MTL - Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World-v2 Chapter 1731 : Lu Chen: Disturbing

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This is the worst situation. Originally, in their agreement with Emperor Wu, this situation was not considered.

However, judging from Emperor Wu's character, he will probably do it for free, but Emperor Wu is still locked in the Xianwu ruins, and the goddesses themselves are not strong enough. In addition, they are weak after giving birth. It is difficult for them to reappear after hundreds of millions of years. His Son of God will be struck and killed by Thunder Calamity?

Because the strong can disperse the bright thunder, but they cannot disperse the dark catastrophe that appears in the body of the Shenzi in the world. As long as the catastrophe does not dissipate, it will cause continuous damage.

No, Lady Tiannv is still there, there must be a solution.

Elder Xuan Ri was so comforted in his heart that he could only believe in Tiannv's safe way of dealing with it.

In fact, Tiannv also frowned slightly at this time. She raised her head and looked at the sky, her eyes shot out divine light, and the next moment, the light of the sky broke through the clouds, and the thunder calamity was instantly scattered.

"Fake heaven's will, the little robbery cloud, dare to fall on the **** son of my Xuannv clan?" The heavenly girl's voice was indifferent, with the dominance of the apex powerhouse of all races.

At this moment, Leng Yue, who was about to attack, silently withdrew the unsheathed short blade. She could actually scatter these lightning calamities, but as an assassin, it's better not to run around in the open.

"Why is there still a catastrophe? Is it because Senior Brother Lu has done too many bad things?"

Xia Mi said anxiously, she and Eliyi were the closest, and saw that the baby in the innate qi was also covered with a layer of black thunder, which was the dark thunder that directly manifested on the baby, and its power was much smaller than that of the sky. A lot, but enough to kill a newborn child.

She wanted to help, but was bounced away by Xiantian Qi. When she and Erika were anxious, they saw the baby in Xiantian Qi rolling over, just like a baby turning over while asleep .

With just this one movement, the black thunder was shattered, and it didn't hurt him at all. "Yah... cluck..."

The little baby seemed to be woken up, and instead of crying, he laughed, as if he was very happy, thinking that something was teasing him.

Seeing this, Erika and Xia Mi felt relieved, as if the hidden thunder did not cause any harm to the baby. boom—

At this moment, the sky darkened again, and a more magnificent thunder disaster appeared.

"It's not over yet..."

Seeing this, the celestial girl slapped her palm towards the sky, and the clouds of calamity scattered all over the sky. From her point of view, this was an ignorance of heaven.

As early as after the creation of the world, Lei Jie was no longer feared by all living beings. After becoming a strong person of the divine way, it is usually difficult to restrain the thunder of the heavenly way. .


The thunder calamity reappeared, but broke again, and the cycle went on and on. In just a few breaths, the heavenly thunder calamity changed in various forms and became stronger and stronger.

In the end, Tiannv had no choice but to go to the sky and use the Xuannv Clan's secret art of mending the sky to seal off the realm of heaven, because she was afraid that if the dark thunder continued to come, it would hurt the Dao Foundation of the Son of God, which is the biggest treasure of the Xuannv clan at present!

"Huo, I don't know if this is his grandparents, it's pretty hard work."

Xia Mi complained, no matter whether she has any objection to Tiannv or what the other party's purpose is, at this moment, she has to admit that the other party's handling of the thunder disaster above has saved them a lot of trouble.

"No, the innate energy is getting weaker and weaker..."

Seeing the dark thunders entwined on her son, Erika felt extremely heartbroken, because she realized that it wasn't her own child who had the power to suppress the universe and broke the thunder calamity as soon as he made a move. It was pure innate spirit that was still blessing him before. , wiped out the thunder tribulation.

But the innate energy will always dissipate. Once it disappears, the power of Lei Jie is enough to destroy this young creature.

She no longer hesitated, took out a compass with a Tianyan Dao sign, and was about to use the law of fate to change her son's fate against the sky and cut off the targeted connection with the Dao of Heaven.

"Stop, Erika, are you crazy? How can you use the law of fate now? You are an unlucky ghost, if you use it, you will die!"

Xia Mi hurriedly stopped her and hugged Erika tightly. "Xia Mi, go away, don't stop me!"

With firmness in her eyes, Eriyi directly made a hexagram, and she was about to use her magical powers to cut off the connection between heaven and earth.

she knows can

She used herself as a guide to lure the dark thunder and waited for her son to suffer, but honestly speaking, she was looking for death in her current state, so it was better to use the law of fate to give it a try.

"Senior brother Lu is unreliable, his son is already born, what about people!?"

Xia Mi was in a hurry, and the rest of the Tiantian Tourist Adventure Group were also extremely anxious, but no one dared to relax, because all races were staring at this place.


At this time, the thunder calamity in the sky became extremely terrifying, and even the goddess was repelled, which shocked all races.

Above the sky, among the four images and five elements, ninety-nine real dragons made of cyan thunder protruded from the eastern thunder cloud, and the roar of a tiger came from the western thunder cloud, and the glaring white thunder rolled down. Ninety-nine thunder white tiger holy beasts appeared.

The sky in the south was burnt red, and the chirping of fairy birds shook the sky. Ninety-nine red squirrels condensed with thunderbolts rose up. In the direction of Beiju Luzhou, huge waves set off in the void, and the deep blue In the sea of ​​thunder, Xuanwu's head broke through the water.

In the central sky, the purple thunder is boundless, and there are divine beasts stepping out of the thunder, which are ninety-nine unicorns!

The old patriarch of the Qilin clan and Ao Chen of the real dragon clan looked at each other, and they both saw the solemnity in each other's eyes, "It's like the thunder catastrophe before the opening of the sky recorded in ancient books."

The entities condensed by these thunders all have the aura of a super **** level. The four images and five elements gather together, and it seems that some kind of large formation is condensed in the void, blessed on the unicorn thunder in the center, and those thunders are extremely shrink , turned into five divine beasts in a blink of an eye.

Their auras changed again, with the unicorn in the center as the respected one, and their auras all surpassed the super **** level, even stronger than Archest of the ancient gods.

Ben Lei seemed to have self-awareness, he rushed down, and went straight to kill the celestial girl who dared to provoke Gu Tiandao. boom-

Everything in the sky above the Great Desolate Continent seemed to be submerged by thunder, and the momentum was so great that it reminded the creatures on the continent of the battle four thousand years ago.

"As expected of my father."

The old unicorn did not forget to joke and boast while watching the play, and was very satisfied with the performance of the purple unicorn Thunder, because it found that there were its dao marks in it, which should be engraved by heaven and earth.

"Why should I be your assistant? Heaven has no eyes."

Ao Chen said coldly, it is obviously a bit stronger than the old Qilin. "Race problem, race problem, ha ha ha."

The old unicorn smiled happily.

"But it's not so good. Of course, the goddess can fight against this thunder calamity, but it's too weird. After the sky is opened, there should be such a thunder calamity. Could it be the taboo above..."

Ao Chen glanced at the sky, but didn't continue talking.

The so-called opening of the sky means that the control of the will of the world on the reincarnation of the world is lifted. The power of Lei Jie, which restricts monks, is naturally relaxed. This is the expression of taboos suppressing the will of the world.

Now that the power of Lei Jie has increased, it means that the will of the world seems to have lost the suppression of taboos.

Below, in the center of the chaotic storm, Eri Yi murmured, "Order in my name, Yutian...

Before she finished speaking, Xia Mi blocked her mouth, "What will Senior Brother Lu think when he comes back and sees you fall? Don't use it. I'll come to Yinlei first to delay the time."

Saying that, Xia Mi rushed forward, intervening with the method of reincarnation, and introduced the dark thunder into herself. Maybe she and Erika had some similarities in their original blood, and they succeeded.

Thunder bursts, causing her to be scorched all over. Fortunately, she is also a strong person in the divine way, and she was not fatally injured in a short time. "Oh, it seems that it can't be consummated, let me see."

At this moment, Lai Kun moved and flew towards the center of the chaos.

The silvery-white radiance in the void flickered, and the will of death descended in parallel. Accompanied by the technological radiance rising from below, a large array blocked Lai Kun for a moment.

The dragon roared, and the little golden dragon was frantically sending energy to the formation. Even though the opponent was only a natural force, it almost squeezed it dry.

Leng Yue's figure was blown away by Lai Kun's natural defense, her high-strength coat was broken, she coughed up blood, Chu Zihang's death note also had torn cracks, the blocking just now failed.

"A few bugs, dare to stop me? The boy of the real dragon clan retreats, I won't kill you."

Lai Kun said indifferently, he didn't expect that creatures that didn't even reach the super **** level would dare to block it. "Lai Kun!!"

From above the sky, a female voice roared, "How dare you covet the son of my clan!"

The heavenly maidens were furious. They signed a treaty with the Lingkun clan to face the Devourer, but they didn't expect the other party to dare to attack the Son of God on such an occasion.

"Heavenly calamity will never come to an end, and no one will take it on your behalf. It will eventually be incomplete or even fall. Why don't you let me walk the way for the sky and let it rest." Lai Kun said indifferently, "Still, we have to wait for the devourer in the dark to destroy him. Devour, you will be willing?"

The ear-piercing storm swept across the earth, and in an instant, a group of strong men appeared above the small world, they were the strong men of the ancient gods.

Headed by Archest, who surpassed the Super God Realm, and accompanied by seven main gods, he stopped in front of Lai Kun, "Lai Kun, you really depend on Tun for your evolution, what about the pride of being an elder powerhouse?"

The appearance of the ancient gods and blocking Lai Kun surprised everyone. The eyes of the strong men present flickered, and many of them fell into deep thought.

"You want to stop me? Or are you also interested in the body of the Son of God? I remember that the ancient gods have a secret technique that can take away the body of a living being and form a new strange form, right?"

Laikun said coldly, there was only one Acester who was standing in front of it, and the rest were all ants in his eyes.

Its divine thoughts spread in the void, "I can feel that He has come, and he may attack at any time. Instead of being swallowed by the Devourer, let me get some power of the Son of God, and maybe I can kill the Devourer .”

"Presumptuous! How dare you filth..."

Archest said angrily, wanting to say that it is impossible for them to covet the body of the great future lord, but he didn't want to expose too much. The battle started in an instant, and Lai Kun was worthy of being one of the most powerful in the mainland. Even the ancient gods were beaten to pieces. In an instant, five main gods were severely injured, and Archest also lost his limbs.

Lai Kun didn't seem to intend to kill, but just quickly broke through the barrier and flew towards the Son of God. It was too late to say it, and it was only a quarter of an hour since the Son of God was born.

Seeing that he was about to be unable to stop Lai Kun, Archest said harshly: "Old Kun, you forced us to wait." After saying that, he wanted to burn the power of the ancient gods and fight with him desperately.

However, there is a time limit for the secret technique, and Lai Kun was anxious, for fear that the Devourer would devour the Son of God in an instant and kill him directly, interrupting Archest's secret technique and rushing to kill him.

At this time, Eri Yi was anxious all over, coughing up blood, trying to force the law of fate, but even if she separated Lei Jie, she couldn't stop Lai Kun's attack.

In rage and grievance, she shouted angrily: "Where's the child's father!?" Boom—

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but in the next moment, the whole world trembled, as if someone was holding the world and swaying wildly outside, even Lai Kun and Tiannv were stunned to a standstill.

I saw above the sky, the ruins of immortal martial arts suspended beside the vast robbery cloud exploded, and the broken stones turned into endless brilliance, scattered into the universe.

There is a figure standing there, also on the edge of the thunder calamity, bathed in the brilliance of thousands of thunders, the black and red coat is fluttering, the long hair is fluttering in the wind, the evil spirit sinks, and the red blood rises, just like the demon **** of purgatory , the Destroyer who ends everything. He wears a long black sword on his waist, wherever he stands, it seems to be the center of the world.

Thousands of thunderbolts washed over his body, but only touched the ends of his hair. His eyes, with a breathtaking and dazzling crimson light, instantly locked on to Lai Kun who was rushing below.

In the next moment, his figure disappeared in place, time seemed to be stunned, and space seemed to miss his shadow. When everything manifested, the void began to collapse, time began to reverse, and cause and effect began to reverse.

The man stood above the small world, wielding his knife to vibrate blood, and sprinkled a series of circular arcs like splashed ink in the void, while Lai Kun, who was in the state of rushing, was completely torn in two.

Because the wind that he charged at such a speed blew away the fog of chaos, he wrapped his left hand around Erika's waist, put the knife in its sheath with his right hand, and while taking steps, dissipated the innate energy

baby in arms. UU Reading www.

His answering voice came through time and space at this time, "Here it is." Boom—

Because the shock waves of the dashing and slashing seemed to be delayed, a long knife mark was left under Lai Kun's body and in the sky, which seemed to be eternal.

All the strong men on the Great Desolate Continent were stunned, so shocked that they couldn't breathe, because they recognized this man, this man named Wu Di.

And this figure who left a deep impression on all living beings four thousand years ago now has a handsome and masculine face, but his overall temperament cannot be looked directly at. His skin surface has never had half a trace of magic lines, but it is so powerful that it surpasses the previous demon gods.

Lu Chen held the baby in his arms, and there was no longer any dark thunder manifesting. He looked up at the sky and said lightly, "Disturbing."

In the next moment, he didn't make any movement, but a jet-black condensed spirit soared into the sky, like the sharpest knife, slashed through the five thunder-condensed divine beasts, and cut through the sky's calamity cloud , let it all go away.

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