MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 447 Honkai No. 5 - String of Purple Energy

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  Chapter 447 Honkai No. 5 - String of Purple Energy

   Seeing the three prototypes of rich women love love staring at him at the same time, Dida took a deep breath and nodded.

   Then, she really realized the horror of the legendary cyber killer who can make countless artificial viruses turn pale.

  Whether it is a level 15 holy soldier, a level 20 holy city fighter elite, or a level 30 gear prayer man, anyone who has contact with a high-level engineer will be transformed.

  Therefore, more and more rich women love love prototypes, one becomes three, three becomes ten, ten becomes fifty...

  Cyber ​​killers have a very terrifying ability, that is, as long as they are in cyberspace, this kind of reproduction ability comparable to 'viruses' is unlimited.

   To some extent, it is also a virus, and it is the only virus officially designated.

Accompanied by a loud bang, the 30th-level Gear Prayer, a nearly three-meter-tall 'Quasimodo' whose body is mostly made of gears, waved the heavy hammer in his hand, and made love to the prototype of the three rich women who rushed over. The machine was smashed into the air, but without paying attention, it was drilled into the crotch by another one, Gao Gong's figure quickly melted, turned into red mercury, and spread from the thigh, and soon, the pupils of this gear monster turned red and made a weird roar , the whole person shrinks gradually, and finally turns into another prototype of rich women's love.

  The rich woman love love prototype stretched out her hand, and the next moment, more than a dozen gears rose and fell in the palm of her hand and between her fingers.

   "This is the limit of a first-level civilization."

  The upper limit of level 1 civilization is 30, that is to say, under the current civilization system, it is impossible to have monsters beyond level 30.

Beside   , the ladies wearing sunglasses shrugged their shoulders with arrogant attitudes.

   "That's all."

   "No fun."

   "This gear technology is a bit like a 'structural body'."

  At this time, in front of the Hagia Sophia Cathedral, the core building of the holy city, one after another rich women's lovers came out. As far as the eye could see, they were densely packed with peerless young men, no less than five thousand in number.

  Among them, a rich woman who loves love prototype turned her head and looked at Dida, "What do you think?"

  A rich woman love love prototype turned her head, and countless rich woman love love prototypes looked at Dida at the same time, which immediately gave Dida a feeling of being surrounded by stars.

"Is this a paradise?" Dida muttered in his heart, pondered for a while, and said, "It's not quite right. When we were fighting, the data here didn't migrate. It feels like a crash. .”

Gao Gong nodded, the girl's feeling is still as sharp as her memory, now, it's a bit like hacking into a computer, although the 'anti-virus software' is still running spontaneously, but whether it is the C drive or the bottom layer of the system, it is completely trapped. A 'not responding' state.

   Logically speaking, this is impossible.

  In the subconscious world, the most dangerous method is the 'human wave tactics'.

  Once there is something that breaks the 'unspoken rules' here, the world will have strong rejection, and all subconscious minds will attack you like mad dogs until the world collapses.

  This is why, even if it is a virus, they dare not easily invade this kind of 'data node', and the AI ​​in cyberspace even treats it as a nest.

  However, Gao Gong converted soldiers wantonly in the holy city, no matter whether nobles, street vendors, or even walking ladies, he treated them like nothing.

  Under normal circumstances, these 'subconscious fragments' would attack him frantically.

  Gaogong is ready to transform a whole city.

"So, there is only another possibility," Gao Gong raised his head and looked at the 'Hagia Sophia Cathedral' in front of him. Outside the cathedral, he could faintly hear the sound of bells and gears turning. Together, it sounds inexplicably sacred.

   "Someone took the first step and transformed the world before we did it."

   "You mean, the Ground Network Group?" Dida asked in surprise.

Gao Gong was noncommittal, but just pressed his palm on the ground. The next moment, Cyber ​​Killer's unique transformation ability was activated, and the ground disappeared, replaced by a "code layer". The wandering data columns look like tiny waves.

  The ankles of the two were overwhelmed by this kind of data column, but it was only the ankles.

However, as the range of the data column began to spread, it encountered obvious obstacles on the cathedral, and purple-black energy circuits lit up, blocking the data column out of thin air, and when the data column spread along the ground to the inner city wall, The city wall disappeared, replaced by a large and small gear machine, each gear machine is equivalent to a 'oversized engine', and the engine is absorbing the data column like pumping water, the energy it consumes is exactly this The 'data' of the world.


  Tick looked at the entrance of a 'gear machine', for some reason, she suddenly had a strong feeling that she wanted to enter it.

Then, a palm was pressed on her shoulder, and the cold feeling made her wake up suddenly. At some point, she transformed into a "humanoid data body" state again, and several cracks appeared on the surface of her body. , all have strong data fluctuations, and... energy responses?

  [You permanently lose 50 points of HP]

  [Your information can permanently lose 200 points]

   "In the universe, there is a saying that the strongest controller of information technology is not necessarily an information civilization, but an energy civilization."

   "Energy civilization?" said after a tick.

   "Information transforms everything, and energy is the source of information."

Gao Gong withdrew his hand, and Dida once again turned into a little lady in a black dress and a big-brimmed hat. However, there were three long cuts on her face, neck, and abdomen. The kind that cannot be repaired.

  "Injury at the source code level," the senior engineer glanced at the other party, and said: "This kind of injury can only be recovered after you are promoted to a high-level AI. As for your permanent loss of blood and information, there is no way."

   "Let's go, I almost know who my opponent is. Few people can do pure energy reactions on this planet."

  Countless rich women's love love prototypes poured into the cathedral. This aura, this feeling, is like attending a feast for rich women.

Like all the famous cathedrals in the world, the style of Hagia Sophia is holiness, splendor and glory, marble columns, statues of the Holy Spirit with blurred faces on the walls, and the symbol of the holy city, the gear cross—among the huge gears, is A cross made of gold is placed on top of the cathedral.

  Senior Engineer raised his head, and saw that the stairs were connected one by one, hundreds of times, all the way to the top of the building. Going up the stairs, the walls were hollowed out, and one after another 'religious symbols' were placed inside.

"this is!"

   After scanning a glass cabinet, Tick's eyes shrank sharply, and she saw a blood-stained 'pocket watch'.

   She is very familiar with this 'pocket watch', it is her old friend, the item of the 38-level advanced AI.

   "Take away the equipment of your acquaintance, it's a good Tier 2 equipment," Gao Gong said lightly.

  In this cathedral, not only are there no guardians, there are no living people.

  However, Gao Gong has more or less figured out the opponent's operation.

   "Well, let's get to work."

   "Well, let's work."

   "Big job, this is it."

  In the brain disk, the eight senior workers rubbed their fingers, and the next moment, the superb hand speed frantically flashed across the keyboard.

  He spent a lot of effort to build the 'Gaidu' system, which is exactly for this moment.

  Gaidu, you will know.

  The two most powerful capabilities of search engines are crawler technology and big data technology.

  On the video screen, this subconscious world has become a white 'cocoon', and the search engine is fully fired and is invading crazily.

On the surface of the sea outside the holy city, huge waves collide with each other, directly smashing into 'data' and deleting each other, thick tentacles protrude from the bottom of the sea, and the places they pass even make the 'spatial structure' of this world It began to collapse, and the colorful cyberspace showed its true face.

   Obviously, Senior Engineer was not the only one doing the work at this time.

In Tyria, however, the city walls began to collapse, huge gears were rumbling, and purple-black light flickered in the gaps between the gears. In workshops, ports, and shops, differential machines were also rapidly Jumping, all speeding up.

   Then, a factory building started to smoke, a store started to catch fire, and more places started to emit amazing heat.

  The conflagration in history finally occurred on the timeline of history.

And in the 'screen', with the continuous invasion of the 'gaidu system', a large net appeared on the surface of the 'cocoon', on this network, there are a large number of 'prey' entangled in data flow, and these prey , exactly one by one AI.

   "Intruder, report your name!"

   "Who is your Excellency?"

Among the hundreds of screens in front of Gao Gong's eyes, one of the screens flickered suddenly and turned into a mosaic, but it was the second and third screens. It could be seen that the opponent's anti-intrusion technology was very sophisticated. Can't lock Gao Gong's position, but can already cut off his invasion.

   If Gao Gong remembers correctly, the cyberspace force of the 'Ground Network Group', and its executives, are the first batch of 'super brains'.

   To put it simply, the 'Super Brain' is a group of mad scientists who uploaded their own brain data to the mainframe to create the top-level AI; the earliest 'Brain-Computer Interface Technology' on this planet was also invented by this group of people.

The 'Ground Network Group' is also one of the behind-the-scenes winners of the future corporate war, and their purpose is also very pure, to promote the human brain, and then create a complete 'cyberspace', no human beings, only cybermen world.

  On this planet, they are loyal supporters of the 'artificial data space'.

   "So, what are these fake AIs doing to catch real AIs?" Gao Gong said to himself.

  At this time, in Hagia Sophia Cathedral

  The ground was trembling, cracks appeared on the wall, even the statue of the Holy Spirit was cracked, and a series of strange mesh codes emerged, driving the gears, causing the wall to start pushing inward.

  A large number of "Rich Women's Love Ai Prototype Machines" began to withstand the wall. However, these cyber killers can only slow down the closing speed of the wall, but cannot stop the change of the wall.

  Through the window, a large number of flames can be vaguely seen emerging from various places in the holy city.

   "Are you in such a hurry, I plan to have a good chat with you," Gao Gong said to himself.

   "The murderer is not the ground network group," Dida said suddenly, retracting his pocket watch.

   "Oh? If it wasn't them, who would it be?"

  Looking at the wall revealing the unique code of the Ground Network Group, Senior Engineer asked with great interest.

   "Not sure, but clearly, it's misleading us."


"I have analyzed a trace of its breath, this is not the breath of AI," Dida touched the scar on his face, opened his mouth suddenly, and countless codes spit out from the air, and with her virtual programming, it became a kind of Special program structure with a strong destructive atmosphere.

   "You are as sharp as ever!"

  In Gao Gong's memory, the advanced civilization that Dida joined last was a super energy civilization. This girl does have a unique talent in energy sensing.

Gao Gong twisted his neck and stood up slowly. The other rich women's love prototypes no longer blocked them, but quickly integrated into the main body. higher level.

   "I know you don't want to show up, but since we've all met, why don't you say hello?"

   "For example, tell me, what is the number of Honkai body you are!"

  Gao Gong raised his head and stared at the 'gear cross' above the cathedral. The gold on the cross seemed to melt, exuding dazzling light.

When he came here, he understood one thing. Obviously, according to the current "technical level", the difference machine that will be eliminated, why it triggered the first punk revolution, and why there is a shadow of energy technology on the base of the difference machine —the source is here.

  Honkai body interfered with history!

   And collapsed, the relationship with the civilization of this planet is far deeper than I expected.

   "Don't say? Then I have to investigate by myself."

   After merging all the 'Cyber ​​Killers', Gao Gong took a deep breath, broke through the 'Red Wings', and reached the level of the 'Silver Wings', he would gain an extra ability called 'Virus Transformation'.

   And it just so happens that he also has 'Honkai energy', and it is 99.1% of the Honkai energy, so it is easy to create a temporary virus according to the characteristics.

  In Tick's eyes, the world resident in front of him suddenly exuded an aura that was 'diametrically opposite' from the world. Numerous gears emerged from the opponent's body and rotated in the opposite direction. A Trojan horse program was being rapidly generated.

   And the name of this Trojan horse program is called 'Construct Virus'!

  The next moment, Gao Gong disappeared, and on the roof, on the gear cross, the phantom of countless gears began to cut gold.

  The principle of Trojan horse virus-parasitic system, the inside should cooperate with the outside.

  Pure destruction can't hurt a Houkai body, but when the same source of "Honkai breath" is integrated, it will be different.

   Gao Gong seems to have come to a new world, a world composed of countless "luminous thin lines".

In this world, energy particles oscillate in a special way. Every vibration will affect the properties of the particles, and then affect the structure of space. Gao Gong only saw it for a while before he was noticed. The next moment, the light beam oscillated, Gao Gong The invasion was ejected.

  But the moment it was ejected, Gao Gong invaded a 'beam' with his super high hand speed, and assimilated it with himself.

  [Your collapse can reach 100%, enter the second stage]

  In the brain disk, all the senior engineers stood up and said in unison:

   "No. 5 Honkai, the string of purple energy!"

   On the screen, the "subconscious world" was completely covered by the ground network, and disappeared into the sea of ​​data under the influence of countless hyperlink protocols.

  (end of this chapter)

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