MTL - Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World-v2 Chapter 1770 : SSS+adventure group skills

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Chapter 1770: SSS+ Adventure Group Skills

Starting from the Dragon Clan, break through the World Kassel Academy to carry the handle Chapter 1770: sss+adventure group skills Lu Chen followed Ying Yuan to the reception room, the decoration here is also gorgeous, some materials Lu Chen can see, are all roads Level, it can only be said that the base camp of the origin space is luxury.

And Ying Yuan, who was in charge of receiving her, actually had the strength of the peak of the eighth level. Presumably, like Kaka, she broke through the ninth level many times without success, and was eventually demoted to the existence of a supporter.

Yingyuan respectfully led Lu Chen to his seat,

Lu Chen said straightforwardly. In fact, he didn't really want to be received, because he felt that the operation of the machine in the hall was very fast and clear at a glance.

Seemingly seeing Lu Chen's impatience, Ying Yuan laughed and said:

Lu Chen's spirit lifted,

In fact, he subconsciously wanted to say, 'There is such a thing! ? '

But in order to maintain the face and brand name of the pioneer of the void, he behaved very reserved and calm.

He felt that it was all due to Brother Chu, why didn't he tell him about this kind of thing?

But in fact, Lu Chen wronged Chu Zihang. The manager of the adventurer hall usually does not show up. He will only be responsible for the reception when the head of the sss+ adventure group arrives. This is some hidden rules in the origin space. , no one told Chu Zihang that Chu Zihang didn't know either.

Lu Chen can authorize Chu Zihang to control and change the configuration of the adventure group, or let the deputy head of the group, Erika, come to the adventurer's hall to handle business, but in fact, only when the group leader comes in person, will the hidden permissions be unlocked', triggering The broadcast in the hall led to the manager's reception.

An old man like Rhine knows this kind of thing, and Tianji Wusheng has a strong intelligence and knows it well, and they think that Lu Chen has messed up to the top, so they are naturally clear, so no one mentioned it to Lu Chen.

Until today, when Lu Chen came to the Adventurer's Hall again after many years, he didn't know that there were such benefits.

Ying Yuan knelt down in front of Lu Chen, and placed a document made of special materials in front of Li Jian, very humble and respectful.

It’s not that the supporters are spineless. Among the supporters, it can be said that Yingyuan has become the manager of an important facility in the space. If she walks in the space on weekdays, even a ninth-level explorer must Respect her three points, after all, she has a certain management power in her hands.

But the man in front of him is different, this is the pioneer of the void in the new reincarnation, and it is different from the pioneer of the void in the fairy space before, the one in his own space is so powerful that he has the power to shock the nine spaces .

Facing the strongest person at the top of the current space, she naturally has to show 100% respect.

The main origin space sent a warning reminder before, asking her to entertain the pioneer of the void. From the attitude of the space, it can be seen how precious this strong man is now.

Lu Chen took the menu and felt better.

Because the adventure group usually needs to pay to change their skills, and it is actually a lottery, so the random rotation of new skills may not be as good as the previous skills.

Chu Zihang also had no choice but to replace it a few times at random. He felt that it was barely good, so he kept it. In fact, it was by no means the best configuration.

When Lu Chen set up an adventure group for the first time in the early years, he felt that his skills were average, but he didn't replace them because he was a bit forced by his luck. If he changed, he would definitely be worse than before.

Before he came this time, Chu Zihang also told him that if the random skills were not good enough, he would be replaced and let Eliyi come.

As a result, when Lu Chen arrived, he found that there was no need to use a machine to handle business at all, and the special meow had a VIP channel directly, which he didn't know...

He was wondering if brother Chu had expected something and didn't stop him from coming.

After getting along for many years, Chu Zihang can naturally guess that he is different from ordinary explorers. He is not a position and should have privileges.

But I didn't expect that this privilege was not linked to one's own identity, but required the presence of the leader of the sss+ level adventure group.

As long as you touch the menu in front of you, you will unlock the new system light curtain. There is a list of skills on it, which is scattered and has hundreds of thousands of options.

There are team skills from e-level to sss+ level.

If it is random on the machine, the appearance of skills will be linked to the level of the adventure group. For sss+ level adventure groups, the probability of randomly appearing e-level skills is almost zero. Basically, skills above s+ level will appear in the random list.

Lu Chen had to be glad that he didn't go to the random machine below to choose, because the sss+ level adventure group needs a hundred inheritance crystals to change a skill. It's complete. I just broke my hand. I guess there is nothing to arrange. In the end, I have to ask Eri Yi Just do it.

Well now, choose whatever you want.

He directly screened, selected sss + skill level, and eliminated all the garbage. Since it was a direct selection, he naturally chose the best one.

The skills in the list decreased immediately, and there were only dozens of skills left. Lu Chen browsed for a while, and fell in love with the first one.

Based on the level of their adventure group, there are now a total of three team skills that can be selected. The team skills are divided into three categories: active, passive, and halo. He is interested in a special passive skill.

Team Skill: Real Benefit Skill Rating: sss+Skill Type: Special Passive

Skill effect: For the adventure group with this skill, when the main team members use various official facilities in the space, the use fee will be discounted by 40%.

Evaluation: The real benefits, you are worth having.

Lu Chen took a fancy to this skill at a glance. He dared to say that both the Circus and the Origin Adventure Group must have this skill checked, it is simply a must.

Fortunately, there are not many people in my own adventure group, but there are so many people in the circus and origin adventure group. With this skill, I can save sky-high resources.

The official facilities refer to facilities such as personal enhancement halls, equipment enhancement halls, training grounds, etc. Imagine a large adventure group with many people, everyone discounted, and the money saved is enough to do many things.

However, this skill only takes effect in the main team. The so-called main team means the main body of the team, not including the subordinate teams under the team.

For example, the origin adventure group has a lot of people, basically

The same is true for Lu Chen's sightseeing adventure group. The maximum number of sss+ level adventure groups is 500 people, but they can have ten lower-level adventure groups. He can customize that adventure group, and the default is ss+ level.

The upper limit of the population of the SS+ adventure group is also 500 people. It should be said that the upper limit of the number of adventure groups above S+ is 500 people. This is the upper limit of a single team in the space and cannot be exceeded.

By analogy, under his affiliated adventure group, if a leader has been appointed, then that ss + leader can continue to have an affiliation, going down layer by layer, the structure of the original adventure group is like this.

In addition, Tianji Wusheng also took the initiative to recover other adventure groups and established a second-level affiliation.

This kind of complicated matter has nothing to do with Lu Chen. Anyway, he is not planning to expand the BUFF of the Tiantian Tourist Adventure Group, nor is he planning to rely on "real benefits" to earn money, because he will replace this skill before entering the mission world. .

There is a cool-down period for normal explorers to quit the adventure group and then join, and it is impossible to come and go in and out of the Tiantian sightseeing adventure group. It is unrealistic to rely on this to make money. kind of chips.

He doesn't know that there are few people in the circus, but the origin adventure group of Tianji Wusheng must have this skill normally and will not be replaced.

Lu Chen continued to browse, and soon focused on another skill, which was also passive.

Team Skill: Time Walker Skill Rating: sss + Skill Type: Passive

Skill effect: For the adventure group with this skill, the default stay time of the main team members in the mission world is doubled, and there is an opportunity to adjust the multiplier, the range is 0.5-2.0, that is, the maximum limit is to obtain twice the stay time

, at least doubled.

The stay time obtained through special missions is also subject to this skill bonus.

Evaluation: Sometimes, time is your best friend or your worst enemy.

This skill may seem useless at first glance, but all ninth-level explorers know that sometimes it is not other things that determine death and benefits in the mission world, but the duration of stay.

Most of the ninth-level explorers go to the original world. In the process of slowly excavating, they may encounter danger. If the general situation is unstoppable,

It is necessary to leave early. If there are many opportunities but not enough time to stay, it will also cause headaches.

Possessing this skill is equivalent to mastering the initiative to conquer the world.

Taking ten thousand steps back, if you go to a big world, there is no special opportunity, but the practice environment there is very good, and doubling the time to practice there is also a huge benefit.

Lu Chen asked Chu Zihang in the group video, and the other party also said that this skill is very practical and must be selected. Lu Chen no longer hesitated and ticked it.

Now there seems to be one vacancy for the team skill, but in fact there are two, because Lu Chen will replace the economic welfare skill before going out on the mission.

He shared the content of the skill menu with Chu Zihang through the group frequency, and after a while, the other party replied, suggesting that Lu Chen choose two skills.

Team Skill: Kingly Skill Rating: sss+Skill Type: Halo

Skill effect: The adventure group with this skill, the main team members will enjoy the halo effect of kingship in the mission world. Under this halo, the soul source value consumed by the skill is reduced by 30%, and all damage received is reduced by 30%. All damage is increased by 30%, the natural recovery speed of HP is increased by 100%, and the movement speed is increased by 20%

At the same time, the team members' initial full-power reputation +3000 points, have optional special status.

Skill evaluation: Almighty king, the addition of panacea, no group leader can refuse it.

This skill is indeed very supermodel. Lu Chen finally understands why many explorers want to form a group, because in a big adventure group, the benefits are really good. Not only may there be economic benefits, but also his own combat power will also increase. subject to bonuses.

However, this also reflects in disguise the strength of those explorers who have always followed the lone wolf route and can still mix well, because they don't have the various passives and halos of the team, and they are also flourishing in the mission world.

Of course, there will also be alternative explorers, obviously alone, and set up an adventure group, but in that case, the upgrade of the adventure group is generally very slow, and it is difficult to develop the best team skills.

In addition to the kingly skill, Chu Zihang also recommended another skill to himself.

Team Skill: Five Elements and Four Symbols Array. Source Skill Rating: sss + Skill Type: Active

Skill effect: For an adventure group with this skill, the main team members cooperate in the mission world, and at least four members surround the leader to activate. After activation, the original power of the five elements and four images can be gathered to obtain a very strong blessing effect. The specific effect for:

According to the position of the formation, the four members respectively get the blessing effects of Xuantian Water, Army Breaking Gold, Origin Extinguishing Flame, and Boundless Land.

Xuantian Water: Any auxiliary skills released by the explorer will get double the effect.

Army Breaking Gold: Any attacking skill released by the explorer will have the effect of Army Breaking Gold, reducing the enemy's total resistance by 60%.

Flame of Extinguishing Origin: When the explorer releases fire-type skills, it will have the effect of Flame Extinguishing Origin, burning the source of existence, UU Reading www. causes the enemy's existence to elapse, 0.0001~10% of the elapsed existence per second, and the specific effect depends on the strength of the releaser.

Boundless Land: The explorer can add all the defensive laws of the world he is in to himself and the members in the source of the five-element and four-element array.

The group leader at the center of the formation will gain the power of the five elements and four images, and get the following bonuses:

Nerve reflex speed increased by 100%, soul source consumption of skills reduced by 60%, all attributes +1 point, all attack damage increased by 30%, so

The resistance is increased by 50%, and the damage multiplier is reduced by 50%.

Array duration: 10 minutes.

Skill cooling time: limited to one activation per mission world.

Skill evaluation: Oh, is there any sss+ level adventure group, can't make up five people?

Lu Chen looked at the skill evaluation and couldn't laugh or cry. This skill is indeed extremely powerful. It can be said that it is the turnaround skill of a large adventure group.

He guessed that Martial Sage Tianji must have chosen this skill. If he hadn't killed Qi Tian's spearman in advance, Martial Sage Tianji would have been able to activate this skill, then he would definitely not be able to defeat Martial Sage Tianji. The magic skill bonus is too outrageous.

It's just that the adventure group on my side does have a problem, that is, although the skills are strong, the sightseeing adventure group of the heavens does not have five people.

There are only four of them, Brother Chu, Xia Mi, and Eri Yi. The son is not counted, because Lu Ping'an's strength and rank are too low to match them in the same world.

Little Golden Dragon is a pet beast, and Karma is a 'prop', so naturally they are not considered official members of the main team. Previous chapter table of contents bookmark back page

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