepped into the sky, and the boundless spirit pressed down with the general trend, wrapped in the red mist, and stepped into the passage.

In less than a minute of such a clean and tidy battle, Lu Chen chopped the big crimson hand until there was almost no mist, which shocked all the real self-realm peak powerhouses.

Not only that, Lu Chen's figure also began to drop, rushing into the real spirit world.

"Little friend Lu, don't get on top!"

Lan Ke, who had already calmed down, shouted, feeling that Lu Chen was on the top, and said in his heart that you have the blessing of diplomatic power to have space in the Supreme Divine Land, it is true that you are invincible, but if you rush into the real spirit world, the effect will be Disappeared.

However, Lu Chen ignored it at all, and rushed straight down, as if he wanted to chase this taboo to death.

Seeing this, Lan Ke reluctantly greeted a few familiar managers, UU reading www.uukanshu. com rushed over together, preparing to welcome Lu Chen back, and at the same time block the passage to the True Spirit World again to prevent the Crimson Taboo from breaking in again.

"Brother Lu is on the top, a little swollen."

Chu Zihang, who came to the supreme land of the gods, said expressionlessly, he believed that Lu Chen would not suffer from fighting Taboo in this state, but if he fought all the way to the inner world, the nature would change.

Once there, the forbidden abilities of the other world can be used unscrupulously, and many conceptual killing methods will fall on Lu Chen, which is hard to guard against.

And the taboo is not a fool, he will always find Lu Chen's way of climbing the soul. Strictly speaking, this taboo is not beneficial to Lu Chen, but to restrain Lu Chen, because the other party can completely let Lu Chen enter the sage mode ’, when the time comes, the convict will not be able to drive.

Even if Lu Chen convicts him, the effect will be greatly reduced. It's just that at this time, it's taboo in this world to fight across levels, and he hasn't figured out Lu Chen's routine yet.

What Chu Zihang is really worried about is that this taboo is actually smart. He uses this method to arouse Brother Lu's emotions, making Brother Lu's strength reach the peak, causing Brother Lu to swell and chase after him. The world is in trouble.

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