MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 443 female player tick

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  Chapter 443 Female Player Tick

  Gaidu, you will know.

The upgraded version of the biological computer has lighted up the function of "cyber web browser entrance", and Gao Gong has modified it by virtue of his 30-year programmer level, and created such a Xibei product, which is hung on the cyber in the network.

   These days, no matter what kind of software, the most lacking thing is traffic, especially his kind, which neither has the signboard of a big company nor the exclusive channel of some underground world.

   But these are not problems!

  Because he has a rich wife!

  Gao Gong confidently sent more than a dozen G photos of the 18-banned prototype of the rich woman Ai Ai, and the great mother of data, Cyberdu Niang, quickly responded.


  ‘Auntie really didn’t love you for nothing. '

   As the largest flow entrance of cyberspace, as long as Alisa tilts the resources a little, it is enough for a high-level engineer to survive for eight lifetimes.

   Soon, countless access commands were swiped down, and Gao Gong even had to use a 'small virtual environment' as a second server to prevent Gaidu from going down.

  ‘What is gaidu? '

  ‘What’s your relationship with Alisa? '

  ‘Why didn’t Alisa participate in this fortress meeting? '

  ‘How can I use unlimited data drugs? '

  ‘How to quit masturbation? '

  ‘How to remove my own stomach? '


  The biggest difference between cyberspace and the Internet is that although everyone on this planet can access the Internet, it is a 'subconscious Internet'.

   That is to say, this kind of "access" is not conscious, but unconscious. Human subjective consciousness is limited, but human's "divergent thinking" is infinite.

  So even if only a small part of the traffic is tilted, this traffic is a thousand times, ten thousand times that of the search engine in the previous life, and it is quite dangerous.

Gaogong is like standing on a huge river, codes, instructions, characters, search content, man-made viruses, thought fragments, simian monsters, these cyberspaces are messy, but they are constantly cut and organized. Block all the senses of the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, body, consciousness, and mind, and turn them into monstrous turbid waves, rushing towards your face.

  Even before approaching, Gao Gong's facial features overflowed with data liquid because of this strong pressure.

  This is the magnitude that only big data monsters can carry.

  [Open 'Distributed Processor System'. ]

  ['Distributed Processor System' is turned on. ]

With the activation of the second function of the biological computer, Gao Gong's body suddenly squirmed, and the skin and flesh began to tear each other. This kind of tearing is not like the data splitting of the "cyber killer", but more like is 'mitosis' between cells.

  One divided into two, two divided into four, four divided into eight.

  Although they are all senior engineers, they have completely different temperaments. Some are lively, some are calm, some have a Buddhist face, and some... have a lewd face.

  Distributed processor system: Evenly distribute the pressure of the 'nervous system' to all systems of the body, thereby achieving higher processing efficiency.

  Remarks: The work of computing is not limited to the nervous system. The more complex the life is, the more each system can participate in the calculation.

  Human beings are fine. Some advanced carbon-based civilizations have dozens or even hundreds of life systems. In this way, even the lowest-level "biological computer" can have a computing power comparable to that of a planetary host.

   "Hurry up, my time is limited," the 'Senior Endocrine Engineer' said seriously.

  'Digestive Senior Engineer' looked at him suspiciously, "Could it be that you are here? When did you install the new function, why don't I know?"

   "With so much data, I don't know if there is any kind that is not suitable for children," the "Senior Reproductive Engineer" dug his ears and shook his hips by the way.

   "Work early, go home early, I'm a little hungry," there was a "cuckoo cluck" sound from the belly of the "digestive engineer".

All of a sudden, except for the 'Neural Senior Engineer', the other seven senior engineers stood up, and the electronic rainstorm fell into the electronic pipeline crazily. With the support of the seven senior engineers, the power of the 'Small Void' was fully On the other hand, the river channel even slowly cracked due to some kind of force, countless underlying data began to be rewritten, and data pipelines in the style of 'Mobius rings' began to appear one by one.

And when the huge data torrent flooded Gaogong's location, the entire 'gaidu' system had already become a criss-cross data network, with nodes connected to nodes, channels connected to channels, even if it was overwhelming data, with one, Two, three, or even tens of millions of shunts have finally become the kind that can be 'digested'.


   "Can we go back?"

   "Go back and give me a hammer," the 'Neural Senior Engineer' finally opened his eyes and scanned around. Sure enough, the other senior engineers all showed tired expressions.

  Even with the blessing of the "biological computer", this kind of "writing code beyond the level" operation consumes a lot.

   "Don't forget, what are we building this 'gaidu' for?"


   "Selling private data?"

   "Do wall software?"

   "Idiot, of course it's for the mission," the "Neural Expert" rolled his eyes: "Don't forget, the cyber hacker's job transfer mission, AI War, hasn't been done yet."

   "Oh, so it's to make trouble," several other senior engineers suddenly realized.

   "Don't make it sound like we're splitting our nerves, we're about to rest, so let's work."

  The next moment, the pipeline disappeared, the data disappeared, and the underlying code disappeared, and eight senior engineers appeared in the 'brain disk'.

   Today's 'brain disk' is empty, there is no one, cheap sister, flame bird, Ahong, Aiduolu, everyone has been sent out.

  From the application layer, to the data layer, and finally modify the underlying framework, and then return to the application layer.

At this time, the eight senior engineers correspond to eight directions, and in each direction, there are densely packed screens, constantly refreshing new 'problems', and some of these problems are the result of subconscious diffusion, and some are the result of true subjective consciousness.

  Information retrieval, data iteration, cyber warfare.

  No one stipulates that the "cyber testing ground" must be in reality.


  Among the game forums, there is a category of users who neither speak nor provoke wars. Except for watching some technical posts every day, they basically do not participate in any in-game topics.

   This type of people can play pvp as a stand-alone.

   And 'Dick' is such a type of user.

  'Tick', a female player, was born in Cybernet, a low-level AI.

   It's not that she was born a "stand-alone party", but that she was born on the cybernetwork. If she wants to meet players, or to say that players are eligible to log into the cyberspace, they have to be around level 20.

  At the beginning, "Tick" was very boring, but soon, she really smelled good.

  Because cyberspace is really fun.

  She can continue to enter people's dreams, do tasks, and modify dreams like 'Inception'.

  She can also go to spawn monsters. There are too many monsters in the cyberspace, including data redundancy, low-level viruses, and logic fragments. If she is lucky, she can even receive the official hunting mission of the "Cyber ​​Killer".

If he gets tired of killing monsters, he can also "pass the plot". This kind of plot is to enter the subconscious world, where the subconscious minds of different people are fused together to piece together strange worlds, and even some ancient memory fragments infiltrate. As a result, she can travel between different eras.

  For example, in the steampunk era, she can wear a lady's skirt and a classic hat with a gauze, and experience steam revolution events one after another.

  Or, she can also go back to the age of civilization and appreciate how the three behemoths, the empire, the union, and the alliance, confront each other and how they evolve according to their own civilization.

   Even, just a bluestone alley may have a very rich content, a man or a woman's first love, or the object of never forgetting.

  The only thing that bothers her is that the cyberspace is too dangerous, and she is often beaten to death by level 30, level 40, or even dream monsters full of question marks without paying attention.

   Fortunately, half a year after the service started, she has basically figured out the rules here, at least she won't die so easily.

   And she also successfully changed from a cute new AI to a 28-level intermediate AI.

  However, recently, she discovered something that made her feel very scary, that is, both the dream world and the subconscious world are constantly collapsing.

  (end of this chapter)