MTL - Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World-Chapter 4 :caught you

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   The horror movies on the screen are gradually reaching a climax. The movie theater projectors seem to be a bit old, and there are often some piercing ripples, but it is harmless and elegant, but it adds to the atmosphere.

   There are only a few people who love to come to the cinema to watch this kind of movie. There are a total of seven rows of seats, but Lu Chen has only five people.

   The dark environment is illuminated by the reflections of the curtain from time to time, and then quickly dimmed. If you don't devote yourself to the screen, just looking at the theater environment is enough horror set, which makes people feel faintly chilling.

   And in the deep darkness, it seemed that something was really hidden. Lu Chen didn't find it, and the audience in the front row didn't observe it.


   The heroine on the screen ran into the murderer after opening the door and screamed harshly. The scissors cut across her tender skin, the blood bead jumped up, and the heroine covered her arm and turned and ran.

   The fearful spectators were a little intently, some closed their eyes in fright, and some...were silently leaning against the seats during the scream just now, and they couldn't wake up again.

Lu Chen frowned slightly. He did notice the abnormal condition of the dead woman. At the moment before he died, there seemed to be a ghost beside her, gently scratching her neck, and a pair of invisible hands covering the woman. Her mouth made her unable to make any sound.


   The heroine on the screen screamed again, but she is the heroine, she will not die before the end of the film, but the people outside the screen ushered in real death.

   A man had his throat cut, and he was still silent. Even the girlfriend who was holding his arm tightly because of fear did not notice that the warm blood was flowing to the woman's ears. She thought it was her boyfriend who was scared and crying.

   was about to tease her boyfriend to alleviate the serious and terrifying atmosphere, but she was surprised to find that her mouth was covered by someone, and what was even more frightening was that there was no one in front of her!

   The blood spurted out again.

   Lu Chen's eyes opened wide. This time he seemed to see something. It was not completely invisible. After the screen was lit up just now, he saw a trace of black mist fluctuations in the air.

   In this dim environment, it is invisible!

   At this time, except for Lu Chen, there was only one man in the first row in the cinema. Lu Chen was about to get up and remind him.

   In the menu information just now, he learned that this place seems to be a small town in Vietnam, and everyone is also Oriental. He feels that if he can, he should save it, and he has already seen the way out of control of the mixed race.


   Lu Chen said.

But the next moment, he saw the man covering his neck and falling down while whimpering. At the same time, a rickety man in a white and yellow undershirt became visible, licking the blood remaining on the dagger in his hand, as if he was tasting the supreme. tasty.

The man in the undershirt looked back at Lu Chen, his eyes were shining with pale gold in the dim environment, which was eye-catching. Then he said in crappy Chinese: "I always put the delicacy until the end. I heard you are in There is a martial arts hall nearby."

   said, his figure disappeared into the darkness again.

   "Why kill them?"

   Lu Chen originally thought that the so-called "high-risk mixed race" was a certain kind of monster, but he didn't expect it to look like an individual and could communicate.

  He is a secret blood warrior and a soldier. He can kill people on the battlefield without blinking because of his position, but he can't be a civilian. He doesn't understand what the people in front of him are doing.

   Is this a world where mixed races take pleasure in murder?


   The man’s laughter is like a mouse in the sewer, and it only reminds people of the word trivial. The direction of the voice keeps changing, obviously he has been moving.

   "Why? I don't know why, but it's so refreshing to kill."

The man showed his shape again, picked up the hair of a woman who had just died, his tongue stretched out to lick the cracked neck, and kept moving upwards. In the process, he seemed extremely wretched, but Yu Guang kept staring at Lu Chen. .

   He did not see the golden pupil in the eyes of the boy, a little relaxed, and a little lost.

   How can he be satisfied with such a powerful force, just hunting some lambs?

   So he heard that there was a martial arts hall in the town, so he came to see that the four people killed before were really just appetizers.

   He had long discovered that this boy seemed to have realized it the first time he did it. He kept looking around in the cinema, but he did not stop, nor did he attack the boy.

   This kind of thrill of being watched and killing people under the eyes of others made him want to stop, and the excitement made his lower body still congested at this time.

   He just wanted to kill people one by one in front of this young man who had practiced, and finally pressed on every step of the way, driving the opponent to despair, slashing his throat with a dagger, and sipping the sweet spring.


   Lu Chen sneered.

   "You don't seem to be afraid."

   There was a voice in the dark, hiding doubts and underestimated anger.

   After his pedigree changed, he gained even more powerful power. Although his appearance is still rickety, the power in his body is enough to make him lift the front of a small car!

  Dragon's blood turned him into a brand-new self, allowing him to discover the beauty that he had never discovered before.

   He heard that this young man was studying ancient Chinese martial arts, but he was always just an ordinary person, like a lamb to be slaughtered in the face of absolute power.

   Besides, in the state of meditation, the other party can't see his shadow at all.

   He is tired, UU reading is time to end this meal, and then change the place, otherwise it will easily attract the attention of some mixed races.

   He strolled in the courtyard from the side to the young man, slowly raising the dagger in his hand, stretching forward...



   He looked at his arm in amazement, and was caught by the boy's raised hand. The dagger was hanging in front of the boy's neck, but he couldn't move forward or retreat.

   Where is the hand? It is a pliers driven by a large hydraulic press!

   He saw the young man slowly turning his head, turning his face to his side, showing his white teeth, his smile seemed to him like a Yama from hell.

"caught you."

   Lu Chen smiled like a big boy, his tone was like he finally caught a little partner while hiding and seek among children, but he made the crooked man panicked in his heart.

   Lu Chen was a little disappointed seeing this man whose extraordinary ability lost control due to his severe pain manifested himself.

   This invisibility-like ability is indeed very strong, but the master is too weak.

   "You said it's refreshing? Then please be refreshing."

   Lu Chen turned around and pushed back with the rickety man's hand. The man wanted to resist, and his left hand reached out to lock his throat. However, Lu Chen was quicker, grabbing the opponent's arm and twisting, and the sound of bones and muscles rang.

   At the same time, his right leg swept across, and the rickety man's legs swayed, he pressed forward and pushed the opponent against the wall behind the cinema, holding the rickety man's hand and pushed the dagger step by step towards his own neck.

   The crippled man struggled madly, his golden pupils were filled with bloodshot eyes, his ugly face was distorted so that he couldn't bear to look directly at him.

   At this time, the horror film on the screen has also come to an end, and the heroine is dragged into the shadow by the murderer in despair, and there is a scream of heart-shaking screams.

   [Main Quest (First Ring): Completed]