MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 441 miniature black hole

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  Chapter 441 Micro-Simulated Black Hole

  Star Destroyer, also known as 'Planet Defense Weapon', 'Continent Protector', 'Egg Cannon', 'Old Driver's Grip'.

   Not every planet is protected by an atmosphere.

   Similarly, not all planets have enough satellites.

  In fact, meteorites fall from the sky is the normal state of most planets, and at this time, this thing needs to be dispatched to directly melt and destroy the meteorites in outer space.

   This thing is a permanent weapon at the planetary level, and despite its series of unreliable nicknames, its real name should be called 'Super Large Energy Launcher'.

The main reason why the Star Destroyer Cannon in Liangzhou City is controlled by the mechanical mastermind is that this kind of level three civilized weapon requires terrible energy, and only super machines of the same level can supply energy. Therefore, the last of this enterprise The line of defense is controlled by the mastermind and the top leaders of the enterprise at the same time.

   And when the huge gun barrel with a diameter of one kilometer rose slowly from the ground, every life in the entire city felt a feeling of 'hairs standing on end'.

   There is no nonsense, the surface pattern of the Star Destroyer Cannon quickly lights up, and the cannon body is nearly ten miles long, so that its charging is very slow. It takes about a minute to condense a cannon. However, just one cannon is enough to shake the world.

  As the gun body became brighter, the energy particles visible to the naked eye began to cover from 1 km, 2 km, and 3 km. The strong energy radiation even caused the surrounding buildings to react, turning into flying sand when blown by the wind.

And when this pure energy reaction, which is more terrifying than a nuclear reaction, converges to a climax, the next moment, a terrifying beam of light rises from the ground, breaking through the darkness, breaking through the endless biological magnetic field, breaking through the beast tide, and finally, breaking through the radiation cloud , out of the sky.

In fact, most of the people in this city saw the scene beyond the radiation layer for the first time. A long silver belt spreads along the line of sight to the depths of the universe. On the silver belt are hundreds of millions of meteorites. From here, you can clearly see the crater. The small one is a stone the size of a little finger.

  If the 'meteorite belt' is a large arc, then under the 'big arc', three small points form a small arc.

   These are the three moons of this planet, Yetu, and its two sub-moons.

Few people know that they are satellites, but they should actually be called 'former satellites', because these three satellites have long been separated from the orbit of the machine cracked star because of a large-scale ancient experiment, that is to say, they are now in absolute prohibited status.

Therefore, from the perspective of life inside the planet, it is the same as the 'Silver Belt', which is constantly moving to the depths of the universe, densely covered with stars and shining brightly. Although it is a very dangerous distance, meteorite rain seems to fall at any time, but Dangerous, also represents charming.

  It is an infinite world with infinite imagination.

  However, as the radiation layer converged again, this huge world was closed again.

Also gathering again, there is also the beast tide that was directly blasted. The dark energy dissipated by at least 30% in this blast, and the pure black energy tide turned into a purple energy tide. Dangerous, but without the suffocating sense of desperation before.

   And this shot is just to calibrate the angle.

The next moment, with the sound of heavy gears turning, the Star Destroyer Cannon began to turn its direction, and its target was the huge brain flower in the sky. wreckage.

  Energy recharging—

"So fast!"

  Senior engineer raised his head, squinted his eyes, and then rushed into the basic research and development department.

  Compared to Tianping Technology's ever-bigger departments, the basic research and development department is surprisingly small, even less than a basketball court.

  However, the defense facilities here are very tight. At this time, Gao Gong disguised himself and followed Dr. Liang. As for Dr. Liang, he had already been 'implanted' by him and turned into a standard puppet.

  At this time, 'Dr. Liang' walked in quickly with a serious face, and various verification programs were constantly testing him.

   "The test is complete, welcome, Dr. Liang."

  As the silver-white metal door slowly closed, Gao Gong shot out more than a dozen probes all over his body without saying a word, and directly inserted them into the data interface.

  A large amount of data began to be refreshed. These are precious theoretical materials, and many of them have the most cutting-edge exploration of Tianping technology.

   "What are you... exactly... going to do."

   Unexpectedly, 'Dr. Liang', who was controlled by the high-tech biological cells, opened his mouth word by word with difficulty.

   "Hey, you actually talked, a psychic? Oh, no, it's just a purely developed brain. So, there is a high probability that you are a clone? Who are you cloning?"

  Gao Gong looked at the other party with great interest.

   In cyber proving grounds, cloning is a very misused technology, especially when it comes to cloning high-tech talent.

  The simplest idea is that a great scientist came out of your family, such as Einstein, and I tried to get Einstein's active cells, and then cloned a thousand or ten thousand Einsteins, relying on quantity to kill quality.

  This method cannot be said to be useless. For example, clones with developed frontal lobes have unique advantages in working memory and logical analysis. However, the probability of a second super scientist appearing is not high.

  Because of some special psychology, these clones will also carry out high-intensity transformation of their own heads in order to surpass the original body.

  Dr. Liang, there is a high probability that he is such a clone.

  Hearing Gao Gong's words, Dr. Liang's face suddenly darkened, and he became very ugly.

   "You...don't think you just...success."

   "It doesn't matter whether I succeed or not. The important thing is that the great cause of the Knights must be implemented!"

   Speaking of the Knights, Gao has a face of loyalty and max acting skills.

  Both of them wanted to say something more, however, another swaying thunder sounded suddenly, and the sundries on the table, the dust on the wall, including some equipment, were all overturned to the ground.

   What's more, after this 'thunder', the radiant energy in the air dropped sharply again, becoming almost non-existent.

   "As expected of a cannon that can break through the sky," Gao Gong's tone was still teasing, but his expression became more serious.


  [The download is complete, you have obtained the second-level professional knowledge [Neural Signal Transformation]]

  [The download is complete, you have obtained the second-level professional knowledge [brain simulating technology]]

  [The download is complete, you have obtained the second-level professional knowledge [Information Network]]

  [The download is complete, you have obtained the second-level professional knowledge [brain muscle transformation]]

  [The download is complete, you have obtained the second-level professional knowledge [brain speed information channel]]


   Almost as soon as Gao Gong spoke, the whole person disappeared in place and appeared in the sky at the same time.

  Looking down from above, the black muzzle of the Star Destroyer seemed to be facing him.

   And with the 'thunder' just now, the 'brainstorm' in the entire sky was also blown away.

  With the explosion of the 'brain flower', 90% of the city's infrastructure and signal stations also exploded.

   "Tsk tsk, it's really dangerous."

  Following the thick barrel, the senior engineer's sight seemed to penetrate layers of space, and he saw Kai Bao who was manipulating the fort in the mechanical hub.

   Kaibao showed him a milky smile.

   If the opponent really wants to disperse the beast tide, there is a high probability that he will not be able to escape.

  And he could feel that as the turmoil in Tianping Technology intensified, a special signal began to appear, which belonged to the corporate will of Tianping Technology.

   "It's just right, try the carbon-based fusion of my beast tide version!"

  Gao Gong took a deep breath, this breath was like a cow swallowing the ocean, endlessly, the radiant energy above the entire city was absorbed by an invisible monster.

  As the radiation energy was devoured, Gao Gong's body was quickly covered by light, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%...

   All the way to 100%.

  Gaogong has completed a thorough energyization!

   Each carbon-based organism has some subtle differences in the fusion direction of the 'carbon-based fusion state'.

  For example, Daisyla has demonstrated a strong adaptability to 'arthropods'.

  Gao Gong is the same, and he went a step further, his 'carbon-based fusion', showing amazing adaptability to radiant energy.

   That is to say, after absorbing enough radiation energy, he can transform into a pure energy creature.

  From the perspective of the universe, this is probably the weakest energy species in history, because the pure energy species is at least level 90, and it is an existence that can easily cause a galaxy disaster.

  But from the perspective of the planet, or from the perspective of Liangzhou City, the birth of an energy creature is quite terrifying.

  Feeling the terrifying energy filling his whole body, Gao Gong knew that this was the accumulation of several years, even more than ten years, in this cyber proving ground.

  What can super high-concentration energy do?

  Only Gao Gong knows about this problem!

  As a star-level defensive weapon, the damage of the 'Star Destroyer' is even more exaggerated than that of the 'Continental Plate Impactor', reaching an astonishing 5 million.

   5 million damage in one shot!

  The next moment, the beam of energy lighted up again along with the sky. This time, what greeted it was not a huge meteorite, but a mirror-like black hole with a diameter of 1km.

  Super kill - simulating black hole!

  As a former information master, the parameters inside the black hole are naturally no secret to him.

  The collection of information + energy is naturally a common but special existence in the universe, black holes.

  The folding of the space and the black rotation, as if the other side is connected to the universe.

  The attack of 5 million did not cause any damage to Gao Gong behind the black hole.

  ‘Almost reached the limit. '

   A crisp finger snap sounded.

   The space around the Star Destroyer suddenly became bloated, swollen, and split.

  As the light came on, the energy of this cannon was transferred to the Star Destroyer Cannon exactly.

  In advanced civilizations, black hole technology exists like the captain of a transport brigade—it can deliver anything!

  (end of this chapter)

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