MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 455 host

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   "Mr. Prototype, please come this way."

   Not long after, Tu Xiaoyu followed the agreement and took them to visit the entire world of God's Land.

   Shuttle between 'hardware' consumes a lot of 'traffic', that is, the life of digital life, but if you borrow the internal channel of the ground network group, there is no such consumption at all.

  At this moment, Tu Xiaoyu is leading the two Gao Gong along a submarine corridor. In the eyes of digital life, this is a 'corridor', but in fact, it is a submarine optical cable.

   Tick was looking around curiously.

The speed of the 'optical cable' is the speed of light, which is unacceptable to any digital life, but the ground network group has set a speed limit, giving the feeling of ticking, just like riding a tour bus, this kind of journey between virtual and reality It feels so fresh to her.

  Besides the two sides of the optical cable, there are mighty submarine projects. Countless drones are working, laying networks and installing digital signal stations.

   "Our goal is to allow all digital life in the future to travel anywhere on this planet at will."

   "I thought you created a virtual world to completely leave reality."

  Tu Xiaoyu shook his head, "On the contrary, creating a digital world is to better transform reality. After all, if the hardware can't keep up, what kind of eternal life are we talking about?"

   "What's that?" Gao Gong looked to the southeast direction, the source of the light, and instinctively, he felt the powerful energy fluctuations.

   "That is the crustal engine, a large-scale construction platform jointly built by us and a company called Metal Slug."

  Metal Slug, a member of the Skull and Bones Society, is not surprising at all to point out the large buildings of the third-level civilization.

   "The crustal engine, I heard that the ancient empire also had the same operation," Gao Gong said casually.

Tu Xiaoyu nodded, and said: "Our research direction is different from theirs. The crustal engines of the ancient empire were more about extracting the heat energy from the center of the earth, and converting it into the kinetic energy of heavy machinery with the help of nuclear fusion reactions to carry out operations, while we are more It’s more about energy storage.”

   "Energy storage?"

   "Maintaining a huge virtual world consumes a lot of energy. In order to ensure that various 'hardware' will not go down due to natural disasters and man-made disasters, energy storage is very important."

   Dida subconsciously looked at Gao Gong, Mr. G already knew this?

   "It seems that you are not only deeply obsessed with creating a virtual world, but also full of action," Gao Gong said with admiration, as if completely immersed in the beauty of large buildings.

  Tu Xiaoyu nodded, and said with some pride: "If we can use reality to create illusion, we can naturally use illusion to create reality. This is our company's philosophy."

   "Ms. Tu, are you also a digital life?" Dida asked curiously.

  Tu Xiaoyu did not hide anything: "I am the 30th generation digital life."

   "So you are very supportive of your group's plan?"

   "Of course, digital life is the group's loyal supporter. To accomplish the group's goals is also to develop our living environment."

Dida thought of what Mr. G said to him before, AI, that is, real artificial intelligence, will not support the plan of the ground network group. They have their own personality templates and their own bodies (hardware). Being free on the Internet can also enjoy a superior status in reality. Compared with human beings, they are more willing to maintain the current social structure.

But digital life is different, they do not have a dedicated processor, which means that they cannot log into the cyberspace, once logged in, the transformation of consciousness will destroy their already weak personality, and in reality, they can only rely on the divine land The hardware survives, and once the hardware is destroyed, they are also finished.

  Therefore, the so-called AI rebellion and AI independence cannot happen to digital life at all.

  Dick understands that digital life is also a kind of 'AI', and what the ground network group does is to cultivate and support its own 'ai group'.

  Thinking about it this way, the "mad scientist" sense in my mind has disappeared a lot, replaced by wily politicians.

   "Let's go, go to the real sacred land to see, I'm quite curious, how the pure 'digital life' was born."

   Gao Gong took one last look at the crustal engine and said.

   "Of course, please."

  As a developer of an advanced virtual world, Gao Gong actually knows more. Many people, even some races in the universe, have certain misunderstandings about virtual civilization and information civilization.

  When everyone talks about mechanical civilization, everyone immediately thinks of 'infrastructure maniac', 'planet reformer' and 'big cannon fodder producer'.

  In fact, in the absence of advanced space theories such as "Superstring Theory", "Space Secret Dimension", and "Quantum Sea", the elementary "virtual civilization" is also a "big infrastructure".

  A virtual civilization without all kinds of hardware protection is also very fragile. Let alone ascending, a slight disturbance will greatly affect the virtual world.

  Knowing this, Gao Gong is sure that the Ground Network Group is even stronger than some military groups in terms of infrastructure construction and point energy technology.

  Being a virtual human is not so easy.

  A few days ago, Director Du also sent a rare message, saying that he was asked to inquire about knowledge related to 'energy technology', and that the Dugao Group had encountered a bottleneck.


   On the other side, David Hilbert is also constantly uploading data, to be precise, uploading himself.

The virtual space of "Shentu" is not like a cyberspace, but a parallel structure, it is more like a "pyramid". The more iterations a digital life has, the more qualified it is to enter a higher-level digital space. The higher the level of digital space, the more stable the space structure will be.

  For example, the fifth floor he is on now has reached the point where it is in sync with reality, and changes in reality will be fully reflected in the virtual space.

   On the surface of the sea polluted by radiation, a yacht was driving at high speed, and soon arrived at the destination, a small uninhabited island.

  David Hilbert jumped ashore, and after being searched, he walked directly towards the center of the island.

  There is no special place on the island, the only place that can be called different is the center of the island, which is a very huge and complicated altar.

  In addition to David, several executives from the Earth Network Group have arrived ahead of schedule, and in addition to the Earth Network Group, other superpowers in Shentu have also sent prominent figures to participate.

   Soon, there was a circle of people standing outside the altar, and every single person here was a famous figure in the sacred land.

   What they were waiting for was an ordinary old woman with a large number of wrong numbers on the surface of her body, which looked like she would collapse at any time.

  However, such a low-level digital life is the first digital life of Shentu, and she has another identity, the spokesperson of the Lord.

  The old woman scanned around, and everyone around her held her breath. The old woman opened her mouth and burst out a series of weird numbers. Then, the old woman's digital life ended.

  She disintegrated into the most primitive digital signal.

  David Hilbert's eyes twitched violently, and the people around him were also shocked. The messenger of the Lord is gone! ?

   And this string of numbers was quickly analyzed, some were ecstatic, some were crying.

  Because the meaning of this string of numbers is—

   After half a year, the Lord will come

Read The Duke's Passion