MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 450 true mechanical goddess

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  Chapter 450 The Real Mechanic Goddess

  When she was in the city that never sleeps, Xiao Yu, a single-minded girl, did one thing, that is, she slashed the 'continental plate impactor', which is a super earthquake weapon that is hundreds of meters long and as thick as a dozen people hugging.

  Effect...basically equivalent to nothing.

  At that time, Xiao Yu realized the truth in the world, big and thick is king!

  A high-level mechanical body in her hands can kill hundreds of vigilantes at most; but a super mech has the power to destroy the world!

What she didn't know was that when she was concentrating on the operation, a trace of golden light followed the access hole of the mecha on her body, covering 100,000 mecha modules. The parts of the mecha seem to be alive.

And in the rear of these five super mechs, on a high-level stealth fighter, Director Du, Ms. Qiao, Secretary Dou Sprout, Daisy La, Qin Chunzi, these high-ranking women are either calm, nervous, or if Thoughtful, the holographic screen in front of them is a battlefield that has been shrunk tens of thousands of times.

  Prison Island, the place used by the Holy Brain Group to detain some super test subjects, is also the place where the dark girl is held.

  Originally, the mental stability shown by the girl was not enough to be imprisoned here, but for the success rate of an internal experiment, the owner of the prison island forcibly took the girl away.

  And this is the real reason why Ms. Qiao is willing to cooperate with Director Du.

  But at this time, Director Du's focus was not here. A large amount of data was transmitted to her brain through the battle. As a super AI and super engineer, in her eyes, this dangerous operation was just to test weapons.

  ‘ Between each mecha module, the processing connection consumes more than one second, and this part needs to be continuously improved. '

  ‘Sure enough, the integrated AI can only play an auxiliary role, and cannot adapt to complex battles at all. At least within five versions, it is impossible to create an unmanned super mech. '

  'Energy weapons need to be strengthened, but this involves the'use of active energy', which is knowledge that only the top military contractors have mastered. '

  ‘As for the manipulators, their mental link efficiency is too low, and they can only exert 45% efficiency at most, but Xiao Yu can exert 80%. Is this kind of power the Honkai energy he mentioned? '

  Director Du has heard of 'Honkai Energy' from someone long ago. According to someone, this is a project that former civilized countries have been researching since World War II. Its purpose is to fight against the mother city.

In her eyes, Xiao Yu, the operator's brain, is undergoing complex changes at the moment. This change makes her naturally adapt to any mechanical body. Now she understands why this girl is only 16 or 7 years old. Even at the age of 10, he has not undergone such severe training, but he can possess such a high personal force.

  'Mr. Du, the defense circle of the prison island has been breached, but our people did not find the figure of the warden, other than that, we found some interesting things. '

More than a dozen electronic spiders climbed out of Daisyla's slender body. The compound eyes of the spiders lit up, shooting out holographic projections. In the screen, some appeared in the tunnel, some in the cell, and some were some Research and experiment sites.


  Ms. Qiao suddenly let out a scream. In a projection, she saw the image of a **** young girl with countless nerve threads protruding from her body, shaking unconsciously, but she herself was dead and could not die anymore.

   "She is not No. 550, she should be a copy of her. It seems that you are also very interested in the incredible spiritual power in her," Director Du said calmly.

   This is nonsense, but the meaning of Director Du's words is to show that other people in the Holy Brain Group will also be interested in this girl, and it is only reasonable to cooperate with him.

   After all, she is taking the mechanical route.

   Besides this screen, the other holographic projections are also full of distorted corpses, torn apart clones, and even some odd-shaped species, for example, newborns whose heads are bigger than their bodies.

   Obviously, none of these tragedies were caused by them.

At this moment, Director Du seemed to have heard something, raised his head slightly, and on the aircraft, dozens of neural editors' "network access pods" lost contact at the same time, and at the same time, a large number of signals began to merge, a spherical prison model Beginning to appear out of thin air, a dozen escape routes marked out.

"I see."

  Director Du nodded, and set his sights on the escape passage at the bottom of an island. From this passage, the owner of the prison can even drill directly into the seabed.

   "Sure enough, it's the three caves of the cunning rabbit."

   Ms. Qiao also obviously saw this, pursed her lips, and said, "Will she take Xiao Wu and run away directly?"


  Director Du nodded, and calmly said: "Start the second plan."

  Plan No. 2?

In Ms. Qiao's astonished eyes, a shallow ripple appeared on the surface of the sea, the ripple turned into spray, the spray turned into a wave crest, and the wave crest turned into a raging wave, and even the sea surface, air, and submarine plates began to tremble .

In places no one saw, countless metal drill bits were ejected from the bottom of the sea. Thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, these drill bits were inserted into the surface of the prison island like lightning, and began to move at high speed on the mechanical joints every ten meters. Spin up.

  At the same time, densely packed metal robots spewed out from the seabed. What these robots did was not to attack, but to carry out large-scale seabed operations. The joints of the drill bits were covered with various reinforcement machines.

In just ten minutes, a huge metal network covered the entire island, and then, accompanied by the interweaving of hundreds of thousands of metal drill bits, under the astonished eyes of Ms. Qiao, the waves on the sea surface wave after wave, even Several large ocean current eddies were triggered in the periphery, and as a large number of hot bubbles rose from the seabed, bright red cracks appeared on the seabed plate, which was the result of the overflow of magma in the center of the earth.

  Super Mode (Heat Energy Extraction): The bottom layer of the 'Earth Element Breakthrough Machine' is composed of a 'Heat Energy Extraction Device'. Once it penetrates into the ground, the device will activate to absorb the heat energy from the center of the earth from a distance. The power consumption is -40%, and the power is +50%.

Terrible heat energy must be brought about by terrifying power. With the formation of the drill bit salvage net, the sea water splits slowly, just like the sea being split in half. Pulled out, suspended in the air.

Looking around, the flowing water is like a waterfall. In the center of the waterfall is the entire prison island. At this time, the prison island has become a floating island. On the island, even the defenders of level 40 and 50 are shocked, Confused expression.

   Civilized buildings and civilized equipment are far more powerful than any individual.

   "Now, they can't run away," Director Du said without looking back, allowing Ms. Qiao to show an incredulous expression.

  How can this emerging group master such terrifying power! ?

   "Let's go, go to the island."

  The cabin door opened, and Director Du was just about to go out, but before he took two steps, his eyes suddenly went dark.


  Looking at the boundless darkness within the field of vision, Director Du frowned. Someone blocked his perception?

   At the same time, Xiao Yu also woke up from the state of 'integration of man and machine', froze for a while, and suddenly found that all five super mechs had entered a state of cease fire.

  Director Du stretched out his hand, and found that the skin on the palm turned into fly ash slowly, revealing some faint metal textures, and the same was true on the face, the bionic skin began to disintegrate, revealing the characteristics of a mechanical body.

  Director Du's face slowly sank. She didn't like her current appearance very much, especially her mechanical body being exposed.

  The next moment, a terrifying movement appeared from the bottom of the sea, turning into a thousand-meter-high wave, and on the bottom of the sea, a huge monster slowly appeared, and the island even began to tear apart under the action of the huge monster.

  At the same time, the five super mechas suddenly lit up and entered the 'autopilot mode' at the same time. At present, only Director Du can control this mode—this is the authority of the 'mechanical divinity'.

  The more the mechanical camp accumulates, the stronger the will of the machine will be, and the more ‘divine nature’ will accumulate.

   This is why, before Gao Gong left the Iron Sand Desert, he must transform Director Du into a human form of "machine will".

  In a sense, Director Du is the strongest in the 'Mechanical Hunters' camp, because as long as she wants, she can forcefully drive even Gaogong's top-level mechanical body.

  (end of this chapter)